Issued Tuesday Thursdlw Saturday T he Courier-Gazette Entered u Second Class Mall Matte, THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, May 6, 1939 V olum e 9 4 ................... Number 54. The Courier-Gazette [ EDITORIAL] THREE-TIMESA-WEEK THEIR FEUD FORGOTTEN M S AN INEXPENSIVE TERM THIRD TERM DISCOURAGED “The Black Cat” Editor Everybody who is interested in the approaching Presi­ WM. O. PULLER Associate Editor dential election—and that includes almost everybody—is fol­ FRANK A WINSLOW Skippers and Ganders Eat At Same Table and Superior Court Lasted Only Four Days and lowing with unabated interest the surveys made by the American Institute of public opinion, and it must be admitted Subscriptions 6300 ner year payable In advance: single copies three cents. Have a Merry Evening Jury Had Lovely Time that the methods used in gauging public sentiment are both Advertising rates baaed upon circula­ tion and very reasonable systematic and ingenious. NEWSPAPER HISTORY The current poll shows that only 23 percent of the voters The Rockland Oaeatte was estab- Many readers of The Courier- Several of the voluable artists The May term of Knox County erly, was dismissed without costs. ieh«d In iS4d In 1674 the Courier was favor a third term for President Roosevelt, as compared with ■ atabllshed and consolidated with the Gazette. who wculd frankly admit jockeyed for the position as toast­ Superior Court, which finally ad­ Alan L. Bird appeared for the ap­ 31 percent two months ago. In addition to the 23 percent who Gazette In llo2 The Free Press was journed yesterday forenoon, was al­ pellant, and Gilbert Hannon ap­ evsbllshed In 1855 and In 1891 changed that they do not know the difference master, but it was Gene who landed favor the third term idea, there was found to be an additional Its name to the Tribune. These papers between a candlepln and a candel­ the coveted honor, and among his most a record breaker in Knox peared for the appellees. couseUdsted March IT. 1S9T. 10 percent who would be inclined to vote for him if he ran. abra. have been following with in­ other achievements of the evening County for various reasons. The • • » * Eliza Swan vs. Arthur Rokes. This With this as the basis of his figuring Dr. George Gallup, terest the graphic talcs of the bowl- he did his famous telephone stunt traverse Jury was impanelled and director of the Institute, put to a test President Roosevelt's discharged the same day. No crimi­ ease, in order for trial Friday morn­ — Business goes where It Is In- ♦ comparative strength with one of the Republicans who has By The Roving Reporter nal cases were tried. The term last­ ing. was adjusted before hearing. •* vlted and stays where It Is well ♦ Miss Swan, well known in this city been most prominently mentioned. Thomas E. Dewey, the treated—Anon « ed only four days and the total costs as a long time employee of Fuller- racket-busting New York attorney, whose fame has become amounted to only *51834 ; 8190.76 nationwide. The poll in this Instance showed 55 percent I have been shown a letter which of which was paid to Jurors. Crimi­ Cobb-Davis, was injured in a motor was written toy I. G. Calderwood, accident which occurred at the cor­ favoring Dewey, the Republican; and 45 percent favoring nal costs totalled *51.68. and miscel­ Roosevelt, with 12 percent not expressing an opinion. The now of Vinalhaven, back in 1W5 After Thirty Years laneous bills made up the balance. ner of Grace and Broad streets last when he was in the employ of a • • • • October, when a taxi owned by the Institute went a step further by seeking to learn how the voters of 1936 feel today, and the result was highly inter­ large dredging concern, and it goes The traverse jury was impenelled defendant and driven by Milton El­ Melvin Pendexter Give* Out esting. It was found that 33 percent of those who voted for to show that they had Black Cats In Thursday morning as follows: Alton well was In collision with a car op­ the Maine Central Pen- Roosevelt in 1936 would now favor Dewey, while only 4 per­ those days, and not always popular E. Libby of Vlnalhaven, foreman; erated by Leon White. The Rokes cent of those who voted for Landon would vote for Roosevelt. ones. The letter tells about the •ion List Mrs Beulah Ames, Rockland; Mr*. car was proceeding westerly oh The Institute fairly points out that the Presidential elec­ series of misfortunes which befell Nina Burgess. South Thomaston; Grace street and the White machine the dredge A. K. Lawrle after a Melvin Pendexter, an employe of tion is still far away, and that the present findings are by no Charles Dunbar, Hope; Robert was going south on Broad. Miss black cat had been taken aboard. the Maine Central Railroad lias Swan, a passenger in the taxi, was means conclusive, but after six years later, during which the Esancy. Appleton; Mrs. Edna M. “I was amused." wrote Mr. Calder­ been granted a pension and went Republican party was reported dead, they are very reassuring, Heath, Owl's Head; Henry Keller. thrown from her seat and sustained wood, "when they laid the matter on the retired list Monday. a fracture of the le ft arm and min v and remind one of what Mark Twain said about the report of Rockpcrt; Mrs. Helen Leighton. to the black cat. One of the men Hla services for the corporation, Injuries. Treated in a Massachu­ his death. Camden; A Roger Norwood, Union. Informed me that about 10 days ago. covering a period of 30 years, had setts hospital she has made satis­ O---------- O------- o Fred G. Olson. Cushing; Mrs. Ida they took the cat out onto the tug their beginning in Waterville where factory recovery. Charles T. Smal­ Simmons, Rockland; Mrs. Agnes GAN MASKS IN PEACE TIME Monitor, and when it had been he was employed In the carpenter's ley for plaintiff; John J. Conner, Jr., Ware, Camden. Supernumerary, there only an hour or two the craft department of the car shops. Mov­ ol Portland and Fred A. Lancaster of Nobody ever expected to see gas masks being used in the Mrs. Murdick Cramer, Washington. hit something on the bottom and Lewiston for defendant United States during peace times, but that's what's being done ing to Rockland he was assigned to Judson E Benner of Warren, John broke Its propeller. He immedi­ duty in the coal shed in 1910. Standing, left to right: Shields, Goose Arry. Dyer, Lyford sub, Libby • • • • in connection with strikes in seine of the big centers. And sub. Sanborn. Skip Arey, Tolman scorer. Seated, left to right: Peterson. A Blackman of Rockland. Stanley ately 'fired' the cat ashore—and Willie working there he shoveled An entry of "Neither party, no what a pity it is that the ccuntry should be torn with labor Grimes, Drew, Littlefield, Hall. R. Cushing of Thomaston, Mrs. 'fired' is the right wbrd to use, be­ nearly a carload of coal daily Into j — future action for the same cause, dissensions while a political national enemy may have its Ethel Day of Friendship, John Ler- , ____________ 4___ uit __ cause he threw her as far as he the locomotives, besides taking care was made In the automobile negli­ eyes fixed upon our fair land. And what a pity it is, any­ ing matches at the Cascade Alleys of talking with his wife, improvising mond of North Haven, and Mrs i could. T7ie next place the cat of 12 switchllghts and sealing what gence case of Rcland Dyer of Wash­ how, that there must be constant bickering between Capital in Vlnalhaven as told by that mas­ telephone gear from two (empty) Esther H. Robinson of Isle au Haut showed up at was in the office and cars the Lime Rock turned over. He ington against Harry Joy of Cam­ and Labor, when the two must go hand In hand if we are to ter of the art. Postmaster O V. Drew were excused from jury duty. we found a strike on our hands. has worked with car cleaning crews, cups. den Frank A. Tirrell. Jr., appeared have Employment instead of Bread Lines. A hectic season found the Skip­ The cat showed up again down and finally was transferred in 1916 Present at the fcasl in addition to for the plaintiff and George F Pea­ pers and the Oanders in a 26-game Sentence cf the court below was around the docks and when it was to the round-house where he re­ body of Bangor appeared for the tie. the breaking of which was en­ the varsity bowlers were two “subs' affrmed in the case of the State vs. put on the bridge the boom came mained on duty to the time of his defendant. trusted to a three-game series —Walter Lyford and Everett Libby Chester Reed of Rockland, for In­ • • • • WATCHFUL DEMOCRATS down, so that in the minds of a retirement. Whether the Skippers were bowling toxication. Reed was committed to —and Ike Calderwood. who became Dorothy Dyer of Washington, a The interest which has been engendered in the approach­ great many of our employes, there His faithful services have richly over their heads in that series, or the county jail for a sentence of 60 a member cx-ofllcio by virtue of be­ minor who sued by her father. Ro­ ing Republican contests for Oovernor and United States Sena­ is no question but that the black earned him a future of rest and whether the several "feeds' were days.
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