List of reportedly haunted locations “Haunting” redirects here. For other uses, see The also said that the area was once a significant Abo- Haunting. riginal site – either a meeting place or campground. One story relates the death of a maintenance man, or This is a list of reportedly haunted locations through- lift attendant, who either fell to his death down the lift well or was crushed by the lift – this story likely out the world, that are haunted by ghosts or other supernatural beings, including demons. Reports of results from a suicide from the clock tower that oc- curred in 1935.(Haunts Of Brisbane) Another story haunted locations are part of ghostlore, which is a form of folklore. claims an American soldier was stabbed to death during World War II, after a fight over an Australian girl turned ugly. Staff have reported the sounds of an argument from the Red Cross Tea Room, and 1 Argentina there are many reports of sounds and unusual activ- ity in the areas surrounding these deaths. A third • Cinco Saltos in Río Negro has been reported to story claims the apparition of a woman is regularly have a number of ghosts, most of them reportedly seen traversing the main stairs in the lobby, and to [1] the result of witchcraft. In 2009, an intact corpse look out over the foyer – a story which likely results of an 8- to 12-year-old girl who had died in the from another suicide from City Hall’s Clock Tower [2] 1930s was found in a cemetery ossuary. in 1937, although recent photos of the stairwell ex- hibit a possible apparition.(Haunts Of Brisbane) 2 Australia • Dreamworld is a theme park in Coomera, Queens- land. One building inside the grounds of the theme • The Alkimos is the wreck of a former U.S. Navy park, where the reality television series Big Brother ship from World War II, that occurred off the coast Australia is produced, has been reported to be [3] of Western Australia in 1964. haunted since the show’s start in 2001. Numerous production staff claim to have witnessed the pres- • Ararat Lunatic Asylum, or Aradale, is the largest ence of a young girl, as well as a child’s voice and abandoned lunatic asylum in Australia. Opened in fog appearing late at night and early in the morn- 1867, Aradale was reserved for many of the incur- ing. In addition, since the Buzzsaw ride was built able mental patients in Victoria during the 1800s. in the 2011, there have been sightings of a ghost An estimated 13,000 people died here during 140 called Jack Darke, who has been claimed to have years of operation. been killed by a buzzsaw. It is also rumored that the Buzzsaw is built on a burial ground.[6] • Thirteen people were executed at the Ballarat Gaol in Ballarat. The remains of seven criminals are still • Larundel Mental Asylum is a long abandoned on the grounds. The Ballarat Ghost Tours operate mental asylum in Bundoora, Victoria. It is reported nightly.[4] that a little girl who died on the third floor loved her music box, and to this day, there are claims on the in- • Beechworth Lunatic Asylum in Beechworth, Vic- ternet that random explorers have heard music play- toria is reportedly haunted by several ghosts of de- ing on some nights, just before or at midnight.[7][8] parted patients. Open from 1867 to 1995, it has ap- peared in several books, television shows, and doc- • umentaries, including A.C.T. Paranormal. Ghost Lalor House in Richmond, Victoria is reportedly [9] tours run nightly.[5] haunted by the ghosts of the family of Peter Lalor. • Brisbane City Hall in Brisbane, Australia has sev- • Monte Cristo Homestead in Junee, New South eral stories of deaths spanning the eras before and Wales was the site of seven deaths in the 1800s, and after its construction. During construction, work- is reported to be the most haunted house in Aus- men were said to have died while laying the founda- tralia. Various ghost groups have reported sightings tions, which were on top of a former swamp. It is there.[10] 1 2 5 CAMBODIA • North Head Quarantine Station in Manly, New local children overheard rumors suggesting a ghost South Wales housed victims of a number of dis- had been observed within the tunnel. The following eases including smallpox and the Spanish flu be- night, the children crept down in the hope of spotting tween 1833 and 1984. It was the site of over 500 the apparition. One boy, lagging behind the rest of deaths. A number of ghost tours are run on the the group as they passed through the tunnel, was ap- grounds, which includes a large cemetery.[11] parently accosted by a misty green, limbless, head- less apparition that seemed to materialise from the • North Kapunda Hotel in Kapunda, South Aus- wall of the tunnel. Seemingly mesmerised by the tralia is reputed to have several ghosts due to it be- spectre, the boy was dragged by his friends to the ing the main meeting point in the town for over a nearby Royal Brisbane Hospital, who feared he had century.[12] The hotel was investigated on the TV been possessed by the ghost. The ensuing tale, as series Haunting: Australia and found that most para- related by the children to hospital staff, made sensa- normal activity occurred in a disused section of the tional newspaper headlines the next day, and within building formerly used for accommodation.[13] a short time thousands of local residents were lining both sides of the tunnel in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the ghost. The week following, the Vic- • Port Arthur in Tasmania operate nightly ghost toria Park ghost became the major talking point of tours. Brisbane, and numerous suggestions to its identity were put forward, although the spectre may very well • The Princess Theatre Melbourne has reported have resulted from one of the numerous suicides that several ghosts since the building opened in 1886. took place in Victoria Park in previous years.[17] The theatre’s best known “inhabitant” is Frederick Baker, whose stage name was Frederick Federici, a talented bass-baritone singer who died in March 1888 whilst singing the role of Mephistopheles in 3 Barbados Faust – and who was seen by the rest of the cast taking his bows with them shortly thereafter. For • Chase Vault is a burial vault in the cemetery of years the theater kept a seat vacant in the dress circle the Christ Church Parish Church in Oistins, Christ for Federici (only ceasing the practice on economic Church, Barbados best known for a widespread but grounds), and his appearance in the dress circle dur- unverified legend of “mysterious moving coffins". ing rehearsals for a new show is considered a good According to the story, each time the heavily sealed omen.[14] vault was opened in the early 19th century for burial of a family member, all of the lead coffins had • Whepstead House in Wellington Point, Queens- changed position. The facts of the story are un- land is rumoured to have a number of ghosts: verified, and sceptics call the tale “historically dubi- Gilbert Burnett’s wife Martha who spreads the ous.” The tale appears to have originated from anec- scent of lavender perfume; the daughter of Gilbert dotes told by Thomas H. Orderson, Rector of Christ and Martha, who apparently disappeared without a Church during the 1800s, and subsequently repeated trace; Gilbert & Martha’s son who had a withered in James Edward Alexander's 1833 Transatlantic leg and haunts the stairwell; and the ghost of an Sketches.[18][19][20][21][22][23][24] elderly servant who is seen around the house in a bowler’s hat and suit. While no historical basis has been found for any of these stories, the house itself 4 Brazil acted as a private hospital for a number of decades, during which time over a dozen people died. It is • considered likely that the building’s haunted atmo- The Joelma Building in São Paulo is allegedly sphere and unusual events result from this period of haunted by victims of the fire that started on Febru- use.[15] ary 1, 1974, after an air conditioning unit on the twelfth floor overheated; centered on the “Mystery of the Thirteen Souls”, individuals who died within • The Woodford Academy in Woodford, New South an elevator as they were trying to escape the fire, and Wales was originally built in 1834 as an inn and later are haunting the building today.[25] became a private boys school. Multiple accounts of hauntings have reportedly occurred at the site and has since started conducting ghost tours.[16] 5 Cambodia • Victoria Park Railway Tunnel in Brisbane, Queensland played host to one of Brisbane’s most • In Sihanoukville, the Independence Hotel has been famous ghost sightings in 1965, after a group of rumoured to be haunted by a poltergeist.[26] 3 edly built on top of an ancient graveyard, it is now a small opera house and museum holding regular per- formances. Legend has it that if a stone is thrown into the courtyard, a loud scolding will be heard, but no one will be seen.[31] • The Normandie Apartment, now the Wukang Mansion, in Shanghai, was named after the World War I warship Normandie, and was designed by the famous Hungarian architect Ladislav Hudec. Sounds of footsteps running up the stairs, loud voices from empty rooms, and even the sounds of breaking glass are rumoured to be heard from this apartment building.
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