ANNEXURE-B ASSAM :: NAGAON DETAILS STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENERAL AREAS OF TWELFTH FINANCE COMMISSION FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES PERIOD FOR 2006-07. (Rs. In Lakhs) Amount required in ZP/APs/GPs Level Total Remarks Sl. No. Name of ZPs Nos of Population Rural Areas Per Capita of For For Creation Water supply Sanitation For O & M Others Amount APs/GPs as per DDP of primary Maiantenance of Data Base under creation Costs income reuire under census sector net of of Accounts of Swajaldhara generating TFC 2001 mining quarring programme sources [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] 1. ZP Nagoan 1 2051165 0.50 0.25 41.32 7.92 10.00 10.00 69.99 2. APs 18 2.70 4.50 139.75 9.00 54.00 209.95 3.GPs 236 35.85 59.75 287.27 4.83 32.20 419.90 Grand Total 39.05 64.50 181.07 295.19 23.83 96.20 699.84 Chief Executive Officer Nagaon Zilla Parishad Nagaon, Assam ANNEXURE-B ASSAM :: NAGAON DETAILS STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENERAL AREAS OF TWELFTH FINANCE COMMISSION FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES PERIOD FOR 2006-07 (In Rupees) Sl. Name of Rural Rural Per Capita Amount required in ZP No. District/ZP No of APs No of Poplation Areas DDP of Prim- For Main- For Sanitation & For O&M Other Schemes/ Total Bank Account GPs as per in GPs ary sector net taintenance Creation Water supply Cost income types Amount Nos Name of cencus in Sq. K.M. of mining of of Data under creation generating of required Bank 2001 quarring in GP Accounts Base of Swajaldhara sources works under TFC programme [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] 1 NAGAON 18 236 2036342 3897.72 4011 50000.00 25000.00 4924000.00 1000000.00 1000000.00 Water 6999000.00 6529 UCO Bank, Nagoan supply and sanitations/ O&M Cost/ other generating sources Total 50000.00 25000.00 4924000.00 1000000.00 1000000.00 6999000.00 Chief Executive Officer Nagaon Zilla Parishad Nagaon, Assam ASSAM :: NAGAON DETAILS STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENERAL AREAS OF TWELFTH FINANCE COMMISSION FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES PERIOD FOR 2006-07 (In Rupees) Sl. Name of Name of AP No of Rural Rural Per Capita Amount required in APs No. District/ZP GP Poplation Areas DDP of Prim- For Main- For Water supply For O&M Other Schemes/ Total Bank Account as per in GPs ary sector net taintenance Creation under creation Cost income types Amount Nos Name of cencus (in Sq. of mining of of Data of Swajaldhara generating of required Bank 2001 K.M) quarring in GP Accounts Base programme sources works under TFC [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] 1 NAGAON Pakhimoria 8 68090 15000.00 25000.00 306945 50000.00 300000.00 Water 696945 10233 CBI, Nagoan 2 Khagarihan 11 95135 15000.00 25000.00 583768 50000.00 300000.00 supply/ 973768 8079 Allahabad Bank, Nogoan 3 Raha 16 132316 15000.00 25000.00 964340 50000.00 300000.00 O&M 1354340 8327 P.N.B Raha 4 Batadraba 14 102911 15000.00 25000.00 663361 50000.00 300000.00 Costs/ 1053361 o1100050551 SBI, Dhing 5 Rupahihat 14 117220 15000.00 25000.00 809822 50000.00 300000.00 other 1199822 7338 P.N.B Raha 6 Juria 22 195593 15000.00 25000.00 1612021 50000.00 300000.00 income 2002021 10928 Indian Bank, Nagoan 7 Kathiatoli 19 185509 15000.00 25000.00 1508805 50000.00 300000.00 generating 1898805 6230 /28 Central Bank, Kathiatoli 8 Barhampur 11 73177 15000.00 25000.00 359014 50000.00 300000.00 sources 749014 11965 Union Bank, Nagoan 9 Dalangghat 7 41034 15000.00 25000.00 30010 50000.00 300000.00 420010 3006369953 SBI, Haiborgoan 10 Lawkhowa 11 88686 15000.00 25000.00 517759 50000.00 300000.00 907759 2615 SBI,Haiborgoan 11 Bajiagaon 12 95537 15000.00 25000.00 587883 50000.00 300000.00 977883 4924 Indian Overseas Bank 12 Kaliabor 10 89228 15000.00 25000.00 523306 50000.00 300000.00 913306 11051 UBI, Jakhlabandha 13 P. Kaliabor 8 84780 15000.00 25000.00 477778 50000.00 300000.00 867778 8588 Central Bank, Missa 14 Jugijan 13 107842 15000.00 25000.00 713833 50000.00 300000.00 1103833 171794 UBI, Hojai 15 Lumding 9 84791 15000.00 25000.00 477891 50000.00 300000.00 867891 o11770050412 SBI,Lanka 16 Odali 9 87297 15000.00 25000.00 503541 50000.00 300000.00 893541 18056 UBI,Lanka 17 Binakandi 24 227257 15000.00 25000.00 1936122 50000.00 300000.00 2326122 12026 Union Bank, Nagoan 18 Dhalpukhuri 12 106181 15000.00 25000.00 696831 50000.00 300000.00 1086831 173720 UBI,Hojai 19 Kapili (Part) 3 23520 240742 240742 20 Mairabari (Part) 6 45061 461228 461228 Grant Total 239 2051165 270000.00 450000.00 13975000.00 900000.00 5400000.00 20995000.00 Chief Executive Officer Nagaon Zilla Parishad Nagaon, Assam ANNEXURE-B ASSAM :: NAGAON STATEMENT INDICATED THE SCHEMES FOR GENERAL AREAS OF COMMISSION GRANTS FOR RURAL LOCAL TWELFTH FINANCE BODIES PERIOD FOR 2006-07 (In Rupees) Sl. Name of Name of AP Name of GP Rural Rural Per Capita Amount required in GPs No. District/ ZP Poplation Areas DDP of Prim- For Main- For Sanitation of For O&M Other Schemes/ Total Bank Account as per in GPs ary sector net taintenance Creation each family of Cost income types Amount Nos Name of Bank cencus of mining of of Data the low property generating of required 2001 quarring in GP Accounts Base line @ sources works under Rs4000 Rural Markets/ TFC each family ponds/others [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] 1 NAGAON PAKHIMORIA Bhotai Pathori 5913 15000.00 25000.00 81047 sanitations/ 121047 5056 Indian Overseas Bank,Nagoan 2 Choto Haibor 6257 15000.00 25000.00 88089 O&M 128089 12367 Union Bank, Nagoan 3 Bengenaati 5723 15000.00 25000.00 77157 Cost / other 117157 12358 UBI, Nogoan 4 Dakarghat 11602 15000.00 25000.00 174508 3000.00 20000.00 income 237508 12359 UBI, Nogoan 5 Deodhar 9700 15000.00 25000.00 135572 3000.00 20000.00 generating 198572 12361 UBI, Nogoan 6 Pakhimoria 6966 15000.00 25000.00 102603 sources 142603 12357 UBI, Nogoan 7 Dakhinpat 10610 15000.00 25000.00 154200 3000.00 20000.00 217200 12360 UBI, Nogoan 8 Tusi Dewri 11319 15000.00 25000.00 168715 3000.00 20000.00 231715 12369 UBI, Nogoan 68090 120000.00 200000.00 981890 12000.00 80000.00 1393890 1 NAGAON KHAGARIJAN Rongagora 5270 15000.00 25000.00 67884 sanitations/ 107884 8195 Bank of Barodha , Nagoan 2 Kachamori 4926 15000.00 25000.00 60842 O&M 100842 14728 Canada Bank , Nogoan 3 Senchowa 6385 15000.00 25000.00 90709 Cost / other 130709 5046 Indian Overseas Bank,Nagoan 4 Bebejia Demow Bongthi 7075 15000.00 25000.00 104834 income 144834 9160 Allahabad Bank ,Nogoan 5 Herapati 6693 15000.00 25000.00 97014 generating 137014 9184 Allahabad Bank ,Nogoan 6 Lawgaon 12545 15000.00 25000.00 193812 3000.00 20000.00 sources 256812 12379 Union Bank, Nagoan 7 Diphaloo 10060 15000.00 25000.00 142941 3000.00 20000.00 205941 5060 Indian Overseas Bank,Nagoan 8 Borbheti 7762 15000.00 25000.00 95898 3000.00 20000.00 158898 14367 /48 Central Bank, Nogoan 9 Dimaroguri 13688 15000.00 25000.00 217211 3000.00 20000.00 280211 9161 Allahabad Bank ,Nogoan 10 Bhakatgaon 12883 15000.00 25000.00 200732 3000.00 20000.00 263732 2008204 Bank of Barodha , Nagoan 11 Kenduguri 7848 15000.00 25000.00 97659 3000.00 20000.00 160659 3633 Indian Overseas Bank,Nagoan 95135 165000.00 275000.00 1369536 18000.00 120000.00 1947536 1 NAGAON ROHA Sahari 6469 15000.00 25000.00 92429 sanitations/ 132429 7728 PNB, Raha 2 Hatbor 6125 15000.00 25000.00 85387 O&M 125387 8412 PNB, Raha 3 Chaparmukh 6169 15000.00 25000.00 86287 Cost / other 126287 8405 PNB, Raha 4 Amsoi 12787 15000.00 25000.00 198766 3000.00 20000.00 income 261766 8413 PNB, Raha 5 Dighaliati 7742 15000.00 25000.00 95489 3000.00 20000.00 generating 158489 8407 PNB, Raha 6 Salmora 5166 15000.00 25000.00 65755 sources 105755 7741 PNB, Raha 7 Phuliguri 4952 15000.00 25000.00 61374 101374 7740 PNB, Raha (In Rupees) Sl. Name of Name of AP Name of GP Rural Rural Per Capita Amount required in GPs No. District/ ZP Poplation Areas DDP of Prim- For Main- For Sanitation of For O&M Other Schemes/ Total Bank Account as per in GPs ary sector net taintenance Creation each family of Cost income types Amount Nos Name of Bank cencus of mining of of Data the low property generating of required 2001 quarring in GP Accounts Base line @ sources works under Rs4000 Rural Markets/ TFC each family ponds/others [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] 8 Ghahi 7503 15000.00 25000.00 90596 3000.00 20000.00 153596 7725 PNB, Raha 9 Dakhin Jagial 6570 15000.00 25000.00 94496 134496 7742 PNB, Raha 10 Magurgaon 10913 15000.00 25000.00 160403 3000.00 20000.00 223403 7758 PNB, Raha 11 Amtola 9680 15000.00 25000.00 135162 3000.00 20000.00 198162 7718 PNB, Raha 12 Bagalajan 10886 15000.00 25000.00 159850 3000.00 20000.00 222850 7719 PNB, Raha 13 Kumargaon 7936 15000.00 25000.00 99460 3000.00 20000.00 162460 7720 PNB, Raha 14 Ranthali 9447 15000.00 25000.00 130392 3000.00 20000.00 193392 5679 PNB, Raha 15 Dighaldari 6281 15000.00 25000.00 88580 128580 7710 PNB, Raha 16 Pomila 13690 15000.00 25000.00 217252 3000.00 20000.00 280252 7762 PNB, Raha 132316 240000.00 400000.00 1861680 27000.00 180000.00 2708680 1 NAGAON BATADRABA Tuktuki 6568 15000.00 25000.00 94455 134455 o1100050550 SBI, Dhing 2 Katahguri 7161 15000.00 25000.00 106595 sanitations/ 146595 o1100050562 SBI, Dhing 3 Dhoniabheti 7379 15000.00 25000.00 88058 3000.00 20000.00 O&M 151058 o1100050558 SBI, Dhing 4 Amlakhi 6928 15000.00 25000.00 101825 Cost / other 141825 o1100050556 SBI, Dhing 5 Sologuri 8282 15000.00 25000.00 106543 3000.00 20000.00 income 169543 o1100050557 SBI, Dhing 6 Kadamoni 8682 15000.00 25000.00 114732 3000.00 20000.00 generating 177732 o1100050554 SBI, Dhing 7 Dhupguri 6910 15000.00
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