20090514-0121 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/11/2009 FILED ORIGINALSECRETARY OF THE COMMISSIO~I ...A ReRional Tourism District Promoting ColumMa, Lexington, Newberry. Richland and Saluda Z;OtMAY II P 2:23 ff~y l of South Carolin~ FEDERAL ENERGY ,2009 REGULATORYCOHHISSIO!I Ms. KlmbertyD. Bose, Secretary NathanielJ, Davis, Dr., Deputy SecretaW Federal EnergyRegulatory Commission 888 Rrst Street, N.~ Room 1A Washington, DC 20426 On behalf of Caplt~l City/lake Murray Count~/RegionalTourism Board (CCLHC), we would like the records to reflect the following position concerningt~e FERCndk:ens~ng to ~ for management of Lake Murray. The membersof our o~janizal~ representthe hOSl~llty Industry, lake re,ted businessesand area reskle~. Our organizationhas attended various meetings¢occemlng the re-licensingprocess and would like the records to indicate t~ following: I. SC DeparbT~nt of Natural Resources (SCDNR) continues m remain unwilling to compromise with the Lake Murray community on the issue of the amount of water to be released to the dyers dudng drought sttlJatJons. SCDNRis dema~lng high releasesof water to be guaran~d during the spring ~o ~ downstream rivers to Improve t~ spawning of ~ striped bass in t~e Congareeand SaludaRJve~ regardlessof a drought situation. 2. The~com~hasJo~nedlnagreementtos/owdown ~dudnga drough~ Itisthe bigger bhat determines when the slow down of watt" releasesbegin. CCLHC is supporting a "I-foot trigged"allowing bo~ the river and the ~ to "s~re the pain" during a drought. 3. CCLI~ has seen first hand how low lake levels hurt our region's economy. Many area businesses make their riving from t~e lake; boat dealers, fishing guides, madnas, landing, tour boats, etc., as weJI as vacat~ home rentals, state park, and vising families. CCLHC promol~ t~ lake region b~roughoutthe year all over the United St~tes offering special events Itmt d~w thousands ir¢o our communities providing vital economic Impact to this region. Please help us preserve the use of Lake Murray and please give this position serious consldmaUon during your rellcensingprocess of Lake Murray. sncen , Miriam S. Abta Preddent/CEO o:: ~ofleU~rfo~rarded -Seeatmd~pages Capital City Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Board Post Office Box 1783 • Irmo, South Carolina 29063 • (803) 781-5940 • 1-866-SCJEWEL • FAX (803) 781-619~ Visitors Center & Offices located in Lorick Plantation House: 2184 North Lake Drive www.scjcwd.com ~0090514-0121 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/11/2009 Honorable Joe W'dson Kenneth J. Tallman House of Representatives 200 Bcthvicw Dr. Washington, DC 20515 Irmo, SC 29063-8915 Honorable Jim DeMint Deborah K. Humphries House of Represontatives 123 Captain ~ Rd. Washington, DC 20515 Chapin, SC 29036-8581 Honorable John M. Spratt, Jr. Samuel T. Delaney House of Representatives 946 Sandbar Rd. Washington, DC 20515 Chapin, SC 29036-9490 Honorable James E. Clybum Kenneth Fox House of Represantatives 355 Prices Bridge Road Washington, DC 20515 Loesville, SC 29070 Honorable J. Gresham Barrett Eric Hartley House of Representatives 120 Mud Pie Drive Washington, DC 20515 Leesville, SC 29070 Honorable Henry E. Brown Sherrill Asbill House of Representatives 732 Jtmiper Springs Road Washington, DC 20515 Gilbert, SC 29054 James M. Landreth Frank Taylor, Jr. Vice President 124 Frieda Road South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Lexington, SC 29073 111 Research Dr. Columbia, SC 29203 Richard Ratcliffe 136 Mud Pie Drive George S. King Leesville, SC 29070 1413 Palmer Rd. Columbia, SC 29205 Douglas Shackelford 149 East Drake Road W'flliam E. Yaon Gilbert, SC 29054 115 Captain Lowman Rd. Chapin, SC 29036-8581 Jeffrey Shealy 137 E. Drake Rd. Alva O. Humphries Gilbert, SC 29054 123 Captain Lowman Rd. Chapin, SC 29036-8581 Louis Browder 91 Canvasback Rd Gilbert, SC 29054 ~0090514-0121 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/11/2009 Kenneth Bell President Parkin Hunter l,ake Murray Watch Columbia Audubon Society 89 Newberry Shores Drive 161 Preserve Lane Prosperity, SC 29127 Columbia, SC 29209 Richard Roos-Collins Robin Carter Director, l,egal Services President Natural Heritage Institute Columbia Audubon Society 100 Pine Street, Suite 1550 4165 E. Buchanan Dr. San Francisco, CA 94111 Columbia, SC 29206-2846 Julie Gantenbein Federal Energy Regulator3,' Commission Staff Attorney Regional Engineer Natural I leritage Institute Atlanta Regional Office 100 Pine Street, Suite 1550 3700 Crestwood Parkway, Suite 950 San Francisco, CA 94111 Duluth, Georgia 30096 Kevin Richard Colburn Georgia Public Service Commission National Stewardship Director 244 Washington St. SW American Whitewater Atlanta, GA 30334-9007 1035 Van Buren St. Missoula, MT 59802 Eng. Staff Southern Region Georgia Regional Forester Elin Bowers 3100 Hascall Rd, NW 131 Captain Lowman Rd. Atlanta, GA 30309 Chapin, SC 29036-8581 Charles G. Ditmcr l,isa Cain-Borden President 116 Ridcoutte Point Rd. Hallow Creek tlomeowners Irmo, SC 29063-9189 Association 108 Robbie Rd. Frances Francis Lexington, SC 29073-7814 Spiegel & McDiarmid LLP 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Second Floor Alfred J. Hendron. Jr. Washington, DC 20036 Engineer PO Box 125 Kenneth E. Gaines Savoy, IL 61874-0125 City Attorney City of Columbia, South Carolina P.O. Box 667 Columbia, SC 29202-0667 ~0090514-0121 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/11/2009 Lake Murray News Sam Turner P.O. Box 175 143 East Drake Road Irmo, SC 29063-0175 Gilbert, SC 29054 Mary T. Kelly Brenda Parsons League of Women Voters - Columbia Lakefront Landowner 4018 Sandwood Dr. 1404 Old Chapin Rd. Columbia, SC 29206-2222 Lexington, SC 29072 James L. I,eslie, Jr Carlisle Harmon P.O. Box 327 1107 Rish Drive lrmo, SC 29063-0327 l,eesville, SC 29070 Murray Point Homeowners IRMO News 111 Murray Point Ln. P.O. Box 175 Chapin, SC 29036-7842 lrmo, SC 29063-0175 E.V.E Joy ESQ Edgar S. Kneece Managing Attorney 455 Saint Andrews Rd # D-3A National Marine Fisheries Service Columbia, SC 29210-4424 263 13th Ave. South, Suite 177 St. Petersburg. Fir 33701 Robert E. Keener President Prescott Brownell l,ake Murray Assn. Regional FERC Coordinator 151 Heron l,n. National Marine Fisheries Service Gilbert, SC 29054-9749 219 Fort Johnson Road Charlcston, SC 29412 Joy l,. Downs Exccutive Director Lake Murray Assn., Inc County of Newberry P.O. Box 444 P.O. Box 156 Ballentine, SC 29002 Ncwberry, SC 29108-0156 David Kinard l,awrence Michael President Saluda Shores Property Owners Lake Murray Assn., lnc Association PO Box 495 179 Atlas Drive Ballentine, SC 29002-0495 Leesville, SC 29070 Sandy Fox 355 Prices Bridge Road Leesville, SC 29070 ~0090514-0121 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/11/2009 Malcolm W. Leaphart, JR SC Council Trout Unlimited B. J. Willoughby 115 Conrad Circle General Counsel Columbia, SC 29212 South Carolina Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Tom and Cheryl Shofner 1205 Pendleton St. 127 Captain l.owman Rd Columbia, SC 29201-3731 Chapin, SC 29036-8581 Randolph Reed Mahan Gerrit J. Jobsis, III Director SC Coastal Conservation League South Carolina Electric & Gas Company 2231 Devine St, Ste 100 1426 Main Street Columbia, SC 29205-2419 Columbia, SC 29101 Frank James Cumberland, Jr. Tommy Boozer Program Manager Management SC Coastal Conservation i,eague South Carolina Electric & Gas Company 2231 Devine St, Suite 202 P.O. Box 764 Columbia, SC 29205 Columbia, SC 29218-0001 Bernard Epps Beth W. Frump Program Manager Coordinator South Carolina Department of South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Health and Environmental Control P.O. Box 764 2600 Bull St. Columbia, SC 29202-0764 Columbia, SC 29201 South Carolina I)ept of Natural J. I lagocfl I lamilton Resources Senior Counscl 1.egal l)ep',mment SCANA Corporation P.O. Box 167 1426 Main Street Columbia, SC 29202-0167 Columbia, SC 29218 Mr. Chad Prosser, Director South Carolina Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Tourism 1205 Pendleton St. Columbia, SC 29201-3731 Angela M. Viney Executive Director South Carolina Wildlife Federation ~0090514-0121 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/11/2009 2711 Middleburg Drive Ecological Services Suite 104 1875 Century Blvd NE, Ste 200 Columbia, SC 29204 Atlanta, GA 30345-3319 South Dakota Public Utilities John II. tlarrington Commission U.S. Department of Interior Capitol Building Office of the Solicitor 500 E. Capitol Ave. 75 Spring St. SW, Ste 304 Pierre, SI) 57501-5070 Atlanta, GA 30303-331 I George Staples Horace G. Clark 119 Captain l,owman Rd Regional Solicitor Chapin, SC 29036-8581 U.S. Department of Interior 75 Spring St. SW, Ste 304 Buford Mabry Atlanta, GA 30303-3311 State of South Carolina ()ffice of Attorney General P.O. Box 167 Susan Ciclinski Columbia, SC 29202-0167 Regional t lydropower Coordination IJ.S. Department of Interior Larry Craft Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 1 President 1875 Century Blvd., Suite 200 Trout Unlimited, Saluda River Chapter Atlanta, GA 30345 1524 Alpine Drive West Columbia. SC 29169-6006 Gregory Hogue Regional I-nvironmental Officer U.S. Bureau of Land Management U.S. Department of Interior Field Manager 75 Spring St. SW, Room 1144 626 E. Wisconsin Ave, Stc 200 Atlanta, GA 30303 Milwaukee, WI 53202-4618 Kevin Tanaka Gregory 110gue U.S. Department of Interior Regional Environmental Officer 1849 C Street NW, MS 6210 U.S. Department of Interior Washington, DC 20240-0001 75 Spring St., SW, Room 1144 Atlanta, GA 30303 Cynthia Bohn U.S. Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Patricia Woods ~0090514-0121 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/11/2009 U.S. Department of Interior Office of the Solicitor 530 S. Gay St. Knoxville, "IN 37902-1505 Sam D. Hamilton Regional Director U.S. Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service 1875 Century Blvd NE Atlanta, GA 30345-3319 Amanda K. Hill Fisheries Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 176 Croghan Spur Road, Suite 200 Charleston, SC 29407 Director U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 176 Crnghan Spur Road. Suite 200 Charleston, SC 29407 Jeffrey Duncan Regional Rivers Program Managcr U.S.
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