S7514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 9, 2003 probably the cleanest way to produce I was particularly struck by some- funeral when Norma, a very strong and electricity, although there are some thing Al once noted about his success. courageous woman, spoke about her problems. One is the waste that comes This is what he said: life with Al. I remember her saying: from nuclear use. We can resolve some This is the only country in the world [Al] took us from where we were to beyond of those issues. [where] that would be possible. The only where we even would have dreamed we are Mr. President, I hope we can move in country in the world for a guy like me with now. He had an unwavering commitment that direction. I want to continue to nothing—no background, no sport, no con- to helping others and he was the most gen- work at it. nections, nothing to help me, and no talent. erous man I’ve ever known. There was al- I yield the floor and suggest the ab- It wasn’t that I was a great violin player or ways someone he wanted to help, whether a great something. Where a guy like me they were sick, financially troubled or just sence of a quorum. could just sort of figure it out every day and needed a good friend. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The at some point wake up and say: ‘‘You did clerk will call the roll. That was Al Lerner. pretty good.’’ I extend my thoughts and prayers to The assistant legislative clerk pro- Indeed, Al Lerner did pretty well. His ceeded to call the roll. the entire Lerner family—especially accomplishments, both in terms of his Norma, Randy and Nancy—and to the Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I ask personal success as well as his ability unanimous consent that the order for families, friends, and community mem- to lend a helping hand to his fellow bers who worked with Al and the orga- the quorum call be rescinded. citizens and community members, are The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- nizations he supported. As Sir Winston clear indications of his success and his Churchill once said: out objection, it is so ordered. The compassion and, yes, his humanity. Chair recognizes the Senator from We make a living by what we get, we make Al Lerner led by example. He served a life by what we give. Ohio. his country as a Marine Corps officer Mr. DEWINE. I thank the Chair. and a pilot from 1955 through 1957 and Few men have adhered more closely f later continued his service by becom- to this wise adage than Alfred Lerner. I am very pleased that last week the TRIBUTE TO ALFRED LERNER ing a director of the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation. Senate passed a resolution that my Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I rise His service to our country did not friend and colleague from Ohio, Sen- today to pay tribute to and recognize end with his departure from the Armed ator GEORGE VOINOVICH, and I intro- the accomplishments of a great man Forces. Al was known in particular for duced that recognizes Al Lerner’s life, and a great leader—Alfred ‘‘Al’’ Learn- his extremely generous contributions achievements, and contributions. This er. Mr. Learner passed away on October to local and national charities, includ- commemorative resolution is the least 23, 2002, at the age of 69, following a ing a contribution of $10 million in 1993 we can do in the Senate, on behalf of courageous battle against cancer. He to Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hos- the entire Nation, to honor a man who left behind a lasting legacy of hard pital in Cleveland, OH, a donation of dedicated his life to honoring his fellow work and remarkable generosity. Al $16 million to support construction of Americans. I thank Al for all his con- gave so much of himself. He never hesi- the Lerner Research Institute, and a tributions to our State and Nation. tated to share his good fortune with his donation of $100 million to the Cleve- I thank the Chair and yield the floor. fellow citizens, particularly those who land Clinic, one of the largest dona- I suggest the absence of a quorum. were most in need. tions to academic medicine in the his- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Al Learner was a man who not only tory of our Nation. clerk will call the roll. believed strongly in the American His humility and his dedication to The assistant legislative clerk pro- dream, he also lived it. He was born the fellow citizens is nowhere better evi- ceeded to call the roll. son of Russian immigrants in Brook- denced than in the quiet contributions The PRESIDENT pro tempore. In my lyn, NY, in 1933. He graduated from he worked to provide for families of capacity as a Senator from Alaska, I Brooklyn Technical High School in 1951 victims of the tragic September 11, ask unanimous consent the quorum and received a B.A. from Columbia Col- 2001, terrorist attacks. call be rescinded. lege in 1955. After college, in the early He helped raise funds, through his af- Without objection, it is so ordered. 1960s, he took a job with the Broyhill filiation with the MBNA Corporation f Furniture Company as a salesman. His and the Cleveland Browns, for the CONCLUSION OF MORNING work for Broyhill took him from New Cleveland Browns Hero Fund to aid BUSINESS York to Baltimore and ultimately to families from the New York City Fire The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Morn- his home in Cleveland. and Police Departments who suffered ing business is closed. With him on this journey—with him, the loss of a parent. always by his side—was his best friend, Al continued his service to the coun- f his partner, his wife, Norma. Al and try following the September 11 attacks NEW PAGES Norma were high school sweethearts, by serving as one of 15 members of the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. I ask and they were inseparable. Together President’s Foreign Intelligence Advi- unanimous consent the names of the they shared 43 years of marriage, and sory Board, advising President Bush on new pages serving the Senate during together they raised their two chil- the quality and adequacy of intel- the summer be printed in the RECORD. dren, Randy and Nancy. Al and Nor- ligence collection to improve the secu- There being no objection, the mate- ma’s commitment to each other and rity of our homeland. rial was ordered to be printed in the their children was a strong one. They Al Lerner was an American patriot, a RECORD, as follows: were both well known for attending patriot with a purpose and one who every school function and every after- succeeded remarkably in achieving SENATE PAGE PROGRAM—2003 SUMMER school game their children were in- what he set out to accomplish. By em- SESSION 1: JUNE 9–JUNE 27 volved in, setting their professional bracing the American dream and dedi- Chris Amon, Yankton, South Dakota; lives aside to spend time with their Sonia Anand, Potomac, Maryland; Alicia cating himself to sharing with his fel- Bell, Fullerton, California; J. David Burton, family. low citizens the good fortune that re- Owensboro, Kentucky; Angela Cacace, Ken- When Al was not spending time with sulted from his pursuit of it, Al truly sington, Maryland; Gavin Chanin, Studio his family, he was working tirelessly in distinguished himself as an out- City, California; Sarah Catherine Crutcher, his beloved community. Al’s numerous standing American, and certainly one Madison, Mississippi; Laura Cunningham, professional accomplishments included worthy of the respect of the Senate. Washington, DC; John Curran, Las Vegas, his service as chairman and chief exec- As I think about Al’s life, I am re- Nevada; Nicholas D’Addario, Trumbull, Con- utive officer of MBNA Corporation, minded of the strong bond he shared necticut; Jacqueline Devereaux, Pembroke, chairman and owner of the Cleveland with his wife Norma. They were such Virginia; Elizabeth Drumheller, Shelburne, Vermont; Nicole Durbin, West Lafayette, In- Browns, and trustee of Columbia Uni- good friends and were really partners diana; Mitch Erdel, Columbia, Missouri; and versity, Case Western Reserve Univer- in life, working side-by-side, together, Chase Erkins, Bliss, Idaho. sity, and New York Presbyterian Hos- to raise their family and to help their Bethany Gaikowski, Webster, South Da- pital. community. I was quite touched at Al’s kota; W. Daniel George, Anchorage, Alaska; VerDate Jan 31 2003 01:09 Jun 10, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09JN6.008 S09PT1.
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