Hawaiiana in 2005 A Bibliography of Titles of Historical Interest Compiled by Joan Hori, Jodie Mattos, and Dore Minatodani, assisted by Lisa Tanikawa andjoni Watanabe Activities and Settlement in an Upper Valley: Data Recovery and Monitoring Archae- ology in North Hdlawa Valley, O'ahu. Edited by Leslie L. Hartzell, et al. Honolulu: Department of Anthropology, Bishop Museum, 2004. 4 vol. + 1 laser disk. Anderson, Charles Robert. Day of Lightning, Years of Scorn: Walter C. Short and the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2005. 240 p. Asa to, Noriko. Teaching Mikadoism: The Attack on Japanese Language Schools in Hawaii, California, and Washington, 1919—1927. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2006. 193 p. Berry, Paul. All Men Are Brothers: The Life & Times of Francis Williams Damon. Honolulu: Cyril Press, 2005. 127 p. Cachola,Jean Iwata. 'O Kamehameha III: Kauikeaouli. Honolulu: Kamehameha Schools Press, 2004. 134 p. Hawaiian language edition of Kamehameha III: Kauikeaouli. Translated by Ipo Wong. Chase, Lance. Temple, Town, Tradition: The Collected Historical Essays of Lance D. Chase. Laie, Hawaii: Institute for Polynesian Studies, 2000. 225 p. His- tory of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Hawai'i. At Hamilton Library, University of Hawai'i at Manoa,foan Hori is curator of the Hawai- ian Collection; Jodie Mattos is a librarian in the Business, Humanities, and Social Science Department; Dore Minatodani is a librarian with the Hawaiian Collection; Lisa Tanikawa is a student in the College of Arts and Sciences; andjoni Watanabe is a student in the Col- lege of Business Administration. The Hawaiian Journal of History, vol. 40 (2006) 221 222 THE HAWAIIAN JOURNAL OF HISTORY Culliney, John L. Islands in a Far Sea: The Fate of Nature in Hawai'i. Rev. ed. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2006. 442 p. Dutton, Clarence Edward. Hawaiian Volcanoes. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2005. 235 p. Emerson, Nathaniel B. Pele and Hiiaka: A Myth from Hawaii. Rev. ed. Hilo, HI: Edith Kanaka'ole Foundation, 2005. 266 p. Filipinos in Hawaii: 100 Years & Beyond: Souvenir Program. Honolulu: Filipino Centennial Celebration Commission, 2005. 114 p. Fitzgerald, Stephanie. Pearl Harbor: Day of Infamy. Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books, 2005. 96 p. (Snapshots in History series). Juvenile history. Gannon, Michael. Pearl Harbor Betrayed: The True Story of a Man and a Nation Under Attack. New York: Henry Holt, 2001. 339 p. Goodell, Lela. Index to The Hawaiian Journal of History Volumes 1—35 1967— 2001. Edited by Agnes C. Conrad. Honolulu: Hawaiian Historical Society, 2004. 223 p. Greevy, Ed. Ku'e: Thirty Years of Land Struggles in Hawai'i. Text by Haunani- Kay Trask. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 2004. 170 p. Greipsland, TorbJ0rn. Aloha from Forgotten Norwegians in Hawaii: From Life in Slavery to Life in a Vacation Paradise. Askim, Norway: Emigrantforlaget, 2004. 64 p. Condensed English version of: Aloha fra glemte nordmenn pa Hawaii: fra slaveliv til ferieparadis. Translated by Kristin Leigh Greipsland. Hackler, Rhoda E.A. and Loretta G.H. Woodard. The Queen's Quilt. Hono- lulu: Friends of Tolani Palace, 2004. 28 p. Hall, Sandra Kimberley. Duke: A Great Hawaiian. Honolulu: Bess Press, 2004. 119 p. Hawaiian Civil Code 1884. Honolulu: Pae 'Aina Productions, 2005. 783 p. Facsimile reprint. Hawaiian Language References. Honolulu: Hawaiian Historical Society, 2005. 1 vol. Bibliography of materials assembled for Hawaiian Historical Soci- ety Conference 'Olelo Makuahine: New Hawaiian Language Based Resources," including reprint of The Hawaiian Newspapers by Esther Moo- kini. HAWAIIANA IN 2OO5 223 Horn, Steve. The Second Attack on Pearl Harbor: Operation K and Other Japanese Attempts to Bomb America in World War II. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 2005. 360 p. Houston, James, with Eddie Kamae. Hawaiian Son: The Life and Music of Eddie Kamae. Honolulu: 'Ai Pohaku Press, 2004. 277 p. Ka Huaka'i: 2005 Native Hawaiian Educational Assessment. Honolulu: Policy Analysis & System Evaluation (PASE), Kamehameha Schools; Pauahi Pub- lications, 2005. 453 p. "Synopsis of Hawaiian history, population, and education." Islands in Captivity: The Record of the International Tribunal on the Rights of Indige- nous Hawaiians. Compiled and edited by Ward Churchill and Sharon H. Venne. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2004. 827 p. Jensen, Lucia Tarallo and Natalie Mahina Jensen. Nd Kaikamahine '0 Haumea: Daughters of Haumea: Women of Ancient Hawai'i. San Francisco: Pueo Press; Hawai'i: Anima Gemella, 2005. 193 p. King, Samuel P. and Randall W. Roth. Broken Trust: Greed, Mismanagement, & Political Manipulation at America's Largest Charitable Trust. Honolulu: Uni- versity of Hawai'i Press, 2006. 335 p. On Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Trust. Krauss, Bob. The Indestructible Square-Rigger Falls of Clyde: J24 Voyages Under Sail. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 2004. 158 p. Ku 'e Petitions: Hawaiian Nationals Reaffirm Independence. Compiled and edited by Lydia Aholo, Noenoe K. Silva, and Nalani Minton. Honolulu: Pae 'Aina Productions, 2005. 4 vol. Kupihea, Moke. Seven Dawns of the Aumakua: The Ancestral Spirit Tradition of Hawaii. Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 2004. 266 p. Lawlor, Laurie. Magnificent Voyage: An American Adventurer on Captain James Cook's Final Expedition. New York: Holiday House, 2002. 250 p. Juvenile history. Leidemann, Helen, John E. Dockall, Heidi A. Lennstrom, and Susan A. Lebo. Continuity and Change in Upland Kdne'ohe Agriculture: Data Recovery and Mon- itoring Investigations at Site 50-80-10-1887, Luluku Hi, O'ahu. Honolulu: 224 THE HAWAIIAN JOURNAL OF HISTORY Dept of Hawaiian and Pacific Studies, Bishop Museum, 2004. 357 p +1 CD-ROM. Lowe, Ruby Hasegawa. '0 Kamehameha IV: Alexander Liholiho. Honolulu: Kamehameha Schools Press, 2004. 128 p. Hawaiian language edition of Kamehameha TV: Alexander Liholiho. Translated by Laiana Wong. Lummis, Trevor. Pacific Paradises: The Discovery of Tahiti and Hawaii. Stoud, UK: Sutton Publishing, 2005. 212 p. McBride, Likeke R. Petroglyphs of Hawai'i. 2nd rev. ed. Hilo, HI: Petroglyph Press, 2004. 64 p. Meier, Ursula. Hawai 'i 's Pioneer Botanist: Dr. William Hillebrand, His Life & Let- ters. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 2005. 143 p. Moffat, Riley M. and Gary L. Fitzpatrick. Mapping the Lands and Waters of Hawai'i: The Hawaiian Government Survey. Honolulu: Editions Limited, 2004. 120 p. (Palapala'aina, vol. 3) Ka Mooolelo Hawaii=The History of Hawai'i. Honolulu: Hawaiian Historical Society, 2005. 143 p. Facsimile reprint, first published in 1838, with new forward and introduction. Namakaokeahi, Benjamin K. The History of Kanalu Mo'oku'auhau 'Elua: A Gene- alogical History of the Priesthood of Kanalu. Honolulu: First Peoples Produc- tions, 2004. 371 p. "Transcribed by Benjamin K. Namakaokeahi and trans- lated by Malcolm Nanea Chun from the pages of Ka Nupepa Ku'oko'a, 1900-1901." O'ahu Exploits of Kamapua'a, the Hawaiian Pig God: An Annotated Translation of a Hawaiian Epic from Ka Leo O Ka Lahui July 23, 1891—August 26, 1891. Edited and translated by Collette Leimomi Akana. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 2004. 173 p. Pearl Harbor and the American Spirit: The World War Two Generation Remembers the Tragic Event That Transformed a Nation. Edited by Larry McCabe. United States: Xlibris, 2004. 604 p. Pearl Harbor Extra: A Newspaper Account of the United States' Entry into World War II from the Eric C. Caren Collection. Edison, NJ: Castle Books, 2001. 95 p. HAWAIIANA IN 2OO5 225 The Perfect Day: 40 Years of Surfer Magazine. Edited by Sam George. San Fran- cisco: Chronicle Books, 2001. 167 p. Rath, J. Arthur. Lost Generations: A Boy, a School, a Princess. Honolulu: Univer- sity of Hawai'i Press, 2006. 376 p. About Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate. Reynolds, Clark G. On the Warpath in the Pacific: Admiral Jocko Clark and the Fast Carriers. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2005. 550 p. + 1 CD ROM. Richardson, K.D. Reflections of Pearl Harbor: An Oral History of December 7, 1941. Westport, CN: Praeger, 2005. 188 p. Schiffer, Nancy. Hawaiian Shirts: Dress Right for Paradise. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 2005. 207 p. Schwartz, Eric. Crossing the Seas: Americans Form an Empire (1890—1899). Phila- delphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2005. 91 p. Juvenile history, includes Hawai'i Schweizer, Niklaus R. Turning Tide: The Ebb and Flow of Hawaiian Nationality. 3rd ed. Bern, New York: Peter Lang, 2005. 556 p. Seiden, Allan. Pearl Harbor: Images of an American Memorial. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 2005. 48 p. Skinner, Tina, Mary L. Martin, and Nathaniel Wolfgang-Price. Hawaii Remem- bered: Postcards from Paradise. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 2005. 224 p. Soehren, Lloyd J. Catalog of Hawai'i Place Names: Compiled from the Records of the Boundary Commission and The Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Honokaa, HI: LJ. Soehren, 2005. 4 parts + 1 CD ROM. Part 1 Puna & Hilo, part 2 Hamakua and Kohala, part 3 Kona, part 4 Ka'u. Sogi, Francis Yoshito. Riding the Kona Wind: Memoirs of a Japanese American. New York: Cheshire Press, 2004. 317 p. Spoehr, Hardy. 'Upoho Uka Nui 'O Kekokia (Scotland's Great Highland Bagpipe), The Story of Bagpipes, Bagpipers, and Bagpipe Bands in Hawai'i with Accounts of KingKalakaua's Visit to Scotland. Honolulu: Ki'ilea Pub. Co., 2004. 345 p. 2 26 THE HAWAIIAN JOURNAL OF HISTORY Stannard, David E. Honor Killing: How the Infamous "Massie Affair" Transformed Hawai'i. New York: Viking, 2005. 475 p. Stone, Scott C.S. The Royal Hawaiian Band: Its Legacy. Waipahu, HI: Island Heritage, 2004. 128 p. + 1 sound disc. Tanaka, Gi'ichi. The Crucible of Trials and Tribulations: Memories of a Meiji Mis- sionary. Edited by Bettina Mei Urata, translated by Takako Dickinson. Ana- heim, CA: Creative Continuum, 2005. 275 p. Diary of Christian mission- ary, Reverend Gi'ichi Tanaka, includes his life in Hawai'i. Tayman, John. The Colony: The Harrowing True Story of the Exiles ofMolokai.
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