WfJRNERS ,,1NfiIJI1RIJ 25¢ No. 342 .~j~~: X.-523 18 November 1983 Reagan Is War Crazy! Defend the Soviet Union! ear I ... Kennerly/Time NOVEMBER IS-If, as the ancient Greeks believed. those whom the gods would destroy they first drive mad. then the destruction of the United States has surely begun. First came the Americans' KAL 007 anti-Soviet war provocation, sending a civilian airliner directly over the Russians' most sensitive military installations. Now on a "Grenada high" after their "big win" in the Caribbean. ",. the genuinely evil leaders of the Yankee ~ empire have escalated from one anti­ .. Soviet war provocation to another. ! Meanwhile a giant t'.S. hattIe fleet is I arrayed against supposed "Soviet surro­ · ·[ gates" in the "ear Ea,!. And they have t begun deplO\ment of new first-strike f iIiriIill .,- --~ J:.ui\..)inh>,:l~~... \\ ~ll~:;-l. '.\ ~n put l"neiTi nnl: ~ eight minutes from Moscow ... and World \""ar Ill. Ronald Reagan & Co. are acting as if they really believe the: can destro: the SO\lct Lnion \\ithout ! harrning a hair on the hcad of a single white middle-class American voter. But ~b the\ tHing about their own ruin. the cr~i!ies in the White House and Penta­ gon could obliterate the planet. "\"'ill the \\orid sllrvi\e until 1984-:" is sudden­ lya question on everyone's lips. In the Atlantic. some 500 miles off the coast of South Carolina. an American U.S Navy sub-hunting destroyer hit and disabled a Aircraft carrier Ranger, sent from Nicaraguan coast to Arabian Sea, is now poised to strike at Iran and "secure"the Soviet nuclear submarine. In the Carib­ Persian Gulf, hean the U.S. is staging a "no-notice" Their guns are trained on Soviet-backed Washington's brinkmen of the nuclear dragging the cable of a sonar sled across naval war maneuver off Guantanamo to Syria. Less noticed by the press is apocalypse are doing their best to them. then they laugh about it being threaten the Cubans. And in the eastern another carrier group in the Arabian provoke a showdown with the Soviets. disabled. Next they accuse the Russians Mediterranean Reagan's admirals have Sea (the Ranger. previously engaged in So far. Moscow has been laid back, but of being at fault under some antiquated concentrated an armada of more than gunboat diplomacy against Nicaragua) someone in the Kremlin is certainly British Admiralty rule declaring subs 40 ships, including three carrier battle along with an entire invasion flotilla of adding it all up. "burdened vessels," and brazenly de­ groups (the Eisenhower. the Kennedr the Rapid Deployment Force-totaling The Americans' high-seas attack on clare that a Soviet/ U.S. agreement to and the Independence. redeployed after some 35 vessels-poised to strike at Iran the Soviet submarine couldn't have been avoid incidents at sea-which bans its Grenadian "victory") and the battle­ and "secure" the Persian Gulf. From more provocative. First they cripple tht' simulated attacks-doesn't cover sub­ ship New Jersey. plus 300 attack planes. Grenada to the Strait of Hormuz, boat. evidently ripping its props off by marines. A Navy spokesman blandly announced that the U.S. destroyer was conducting "antisubmarine warfare" (in peacetime). Every American better thank their lucky stars for the cool Soviet Sub Attacked by U.S. on the High Seas temperament of that Soviet command­ ~~. » er. World War I was started over less " than this. \1eanwhile. on Grenada the Soviet , embassy staff is subjected to flagrant violations of diplomatic immunity that w" if·-~f •1 Soviet nuclear­ make the seizure of the American armed submarine crippled by U.S. embassy in Teheran look like an ~ destroyer, Don't exercise in polished diplomatic proto­ mess with the col. And in the Near East, Lebanon is Russians! but a beachhead for U.S. imperialism. ., The real strategic prize is control of the -l continued on page 14 , .., • oc, Ii.'".. &, ---'-----.-------. Special Supplement llnside-$ee P~ges 5:'12 ------ • It l It ~ I SL/SYL Protest "Social Democratic" Contra Terrorist. Eden Pastora: CIA's Nicaraguan Traitor Once he was known as Comandante plane was provided by the CIA. calling for a "political solution" in aI, 31 October). Such agreements­ Cera (Commander Zero) in the bloody Pastora's outfit, ARDE (Spanish for l\icaragua and supporting the so-called representing an historic betrayal of the 'Rurn'). also claims responsibility for war against the Somoza tyranny, but blowing up oil tanks in order to cripple "Contadora initiative" (the proposal by Salvadoran revolution-would only dig now that he has gone over to the the Nicaraguan economy. In one such f\'1exico, Panama, Colombia and Vene­ the graves of the Sandinistas them­ Somozaist mercenaries his name is terror raid. 25,000 people had to be zuela to negotiate an end to the civil war selves, allowing Washington to tighten reviled in Managua: Eden Pastora, El evacuated from the port of Corimo in raglllg in Centra] America before it gets the counterrevolutionary noose around Traidor (Traitor). This counterrevolu­ order to :lvoid a fien holocaust. We sav: out of hand). But any deal with Pastora give this lerroriq aone-wav Iicket to Nicaragua. The imperialists and their tionary turncoat has the blood of Managua to be tried bva revolutionan means blocking the road to social lackeys cannot be appeased or Nicaragua's peasants and workers on tribun'al of his \ietirTIS·." . revolution in "iicaragud, seeking to reformed-they must be defeated on the his hands and CIA dollars in his pocket. replace the pres.em petty-bourgellis fidd of battle. Last week Pastora arrived in the United Outside "Freedom House." an SL radical-natio1l3li>t Sandinista regime rhus the Trotskyists of the m­ States on a tour to promote himself as a spokesman told the ·Vel'" York Timps: with a refurbished capitalist state. This ternationa! Spartacist tendency call "democratic alternative" to the Sandi­ o nista revolution. This contra terrorist is o .c aiming at a repeat of Reagan's invasion Q. ~ ;~~\C~~~\,lJ~~' FrfED;;~ II ' •• tl > of tiny Grenada, with himselfas quisling ~ Sts1~~· f\ \jIC 1 M t HOUSE: J' <> ' c" for the Yankees. But it cost more than 'i"~tftQ{\·~oo~ 50,000 lives to rid the country of the i"yl0 ttlO tFiOtJr FDR!. J.... 'I Somoza dictatorship, and the Nicara­ -zi f~~ \ .."" \tACU CIA:S TEnOi '. '''Jjl. guan people will fight to the death to ~r.~~~\. t"it~\I~~E:, METliOrr .101 al~lil'AJI prevent the return of this gang of .-~ S?f.~. ~·l/S'l\.)TO ~!~f~~£' cutthroat killers and torturers. The .~4<-. -Sp<1rt(lcl5t. .ttf~'H Trotskyists say the Nicaraguan masses \ -j .JtPol!"n _....... "'. are fully justified in demanding, "i Pas­ ....."j tara al pared6n!" (Pastora to the execution wall). When he showed up in New York on t November 9 for a kick-off press confer­ ence sponsored by "Freedom House," a Paslara Traitor' front for the CIA's worldwide Terror Network, the pseudo-democratic contra SL/SYL Smash CIATerrorists War got a hot reception from the Spartacist confronts contra League/Spartacus Youth League (SL/ terrorist Pasiora on Nicaragua! at CIA front SYL). Several dozen demonstrators ~ chanted, "Nicaraguan people say, Freedom House, November 9. smash Pastora and the CIA!" "Smash '~. Reagan's Bay of Pigs, l\icaragua needs L~':~:£.l~~~;::J MIGs!" and "Pastora. comras. COfItra Roaches checi< in...M they doot d1edc out! imperialistas-i No pasaran l" Sparta­ fr-··~ cist signs included "Hail Heroic Cuban Fighters in Grenada!" and "Defend, ~.>.-•.. SPAftTACIST~._ Complete, Extend the Nicaraguan ·J.t'f'iS",:Y",·__ Revolution!" A placard showed Pastora "We're here as a reminder that in would only prepare the way for the for "Military victory to leftist insurgents and U.S. war criminal Jeane Kirkpa­ Managua there are tens of thousands of return of the Somozaist butchers and a in El Salvador!" "Defend, complete, trick crawling into a Roach Motel people that are going to stop [Pastora), new bloodbath in Managua. extend the Nicaraguan revolution!" and labeled Nicaragua as demonstrators arms in hand. The only way he's even That Castro should now conspire "Defense of Cuba/USSR begins in proclaimed, "Roach Motels for the going to get close is with the 82nd with the enemies of the Nicaraguan Central America!" Simply in order to CIA-They check in and there they Airborne, and they're going to have a working people reflects the treacherous defend the democratic gains of the stay!" Eventually a black limousine fight on their hands." nationalist logic of Stalinism. Cuba, Sandinista revolution today it is urgent­ swerved to the curb and goons from the which has consolidated a bureaucrati­ ly necessary to expropriate the capitalist Cuban gusano group Abdala leapt out Pastora and his Somozaist fellow cally deformed workers state under the "fifth column" inside Nicaragua, which to hustle El Traidor past the angry contras are already receiving a lot more Yankees' guns, puts the squeeze on is led by supporters of Pastora/Robelo. protesters shouting "Pastora asesino, than "guns and boots" from Uncle Sam. Nicaragua to cut a deal with the contra With the entire' Central American puppet of the CIA!" According to the Wall Street Journal killers. Nicaragua, which has had a isthmus seething, only a revolutionary Inside, before the media, Pastora (27 July), "U.S. intelligence sources say political revolution ousting the Somoza mobilization of the working masses to postured as a popular revolutionary, ARDE . has been receiving indirect American aid in the form of equipment dynasty, puts the arm on Salvadoran take power in their own class interests even feigning concern over an American guerrillas to negotiate a compromise can defeat the strutting Central Ameri­ invasion: "In Grenada you got in and and laundered cash totaling $200,000 a month, or more than half of ARDE's with the local oligarchy and its death can generals and their Pentagon mas­ out quickly.
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