Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 6-1-1926 Volume 44, Number 06 (June 1926) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 44, Number 06 (June 1926)." , (1926). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/735 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MUSIC STUDY 1 EX AI^TSUFeT i MVS I C die ETVDE MAGA ZINE JUNE 1926 Everything Count, i in Musical Success, by Lawrence Tibbett jZ? Practical Points for Practical Teachers, by C reorg Liebling zZ? Getting Up a School Band, by J. E. Maddy zzz Studying Music Late iri Life, by J. M. Williams zz? Twenty-Four Excellent Pieces, by Wagner, Bolzoni, 1 'riml, Mrs. Beach, Rolfe, Bliss, Krentzlin, Himmelreich, and others JUNE 1926 Page k05 THE ETUDE Just Music Teachers— -Think! Awake to This Real’ Opportunity YOU WHY NOT DEVOTE SOME OF YOUR LEISURE HOURS THIS SUMMER TO CAN CONDUCTING A THEORY CLASS IN YOUR COMMUNITY? HAVE Activity is the best publicity. When school, studies cease, the progressive music teacher organizes THIS Special Summer Classes of great benefit ' to the students, and to the WEALTH teacher’s prestige. Hundreds of Musical THREE GOOD REASONS FOR SUMMER CLASSES OF Financially, the remuneration from class work is greater than Orove's In,Your OWN’MUSIC from private teaching. MUSICAL Room Answers ta All The Study of Harmony engenders an interest in the pupil and makes the regular course of study more attractive. A Class in Theory is an excellent advertisement and increases INFORMATION FOR ONLY the teacher’s prestige. The Text-Book that has proved most suc¬ SIX CENTS A DAY cessful for use in teaching this study is It is An Achievement that We are Able to Offer the Complete HARMONY BOOK Six Volume Set of the Great FOR BEGINNERS Grove’s Dictionary of Music By PRESTON WARE OREM. Flush Cloth Binding, Price, $1.25 and Musicians Brief—Simple—Vital—Practical—Distinctive At a Price So Low that it Will Never be Duplicated When HERE is a Harmony Book without mystery. It has no rules, This Mammoth Printing is Exhausted nor is it a re-hash of the old cut-and-dried harmonies. On the other hand, it is a fresh, new, sound treatment along modem lines. It lays a strong foundation for future musicianship by TWO DOLLARS giving the main essentials of the subject in such simple, under¬ With your order and then small payments of $1.50 for 12 standable and interesting language that it will prove invaluable months, making a total Purchase Price of $20.00. For cash in the class or for self-help work. with order the price is only $19.00. A most convenient featurens the introduction of blank spaces right in the book for writing the exercises, thus giving the pupil a Practically everyone who knows anything about music knows permanent and readily consulted record of the work done. “Grove’s” is the World’s Greatest Musical Reference Work, and Rules, footnotes and cross-references are dispensed with, everything thousands who have been ambitious to possess these Remarkable being inserted in the logical place in the body of the text. Volumes have their opportunity in this Low Price Offer. (If you have never seen these Six Large, Handsomely Bound Volumes ask for Descriptive Folder, giving details and illustration of actual size An Admirable Text-Book for Summer Classes that have of the complete set.) completed the Harmony Book THEORY \ COMPOSITION OF MUSIC By PRESTON WARE OREM. Flush Cloth Binding, Price, $1.25 AN unequalled guide in the practical application of harmony to composi¬ tion. Anyone having an elementary knowledge of harmony if ready take up the" subjects which are treated in this work—such as Melody Making Harmonizing Melodies, Writing of Accompaniments, Modulation, Modern Ilamonyan^ t^’book^Tto teach one to write—clearly, sensibly THEODORE PRESSER CO. Music Publishers and Dealers 1712-14-16 Chestnut St PHILADELPHIA, PA. Page 406 JUNE 1926 THE ETUDE The World of Music Why don’t you, too, get new ideas to use in your teaching, make your work a real at the pleasure and increase your income at the same time? - - - - wly or¬ ganized Opera riayers of New York, on April 6, with Alberto Rimboni conducting. The press was divided as to the adaptability of the work to American audiences, with the Enrollments now for Summer Courses balance probably slightly In favor of the negative. Founded in 1903 and advertisers in The Etude columns since 1908 To Etude readers we have offered sample lessons from our courses—many are using them with success. Get these lessons, without obligation, and see for yourself how great a help they would be to you in your teaching Courses endorsed by the world’s greatest musicians—such as: I. J. Paderewski, eminent virtuoso. Theodore Leschetizky, Paderewski’s great teacher. Emil Sauer, of the Vienna Consemtorv. N?wmYTk SvZb n wr 0f the Alexander Guilmant, the world-famous New York Symphony Orchestra. French Organist. Moritz Moskowski, famous Parisian composer and teacher. Special Certificates Awarded Graduates To Teach in Pblic Schools Without Examination Extension Courses Growing in Popularity Each Month There is a greater demand all the time for the courses we offer, as Mrs. Mary A. Sturm, of Montana, writes: they fit teachers for better positions. This is an age of si* ■ iali- Thanks for prompt delivery of Diploma, of which I am zation and the specialist is earning fully double or more the very proud. I just received a letter from the State V sa“fy ,of a musician with only a general knowledge. Board of Education to the effect that I am eligible to a State Certificate without examination. Thanks to lllETP a !r|mn£s in ! . mus'c fold are growing very ra; ilv. ^ Therf fe big paying positions for those who are your course. ready for them. Mrs. Lulu E. Diebel, of Oregon, writes: GUARANTEE' A Diploma is the key to the best teaching position, Do you hold one? I have successfully passed the State Board Ex- I With each course we offer a animation and am now an accredited teacher iii [ guarantee of absolute satisfac¬ Our Diplomas and Degrees are tion or money refunded. the State of Oregon. I owe this to your Normal Awarded by the Authority of Piano Course, for I tried to pass the examination That puts all the risk on us and the State of Illinois before, but was not proficient in the answers and on you. failed. Then I saw your ad in The Etude and de¬ yourSfnhire J°U' y°Ur °Wn decisi<m wi» rest termined to try this course. It has been successful and I am very grateful. , tiL Extension'coursed ^ y0Urself riSht at honie through Mr. Samuel Griffiths, of Massachusetts, states: This will acknowledge my Harmony Diploma. At the com¬ vr you *° cli?"» coup°|1 ad many times before FWt + X ou Perhaps have seen this mencement of my studies with you I was a Violin teacher with will bring you information ahm'if / waste any niore time! The coupon plenty of time on my hands. My class has. grown to three times that size No obligation on y”r ££? ‘he lessons which »U1 b' °< """« value. I command an increased fee and have a waiting list. ill these vario^XaSeTof'musfc'h rtf have. gained proficiency Mr. R. C. Bolling, of Virginia, after completing four courses, writes: Anti to you we offer the The instruction in your Extension Courses is the best possible for one to obtain, lhe person who knows and can use his knowledge to enable dTI"!Ayo“'0y|10rtunity-Mail the Coupon TODAY! him to do as well and just a little better, usually gets ahead-regardless of the method by which he received his information—whether in college or with a book by an open fire-place, or during his spare moments under the written direction of a teacher a thousand miles away. This is mv third year in charge of the Music Department in the Normal School. I have nothing but praise for your courses, which have been of inestimable value to me in my work. fcT—> ! It is the constant ambition of the editors and publishers of ■the "Etude” to make each issue of the journal worth many The Oklahoma State Band and Or¬ chestra Directors’ Association was or¬ ganized recently at a meeting held at Okla¬ Street N times niore, in practical instruction, stimulating inspiration homa City. Oscar J. Lehrer is State Chair¬ City ... man and a drive will be made for a state band and real entertainment, than the price of the entire year’s sub¬ University Extension Conservatory State .. scription. The music lover can not possibly find a better two- The Swift and Company Prize of one LANGLEY AVENUE and 41st STREET hundred dollars is offered this year for a set¬ you now? .. • Do you hold a Tea dollar investment. ting for male chorus and with piano accom¬ s Certificate ? .
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