VOLUME IX. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., NOVEMBER 16,1879. NUMBER 38. THE CAPITAL, presented on paper a force not far short of two hun- adoptsd and carried out never so ably. For example, LATEST BY TELEGKAPH. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. dred and forty thousand men. But the experience of I do not Itra^lne that, after the national mllitli sys" SHREVEPORT, LA., November 15.—A dispatoh from PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY the war of 1812-'15 demonstrated that whatever this tem bad been In operation for eight or ten years, each Nachltoches says Eugene Rains, a young brother of [By National Associated Press.] force might be on paper it was nil In the field. In the congressional district could turn out a Irattallon of 700 George Rains, late State senator of New York, com- "THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, FOREIGN ITEMS. mitted suicide there to-day. meantime a small but efficient Regular Army had mea capable of coping with the seasoned Regulars of 937 D street, Washington, D. C. End of tbe Guillotine. CINCINNATI, November 15 —J. M. Jordan, a leading grown up, In spite of popular repugnance to it as an Great Britain man for man. But I do believe we PARIS, NOV. 10.—President Grevy HAS commuted lawyer of this city, was to-day knocked down and DONN PIATT, ..'"..... EDITOR. institution, and simply because of exigencies which should have a body of men drilled In all the rudi. the penalty of five murderers under sentence oî death badly used up in the court-house by E. M. Tutwiler, a witness whom he had irritated in a cross-examina- left no choice to those who were charged with the de_ mentary routine of taotics, and trained in the primary to hard labor for life. Among the recipients of presi- dential mercy are the two juvenile assassins, Gilleand tion. ERMS: Per year, (including postage,) six fense ol the country. The war of 1812 set at rest the teachings of discipline, and thereby ready for Instant T $2.50; Abodle, leaders of a notorious gang of youths, whose JERSEYVILLE, 111., November 15.—As a freight months, $1.50 ; three months, 75 cents—ip advance. disputes about a Begular Army as an institution. The consolidation Into mobile masses fit for the uses of misdeeds created so much excitement some months train going south was crossing Macon Pia oreek, near ago. 'Singlecopies, 5 cents. < necessity of a permanent military establishment was strategy. This of itself would be a vast deal gained. this city, the bridge gave way, precipitating ten cars M. Humbert has published a long letter to the Min- into the bed of the creek, and a man named McKen- CLUBS: Ten copies to one address, #80 In advance, conceded, and thenceforward the only question in tbe In fact it would amount to having passed the orucial ister of tbe Inferior, giving particulars of the punish- ney, of Alton, was killed, and Maloy and Cullon, with one copy free. Twenty copies tooiie address, 935 premises was destined to be that of strength. But the period in the formation of an armed force for actual ment to which political prisoners at the bagnio of Nou- engineer and fireman, were seriously scalded. mea are subjected. He alleges that some of them are in advance, with one copy free. need of a Regular Force to serve as a frontier police, service. We should at least know where our men tortured by thumb-screws, which are tightened until BALTIMORE, MD., NOV. 15.—William Harry Worth- or as a school of discipline in time of peace and as a were, the officers would have had some opportunity to the thumbs dropoff; others are bastinadoed with such ington, aged 35, bookkeeper in the grain house of nucleus for expanded organization in time of war, was get acquainted with their troops and with each other, severity as to be incapacitated for manual labor. Goldsborough & Johnson, South and German streets, REVIEW OF THE WEEK. Another punishment in vogue is to hang tip a man by while Insane from typhoid fever, jumped from the conclusively demonstrated by the experience of our and a certain amount of esprit du corps would have his feet and iiog him while in that position. These fourth-story window of the Mansion House to the side- walk of St. Paul street, dashing out his brains. BY A. C. BUELL. second conflict with Great Britain. This event can been created. For the rest, that is to say, steadiness tortures are so revolting that it is hard to believe in hardly be regarded as marking the era of a new mili- under the shock of actual battle, we should have to their reality; but M. HuraOer positively affirms that NORTHEASTHAM, MASS., November 15—4 p. m.—The he was eye witness of their infliction, and gave the It Is, of course, not within the province of any execu- tary system, except in so far as the creation of a small acquire that as It has to be acquired by all troops, names of some of the victims. new French oable is buoyed ten miles out from shore, and the Faraday has gone back after it. All arrange- tive officer ot the Government to ampliiy in specific volunteer force, and with it the Inception ot that scheme Kegular, Volunteer or what not, under fire. We cer- Efforts for Belief in Ireland. ments have been completed for land connection. ' detail the features and minutiae of any plan or scheme of national defense, may be so*consldered. The old tainly should not have our militia dispersing to their DUBLIN, November 15.—The announcement of the NEW YORK, November 15.—Leading coal companies which he may recommend to Congress as a subject of State Militia system did not die with the demonstra- homes as soon as the enemy came in sight, as in Intention of the Viceroy to expend a considerable sum will make an advance of twenty-five cents per ton on legislation. Such amplification would be contrary to tion of its worthlessness in 1812-15. It maintained an Greene's Revolutionary campaign in the Carolinas, or of money on public works, in order to relieve existing coal on Monday. custom, violative of official courtesy and in a sense existence long alter that war, apparently as little in reiuslng to cross the frontier, like Van Kensselaer's distress In certain portions of Ireland, meets with gen- MEMPHIS, November 15.—Reports come in continu- eral approval. Representations have been made to ally that yellow fever has broken out in the eity, but usurpatory. At all events, an executive officer who, jured in the public estimation by its failures to perform men in buokram at Queenstown in 1812. We should the Viceroy respecting the advisability ot the imme- there is no foundation for them, as there has been but alter recommending any legislation In the Customary service as it had been by the enemy's fire for the same not have such a shapeless mob as McClellan found diate undertaking of extensive public works. It has two new cases in the last ten days, and no alarm been pointed out to him that tbe great extent of waste manner, should proceed to point out how the matter reason. oowering under the banks of the Potomac in 1861. whatever is felt. The names of the cases are: Frank land now altogether unproductive might be reclaimed, Cornell and Sadie Willis, both white. The former of the bill itself should be framed, would undoubtedly The Mexican war, following at an Interval of about and made tertile and valuable, and that the general took it from visiting an old case, that has since died, health of the populace would be greatly improved by be held guilty ol a breach of privilege, and his recom- thirty five years, did not mark an era, so far as sys- and the latter took it in a house that had not been dis- a system of scientific and hygienic drainage. Plans infected. mendation thus encumbered would probably be tems of national defense are concerned, because it "PAP" THOMAS' STATUE. have also been laid before his Excellency for the con- treated with contempt. Executive officers therefore was a war of invasion purely, and no militia force, struction of improved harbor extensions, of branch MUNCIE, IND., November 15.—Miss Maggie Thomp- A Bustle of Preparation—meetings Last Night—Notes son, a young lady raised by Dr. Thompson, who was Invariably confine their recommendations to the railways, piers and wharves, at towns on tbe coast and however good or however bad, could have borne any Made by The Capital. along tbe principal rivers, and a number of other arrested at Richmond, lnd., for stealing, was put in jail -barest recital ot the requirements of the service in to-day, in default of bail. She has had every advantage share in it. The National Fair Is forgotten. The Interest in the works which it is held come within the perview of the which they are engaged, and to the most general sug- public health act and artisans' dwelling act. of eduoation and sooiety since her eighth year, but The Civil War, therefore, must be regarded as usher- reunion ot the Army of the Cumberland, and the ex- nothing Is known of her previous to being taken from gestions as to the mode ol meeting those requirements It has been strongly urged upon the lord lieutenant ing in the era of our Fourth distinct military systom. ercises at the Thomas Statue next week, has swallowed a New York asylum at that age.
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