APRIL 1959 I THE HAUSA SET • • • 50 CENTS • . - • crip.ioft Rote " EYEAR S6.00 • READERS' FORUM the thorns o f a wild colton tree In w hich IIrlests, The \ Vhile Il ieces are In the The enclosed photographs shOw a front material !.\Ir. Akeredolu makes a ll h i.~ nntu!"!11 Wood. a lmost pure whIte. and the miniatUre carvings o f Nigerian lire of Black al'e cam wood, I.e., reddish. A won· and a back view ()l one of the Pawns In which I have a very beaut l(n] collectio n. derful lIel! a. highly usual set of ch essmen which 1 This set o f H aus&. chessmen has little Six years ago. bowel'er.. M r . A k ere· d i ~c o\'ere d II short while ago by nlere boys. leal'll ing to read a nd write Kont" dolu can 'ed another se t of chessmen of chance. They were made abou t Hi ye~... s vel-ses, for Pawns, each one e n ti re ly h Is o wn tribe. the Yornba peOI)le, stili ago by t he now very well k now n NIger­ (Ii ((erent from the others. The K ings more beautIf ul than t he Hllusa se t - ian carver and archeologist, MI' . J. D. a re emirs. The Knights are ~ioslem meso after all, the second set was the wOl'k Akeredolu of the Eslc Museum nt l1 orin, sengers. A nd. as thel'e Is not an of· of a lllfltUJ'er artisi. This set he sold In Nigeria. and the pieces represent figure;! ficial COIIS01· t to the emir (who has fOU l' London at an exhibition of the intema' of the life of NOl,thern (Moslem) Nigeria, wives). the Queen Is a fe lani orange tlonal an students held at Park l..nne, lhe Mausn people. 'Dhey are cal'vetl of seller girl. And the Bishops are :Moslem 1951 OJ' '52 or 53. :-<0 oll e knows who .. ..... __ bought the set. I n research on the wO I'k of this outstandIng se l f· made artist. I • am trying to lo­ cate thal set. For Pawns. It has Yo­ ruba women, eflch canylng her bnby 011 her bflCk In t he NigerIan \\·uy. The Dlshops III'e African medlclno men. The King lind Q\leell are the Onl of Ife and bls wife. T he Kllighls are cam· el ·fide\"ll. A nd the Hooks III'e Ilal',S of Ule ancien t slave·castle on the Nigerian I coast. The \\"ood o( a ll the pieces Is t his benutlfully mal' ked thom· wood. light as cork. T he Black olles are stained black. M r. H llm· monti , the chess· men eX llel·t of BI·ltaln. tells me • that he is almost SU1'e the sel went to the United States. His own daughtel' exhibit· ed a. water·co lol· • at that same art show, and he reo • members the set well. 'All tbls leads up to my request : -- please ask your readers If tbey can direct me to • • the owner of the set. I want to have photos made of the set (NOT buy It). Ro~ ey E. Pool. Ph. 'D. 23A High· point, H ighgate. London. N6, Eng· l and Actual height \I; • • one and oll e eighth Inches ­ Ed. CHESS REVIEW 'Ht p,t'u.r ('HUS MAO"'''H' VO l ume 27 Number 4 April, 1959 E D I T E D &. PU B LI SHED BY I. A. Hor ow itz . Miniature games ore the hors d' oeuvres of chess. TABLE OF CONTENTS Hastings. 1946 An e xc itin g and t ense b attle tha [ elh!.< F EATURES in p erpe tual c heck. Game of the Mont h ____ __ _________ 104 Phi lippi ne Chess _______ ____ ___ ____ 122 KI NG' S GAMBIT Ru le of the Immune New QU een 108 J . Wijker M. E llinger • DEPA RTM ENTS White I31a " k Book of t h e Mont h ____ ____ ___ ____ 11 9 1 P - K4 P -K4 7 NxN P_Q4 Chess Club Directory __ ____ ______ __ 103 2 P_ KB4 p,p 8 N-K5t K-N l Chess Movies ___ _______ __ ____ __ ___ 124 3 N_K B3 B-K2 9 Q- RS P-KN3 C hess Quiz ___ ______ ______ ______ __ 110 4 B_ B4 N-KB3 10 N xP P x N/ 3 Gam es from Recent E vents ____ ____ 111 5 N_ B3 N,P 11 QxNPt K- Bl Past Masterpieces _______ __________ 123 G BxPt K,B 12 O-O ! B- Q3 ! 17 N" P ! Re signs Postal Che ss __ ___ ________________ 125 13 P- Q4! . P roblemart ________ ___ __ _______ ____ 98 In \'ie w of I) 17 QxQ 18 R- B8t , Readers' Games __ _____ _____ __ __ __ 120 K - QZ 19 ;\~ Rt : Z) 17 .. 1'xN 18 R ­ Solitaire Chess ____ ______ __ ___ __ __ 98 BSt. K - K ~ 19 1{- B7 : a nd 3) lj . H-B3 Spot light on Openings ____ __ ______ 106 IS Q- l\St . Q- QI 19 Q ~ P. Tournament Ca le ndar __ __ ___ ______ 102 Wo rl d of C hess __________________ 99 Lon do n, 1927 E DITOR Bla c k 's jl l"O\'o c ati\" e opening play m e e ts l. A. Horowlt>: Wil h a sha tte ring refuta tion. E XECUTI VE EDITOR G R UENFE L D DE F ENSE Jack Straley Battell L. Pala u CONTRIBUTI NG EDITORS J. t . Koist e A. B. Bisg uler, I, Chernev, J . W . Collins, \\' h ite Black '1'. A. Dunst , Dr. M . Euwe, H a.ns Kmoch, , N-K 83 N-KB3 6 8 - N3 N,B W. Korn, Fred Relnfeld. 13 . Q- R5! 2 P~Q4 P-K N3 7 RPxN B_ N2 CORRESPO NDE NTS On 13 .. PxN, 14 BxP wi ns. Bll[ n o\\". 3 N_B3 P- Q4 8 P-K3 P- B3 Alabama E . i\I. Cockrell. Cali fornia Leroy Johnson. Dr. H. Ralston. Oil 14 N x B , QxPt 15 K - B2. Q- H5t 1G K ­ 4 B_ 8 4 N- R4 9 B- Q3 P_K4 M. J . Royer, K 2, B- N5t 17 K - Q2, PxN 18 Ihl't , K - K! 5 B_ K5 P_ KB3 10 RxP! K-S2? Co lorado ,\1. W . Reese. 19 Qx B. QxQ 20 RxQ, N- B3 21 P- B~. connect icut Edmun d E. H an\!. F' . P- K5 is Blat k's b est try . Delaware M. R. PaUl. Q'R- KNl, Black r egain s t he Pnw il . Florida R. C. Eastwood. 14 BxP BxB 17 KxQ P x N Georola R. L. l~I · oem k e . 15 RxBt QxR 1~ Q_B6t K_ Nl il lin ois J. G. Warren. 16 R- K Bl QxRt 19 Q-N6 t Drawn India na D. C. Hills, D. E. Rhead. Iowa W. G. Vanderburg. KentUCky J. W. Mayer. Kansas K. R. MacDona ld. Lou isiana C. J . Cucull u. Augsburg. 1946 Ma ryland Charles Barasch. Massachusetts Franklin J . Sanborn White pro fi ts ha ndsom e l ~' frnm Blac k 's Michigan R. Buskager, J . R. Watson. mis takes. .. Mi n nesota R. C. Gave . Mississippi D. A. Harris. • Missouri E . A. 'r a lleY. QU E E N'S GAMBIT DECL IN ED Ne braska B. E. E llsworth, Jack Spence, 0,. T roeger E ikstren e s U. E . Wea re. Nevada R. L, Wbeeler. White Bla c k New Hamps hi re lia lph M . Gerth. 1 P - Q4 P- Q4 9 Q_ N3 N-QR4 11 Bx P t!! Kx B New York Edward Lasker , H. M. P h illips. 12 NxP t ! ! PxN North Carolina Dr. S. Noblin. 2 N_ K B3 N- KB3 10 Q- R4 t N_B3? North Dakota D. C. Macdonald. 3 P _ B4 P- B3 N,N R,N Or 12 .. K xR 13 Q- R 5t , K- N l 14 Oh io R. B. Hayes. J . R, Schroeder. 4 p,p p,p 12 B"P! B- Q2 Q- B7t , K - R2 15 0 - 0 - 0 1 Pennsylvania W illiam R. Hammon, Le& B . " 5 N-B3 N- B3 13 B_ Q NS R- N3 Hoover. 13 Q-R5t K_B3 15 QxBt K-K3 Sout h CaroiJna Prof. L. L. Foster. 6 B- B4 P- Q R3 14 R- QBl P-K3 14 QxPt K- B2 16 Q-KS mate Sout h Dakot a M. F. Anderson. 7 P _ K3 8 - B4 15 0 _ 0 N-R4? Ten nessee Mrs, Martha Hardt, J, G, Sulli­ N_ KS R- Bl 16 8xBt Q,B va n , Jr. 8 t check : ~ :.: dbl. c heck: § = dis. ch. Texas James A . Creighton. Fra nk R. Graves, Homer 1-£. H yde. Utah H a rold Lundstrom. Virginia Leona rd Morgan. CHE SS REVIEW is pU bll$hed monthly by Subscription Rates: One year $6.00, two West Virgin ia C. T . Morgan. CHEJSS REYIEW . 134 West 72d Street . years $1 1. 00 . three y ears ; 15.75, world -wide. Wisconsin R. Kujoth. Ke w York 23 . X. Y. P rinted in U. S. A. Re· Cha nge of Address: F our weeks' notice re­ Wyomin g E. F. Rohltr. entered as s econd-class ma tte r AUg ust 7, qu ired: P lease furnish an a ddress s tencil CANADA 11147.
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