horizons foundation QGiving Guide History doesn’t happen by chance – give to your LGBT community today! Unprecedented gains towards marriage equality –16 states and counting. Advancing towards federal non-discrimination protections. Transgender rights. LGBT rights around the world. If you’ve said to yourself even once these last few years, “I never thought it would happen in my lifetime,” it’s time now to say thanks. Good things happen –and people get the real help they need – largely because of the amazing hard work of nonprofit organizations and volunteers.But hard work alone isn’t enough. Volunteers alone are rarely enough. Nonprofits also need money. It’s the generosity of donors – individuals, couples, families – that fuels our movement and makes sure that everyone in our community can lead a safe, healthy, and dignified life. This year, celebrate all our hard-won gains by making year-end gifts to support LGBT organizations. Your contributions, large and small, to whatever organizations, causes, or campaigns you’re most passionate about make a world of difference. About the QGiving Guide Horizons Foundation’s research shows that less than five percent of LGBT people in the Bay Area give to LGBT causes – many of us say that we simply don’t know what nonprofits we can give to. The QGiving Guide is designed to help you learn more about the LGBT organizations doing important work here in the Bay Area – and to Give today encourage you to give. All organizations have very brief descriptions; you can find out more on their websites. We have arranged the to Bay Area LGBT organizations making a organizations by general categories, though some groups could easily fit under more than one area. From civil rights to music, social difference in our community. For convenient activities to violence prevention, there’s a community organization that links to all of the nonprofits listed in this Guide, needs your help – and LGBT people who depend on its work. visit www.horizonsfoundation.org/give Horizons Foundation’s QGiving Guide is not affiliated with Qgiv, Inc. horizons foundation QGiving LGBT Aging Issues Network www.asaging.org/lain Programs to improve the quality of life Oakland East Bay Gay Men’s Chorus for LGBT elders www.oebgmc.org Men’s singing group Marriage Equality USA www.marriageequality.org Out in the Bay Advocacy for the freedom to marry for Arts & www.outinthebay.com same-sex couples Weekly half-hour radio show Culture Awareness National AIDS Memorial Grove Community OutLook Theater Project www.aidsmemorial.org AIRspace www.outlooktheaterproject.org A living tribute to all lives touched by AIDS Ensemble-based performances of original & Civil Building [email protected] material National Center for Lesbian Rights 12-week residency program for Bay Asian and Pacific Islander (NCLR) Area queer performance artists. Rights Family Pride Purple Moon Dance Project www.nclrights.org www.apifamilypride.org Alternative Theater Ensemble www.purplemoondance.org Advocates for Informed Choice Legal and education work to promote Dance programs for lesbians and women Support and education for API families www.altertheater.org www.aiclegal.org LGBT rights of color with LGBT members Collaborative ensemble-based Legal advocacy for children with Oakland Pride performances intersex conditions/DSD Asian Pacific Islander Queer Pye/Harris Legacy Project www.oaklandpride.org/site Women and Transgender Bring Your Own Queer www.pyeharrisproject.org ACLU Foundation – Annual LGBT pride celebration and festival Documentaries with LGBT youth Community www.byoq.org LGBT Project interviewing LGBT elders about coming out www.apiqwtc.org Free daytime music, art & performance www.aclunc.org/issues/lgbt ORAM International – Organization Network of transgender and queer festival showcasing local queer artists Advocacy for LGBT civil rights for Refuge, Asylum & Migration women’s groups Queer Arts Resource www.oraminternational.org www.queer-arts.org Center for Sex and Culture Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Advocacy on behalf of LGBTI refugees Online forum for queer visual arts Bay Area American Indian www.sexandculture.org Freedom (BALIF) fleeing persecution Two-Spirits Sex-positive sexuality education www.balif.org Queer Cultural Center (QCC) www.baaits.org and support The largest and oldest bar association Our Family Coalition www.queerculturalcenter.org Culturally relevant activities for Native for LGBT people www.ourfamily.org A presenting organization for queer arts American/First Nation Two Spirit people Cheer for Life Education and advocacy for families Foundation/CheerSF Community United Against with LGBT members Queer Rebel Productions Bay Area Bisexual Network www.cheersf.org Violence (CUAV) www.queerrebels.com [email protected] Philanthropic LGBT cheerleading www.cuav.org Out and Equal Workplace Multidisciplinary work by intergenerational Activities that promote understanding performance organization LGBTQQ violence prevention and Advocates LGBT artists of color of bisexual lives response www.outandequal.org Deaf Lesbian Festival Programs and services to promote Queer Women of Color Media The Billys www.deaflesbianfestival.org Equality California workplace equality Arts Project www.thebillys.org Bi-annual gathering for deaf lesbians www.eqca.org www.qwocmap.org Gatherings to build community among Education and advocacy for LGBT OutLoud Radio Films/videos telling the stories of queer gay/bisexual/queer men Fabled ASP equality and civil rights www.outloudradio.org women of color Radio broadcasting and production www.fabledasp.com Brown Boi Project History of Bay Area disabled lesbians FTM International by LGBTQQ youth Radar Productions www.brownboiproject.org through storytelling www.ftmi.org www.radarproductions.org Masculine-of-center womyn, men, Support and information for female-to- Pride at Work, San Francisco Programs for cutting-edge queer and two-spirit people, transmen, and allies Frameline male transsexuals Chapter other writers working for racial and gender justice www.frameline.org www.sfprideatwork.org Funding, distribution, and a festival Gay and Lesbian Alliance Mutual support between organized Rainbow Women’s Chorus Castro Country Club for LGBT film Against Defamation (GLAAD), labor and the LGBT community www.rainbowwomen.org www.castrocountryclub.org San Francisco/Bay Area Women’s singing group A clean and sober gathering place for Fresh Meat Productions www.glaad.org San Francisco Dyke March the queer recovery community www.freshmeatproductions.org www.sfdykemarch.org San Francisco Transgender Accurate and inclusive LGBT Artistic programs reflecting the representation in the media The world’s largest annual grassroots Film Festival Children of Lesbians and Gays transgender experience dyke event www.sftff.org Everywhere (COLAGE) Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Films featuring transgender themes www.colage.org GLBT Historical Society www.gapa.org San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade Programs to connect children of www.glbthistory.org Advocacy on issues affecting gay/ www.sfpride.org Sinister Wisdom LGBT families Archive of LGBT history bisexual API men The annual pride parade in San Francisco www.sinisterwisdom.org Multicultural lesbian literary journal Colectivo Acción Latina de Golden Gate Men’s Chorus Gay-Straight Alliance Network San Francisco Trans March Ambiente (ALA) www.ggmc.org www.gsanetwork.org www.transmarch.org Sins Invalid www.facebook.com/Colectivo.ALA/info Men’s singing group Support for GSAs in schools Annual march for transgender visibility Community building for non-hetero www.sinsinvalid.org and civil rights Performances by artists with disabilities conforming Latinas/os Golden Gate Performing Arts/The Groundspark San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus www.groundspark.org Somos Familia Tenth Muse Maven www.sfgmc.org Films and education campaigns to www.somosfamiliabay.org www.tenthmuse.us www.mymaven.org Men’s singing group inspire social change Support and acceptance for Latina/o Interactive virtual community for Original operas exploring queer themes LGBTQ youth and their families LGBTQA youth to network, organize Lesbian/Gay Chorus of Hormel Center/Friends of the Theatre Rhinoceros and educate for social change San Francisco San Francisco Public Library TGI Justice Project www.therhino.org www.lgcsf.org www.sfpl.org www.tgijp.org Development and production of NIA Collective Mixed singing group for LGBT people Collection documenting LGBT Programs to end the abuse of transgender, queer theater www.niacollective.org history/culture gender variant, and intersex prisoners Support and activities for lesbians of Mangos with Chili African descent www.myspace.com/mangoswithchili Impact Stories Transgender Law Center www.transgenderlawcenter.org Showcase for queer and transgender www.impactstories.org Old Lesbians Organizing for artists of color Legal services and advocacy on Oral history/video project of the Change (OLOC) California LGBT movement 1966–1981 transgender issues [email protected] New Conservatory Theater A safe, supportive network for www.nctcsf.org old lesbians Theater promoting personal and societal change While Horizons Foundation has cast as wide a net as possible in creating this guide, our list may not be exhaustive – please let us know of any Bay Area LGBT nonprofits not mentioned! Please note that in an effort to concentrate on organizations with a strong LGBT focus, we have not included some wonderful groups that serve LGBT people as part of their general programs (for example, some
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