Karnataka J. Agric. Sci., 28(1): (104-106) 2015 Yield gap analysis of pearl millet through frontline demonstrations in Dausa district of Rajasthan Dausa district comes under Agroclimatic Zone IIIa, namely loam soil under rainfed conditions. The pearl millet crop was “Semi Arid Eastern Plains”. The technologies were demonstrated sown around June to mid July and harvested in mid September and disseminated through frontline demonstrations to farmers across the years. The variety RHB 121 was used for of Dausa district. Pearl millet is the most important cereal crop demonstration in all the villages and years except in 2006 and grown in kharif season in Dausa district of Rajasthan. Pearl 2009 at Nadi Malwas and Bhojpura, Peechupada villages, the millet occupies first rank among cereal crops grown in Dausa variety ICMH 356 was demonstrated. Frontline demonstrations district. It account for 1.25 lakh hectares area and 2.13 lakh were conducted in Kota Patti, Digaria, Singwara, Udala Aluda tonne production with 1700 kg/ha productivity (Anon, 2013). and Malwas villages in Dusa block and Nadi Malwas in Lalsot The increase in production in recent years has been possible block and Peechupada, Bhojpura and Reta villages of Sikarai due to improvement in productivity and strategies adopted by block of Dausa district. In frontline demonstrations special the Government by launching various schemes. In view of this, emphasis was given to proper seed rate (4 kg/ha), balanced a project on frontline demonstration was started in order to use of fertilizers (60 kg/ha N and 30 kg/ha P2O5), high yielding demonstrate the production potential and latest advancement varieties (RHB 121 and ICMH 356), seed treatment with in package of practices among the farmers with the view to pesticides and proper and need based plant protection reduce the time gap between technology generated and its measures. In traditional or local check plots farmers used higher adoption. This also enables field functionaries to elucidate the seed rate (6 kg/ha), imbalanced use of fertilizers, local or private production constraints and limitation in the adoption of company seeds for sowing, improper seed treatment and plant technology for onward transmission to scientists to reorient protection measures. The cross section data on output of pearl their research accordingly. In order to improve the productivity millet crop and input used per hectare have been collected the unfolded technologies could be included in frontline from the frontline demonstration plots. In addition to this in demonstrations plots under the direct supervision of the traditional or control plot followed by farmers have also been scientists by supplying the critical inputs. Keeping in view the collected and used for further calculation like cost of cultivation, importance of frontline demonstration in Dausa district of gross returns, net returns, additional cost, additional returns Rajasthan in productivity enhancement and increase the and BC ratio. The benefit cost ratio was calculated by dividing monetary returns, the present study was carried out. the net monetary return by the total cost of cultivation. Yield gap, extension gap and technology indices were calculated as The present study was conducted in the farmer’s fields of follows. Dausa district, Rajasthan during the kharif season for consecutive seven years from 2006 to 2012. A total of 124 Technology gap = Potential yield- Demonstration yield demonstrations covering an area of 60 ha having similar number Extension gap = Demonstration yield- Farmers / Traditional yield of traditional practices or local check were carried out in sandy Technology index = Pi-Di/Pi X 100 Table 1. Comparative statement of yield and other parameters of pearl millet in different villages of Dausa district in Rajasthan Year Village Block Variety No. of Area Highest Lowest Average Average % Technology Extension Technology Demo. (ha) yield of yield of yield of yield increase gap gap index Demo. Demo. Demo. of local (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) check (kg/ha) 2006 Nadi Lalsot ICMH- 10 5 1650 1400 1526 1300 17.38 974 226 38.96 Malwas 356 2007 Kota-patti Dausa RHB 10 5 1425 1050 1272 1070 18.88 1528 202 54.57 121 2007 Digaria Dausa RHB 10 5 1625 1075 1397 1125 24.17 1403 272 50.10 121 2008 Singwara Dausa RHB 19 10 1650 1175 1401 1157 21.08 1399 244 49.96 121 2009 Bhojpura & Sikarai ICMH- 20 10 2450 2150 2307 2066 11.67 193 241 7.72 Peechupara 356 2010 Udala Dausa RHB 20 10 2225 1875 2075 1837 12.92 963 238 34.39 121 2011 Aluda & Dausa RHB 25 10 2500 1850 2114 1752 20.66 1048 362 37.42 Reta & 121 Sikarai 2012 Malwas Dausa RHB 10 5 1650 1400 1470 1295 13.51 1505 175 53.75 121 Total - -- 124 60 -------- Average - - - - - 1896 1496 1695 1450 17.53 1127 245 40.98 Demo.- Demonstration, Potential yield of ICMH 356=2500 kg/ha, Potential yield of RHB 121= 2800 kg/ha 104 Karnataka J.Agric.Sci.,28(1):2015 Table 2. Economics of pearl millet in different villages of Dausa district in Rajasthan Year Village Variety No. of Area Cost of Gross returns Increase Net returns Increase Additional Additional BC ratio Demo. (ha) cultivation (`/ha) in Gross (`/ha) in net cost returns (`/ha) returns returns (`/ha) (`/ha) (%) (%) Demo. Local Demo. Local Demo. Local Demo. Local 2006 Nadi Malwas ICMH 10 5 7629 7000 13956 12000 16.3 6327 5000 26.5 629 1956 1.82 1.71 -356 2007 Kota-patti RHB 10 5 6300 5800 10539 9077 16.1 4239 3277 29.3 500 1462 1.67 1.56 121 2007 Digaria RHB 10 5 6700 6000 11587 9593 20.8 4887 3593 36.0 700 1994 1.73 1.60 121 2008 Singwara RHB 19 10 7100 6500 12653 10512 20.4 5553 4012 38.4 600 2141 1.78 1.62 121 2009 Bhojpura & ICMH 20 10 7900 7630 34326 30973 10.8 26426 23343 13.2 270 3083 4.34 4.06 Peechupara -356 2010 Udala RHB 20 10 9142 8680 26660 23946 11.3 17518 15266 14.7 462 2714 2.92 2.76 121 2011 Aluda & Reta RHB 121 25 10 10524 9598 26766 22188 20.6 16242 12590 29.0 926 4578 2.54 2.31 2012 Malwas RHB 10 5 11803 10920 20740 18610 11.4 8937 7690 16.2 883 2130 1.75 1.70 121 Total - 124 60 ------------ Average --- 8387.3 7766 19653 17112 15.98 11266 9346 25.44 621.3 2507 2.32 2.17 Demo.- Demonstration 105 were foundtobe2500kg/hain201 (2011) (24.21%). and Sharma(2004)Jat the year2009.SimilarfindingswerealsoreportedbySharma lower extensiongapascomparedtotechnologyexceptin Singwara intheyear2008,respectivelywererecorded. village KotaPattiintheyear2007,Digaria2007 and yield of1050kg/hafollowedby1075and1175 at Peechupada in2009andUdala2010,respectively followed by2450kg/haand2225kg/ha,atvillagesBhojpura, by Meena to be40.98percent.Similartechnologyindexwerealsoreported Peechupada in2009.Theaveragetechnologyindexwasfound the year2007andlowest7.72percentatvillagesBhojpura, the highesttotuneof54.57percentatvillageKotaPattiin index morefeasibilityoftechnology technology onthefarmer Di= Demonstrationyieldofthecrop Where, Pi=Potentialyieldofthecrop extension gaps. yield gapwhichwasfurthercategorizedintotechnologyand the respectivevarietyandyearwerecomparedtoestimate (1993) andMeena ha. ThesefindingsareinlinewiththeofKaushik 121 intheyear2012.Theaverageextensiongapwas245kg/ year 2011andlowest(175)atvillageMalwasinvarietyRHB highest invarietyRHB121(362)atvillage technology tonarrowtheextensiongaps.Extensiongapwas scientist toeducatethefarmersinadoptionofimproved except intheyear2009.Thisemphasizedeffortmadeby demonstrations werelowerascomparedtotechnologygaps (2011). Peechupada intheyear2009. lowest (193kg/ha)wasinICMH356atvillageBhojpura, in caseofRHB121atvillageKotaPattitheyear2007and increasing theproductivityof thefarmcommunity Ganesh Chandra,2004;Jat several workers(Suryawansi andPrakash,1993;Sagar practices orcontrol(T indicated thatfrontlinedemonstrations werebetterthanfarmer Studies showedthataverageincreasewas17.53percentwhich at villageSingwaraintheyear2008withsamevariety in 2007withthevarietyofRHB121followedby21.08percent control ortraditionalpracticewas24.17percentatvillageDigaria 2009 withthevarietyICMH356.TheMaximumincreaseover tune of2307kg/haatvillageBhojpura,Peechupadainyear yield offrontlinedemonstrationwerefoundmaximumto the recorded byMeena bridge thegap.Highertechnologygap(647kg/ha)wasalso Hence, locationspecificrecommendationsarenecessaryto and weatherconditionespeciallyrainfallintensity 1127 kg/ha.Thismaybeduetothevariationsinsoilfertility The highestpearlmilletyieldoffrontlinedemonstration T Y The extensiongapsforalltheyearsinfrontline echnology indexshowsthefeasibilityofevaluated ield offrontlinedemonstrationtrialsandpotentialyield et al . (2012)(26.98%)andKatareSubhash T echnology gaps(1528kg/ha)wasthehighest et al et al able 1).Similarresultswerereported by . (2012). ’ s fields.Lowerthevalueoftechnology . (2012)andKatareSubhash et al et al . (2013). ., 2013;Meena A All demonstrationsrecorded verage technologygapwas 1 at . T echnology indexwas Aluda, Retavillage Aluda, Retainthe etal , interval,etc. ., 2012)for . Lowest A verage et al et al ’s . Yield gap analysis of pearl millet ............................. Economics of various frontline demonstrations on pearl Among all frontline demonstrations the highest BC ratio millet in different years is indicated in Table 2. The highest was found in village Bhojpra (4.34). Peechupada in the year increase in gross returns were found to be 20.80 per cent at 2009 with the variety ICMH 356 followed by 2.92 and 2.54 at village Digaria in theyear 2007 with variety of RHB 121 followed village Udala in year 2010 with the variety RHB 121 and village by 20.60 per cent and 20.4 per cent at village Aluda, Reta in the Aluda,
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