THE LETHBRIDGE DAILY HERALDv MONiDAY,"MARCH 80,1926 'lines. The plant, which vlll provide much discussed production irhlt tho Garden at Bden, ana that It TV-IB connection irlth the litter, Mr. Schorl- the principal cities will have an upera know the chorus parts but they study | from sixty to eighty thousand horse- comes to the Kinge theatre on Wet favored by Uod and the first human singer may boast of what is <paruaiw festival each season, <' all the operas and thn ereatest.ma- WOOL power, is l/Ape*it-.', to iske '.V'.' y(iilr« nosday. beings. tho "orglest" of all orgies ever filmed. "We believe'that tho public Is siclc jority of them could step Into a prin- to construct. Ti> set shots of n -big scetii Tills Is a ".Roman Bevel" hi tho home "f jazz and cheap entertainment on cipal role/on a very few minutes' no- the climax of the play when. Job "THE MAN LIFE PASSED BY" of the two sisters. Wdth » crowd of the 'burlesque order," said Mr. Loo tice, , To. Join the chorus the first 'THIEF OF BAGDAD." Hower am] • Milton Sills, who ar IS GREAT ENTERTAINMENT ffucnts numbering twu'or three hun- requisite must be a voice coupled wltli featured In the picture, are irappe Brandon, who 1« In Letubrlilge malt- GROWERS SIGN FAIRBANK'S FILM, IS dred, everyone Is dressed, or rather Ing, arrangements for the convnany'i a desire to work and advance. GREAT ACHIEVEMENT by Hood waters and swept over th Victor SchertilngerV Production for draped, in old Roman costume, appearance here, "and we propose to "The orchestra Is under the direc- spillway of a dam, 'the two actoi Merto Hat Splendid Story «nd ban tag *a Blight evidence of modern tion of Clarence West, one of, th« climbed upon u temporary staein give tliem entertainment that Is clean Douglas Fairbanks' aiuai'-ingly ro- Reaches All Manner of Thrills times In 'the "no metal can touch and wholesome and at the same time best musical directors In America. POOLCONTRACT? built just below the big Laguna Dan and Emotional Heights mantic ami dramatic Btory. heretofore yon" garters of a few of tho men. highly-diverting. 'The eager response "In 'Robin Hood,' '.vhtek contains at Yuma, Arizona. At a given signa vThe garden l& turned into an arena, thought liniitMSlble of achievement on a ilon'i structure which had been bui that has greeted our' rovjvnls of the as many, beautiful melodies as any the screen. "The Thief, of Hagdml," . If a splendid story, with a tear now. with a raised dlas In the centre. This old light operas like "Kobln Hood", light opera ever written, Theo Pen- fe C. Jensen of Magrath Favors destroyed by u rush of waters release and then and -a tempest of thrills and fllled with pretty girls, Is the scone will bn the attraction ut the 1'alarc for 'the filming of the sequence wa "The Bohemian Girl", "The Mikado" nlngton wlH sing the role of 'Maid theatre today. There is said to be heart throbs, makes ideal screen en- of a great struggle when the men, and "The €himes of Normandy" and £' • . This Plan at Toronto theatre today. There is said to be fnmrVhrdau7and a"~ilooTiide~swei, tertainment, no fan can possibly afford Marion,' and her singing of the lonely in this story a wonderful love tale to! il()lvn ,0 th(, low(1|. s| U.|UM.C, ^ at a given signal, try to tumble them the somewhat later favorites like I'The lo pass by "The Man Life Passed By," •'Uavalliei" number is something long ^ Meeting set your pulses suing; a wealth ot ad- , clinging to (!; from their perch. As if this were Spring Maid" 'and "The Chocolate to be remembered. I am . snre that venturous incidents that will stir you I | ., • • • • which opened a 'two day engagement riot. enough, a chariot race is ulao Soldier," in which the obnoxious jazz RlutF n ,it Die Empress, theatre today. -. Leth'brlrtge music lovers will take C. Jensen of Magralh. was elected to a rousing jiltf-h of excitement. Hi " " ___ . .-.-i staged, in which the young men are does not once intrude, convinces its Miss Peunington to their hearts after first vice-president and io ;i two-yen'* will be a new experience .to you . lo nrc-r Written by. Mr; Soherizlnger with used aa horses. that we are oh t)ie right, track. ROSE Wlnnifred Dunn, who .did the scenario, ; they hoar her In 'Robin Hood'. The • term as director for Alberto, of the ,,.e a Magic Rug soar above the house S ARE OLDEST The Wll Is ivell 'balanced. A com- "Every one of the principal!? of same Is true of all the others in the Canadian. Go-operativo Wool Growers' tops and off into the sky. lieiirinif tin'! OF ALU FLOWER and enacted under Mr. ScherUinger's 4dy Is 'being. offered as well as the excellent direction by a.cast oE suoh the company, with the exception of cast. Harry (Pfell, the tenor; Delos itsso.ciatioii, at the annual meeting Thief and the beautiful Princeslli.'ros o,"f j| ThreI ill ele- trucULttuk . loadniittjos ouif rosei K-"~sJ we..*.r. Empress news reel and cartoon. Ed, Andrews, who has grown to foe Jewkes, basso; Jessie Evans, con- liBl'J in Toronto on March 26. Mr. strange used each day for several days dur notable players . as Percy Marmont, Bagdad. Another new and Jane and Bva Novak. Cullen Landis, almost a tradition on the American tralto; Carl Bundschit, baritone; and Jensen, who was a delegate nl the experience will be to itness a Ing the making of "My Mull," a pic THE BRANDON OPERA COMPANY stage, is young and full of enthusiasm Ed. Andrews, the comedian, have par- meeting, \vas one of tho strongest ad- Lydla Knott and. Hobart SoswortH, Winged Horse, tly up to and through turization of George Randolph Chus "The Man Life Passed By" is highly . The Brandon Brothers, 'Ray P. and for the West nnd its future. Every ticularly fine opportunities to entrench vocates of wool pool binding mem- the clouds, bearing the Thief of Bag- ter's famous novel, ''A Tale of Ret iatisfying entertainment. W. Lee, owners of the Brandon Opera one of them could have remained in themselves with the music lovers in. bers to ship their wool over a period dad, or whom all nations, lor hundreds Hoses." which will bo shown at the Combining all the popular inirre- Company, who will present "Koliin the East and 'won renown, but they their rendition of 'Robin Hood'. The of years. Sentiment appeared to be {of ycai's, have been reading about, in Kmpress theatre on Wednesday o iaiits of tho photoplay • "The Man Hood" at the Majestic theatre on are here because they love the West. chorus gives wonderful support in the about equally divided on the point. the tales of the Arabian -N'ishls. Von this week. Rumor spread that th Life Parsed By" wplds them all Into Moriday night, April (i, are the first beautiful, lilting music and catchy a:;d it was referred to the executive; "We pride ourselves on .our chorus. maay have read about the Invisible (lowers were tor Dnstin Farnum, win a perfect punch-drama, that, has the producers of opera in the west. Al- We have selected the Tory 'best voices song numbers that have ibeen sung for further investigation. They >vill Cloak, but you surely have not seen has the male lead, and scon he wn spectator "on edge" constantly, bring- though the company has Ojeen in exist- and played in nearly every household lay u full report before the next an- in the cities we have visited. Our t uul(?*s you have seen Douglas Fair- beseeched with catalogues, specimen ing a lump to his throat once minute, ence but a few years, it has already musical director is constantly ll'yiug since the famous opera linst appear- nuaT'ineeling. banks in "The Thief of Bagdad." of roses and data enough regarding and the next Rending him into an attracted favorable attention and has new voices and we recruit the chorus ed." . Sheep Business Sets Pace the bloom to publish a book on tin ecstasy of excitement over a thrill- become a real factor in all the large 1 from the list that he keeps. The girls The Brandons have a ivery extensive Pres. Col. McEweu in hip annual MILTON SILLS AND JOHN BOWER Onyin and Development of Roses. ing fight or a tense scene such ' as dties of the Pacific coast. 1 He- found there are fifty specie: all come from good families and the and attractive'repertoire, and the of- address, struck an optimistic note as- IN "WHAT A WIFE LEARNED the picture abounds in., The Brandon Brothers have 'built boys are nearly all college fellows. A double tragedy that, would have! with three tithes as many varieties fering for the second night of the serting-'that the "sheep industry Jiad Then, too. there is great variety in up a .superb singing organization that For instance, when we played Salt two-day engagement is being decided been 'the shining light over all others robbed (he shadow screen of two ol thai the flower was cultivated' frun the backgrounds of the picture. The Is the. West's own and which rivals earliest times and has" an origin los Lake City last fall we secured several by the patrons. The choice will be in the livestock industry." The fi- ts most popular leading men.nearly spectator is taken from scenes in the anything that the East sends out to flees from the famous Tabernacle announced on 'Wednesday morning, nancial statement showed the net iccurrod, during the filming of Thos.
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