;aI=C'C:^6 f:*t: i:r 'iz-'t f ■^) t ■ \ . ‘V V '\ ' I rf . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1966 ’V. f. PAGE TWENTY-JGUR Avorafe Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended Variable eloudinesa'and ooel The 21at annual Festival Jobless. Oaims YW Groups Plan NovemSer 6,1960 .. today; high In AOp? cl«M, cold A b o u f T o w n of Harrnony, sponsored \ by AUCTION tonight, • low in 20s; mamf <• the Hartford Chapter of Drop Slightly Christmas Fair and cold tomorrow, high agaia ; S t B rid ^ CJhurcERSsary SPEBSQSA, will be held Nov. SATURPAY. NOV. 19. 1966 — 10:00 A.M. 15,104 abou t 40. The Christmas Fair df the ^ 7 . j^ety will sponsor a Food Sale 25 at B p.m. at Bushnell Me­ Local unem|doyment oompeh- YaomcNis Hall, Columbiq, Conn. Manche$ter— A Ciiy of Village Charm Manchester YWCA will be held r **' . Sunday at St. Bridget School morial, Hartford. Proceeds will satlon payments, deeaaiwing up ' H i’ .- ■ - . cafeteria after all- Masses at benefit several projects includ­ Tuesday, Dec. 6 at the YMCA- Rain or Shine (Classified Advertisins on Pejce 9 t PRICE SEVEN CEN ie and down for the pert few VOL. LXXXyi, NO. 43 CTWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1966 the'church. Donations for the ing the Connecticut Eye Bank YWCA buUding, 770 Main St., Annual Uons a t* Auction-Sofas, Chairs, CWm , and Visual Research Founda­ weeks, showed a alight drop of •pie may he brought to the East Hartford, from 10 d.m. to Washing Machines. TVs, Beds, Lawn Mowers, Toys, l^eterla Saturday from 7 to 8 tion. Those wishing to obtain six lart week, aoooiding to a SnowHlower (like new). Tools, Water Heater, some Antiques, 3 p.m. The fair'W ill be held as pan. Sunday moinlng. Those tickets which will be credited to report isrtied by the Connecti­ New and Used Artloleft, Full of Surprises. a joint event with the CHaston- wishing further information the foundation may contact cut Labor Department. Lunch Available By The Lionesses may contact Mrs. J. Edward Mrs. Henry Starkweather, 186 hury and Enfield YWCAa this A total of SOe checks was paid Bobert'HendrIckson, Auotloneep—Seats For All McKeever, ftl Washington St Lake St'. locally dwing the week ended year. Free baby-sitting will be Nov. 12, compated with 308 available at the sale. Sunset Rebalcah Lodge will All handcraft articles, decora­ .checks issued during the week Luncheon will be served at meet Monday at 6:45 p m. at tions and aprons for the Christ­ ended Nov. 6. About 60 p er two sittings, noon and 1 p.m. Odd Fellows Hall. After a short mas Fair at North Methodist cent of lart week’s claims were Reservations must be’ made,In .business meeting, the group will Church are due this week. They from women. advance at the. "YWCA offl.oe at attend at 8 p.m. .an Assembly may be left at the church office Caaims filed throughout th^ the Community Y, 79 N- Main officers night at Princess or with oi\e o f the m em bers o f state last weejr dropped exact­ St., or at the Bast Branch YW­ ORANGE HALL Rebekah liodge, Hartford. the fair committee. ly two, from 11,002 for the week CA office, 364 W. Middle Tpke., Cambodia Crossed Bordicr * Loring photo Burkam p photo ended Nov. 6 to 11,600 for the over W. T. Gfonte at the Man­ PoilWh N ational Alldance wUl Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. week ended Nov. 12. Engaged chester Shopping Parkade. meet Sunday at 2 p.m. at 77 Merritt of 54 Woodhill Rd. re­ Engaged • New Haven led the state lart Luncheori reservations will N orth S t. cently attended a meeting of week with 1,606 claims, and was The engagement of Miss Do­ doss Nov. 29. The engagement of Miss the National Association of toUowed by Bridgeport with lores E. Johnson of Manchester Chief Petty Officer Clartt S. Linda Louise Sturtevant of Members of the Manchester Rusk Holds Kidnaping, County 4-H Agents at Syra­ 1,389, W aterbury w itj) 1,106 and to Pfc. Gary P. <Popik of Bast Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manchester to Ronald Charles H artford with 1,076. M anches­ YWCA will be In Charge of a cuse, N.Y. Merritt, Hartford Hartford has been announced baked goods table at the fair. Charles B. Mitchell of 67 Home­ DuCharme of Coventry has been ter retained its 16th position BINGO Cattle Theft County 4-H Club agent, was by her parents, Mr, and Mrs. announced by her parents, Mr. Other booths widl offer Christ­ EVERY SAT. NIGHT 7:30 Door Open / stead St., has recently been pro­ chairman of an Uihan Youth among the state’s 20 offices- Charles Johnson of M Ardmore moted to his present rank while and Mrs. Fred C. Sturtevant of Edmund Lodselle, manager of mas greens and decorations, Seminar. Rd. 72 EAST CENTER STREET—MANCHESTER serving at a prototype Nuclear 36 Luclen St. the Manchester office, reported children’s wear and toys, candy Are Reported Her fiance te a son of Mr. and For Truce Training Unit near Saratoga Her fiance is the son of Mr. that unemployed w orkers and handmade gifts. Diane Balboni of 152 Green Mrs. George Poplk of East and Mia. Waldo C. DuCharme of were paid f36,067 kxsally during WASHINGTON (AP) — Sec­ SAIGON, South Viet Springs, N.Y. Manor Rd., a student at Man­ Hartford. * 8 Mark Dr., Coventry. October, compared with 146,816 Nam <AP) — Uniformed chester High School, recenUy Mias Johnson is a g^raduate retary of State Dean Rusk has Miss Sturtevant,'a 1964 grad­ paid out during the correspond­ Cambodian soldiers cross­ attended an Open House for df CreaUve School of Hairdress­ indicated the United States is uate of Manchester High School, ing month last year. ing, Hartford. Pfc. Poplk is holding open the possibiUty that ed the border into South prospective nursbig students at is employed at Carter Chevrolet P\>r the first 10 months of serving with the U.S. Army Viet Nam, invaded a faim- the University of Bridgeport’s Co., Ihic., Main St. Mr. Du- 1966, local benefits have totail- a sUenoe in the ground war in Medical Corps In Viet Nam. ing community and fought College of Nursing. Charme, also a 1964 graduate ed <526,318, com p ared w ith Viet Nam will be matched by a ' T ' / y No date has been announced a brief battle with Vietna­ ’ J of Manchester High School, is $917,648 paid ou t dutttag the silence in the air war — at least employed at Bakdi Pontiac for the wedding. TRIM THE mese militiamen near the Officers elect of World War I fiirst 10 months of test year. for Christmajs and the lunar ;F/CiRVVAY Barracks and Auxiliary will re- Buick Inc., Warehouse Point. - .' On a statevrids basis, the sum frontier, a Vietnamese hoase Simday at 2 p.m. at the No date has been announced o f $1,324,996 w as paid out la rt metropoliean areas to lessen Gm /rits New Year. , ^ military spokesman VFW Home. Members of the in­ for the wedding. month., ‘' 1 congestion has been much dis­ Brt Rusk added at a news charged today. stallation committee are re­ cussed in the United States. It KNOWN FOR VALUES conference Friday: “ I would not He said SO Cambodian soldiers minded to attend the rehearsal. originated . in Britain in 1898 TREE SALE! want to hold out the expectation penetrated 600 yards Inside Cub Scout Pack 144 of Kee­ BRITON PROPOSED TOWNS S BOTH STORES S ney St. School will meet to­ LONDON—The Idea of byild- with pioneer town planner that a prolonged pause in the Vietnamese terrorists late Frl- bombing might occur.” Friday, kidnaped a Vietnamese Firat District of the American night at 7:30 at the school. Ing "new towns” outside the Hbeneoer Howard. •OPEN TONIGHT* He said there have been no 5 civilian and stole 14'cattle. They Legion Auxiliary will meet Sun­ P’ilms will be shown. This is Orbiter 2*s first photo from the moon. It was taken from an alti­ . x, i > indications from the other side returned into Cambodia alter a day at 2:30,p.m. at the Volim- tude of about 30 miles and shows a 500-meter crater (center). The picture as to what would happen if the short clash with a local militia S till 9! S teer Firehouse, Farmington The French Club of Manches­ covers an area of about 2.7 x 2.7 miles. North is at the top and the sun is at bombing were stopp^. But he imit near ^ toe frooUer, - tot Ave., Keimaingtan. ter will meet tonight at 8 at i r ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ★ the right at an angle of about 15 degrees above the horizon. (AP Photofax) Orange Hall. There will be en­ •at drew a disUnetJon between the Crippled Jet Lands Without Trouble spokesman said. t • Combination Wlndqws ond Doow Will last for years! idea of a general pause — like The border-crossing was an­ Cub Scout Pack 152 of Bow­ tertainment, and refreshments • calendar • the one that lasted 37 days over After a tense hour of circling to use up fuel, a Delta Airlines pilot landed a nounced as fresh fighting broke ers School will meet tonight at will be served. A meeting of the Door Canopies, RoD-up Awnings, Cu v m Awnlng^pal^ the lart Ohrirtmas sesison — crippled jet so smoothly at Fort Worth, Tex., that passengers hardly no­ out this afternoon In War Zone C 7 at the school.
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