US008716539B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,716,539 B2 Schreiner et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 6, 2014 (54) METHOD FOR PRODUCING SUBSTITUTED Y. Klimochkin et al., “Synthesis and hydrolytic conversions of DAMANTANES nitroxy derivatives of homoadamantane, protoadamantane and bicycle3.3.1 nonane', Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, (75) Inventors: Peter R. Schreiner, Wettenberg (DE): (1993), 29(7), 1358-1364. Andrey A. Fokin, Giessen (DE) T. Courtney et al., “The Chemistry of Diamantane. Part 1. Synthesis and Some Functionalisation Reactions” (1972).J.C.S Perkin I. 2691 (73) Assignee: Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen, 2696. Giessen (DE) T. Gund et al., “Diamantane.II. Preparation of Derivatives of Diamantane” (1974).J. Org Chem., vol. 39(20), 2987-2994. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this L. 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Primary Examiner — Sudhakar Katakam USPC .......................................................... 585/352 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Clark & Brody (58) Field of Classification Search None (57) ABSTRACT See application file for complete search history. Dinitroxylated diamantanes are suitable for being reacted with nucleophiles to form the corresponding disubstituted (56) References Cited diamantanes. Surprisingly, at least dinitroxylated or hydroxy U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS lated diamantanes are rearranged in the presence of a strong acid and at least 4.9-nitroxylated or hydroxylated diaman 5,410,092 A 4, 1995 Shen tanes are created. On this basis, 4.9-substituted diamantanes 5.430, 193 A 7, 1995 Shen are able to be produced in a targeted manner by reaction with 2005/0074690 A1 4/2005 Liu et al. further nucleophiles. Methods for producing at least disub stituted diamantanes include: (a) at least dinitroxylation, fol FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS lowed by the substitution of all nitroxy groups by a nucleo WO O2/O572O1 T 2002 phile; or (b) at least dinitroxylation, the Subsequent WO O3,OSOO66 6, 2003 rearrangement in the presence of a strong acid, after realized rearrangement all nitroxy groups are replaced by a nucleo OTHER PUBLICATIONS phile; or (c) at least dinitroxylation, then Subsequent reaction Y. Klimochkin et al., “Reactivity of cage hydrocarbons in the with water (as nucleophile), and rearrangement of the at least nitroxylation reaction'. Petroleum Chemistry, vol. 40, No. 6, 454 dihydroxylated compound in the presence of a strong acid, all 457, 2000. hydroxy groups being replaced by another nucleophile in the R. Duddu et al., "Nitronium ion mediated functionalization of ada event of a Successful rearrangement. mantine and its derivatives”. Synthetic Communications, 26(18), 3495-3501 (1996). 25 Claims, No Drawings US 8,716,539 B2 1. METHOD FOR PRODUCING SUBSTITUTED -continued DAMANTANES O O The present invention provides methods for the selective production of derivatised diamantanes, wherein the forma tion of product mixtures which are difficult to separate is -- avoided and yields of at least 60%, compared to the diaman tane used as starting material, are obtained. 10 3, 54% OH STATE OF THE ART 4, 6% Diamantanes as starting Substances are of interest for 15 microelectronics, pharmaceutics, nanotechnology, and mate rial Sciences. Potential applications are, for instance, the pro Reduction of the dimer of norbornadiene (Binor-S 5) to a duction of temperature-stable plastics, coatings with tailored mixture of tetrahydro derivatives 6, subsequent reaction with conductivities for LEDs and transistors, nanoelectronics, as pure chlorosulfonic acid and hydrolysis of the dichloride 7 in well as application in pharmaceuticals against Viral and neu presence of NaOH in an autoclave also yields 4,9-dihydroxy rodegenerative diseases. diamantane 2 (Blaney, Frank; Johnston, Don E.; McKervey, Hereby, diamantanes with hydroxy groups, carbonyl M. Anthony; Rooney, John J. Diamondoid rearrangements in groups, carboxyl groups, amino groups and/or aminocarbo chlorosulfonic acid. Highly regioselective route to apically nyl groups are of particular interest as they are important 25 disubstituted diamantanes. Tetrahedron Letters (1975), (2), intermediates for the production of oligomeric and polymeric 99-100). Disadvantages of this method are the use of a start diamantanes. Furthermore, the aforementioned functional ing material produced via several steps and the requirement of groups are suitable for being substituted by other functional an autoclave reaction. Diamantane is able to be obtained in high quantities directly from petroleum. Thus, methods are groups in Such a way that Substituted diamantanes represent 30 important starting materials for the production of further Sub preferred which use 1 as starting material for the synthesis of stituted diamantanes. 3. The state of the art knows several methods for producing hydroxylated diamantanes. The methods known so far pro 35 vide, however, only minor yields of hydroxylated diaman tanes and/or require complex purification steps (for instance H2/Pt C14H20 CISO3H chromatography) and/or require the use offine chemicals, i.e. He- He highly pure solvents and reagents. 6 40 Thus, the oxidation of diamantane 1 in 96% sulphuric acid 5 yields only 5% of the corresponding dihydroxy derivative 2. along with the main products 3 and 4 (Courtney, T.; Johnston, C OH D. E.; McKervey, M. A.; Rooney, J. J. Chemistry of diaman 45 NaOH tane. I. Synthesis and functionalization reactions, Journal of He dioxane the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and 160° C. Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999) (1972), (21), 2691-6). In this method, the yield of the desired product 2 is very poor and the resulting mixture is only able to be separated with a 50 high effort. C OH 7 2,82% OH 55 4 Oxidation of 4-hydroxydiamantane 8 with the fungus 6 1. H2SO4, 75° C. Rhizopus nigricans yields a mixture of 1,9-dihydroxydia He- -- mantane 9 and 4,9-dihydroxydiamantane2 in a ratio of 5:1 in 2. H2O 60 a yield of 69% (Blaney, Frank; Johnston, Don E.; McKervey, M. Anthony; Jones, Ewart R. H.; Pragnell, John. Hydroxyla tion of diamantan-1- and -4-ol with the fungus Rhizopus 9 nigricans. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Com 1 OH munications (1974), (8), 297-8). The disadvantage of this 65 method is that 7, a very expensive starting material, is used 2,5% and a mixture which is difficult to separate is obtained con taining only approx. 15% of 2. US 8,716,539 B2 4 US 2005/0074690 A1 describes polymers comprising OH OH monomeric units of diamantanes. This patent specification describes a method for producing dihydroxylated to tetra Rhizopus nigricans hydroxylated diamantanes through reaction of diamantane He- -- with N-hydroxyphthalimide and Co-II-acetylacetonate. It is 2 days disadvantageous that a product mixture is formed and that the OH yield is low. U.S. Pat. No. 5,430, 193 and U.S. Pat. No. 5,410,092 describe methods to convert a diamantane lactone into the 10 corresponding hydroxyketone, wherein the hydroxy group 8 9 and the carbonyl group are separated by at least one bridge head carbon atom. Hereby, the diamondoid lactone reacts with an anhydride in the presence of an acid and the keto ester OH 15 formed as intermediate is hydrolysed. The selective introduc tion of functional groups into unsubstituted diamantanes is, and further products in however, not possible with this method. low yields WO 03/050066A1 and WO O2/O572.01 A2 describe func tionalised or polymerisable higher diamantanes. Neither patent specification gives, however, any reference to the pro duction of the derivatised diamantanes. The oxidation of dia mantane 1 with m-chloroperbenzoic acid or HNO as oxidiz OH 25 ing agent and CH2Cl as solvent is described in AA Fokin, B 2, ca 15% A Tkachenko, P A Guchenko, D V Gusev, P R Schreiner: Functionalized Nanodiamonds Part I. An Experimental Assessment of Diamantane and Computational Predictions for Higher Diamondoids. Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11,7091-7101. Bromination of diamantane to 4,9-dibromodiamantane 10, 30 followed by a hydrolysis to 2 (Janku, Josef Burkhard, Jiri; Upon use of nitric acid and Subsequent conversion with water, Vodicka, Ludek. Hydrolysis of bromine derivatives of dia a mixture of different monohydroxy diamantanes is formed (8 mantane with nitric acid.
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