cNowsletter, cur-iculum Catal,og and REgist]-ation fio1-S Red Hot Courses Bonsai-Gems ofArt byBeaAlmada t\or Winter and create works ofart with plants. Basic Bonsai Gardening Barney BelynHe has will led bean treatingexciting life.us to A a retiredspecial Navy class man, this Bameysession has on anhow engineering to grow Bamey Belyn, Horticulturist degree from Iowa State and did graduate work in business at New York State Univer- sity. He has 30 years in Judo andAikido with a Black Belt and was president ofthe The End ofthe Hunt: Irish Black Belt Association. He is an instructor and shelter manager for the Red Cross, History 1916-l923 is on the crew of the SS Lane Victory, volunteers for Bill Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. the Long Beach Police Department working on Elder Abuse, and belongs to various Bonsai organizations. Great Steps ofCivilization Bamey took up Bonsai gardening l5 years ago. His S.I. Salem, Ph.D. late wife taught Bonsai for 30 years. I asked how many plants he had and he replied, 66Too many." He is look- The Return ofFilm Forum ing forward to teaching the art ofBonsai. Bamey will Michael Gavin M.D. have a textbook for students and plans to combine lec- ture and workshops with anAmerican pointofview. (I will Royal Scandals let hin explain that.) Bar"ey BLrty" Doreen Seelig, M.A. Bonsai originally came from India, was taken to China by Buddhist priests and then on to Japan. Bonsai gardening was available in the U.S. as early as the l900's but Today's Health Issues wasn't well known. Prem Gupta, M.D. In BASIC BONSAI GARDENING, Bamey will talk about what plants or trees are natural to this area that one can use. He will tell you what location in your yard or Who's Afraid ofJane home is best, what pots and soils work best with these creations. He has many pictures Austen? to share, a library of books to lend out to students, and most exciting' he will bring Arthur Axelrad, Ph.D. some ofhis Bonsai to class. He feels that Bonsai gardening is artistic, relaxing and gives a great sense ofaccom- Yeats: The LaterYears plishment. The Bonsai gardener is creating a 6.gem" from a little plant. It's a project Les Mittleman, Ph.D. where one,s personality can be incorporated into the finished product. Sign me up! + see class description on page 18 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at CSU|B Building HS&D, Rooms 100 & 101 :Lt C'alil-omin Slate ITniversity 1250 Bellflower Blvd. II()llg Beach Long Beach, CA 90840-5609 IJIJI Phone: 562-985-8237 Fax: 562-985-8213 OLLI at CSULB Editor,s Comments Goveming Council Carl Curtis President holiday season. In the spirit of gift-giving? Michael Gavin Vice President The SUNSanta staff (yes, extends Virginia) to has our arranged readers for a alljoyous card- Karin Covey TreasoreI carrying students at CSULB to ride free on all Long Diane Kalfus Secretary Beach buses. Adeal was made between the University Judie lrving Publicity and the Long Beach Transit Co. to allow students, Con Rader Computer Lab including OLLI members, to use their student body Sydney Benowitz Membership cards for free transportation on Long Beach buses Max Slegers Membership Jack BIecher for a year. Jean Lowe VolunteersflJiaiSon This is a win-win situation. By riding on a bus you don,t use expensive Mary Jane Payan Fund Raising =| fuel, there is less pollution, you Don Friedman Curriculum save money? and probably the Phyllis Ciscle-McDaniels Curriculum most important-you,re spared thl- Jack Blecher Newsletter Editor agony offinding a place to park. A JudyMednick AssistantNewsletterEditor student body card is required to ride Barbara Katz Archivist free. Ifyou don't have one already. Barbara Stevens Member-at-Large the OLLI office has information on Gary Grayson Member-at-Large getting a student card. Harold Drab President Emeritus December is a month for giving, Dean Ronald Vogel Ex-Officio but remember..a gift given with stings attached is not truly a gift» Carolyn Harris Ex-Officio Winter Solstice.. Sunday, December 21, 2008, 5:04 am PST Advisory Board Kathryn Berry Olfat Mohamed Dorothy Fomia Jack Shainline Casey Goeller Dean Ronald Vogel Donald Lauda Barbara \hthite Theresa Marino- Charlene Young Deborah Miller SIN Staff The SUN is a qunr(erly publication of OLLl at CSULB Editor Jack Blecher Assistant Editor Judy Mechick Reporters Bea Almada Syd Benowitz Linda Fuchik Dave Lowe Sylvia Manheim Graphics Harold Drab ==fi Production Cindy Smith 2 President,s Comer by Carl Curtis Look for written bulletins and emails for current many young people information. In the meantime because ofthese pending One ofharbor the stereotypesconceming us changes in our govemance, our scheduled election of 66older folks,' is that we do not new officers has been postponed. Your Got,eming like change very much. And Council made that decision at a special meeting on you know what? They are right November I during which we voted to postpone the (speaking only for myself, of election of four officers plus two..Members at Large" course)! I notice as the years which was scheduled for the January lO General pass, I have become ever more Membership/Registration Meeting. Perhaps we will be '6set in my ways" and that Col.I Curlis ready to elect mew officers at the Spring MemberslliP setting myself up to have new Meeting on Saturday) April 4. Most of the current adventures is increasingly less appealing. Yet change group of officers have agreed to continue to serve in seems to be inevitable - even in OLLI, an organization the interim. We will fill any vacancies with temporary for us 66seasoned leamers.,, appointments and will inform you of these changes One major change has already taken place. Our also. OLLI no longer employs a Community Outreach Director. During her four-year tenure in that position, Barbara McCIinton made significant contributions to our growth and maturation. We are deeply grateful for her service. OLLI Calendar 2009 Anotherverymajorchangeisjustaroundthecomer-our Winter Session January 26- March 20, 2009 entire system ofgovemance is going to be modified! In order to conform to new requirements from the Bemard Spring Session April 20 -June 15, 2009 Osher Foundation (which are very strongly supported Summer Session July 13 - September 4, 2009 by the Dean of the College of Health and Human Services), we must have an executive director. This Holidays - No Classes person must be a I.full-time, director-level university Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 19, 2009 employee [who] has been hired to oversee the operation Cesar Chavez Day March 31, 2009 and management of the Institute" (OLLI at CSULB). Memorial Day May 25, 2009 At the time this column is being written (November 2) Independence Day (observed) July 3, 2009 a more precisejob description and the process by which Labor Day September 7, 2009 this person Mill be hired are unclear. Equally ulldefined at this moment are the ''Ieadership" roles to be assumed in the.'new" organization by the officers/members of General Membership Meetings the Goveming Council elected by the membership as Winter Registration January 10, 2009 well as the roles ofthe other members ofthe Goveming Spring Registration/EIections April 4, 2009 Council. The roles of the members of our Advisory Summer Registration June 27, 2009 Board will also probably need re-definitiol1. Overthe next couple ofmonths, there will be meetings Class Breaks - No Classes involving your currently elected leadership in which March 21 -April 19, 2009 the details of the new structure and the relationships June 16-July 12, 2009 between its component parts will be decided. Our membership will be kept informed and up to date. September 5 - October 4, 2009 3 SpanishClasses-Zero Stress, The class \+ill be taught in both English and Spanish and guaranteed stress-free and satisfying. I can,t imagine Mucho Fun two more experienced 66Spanish Language Leamers who by Bea AImada became Teachers" to teach this class. They know exactly how one feels when beginning a foreign language class. \hThat a wonderful experience for our students! a foreign language? And how many times have Our third gifted teacher is Lilia Vergara de Ovens How manyyou wishedtimes haveyou knewyou saidone, you'd especially like toSpanish? leam who is a native of Mexico and has an M.A. in Spanish As a former bilingual teacher I can tell you that Spanish literature. Lilia will be teaching CONVERSATIONAL is one of the easiest languages to leam because the a-e- SIIANISH, a comprehensive program that includes i-o-u,s always sound the same. Here at OLLI we have a everyday Spanish, the history and cultures ofMexico and wonderful opportunity to lean with three talented teachers. Spain, and instmctional strategies that help students build on previous knowledge. In addition, Lilia introduces art by Hispanic artists. Lilia is always impressed with the desire ofOLLI students to lean. All three teachers expressed their delight in teaching Spanish to such interested and enthusiastic students. So, who is ready to lean and have fun atthe same time? Time to challenge the brain again!! ! ? See class descriptions on page 19 Garland says So Long.. S"e GI.iffilhS Cmd Aida P()I.lelllIeVe Teaching SIAN[SH I -2 is Sue Griffiths who began leaming Spanish in her native New York and then in challenging style. Below is his farewell message to all Califomia where she worked with ESL students and their at OLLI. parents. Hertravels to Mexico and Central America helped O"r "ame is Osher Lifelo"g Let".Ming II.SIilule. BLII increase her vocabulary and knowledge of the language.
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