This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu March 12, 1970 Mr. Eugene Keck Box 26 Tonganoxie, Kansas 66086 Dear Mr. Keck: Thanks for your letter of March B. We have done some checking on the report of the astronauts finding fly- ing saucers on the moon and are informed there is no truth in it. The whole matter of flying saucers has been under surveillance for a number of years. In my opinion, President Nixon is on the path toward peace in Vietnam, and it1s time the North Vietnamese be called upon to cooperate in making a settlement to the war. I do appreciate your taking time to write your views on a number of issues facing us at this time. Sincerely yours, BOB OOLE United States Senate BD:jh Page 1 of 6 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 2 of 6 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 3 of 6 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 4 of 6 World's Largest Contactee-Oriented Flying Saucer This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, UniversityResearch of Kansas Organization http://dolearchives.ku.edu Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America, Inc. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: 2004 N. HOOVER ST., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90027 • PHONE : 662-4404 GABRIEL GREEN FOUNDER - PRESIDENT November 22, 1968 FLYING SAUCERS: WHAT ARE THEY, WHERE ARE THEY FROM, WHY ARE THEY HERE? 1. WHAT ARE FL YING SAUCERS?: They are 5. DO THEY SPEAK OUR LANGUAGE?: They extraterrestrial spacecraft of a highly sophisticated have their own native tongues, as well as a universal design. The manned craft duplicate the gravity condi- language that is spoken by all members of the Universal tions and the atmospheric environment from which the Alliance of Planets. They very quickly learn any occupants come. They are built in many sizes and language which is needed for their functioning on shapes, according to their function. Some are spheri- Earth. They have monitored our radio and TV pro- cal, but most sightings have been of saucer-shaped grams for years. With their more advanced methods objects. The "Mother Ships" which house the smaller of acquiring knowledge in a short period of time, it is "Scouts" are tubular, or cigar-shaped. Many small not a laborious task for them (as it is for us) to learn -- remotely controlled craft (between 3 inches and 10 feet a new language. in diameter) are sent out from larger craft as sensor 6. HOW DO SAUCERS FLY? WHAT IS THEIR devices - to pick up all types of data, including sound PROPULSION POWER?: Since most of their travel is and television pictures. Most of them are a silver, in space where there is no atmosphere, they do not fly metalic color. At night, the ionization of the atmos - aerodynamically as do our airplanes. They use phere around the craft will cause it to give off different various forms and applications of electromagnetism colors, depending on the intensity of the propulsion and gravitational fields. They do not carry heavy fuel power, etc. Many of the objects give off a brilliant with them, as do our planes or rockets, but instead white and/or a pulsating red light. Sometimes the use fuel cells or the "fuel" (power) which is ever- force field around a craft will condense the atmosphere present throughout the Universe, and which keeps all around it so that it appears to be a saucer-shaped the planets, stars and galaxies in their orbits. They cloud. hover above a planet's surface simply by shielding the 2. WHERE DO THEY COME FROM?: Some amount of gravitational pull on their craft. come from other planets within our own solar system 7. HOW DO SAUCER CREWS SURVIVE RIGHT such as Mars, Venus, Saturn, etc. Some come from ANGLE TURNS AT THOUSANDS OF MILES PER different planets in other star systems within our HOUR?: The electromagnetic power which propels the Milky Way galaxy. A few come from other galaxies. craft also propels every atom within the craft at the 3. WHAT DO SAUCER OCCUPANTS LOOK same time, thus eliminating any G-forces during LIKE?: They are humanoid, and they can and do pass sudden changes of direction. Thus their craft can fly among us unnoticed. Their skin and hair color varies tight circles around our fastest planes, without any as does ours, and so does their size. Their height discomfort to their occupants. Unfortunately, the varies from about 3 to 10 feet, depending upon their power which propels our airplanes does not also propel environmental and racial backgrounds. They are often the pilot. (The seat he is sitting in does that.) Thus he quite good looking and usually retain a youthful is subject to the forces of gravity and momentum when appearance, despite life spans that extend over several any change of direction is made. hundred years. 8. HOW DO SAUCERS DISAPPEAR INSTAN- 4. COMING FROM DIFFERENT ENVIRON- TANEOUSLY?: By increasing the strength of the MENTS, HOW CAN THEY LOOK LIKE US?: If their craft's electromagnetic field, light is bent around the environments were radically different from ours, they craft. Radar can sometimes detect a craft which can- probably wouldn't look or be human. However, they not otherwise be seen. However, the saucers are say that surface conditionson their planets are much capable of phasing out radar signals so that the closer to our own than we are led to believe by the dog- presence of the craft cannot be detected. matic statements of some of our scientists. Tempera- 9. SCIENTISTS THEORIZE THAT MATTER tures are about the same or milder than ours. Venus, WOULD CEASE TO EXIST AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT. for instance, has no snow even at the poles. Gravity IF THIS IS SO, HOW CAN SAUCERS TRAVEL THE is sometimes less, and sometimes as much as twice VAST DISTANCES BETWEEN THE STARS?: The that of Earth's. The atmospheric oxygen content of Space People say that this theory is as invalid as the different planets also varies from one half to twice previously held belief that man could not surpass the that of ours. Underground bases with artificial gravity speed of sound. Our own history and continuing pro- and air supply are maintained on our Moon and on other gress in scientific achievement offers convincing test- Moons which either are too small or do not rotate imony that the main obstacles to man's progress are sufficiently to hold an atmosphere to them. the roadblocks in his own mind. That which the mind '- f ' t <-·~· ~· .\·: ·•... Page 5 of 6 The Space People say they have repeatedly con- This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives,tacted Universityall heads of Kansas of major power governments. Many http://dolearchives.ku.edu credible reports indicate that the U.S. has had several extraterrestrial craft in their possession for years. Through a planned program of ridicule, and the sup- pression of the information and evidence in their possession, governments thwart the public's interest in and knowledge of the saucer subject. However, hundreds of private saucer research organizations all of man can conceive he can, in time, achieve. One over the world are helping to gradually bring the truth group of Space People say that after they had developed to the people. interplanetary flight (at sub-light speed), it was 1500 14. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE SPACE years before they were able to surpass "the light PEOPLE IN COMING TO EAR TH?: Many of our barrier" and to achieve interstellar travel. Through ancestors came originally to Earth from other worlds friendly exchange of such knowledge with the worlds of and established colonies here. The Space People have other star systems, all advanced planets now have been watching our progress and helping to guide our craft that fly many thousand times the speed of light, evolution ever since. Many religions were founded by and vast distances are no longer the barrier they once their representatives who came here as teachers. were. Development of atomic bombs in 1945 indicated to the 10. WHAT IS LIFE LIKE ON OTHER PLANETS? Space People that our technology would soon be able to DO THEY HA VE WARS AS WE DO?: War has long destroy all life on Earth, and perhaps even to disinte- - been eliminated as a means of settling disputes on grate the planet itself. The disintegration of our planet advanced planets. Poverty, intolerance, injustice, would endanger life (or cause the loss of it) on other disease and major crime are things of the past. Minor planets in our solar system. They also say that crimes (such as theft) still exist on some planets, but radiation from nuclear tests is more harmful to our violators are considered sick and are quickly treated planet and to the present and future generations than and restored to health and society. some scientists realize, and that it is imperative that Most manufacturing is completely automatonic. all underground and atmospheric bomb tests be stopped. Man's sustenance for life is his birthright. He lets his To help us solve our problems and transcend this knowledge of science and machines work for him. critical period in our evolution, the Space People have There is much leisure time and visiting of other come to offer us their help, and the benefit of their planets.
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