National French Centenary Celebration of the Birth of Jehan Alain (1911–1940) James David Christie The beautiful plaque above the Alain home at 46, rue du Pologne in Saint-Germain- Marie-Claire Alain (seated center) surrounded on her left by her daughter, Aurélie en-Laye: “Here lived from 1910 to 1972 a family of musicians: Albert ALAIN, organist Decourt-Gommier, her granddaughter, Laetitia Decourt, on her right, and her grand- and composer, and his children Jehan, Odile, Olivier, and Marie-Claire.” The plaque son, Henri Decourt, standing was made possible by “Les Amis du Vieux Saint-Germain.” national French celebration took mony at the grave of Jehan Alain, located correspondence and Georges Guillard Lynne Davis (USA), John Grew (Cana- A place March 24–27, 2011 in Saint- in the military section of the cemetery in spoke of the “hidden” orchestra of Jehan da), James Higdon (USA), Jon Laukvik Germain-en-Laye, a Parisian suburb west Le Pecq, a small town next to Saint-Ger- Alain. Luc Antonini spoke on his new or- (Germany), and Wim Viljoen (Republic of Paris and hometown of the composer main where Jehan had lived with his wife chestration of Alain’s Trois Danses, which of South Africa)—all were students of Jehan Alain, to honor the centenary of his Madeleine and his children. After the we were to hear later that evening. Vin- Marie-Claire Alain, except for Mr. Bou- birth. The splendid event was organized war, Jehan’s body was exhumed from his cent Warnier gave a very interesting talk vard. Each spoke about Alain’s music in by Dr. Aurélie Decourt, Jehan Alain’s grave in Saumur and moved to Le Pecq. on Maurice Durufl é’s large orchestral their countries and its reception from the niece and daughter of the celebrated Madeleine is buried near her husband in work, Trois Danses, which we were also early 20th century through the present. French organist, Marie-Claire Alain, in the plot of her parents. On their way to to hear that same evening. Jean-Baptiste conjunction with the city of Saint-Ger- the cemetery, the participants passed the Robin’s talk, entitled “La griffe Jehan Friday evening, March 25 main-en-Laye, the Chevalier family (for house where the young married couple Alain,” was followed by another round- Friday evening, March 25, was the the performance of Maurice Durufl é’s had lived. table discussion with Michel Bouvard long-awaited premiere of the new or- music), the association Arts, cultures et (France), James David Christie (USA), chestration by organist Luc Antonini foi, the General Council of the Depart- International Colloquium “Music ment of the Yvelines, the National Mu- and Arts in the 20s and 30s” seum of Archeology, SACEM—Société Two days were devoted to lectures des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de as part of the international colloquium musique (the French association entrust- entitled “Music and Arts in the 20s and ed with the rights of composers, authors, 30s.” Aurélie Decourt opened the event and publishers), the Société Générale- on Friday, March 25 at the Salle du Direction régionale de Saint-Germain- Musée d’Archéologie Nationale in the en-Laye, and Les Amis du Vieux Saint- Saint-Germain Chateau with a marvel- Germain (an organization dedicated to ous lecture on Jehan Alain’s sources of preserving and celebrating the history inspiration. Guy Bovet spoke about the and arts of Saint-Germain-en-Laye). harmonium of Albert Alain (which had The event was listed among the national been housed in the very room where the 2011 celebrations of the French Ministry lecture was given) and the last modifi - of Culture and was sponsored under the cations on the Alain house organ, now international patronage of Marie-Claire located at Romainmôitier, Switzerland. Alain, Gilles Cantagrel, James David Ton van Eck spoke of the organ that Christie, John Grew, Georges Guillard, Jehan Alain knew during his lifetime. and Philippe Lefebvre. Fabienne Stahl, who is organizing the catalog of the complete works of Mau- Thursday, March 24 rice Denis, spoke of Denis’s use of the The event opened on Thursday eve- organ in his painting and showed that ning, March 24, with a joyous ceremony: Denis used Marie-Odile Alain, Jehan’s the placing of a plaque on the home of sister who was killed in a mountain ac- the Alain family at 46, rue du Pologne, cident at a very young age, as his model AUSTRIAN ORGAN MUSIC by the mayor of Saint-Germain-en-Laye. for an organist in one of his paintings. Over one hundred people attended the Christophe Corbier lectured on Alain NEW! Karen Beaumont plays a varied event, including Jehan Alain’s three and his teacher, Maurice Emmanuel, program of organ music from the mid- children, Denis, Agnès, and Lise, and and the use of modes in some of Alain’s his sister, Marie-Claire, the last living piano works; a round-table discussion, 16th century to mid-18th century featuring sibling of Jehan Alain. The new owner led by Gilles Cantagrel, followed, con- the music from three parts of Austria: of the home invited those in attendance cerning organists during Alain’s lifetime. BACH SACRED MUSIC HELMUTH RILLING Salzburg, Linz, and Vienna. Karen was the into her home to wander throughout The panel included Marie-Claire Alain, organist and choir director at St. James the house; she generously provided and Jacqueline Englert (daughter of André NEW! Helmuth Rilling conducts, and also plays the organ, Episcopal Church in Milwaukee from 1988- served champagne to everyone. It was Marchal), Marie-Louise Langlais (widow the fi rst time Marie-Claire Alain had of Jean Langlais), Eric Lebrun (student as he examines J.S. Bach’s greatest sacred music. This DVD 2011. She is now the organist at the been in the house since it was sold in of Gaston Litaize), and Christian Lesur contains excellent excerpts from Bach’s organ chorales, Chapel of St. John the Evangelist at St. the 1970s, and it was a very emotional (son of the organist-composer Daniel- oratorios, passions and cantatas on the life of Jesus. $19.99 John’s on the Lake in Milwaukee. $14.98 experience for her to return to the home Lesur). One laments that the music of of her childhood. Daniel-Lesur is not better known to- Aurélie Decourt designed and per- day; he was an extraordinary composer IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT! sonally arranged a marvelous exhibition and his music deserves to be played and NOW CHOOSE FROM OVER 5,000 TITLES! at the Espace Véra, which included mu- heard. Jacqueline Englert prepared an sical manuscripts, letters, and drawings excellent talk on the close relationship of ORDER ANY TIME ONLINE: www.ohscatalog.org by Alain; information about the Alain her father and Jehan Alain that was con- house organ and organs in general was cise and beautifully delivered. ORGAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPS shipping to U.S. addresses, which we provided by Guy Bovet and the Associa- The afternoon session was devoted P.O. Box 26811 Richmond, VA 23261 recommend, is $8.50 for your entire order. tion Jehan Alain de Suisse. The exhibit to Jehan Alain as composer. Vincent Media Mail shipping is $4.50 for your entire was open from March 19 through April Warnier, the organiste-titulaire of Saint- Telephone: (804) 353-9226 order. Shipping outside U.S. is $4.50, plus 8. On Saturday afternoon, participants Etienne-du-Mont, presided over this Monday-Friday 9:30am-5:00pm ET the cost of air postage, charged to your VISA were invited by Les Amis du Vieux Saint- session. Roberto Antonello spoke of his E-mail: [email protected] SHIPPING or MasterCard. Germain to attend a very moving cere- thoughts on Alain’s music through Alain’s NOVEMBER, 2011 21 Nov 2011 pp. 21-23.indd 21 10/13/11 11:19:53 AM Marie-Claire Alain surrounded by her granddaughter, Laetitia Decourt, her daugh- Marie-Claire Alain (center) surrounded by her former North American students ter, Aurélie Decourt, Gilles Cantagrel, and the acclaimed French actress, Brigitte (from left to right): James David Christie, Norma Stevlingson, (Marie-Claire Alain), Fossey, who participated in the March 26 concert with organist Michel Bouvard John Grew, and James Higdon (partially hidden on the right side of the photo) One of the round-table discussions: seated from left to right–Vincent Warnier (par- James Higdon and Marie-Claire Alain looking at Aurélie Decourt’s new book pub- tially hidden by Norma Stevlingson), John Grew, Lynne Davis, Marie-Claire Alain, lished for the Jehan Alain centenary, Une famille de musicians au 20ème siècle: la James David Christie, Gilles Cantagrel; standing is Aurélie Decourt famille Alain of Alain’s Trois Danses, performed by Friday evening’s program included est performance of the entire evening. Norma Stevlingson spoke about the the Orchestre National d’Ile-de-France Debussy’s Prélude à l’après-midi d’un This work is a masterpiece and shows critical notes on the organ works, which under the direction of the American faune, certainly to pay homage to the Durufl é as an orchestrator on the level she assisted Marie-Claire Alain to pre- conductor, Jonathan Schiffmann, at the most famous composer to hail from of Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, and pare for publication by Alphonse Leduc. Théâtre Alexandre Dumas in the heart Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Sadly, the fa- André Caplet. Klaus Rothaupt recalled the teaching of of Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Jehan Alain’s mous opening fl ute solo was lackluster Unfortunately, Antonini’s orchestra- Alain’s organ works by his sister, Marie- own orchestration of Trois Danses was and performed without poetry and with tion of Alain’s Trois Danses did not fare as Claire.
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