Journal of Ichthyology, Vol. 43, Suppl. 1, 2003, pp. S75–S149. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2003 by Manilo, Bogorodsky. English Translation Copyright © 2003 by MAIK “Nauka /Interperiodica” (Russia). Taxonomic Composition, Diversity and Distribution of Coastal Fishes of the Arabian Sea L. G. Manilo1 and S. V. Bogorodsky2 1 National Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, B. Khmelnitsky ul. 15, Kiev, 01030 Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Station of Naturalists, S. Tyulenina ul. 13-29, Omsk, 644090 Russia e-mail: [email protected] Received February 25, 2003 Abstract—Based on new data and numerous literature sources we present a list of coastal fishes of the Arabian Sea found at depths up to 500 m which includes 1769 species from 720 genera and 198 families. Brief charac- teristics of families are provided, as well as their overall composition and that of the region studied. The most abundant taxa are noted. The species composition of the coastal zone of the Arabian Sea is compared to that of the Red Sea, South Africa, and tropical Atlantic. The ichthyofauna is classified according to types of distribu- tion, endemic species are reviewed and zoogeographic partitioning of the North-Western part of the Indian Ocean is considered. Development of the oceanic fishery and the quest bian Sea by YugNIRO (AzCherNIRO) on vessels for new fishery objects and regions at the end of the “Nauka”—second cruise (1967), fourth cruise (1969), 1960s of the 20th century were the beginning of sys- 10th cruise (1974), 12th cruise (1976), “Fiolent”—7th tematic investigations of biological resources of the cruise (1977), 17th cruise (1983), “Dmitrii Stefanov”— shelf areas and subsequently—pelagic regions and 5th cruise (1990), P.P. Shirshov’s Institute of Oceanol- bathyal zone using large trawls. Starting from 1961 the ogy R/V “Vityaz”—17th cruise (1988–1989), and R/V Soviet Union carried out multidisciplinary fishery of the NAS of Ukraine “Akademik Vernadskii”—4th investigations in the Arabian Sea. Beginning from the cruise (1971), 24th cruise (1981), 33rd cruise (1986), 1963, a trawl fishery in the shelf zone was established 42d cruise (1991). for this region. Fishes were collected with fishery and research bot- Implementation of 200 mile economic zone by most tom, benthopelagic, and pelagic otter-trawls. Part of the coastal states in the 1970s hampered the scientific and material was collected with a dredge, by angling, and fisheries investigations in this region and subsequently throwing nets during light stations. Specimens used in led to an abrupt decrease in seafood consumption in the taxonomic analysis were preserved in 4% formalde- following years. hyde and at present are deposited in the collection of The rational utilization of fish resources cannot be Zoological Museum of NNHM NAS of Ukraine. In performed without multidisciplinary investigation of addition, this study partially utilizes material deposited ichthyofauna—determination of species composition, in the Zoological Museum of Hamburg University, col- bathymetric distribution, and zoogeography of particu- lections of R/V “Meteor” (Grant no. 436 UKR lar species. Species lists from numerous fishery regions 17/11/95), Zoological Museum of RAS (St. Petersburg) of the World Ocean, including that of the shelf zone o and Zooogical Museum of Moscow State University the Arabian Sea, are absent in the current ichthyologi- (Moscow). cal literature. In total, this study is based on 945 trawlings, Thus, this work, based on all previous studies and 39 angling stations, 22 light stations, and eight dredge numerous collected specimens attempts to establish the catches. The total fish collection encompasses repre- species composition of ichthyofauna and to provide an sentatives of 30 orders, 143 families, 325 genera and outline of zoogeography of fishes for this particular 558 species. In total, 2655 fish specimens were exam- region. ined. We regard the Arabian Sea as area between western coast of India from Cape Comorin (southern point of MATERIALS AND METHODS India), Arabia (including Gulf of Aden) and eastern This study is based on collections made during coast of Somali up to the border with Kenia. The exclu- numerous research and fishery expeditions in the Ara- sion of the Persian Gulf from our consideration is not S75 S76 MANILO, BOGORODSKY accidental, since it is situated on the continental shelf Order Heterodontiformes includes one family Het- with depths 90–100 m and possesses, due to its closed erodontidae with single genus Heterodontus and five geographic position distinct oceanographic characteris- species, found in the Indo-West Pacific (total 8). One tics, and also displays impoverished ichthyofauna com- species—H. ramalheira is found in the Arabian Sea paring to the open regions of the Arabian Sea. (Compagno, 1984). We divide the shelf zone of the Arabian Sea into Order Orectolobiformes comprises seven families four statistical regions—the western Indian coast and with 14 genera and 32 species. All species of this order Pakistan, coast of Oman, Gulf of Aden, and eastern are found in tropical and subtropical regions of the coast of Somali with islands Abd-el-Kuri and Socotra. Atlantic and Indo-Pacific. We follow recent system of Eschmeyer (1998) with The sole species of the monotypic family Rhin- minor changes. Genera in families and species in gen- codontidae—Rhincodon typus is widely distributed in era are given in alphabetical order. tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the World After the name of the order and the total number of Ocean and is also found in the pelagic and neritic families, only the families are listed which have repre- regions. This species is also recorded from the Arabian sentatives in the Arabian Sea. Sea. Basic data on different families, genera and fish spe- Indo-West Pacific family Hemiscyllidae, compris- cies of the World follow Nelson (1994), with addition ing two genera and 12 species, is represented by four of latest information on particular families. Additional species of Chiloscyllium. This family was revised by data on distribution of species in the Pacific region were Dingerkus and de Fino (1983). obtained from recent publication (Carpenter and Niem, Representative of the Indo-West Pacific monotypic 1999, 2001). family Stegostomatidae—Stegostoma fasciatum is also As a result of zoogeographic analysis, we outlined recorded from the Arabian Sea. 12 types of distribution ranges: tropical North Indian Nurse shark family Ginglymostomatidae comprises (NI), tropical North Western Indian (NWI), tropical three monotypic genera. One species—Nebrius ferrug- North Indian West Pacific (NI-WP), tropical West ineus is found in the Arabian Sea. Indian (WI), pantropical Indo-West Pacific (pI-WP), Sharks of the order Lamniformes with seven fami- tropical Indo-Pacific (IP), tropical Indo-West Pacific lies, ten genera and 15 species (Compagno, 2001) are (IWP), tropical Indian (pI), tropical Atlantic Indian mainly pelagic. (AI), tropical Atlantic Indo-West Pacific (AI-WP), cir- cumtropical (CT), circumglobal (WW)—broadly dis- Representative of the sand shark family Odontaspi- tributed in tropical, subtropical and partially—temper- didae Carcharias taurus is found over the shelf of the ate regions of all oceans. While determining types of Arabian Sea. This family includes two genera and three distribution we considered the overall spatial distribu- species. tion of species, and their distribution in particular oce- Species of the family Lamnidae inhabit coastal and anic region or latitudinal zone. pelagic regions. The family includes five species from In our zoogeographical analysis, we used method three genera. Widely distributed mako shark Isurus for analyzing types of distribution developed by oxyrinchus, also found in coastal regions, is recorded in Golikov (1982) and the method of determining the con- the Arabian Sea as well. centration of distribution boundaries (Nesis, 1985). All three species of Alopias—A. pelagicus, A. superciliosus and A. vulpinus, from the pelagic fam- ily thresher sharks Alopiidae are also recorded in the CLASS ELASMOBRANCHII coastal zone of the Arabian Sea. In the coastal regions of the Arabian Sea, the elas- The order Carcharhiniformes is the most species mobranch fishes are represented by 11 orders, 30 fami- rich, comprising eight families, 47 genera and about lies, and 139 species from 69 genera. 222 species (Compagno, 1984, 1988; Nelson, 1994). Systematics, biology, and distribution of sharks are Family Scyliorhinidae is the most species rich in the reviewed in numerous Russian and foreign papers order and comprises about 110 species from 15 genera. (Rahimullah, 1972; Compagno, 1984, 1988; Gubanov Species of this family are widely distributed in all et al., 1986; Myagkov and Kondyurin, 1986; Gubanov oceans ranging from tropical to arctic regions and from and Timokhin, 1989; Compagno et al., 1989; Gubanov, shallow depths down to 2000 m. Eleven species from 1993, 1997; and others). five genera are recorded from the shelf and continental Small order Hexanchiformes comprises two fami- slope of the Arabian Sea. lies: Chlamydoselachidae (absent from the Arabian According to previously published information Sea) and Hexanchidae, with two species recorded from (Nair and Lal Mohan, 1973; Compagno, 1984), small this area—Heptranchias perlo and Notorhynchus cepe- family Proscylliidae in the Arabian Sea is represented dianus. The latter family includes four species in three by two genera and three species. In total, there are genera (Compagno and Talwar, 1985). seven species from four genera. New records for the JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY Vol. 43 Suppl. 1 2003 TAXONOMIC COMPOSITION, DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTION OF COASTAL FISHES S77 Arabian Sea are listed for two species of the genus Eri- (Gubanov, 1993). Species of Pristiophorus, mentioned dacnis—E. sinuans and E. radcliffei (Manilo, 1992a). by the same author for the Gulf of Aden and Socotra, Family Triakidae, comprising 38 species from nine have yet to be recorded. However, according to per- genera in the Arabian Sea is represented by only four sonal communication by Dr. M. Stehmann, an unde- species from four genera.
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