Weather Distribution Today ° Matdy (air today, toalght and BED BANK tomorrow. High today about M. Um (Might, 4W». Wgb temot- 18,300 nw k the «fc. See wntber 2. UONDAYTHKVOUriUDAr-tST. UN Dial SH I -0010 Iuu»d duly, Mond«y through Friday. Second clan Boatigt RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1961 7c PER COPY VOL. 84, NO. 83 Piid it H«4 Bank ud at AddlUonil Hailing orilcel. PAGE ONE State's Believe Accident Reds Set U.S. Tanks Alerted Toll Is 6 Qff Bomb Violent Blast Lakehurst Infant Is Reported By In Berlin Flareup Drowns in Tub; Swedish Source 5 Auto Deaths NEWARK (AP) — Six BULLETIN E. Zone persons were killed in ac- UPPSALA, Sweden (AP) cidents in New Jersey over —The Soviet Union is be- Entered the week-end. lieved to have exploded its Traffic accidents claimed super-bomb, the Uppsala lives and a boy drowned University Observatory re- By MPs In a bathtub. SERIOUSLY INJURED — Joseph F. Cross of Fair Haven ported today. The victims: Dr. Arthur Baath of the is put on a stretcher by members of the Red Bank First BERLIN (AP) — Three Bridgewa'ter Township — Her- Uppsala Seismological In- bert Hoover Barner, 32, of 1J Aid Squad after the ear he was driving collided with a American Patton tanks stitute said a violent ex- Plainfield Ave., New Brunswick, parked vehicle on Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury, Satur- stood on the alert near the was killed yesterday when he plosion was registered at day about 8:30 p.m. ast Berlin border through was struck by a hit-and-run car 9:35.51 a.m. Swedish time while walking on East Main St. the night after an East- (3:35.51 a.m. EST). Lakehurst—Kenneth Hurtmag, West flareup involving a "The estimated epicenter 10 months old, drowned Satur- top official of the U.S. mis- day while taking a bath with Cross Is Critical of the disturbance was lo- sion in West Berlin. two older brothers in their home cated in the general direc- at 174 Pinehurst Ave. State po- Steel-helmeted American mili- lice said Kenneth's father, Arn- tion of Novaya Zemlya, ary police, with bayonets fixed, old Hurtman, a sailor stationed After Car Crash 1,300 miles northeast of twice marched 200 yards into at the Naval Air Station here, SHREWSBURY - Joieph F. Mr. Cross is a driver for United the earlier used testing Communist-controlled territory put the baby in the bathtub with Cross of 68 Forman St., Fair Parcel Service, and has made in support of E. Allan Lightner the brothers, aged four and five. area in the Arctic," the Haven, is in critical condition in deliveries in the Red Bank-Rum Jr, deputy chief of the U.S. Haledon—Thomas Potts, 74, of Riverview Hospital after being son area for many years. Swedish scientist said. mission. 393 Central Ave., was killed Sat- involved in an automobile acci- Chief Mass, who has been ua Dr. Baath said he believed the A Communist protest against urday when a runaway auto dent on Sycamore Ave., Saturday able to interview the driver be- explosion registered at Uppsala he MPs' action is expected. Jumped the curb and crushed at 8:30 p.m. cause of his injuries, has issued University was the Soviet super- Lightner, driving to an East him against his house. Potts was; Jhe car driven by Mr cross no summons. bomb of 50 megatons—equivalent Berlin theater with his wife, was working in his yard when Gary struck a vehicle belonging to to 50 million tons of TNT. WRONG TURN — Car driven by William J. Davis, 65, of 312 Myrtle Ave., Nep- stopped by East German Vopos (people's police) when he refused L. Elliot, 23, of 113 BloomfieldjMarie D. olsen, 25 Center St., There was no figure immedi tune, was smashed by southbound Pennsylvania Railroad tram at Asbury Park at Ave., Paterson, lost control of Sea Bright, which was parked ately available for the exact to show his identification, papers. his car which skidded on loose on the shoulder of Sycamore Ave. Say Family strength of the explosion. 7:40 last night. Mr. Davis fled the car seconds before it was struck. He had been The Western powers do not 'ecognize the East German re- gravel, police said. near Beechwood Dr., according It was the 22d Soviet nuclear driving on Railroad Ave. when, thinking he had reached Drury La., h» turned and gime and maintain the Vopos Perth Amboy - Blag Kiblosh, to Police Chief Raymond Mass. Of Trujillo explosion reported since the Rus- his car became stuck on the tracks. Mr. Davis was charged with careless driving. 74, of 701 Parker St., was struck Both cars were towed away sians resumed nuclear testing have no right to check vehicles and killed by « car at Hall Ave. from the scene. Sept. 1. with Allied license plates, re- and State St. Saturday. The Red Bank First Aid Squad Is in Exile ;ardless of whether the occu- Premier Khrushchev told the Scholer Ouster Fails pants are in uniform or in ci- North Bergen-Donald Egan, took Mr. Cross to Riverview, CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Domini- 22d Soviet Party Congress in vilian clothes. 1», of 225 Moller St., Secaucus, where he was admitted with in- can Republic (AP) — The Tru Moscow last week the current was killed Friday night when ternal injuries. jillo family's two - luxurious Soviet test series would be con- Say Guard Hurt the sports car in which he was pleasure yachts today were re- cluded at the end of the month Union Beach Demos Are Split The Vopo captain in charge of riding struck a concrete divider ported ferrying members of the with the explosion of a 50-mega- the Friedrichstrasse checkpoint on the Rt. 3 approach to the dynasty into self-imposed exile ton bomb. charged Lightne* had been Lincoln Tunnel. Leroy Conroy, Escapees from the strife-torn Dominican Uppsala is the home town of (Again) as Langan Quits Post drinking and deliberately injured 18, of 721 Hudson Ave., Secau- Republic. the late UN Secretary-General a Vopo guard by ramming him cus, the driveT, was in fair con- Gen. Jose Arizmendi Trujillo, a Dag Hammarskjold and he is UNION BEACH — The Demo- to pick up the pieces when the! against another car. dition at North Hudson Hospitfl, Returned brother of the late Generalissimo buried here. from the Democratic organiza- There was no immediate Amer- crats are at it again. | Democrats get through buffeting tion for putting Republican elec- Weehawken. Raphael Trujillo, reportedly ican comment on this charge. This time it's over who will each other about). tion stickers on his car. Chatham—Gerald P. Killoran. boarded the luxury yacht Presi- A U.S. spokesman gave the Rayburn Weaker support whom in the election 2. Acting Mayor William J, 20. of 57 Greenfield Ave., Sum- dente Trujillo during the week- Need Definition following account of last night's To Home next month—and the more pro- On issue number two—who's Langan has resigned as presi- mit, wai killed Saturday when end and headed for some Carib- DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — House events: bean port, presumably Martin- Speaker Sam Rayburn was re- found question of who's a "true" a "true" Democrat—the problem dent of the Democratic Organi- his car struck a utility pole and JAMESBURG - Two boys who At 7:15 p.m. Lightner, accom- ique, to catch a ship for Spain ported late yesterday to be Democrat and who's not. appears to be that the Demo- zation, and announced that he then smashed into a tree on escaped from the Jamesburg panied by his wife, arrived at The four-masted sailing ship weaker and less alert than he The lines of demarcation are crats can not agree on a defini- will support the fusion ticket. Wttchung Ave. Home for Boys were both back the American checkpoint on Angelita. on which Hollywood has been recently." still somewhat fuzzy over bothjtion of the word "true." 3. Martin Kenny has resigned there Saturday, John T. Moore, Friedrichstrasse in his privately beauties frolicked with the gen- issues. For the choice in the Although the Democrats have as "leader" of the Democratic assistant superintendent of the A bulletin released by Baylor owned American-licensed sedan. eralissimo's son Ramfis, was re- election is among three slates: tried to keep their internal trou- Organization. home, said. Hospital, where the 79-year-old The Vopos refused to let him go ported en route to Bermuda to A Democratic slate (which rep- bles to themselves, word hasj Launching Texas Democrat is ill with incur- ! Merger Possibility into the east zone unless he One, Joseph Lynch, 15, of Pa- pick up another brother of the able cancer, said his condition re- resents but one of the warring leaked out in the past few days 4. There may be an attempt to showed his identification. Light- ramus, was captured in Rumson assassinated dictator, Gen. Hec- mains serious. Shortly before factions); a fusion slate (which that: effect a merger of the Democrat- ner refused and asked for a So- early Friday morning after po- tor B. Trujillo, and his Ameri- midnight, an aide to Rayburn includes a Republican who has 1. An unsuccessful attempt was ic Organization and the Demo- Of Ranger viet officer to be called. lice and citizens had searched for can-bora wife, the former Alma said there was no further change offered to turn Democrat), and made to expel Joseph Scholer cratic Club. By 1 p.m. no Soviet officer the two boys for hours.
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