NOB73 29 Noble Street, EC2 P Ellis, G. Milne (1973), P Allen (1985) NGR: TQ 32220 81490 SMR: 040471

NOB73 29 Noble Street, EC2 P Ellis, G. Milne (1973), P Allen (1985) NGR: TQ 32220 81490 SMR: 040471

NOB73 29 Noble Street, EC2 P Ellis, G. Milne (1973), P Allen (1985) NGR: TQ 32220 81490 SMR: 040471 ACW74 1–8 Angel Court, 30–35 Throgmorton Street, EC2 M Guterres NGR: TQ 32810 81320 SMR: 042139–42 AL74 Wingate Centre, 62–64 Aldgate High Street, E1 G A Thompson NGR: TQ 3367 8120 SMR: 042143–52 BC74 Baynard House, Queen Victoria Street / White Lion Hill, EC4 Peter Marsden NGR: TQ 3194 8092 SMR: 04120005–6, Harp Lane / Lower Thames Street (now St Dunstan’s House, 20 St HL74 R Jones and A Boddington NGR: TQ 33190 80680 SMR: 042153–4 Dunstan’s Lane), EC3 LH74 44–46 Ludgate Hill / 1–6 Old Bailey, EC4 C Hill NGR: TQ 3178 8118 SMR: 040433, 043457 Baynard House, Queen Victoria Street (site of Upper Thames Street), MM74 M Millett NGR: TQ 3194 8090 SMR: 042155–8 EC4 SMR: 044447–9, MN74 Bain Dawes House, 15Minories, EC3 A Thompson NGR: TQ 33655 81090 04444901 NFW74 New Fresh Wharf, 2–6 Lower Thames Street, EC3 G Clewley/L Miller NGR: TQ 32950 80660 SMR: 042159–66 SH74 (and SH76) Seal House, 106–108 Upper Thames Street, EC4 J Schofield NGR: TQ 3278 8070 SMR: 043440–2 SPS74 St Paul’s School, New Change, EC4 P J Muir NGR: TQ 32140 81150 SMR: 044709 TL74 2–3 Trig Lane, Upper Thames Street, EC4 M Harrison; later G Milne & C Milne NGR: TQ 32030 80830 SMR: 042167–72 TR74 Billingsgate Buildings, 101–110 Lower Thames Street, EC3 D Jones NGR: TQ 33013 80685 SMR: 042173–9 Upper Thames Street (now beneath Baynard House, Queen Victoria UT74 D Jones NGR: TQ 31900 80910 SMR: 043859 Street), EC4 Upper Thames Street (Baynard’s Castle), now Baynard House, Queen BC75 C Hill NGR: TQ 31940 80910 SMR: 044451 Victoria Street, EC4 SMR: 041079–85, BIL75 Billingsgate Bath-house, 100 Lower Thames Street, EC3 J Maloney NGR: TQ 33125 80705 043452–6 CAS75 3–4 Jewry Street, EC3 D Woods, 1975; watching brief in 1980 by P Rowsome NGR: TQ 33545 81085 SMR: 043574–82 CS75 48–50 Cannon Street, EC4 A Boddington NGR: TQ 32425 80960 SMR: 042180–5 76–80 Newgate Street (former General Post Office; now British GPO75 A Thompson and S Roskams NGR: TQ 32050 81350 SMR: 043338–48 Telecom Headquarters, 81 Newgate Street), EC1 PIL75 5 Pilgrim Street, EC4 J Schofield (1975); B Watson (1990) NGR: TQ 31780 81110 SMR: 042186, 042192–3 SL75 10 St Swithin’s Lane, EC4 L Miller NGR: TQ 32704 80980 SMR: 043332–7 BG76 190 Bishopsgate, EC2 R Blurton NGR: TQ 33330 81630 SMR: 044453–4 CHR76 Christchurch, Newgate Street, EC1 P Herbert NGR: TQ 32010 81350 SMR: 044456–7 FSE76 160–162 Fenchurch Street, 22–23 Lime Street, EC3 A Boddington NGR: TQ 33055 80965 SMR: 043420 LC76 2–3 Lombard Court, EC3 J Maloney NGR: TQ 32940 80940 SMR: 043436–9 MAR76 St Margaret Lothbury church, Lothbury, EC2 A Thompson NGR: TQ 32710 81270 SMR: 043426–7 MFS76 Modern Foreshore, River Thames Geoff Egan MLK76 1-6 Milk Street, EC2 Steve Roskhams, P Allen and J Schofield NGR: TQ 32380 81270 SMR: 043372–81 NH76 4–8 Northumberland Alley, EC3 A Boddington NGR: TQ 33470 81020 SMR: 044710–12 PEN76 Peninsular House, 112–116 Lower Thames Street, EC3 L Miller NGR: TQ 32950 80695 SMR: 043491, 043496 BXA77 Site of Bastion 10A, St Botolph Bishopsgate churchyard, EC2 J Schofield NGR: TQ 33160 8148 SMR: 041928 CGT77 Cripplegate Wall, EC2 D Gadd NGR: TQ 32250 81610 SMR: 040477 SMR: 041910, DUK77 St James Passage, subway / 2–7 Duke’s Place, EC3 J Maloney NGR: TQ 33520 81190 041949–51 GST77 Gracechurch Street tunnel, EC3 P Marsden and J Maloney NGR: TQ 33010 81040 SMR: 043406–11 KSC77 Kingscote Street / junction with Tudor Street, EC4 C Milne and G Milne NGR: TQ 31600 80990 SMR: 044460 BRI78 9–12 Bridewell Place, EC4 D Gadd NGR: TQ 31610 81030 SMR: 044461–3 CUT78 PLA Warehouses, Cutler Street, E1 S O’Connor Thompson NGR: TQ 33470 81490 SMR: 043511–043522 FRE78 New Fresh Wharf (watching brief), 1–6 Lower Thames Street, EC3 L Miller NGR: TQ 32940 80640 SMR: 042159–66 HOU78 Chatsworth House, 48–56 Houndsditch, EC3 C Harding NGR: TQ 33370 81370 SMR: 041937 LLO78 Lloyds, Leadenhall Place, EC3 K Flude NGR: TQ 33150 81090 SMR: 044466–71 1–9 Masons’ Avenue (Butler’s Head) / 12–14 Masons’ Avenue / 23 NGR: TQ 32570 81370 MAS78 P Herbert SMR: 044472–3 Moorgate, EC2 and 32610 81370 TST78 Tunnel, Upper Thames Street, EC4 K Flude NGR: TQ 32380 80840 SMR: 044474–6 TUD78 1–3 Tudor Street, EC4 A Thompson NGR: TQ 31590 80970 SMR: 04119104001 WAT78 Watling Court, 41–53 Cannon Street, 11–14 Bow Lane, EC4 D Perring NGR: TQ 32355 81045 SMR: 043616–25 AGT79 174–176 Aldersgate Street, EC1 M Barker NGR: TQ 32120 81620 SMR: 043602–7 BAR79 Medical School, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, EC1 D Bentley NGR: TQ 31870 81510 SMR: 040293 BLL79 Bull Wharf, 14–15 Queenhithe, Upper Thames Street, EC4 C Milne NGR: TQ 32320 80760 SMR: 043504 CRE79 33 Creechurch Lane, EC3 G Egan NGR: TQ 33430 81260 SMR: 044478–80 FCH79 78–79 Fenchurch Street, EC3 L Watson NGR: TQ 33460 81070 SMR: 044483–5 FRR79 22–25 Farringdon Street, EC1 A Thompson and M Barker NGR: TQ 31650 81340 SMR: 043663–4 HEN79 6–10 Heneage Lane, EC3 L Watson NGR: TQ 33380 81240 SMR: 044486–93 HTP79 Mitre Square, 11–12 Mitre Street, EC3 J Schofield NGR: TQ 33440 81190 SMR: 043506–10 ILA79 Miles Lane, 132–137 Upper Thames Street, EC4 L Miller NGR: TQ 32800 80740 SMR: 043523–32 PEN79 Peninsular House, 112–116 Lower Thames Street, EC3 G Milne NGR: TQ 32970 80705 SMR: 043489–98 SMR: 044494–501, POM79 GPO Site, Newgate Street, EC4: Central Area (‘Post Office Middle’) P Allen, I Blair, J Burke-Easton, M Lee, C Midgley and J Norton NGR: TQ 32060 81380 04449601 THE79 Mermaid Theatre, Puddle Dock, [Upper Thames Street], EC4 P Herbert NGR: TQ 31810 80910 SMR: 043502 WEL79 Well Court, 44–48 Bow Lane, EC4 D Perring and P Rowsome NGR: TQ 32410 81095 SMR: 043474–88 WOW79 130–131 Cheapside [Woolworth’s], EC2 J Millner NGR: TQ 32300 81240 SMR: 044502–9 XWL79 8–10 Crosswall, EC3 J Maloney NGR: TQ 33590 80980 SMR: 041965–8 BEV80 2–9, 13–16 Bevis Marks, EC3 C Midgley NGR: TQ 33370 81300 SMR: 043550–7 CAN80 62–64 Cannon Street, EC4 D Perring NGR: TQ 32510 80940 SMR: 040088–90 CCN80 Christchurch Greyfriars, Newgate Street, EC1 R Lea NGR: TQ 31000 81370 SMR: 043774–9 FEC80 47–49 Fenchurch Street, EC3 M Barker NGR: TQ 33265 80950 SMR: 040091–5 FSP80 60 Fenchurch Street, EC3 C Guy NGR: TQ 33360 80980 SMR: 040096–100 HAG80 46 (Hoop and Grapes) and 47 Aldgate High Street, EC3 J Schofield and A Upson NGR: TQ 33730 81220 SMR: 040102–3 SMR: 040104–13, IRO80 24–25 Ironmonger Lane, EC2 J Norton NGR: TQ 32500 81220 043558–71 MOO80 GPO tunnel, Moorgate, EC2 D Perring NGR: TQ 32710 81540 SMR: 040498 NIC80 12 Nicholas Lane, EC4 D Bowler NGR: TQ 32802 80907 SMR: 040101 PUB80 The George Public House, 86 Fenchurch Street, EC3 A Upson NGR: TQ 33490 81093 SMR: 040114–23 SPC80 St Paul’s Churchyard, EC4 R Lea NGR: TQ 32020 81106 SMR: 043651–3 ADM81 Alderman’s House, 34–37 Liverpool Street, EC2 H White NGR: TQ 33200 81530 SMR: 044510–14 SMR: 040426, 041194, APO81 Apothecaries’ Hall and 22–26 Blackfriars Lane, EC4 D Bluer NGR: TQ 31760 81050 042500, 043784, ARC81 9 The Arches, Crutched Friars, EC3 R Lea NGR: TQ 33500 80900 SMR: 043650 SE Corner Tower of Baynard’s Castle, City of London Boys’ School, BYD81 J Burke-Easton NGR: TQ 31980 80870 SMR: 043780–4 Upper Thames Street, EC4 SMR: 043349–55, CLE81 29–32 Clements Lane, EC3 C Evans NGR: TQ 32890 80945 043665–75 CNL81 68–72 Cornhill, EC3 P James NGR: TQ 32990 81140 SMR: 040784 COL81 19–20 College Hill, EC4 M Barker NGR: TQ 32495 80885 SMR: 043820–8 FIN81 Finsbury House, 23 Blomfield Street, EC2 C Maloney NGR: TQ 32950 81570 SMR: 043413 LOV81 9–9½ and 22–25 Lovat Lane, EC3 D Gadd NGR: TQ 33060 80740 SMR: 043421–5 OPT81 2–3 Cross Key Court, Copthall Avenue, EC2 C Maloney NGR: TQ 32750 81490 SMR: 043384–96 11–11A Pudding Lane (now Namura House), 121–127 Lower Thames PDN81 G Milne NGR: TQ 32925 80715 SMR: 043397–405 Street, EC3 SMR: 081384, PET81 St Peter’s Hill and 223–225 Upper Thames Street, EC4 T Williams NGR: TQ 32040 80920 043829–41 PHI81 5–7 Philpot Lane, EC3 F Hammer NGR: TQ 33040 80895 SMR: 043676–84 SWA81 Swan Lane Car Park, 95–103 Upper Thames Street, EC4 G Egan NGR: TQ 32720 80685 SMR: 043802–17 Museum of London rotunda, junction of Aldersgate and London Wall, ALD82 I Blair NGR: TQ 32150 81570 SMR: 044515–16 EC2 APY82 Apothecary Street (N side), near junction with New Bridge Street, EC4 J Norton NGR: TQ 31670 81050 SMR: 044713–14 BIG82 Billingsgate Market Lorry Park, Lower Thames Street, EC3 S Roskams NGR: TQ 32980 80650 SMR: 043356–61 SMR: 044597–8, BIS82 76–86 Bishopsgate, EC3 H White NGR: TQ 33190 81380 044600–4 BOP82 28–32 Bishopsgate, EC3 C Evans NGR: TQ 33120 81260 SMR: 043362–83 Billingsgate bath-house, 4–9 St Dunstan’s Hill and Lower Thames BSA82 R Chapman NGR: TQ 33330 80680 SMR: 044450 Street, EC3 CRC82 Opposite 22 Creechuch Lane, EC3 J Schofield NGR: TQ 33400 81200 SMR: 044517 FLE82 180–183 Fleet Street, 140–148 Fetter Lane, EC4 C Guy NGR: TQ 31260 81170 SMR: 043414–15 LAT82 1–6 Ludgate Circus Buildings, EC4 M Nally NGR: TQ 31650 81210 SMR: 044518–19 LIB82 119–121 Cannon Street, 1–3 Abchurch Yard, 14 Sherbourne Lane, EC4 P Rowsome NGR: TQ 32730 80925 SMR: 043443–51 LOG82 84–85 Long Lane, EC1 D Bentley NGR: TQ 32030 81800 SMR: 044715–20 LON82 London Wall, junction with Blomfield Street, EC2 B Pye NGR: TQ 32920 81500 SMR: 040499 LUD82 1–6 Old Bailey, 42–46 Ludgate Hill, EC4 P Rowsome NGR: TQ 31770 81200 SMR: 040430–3, 041917 MAN82 21–29 Mansell Street, E1 A Upson NGR: TQ 33810 81190 SMR: 043428–33 OST82 7–10 Foster Lane, EC2 I Blair NGR: TQ 32200 81310 SMR: 043465–73 POT82 9–10 Philpot Lane, EC3 S Rivière and A Westman NGR: TQ 33030 80867 SMR: 044520–5 RAG82 1–12 Rangoon Street, 61–65 Crutched Friars

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