Women's Dormitory Named for Mrs. Comstock '85 (See page 246) ALUMNI NEW VOLUME 43 FEBRUARY 20, 1941 NUMBER 18 \ •'•„<*** From every newvs-crammed corner of the globe\ THE WORDS COME POURING IN! Twenty thousand words an hour the news pours in—from Berlin and beleaguered Britain—from Athens and Taranto and Ben- ghazi—from Rio and Tokyo and Washington, D. C. It fills our newspapers with more words than any of us has time to read. It brings us conflicting reports from every foreign news capital. It comes so fast and changes direction so often TIME that today, more than ever, thoughtful Americans need TIME— 330 EAST 22 ST. CHICAGO To save their time... to verify their facts... and to help them You can start TIME on its way to you for 52 weeks to come by drop- make the news make sense. ping a postcard in the mail today. Please mention the CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS It's Easy To Visit Ithaca Overnight From NEW YORK and NEWARK or READING TERMINAL, PHILA. Eastern Standard Time I s as WESTWARD Light type, a.m. EASTWARD Read Down Dark type, p.m. Read Up 11:05|f10:115| 0 :10:45LV.. NeNew YoYorrk Ar. 8:10 8:20 11:221 tii 020:25 t11:00 Newark 7:54 8:04 easy as this! 11:2 , i 0:35 £10:35 PhilaPhila.. 7:45 8:10 OI lTHAC 6:49 7:48 ft 7:27 Ar.lTHACA Lv. '10:30 12:15 At New York's Grand Central Ter- Enjoy a Day or Week End In Ithaca minal just toss your bag to a porter and say "Hotel Roosevelt". He'll 6:49|° 8:02|ft 7:41 Lv. ITHACA Ar.l 10:12112:15 9:5θ|°11:35|#11:10 Ar. Buffalo Lv.| 6:451 9:20 escort you through our private pas- 7:25 11:03 " Pittsburgh \\ 10:30 11:40 7:15 5:20 Cleveland 12:30 2:15 sageway, direct to the Roosevelt 8:30 12:30 Ar. Chicago Lv. 8:00 CORNELL ALUMNI fDaily except Sunday. °Daily except Monday. lobby . Time-saving convenience XSunday only. ^Monday only. Meet and Eat 1 New York sleeper open to 8 a.m. at Ithaca, and at and complete comfort. Satisfying at 9 p.m. from Itfuica Air Conditioned Deluxe, Coaches, Parlor, Sleeping, meals . Restful rooms, from $4 Club Lounge and Dining Car Service. HOTftJlOE _^ HOTEL James F. Gilday, Mgr. ROOSEVELT mm RAILROAD BERN AM G. HINES, Managing Director SYRACUSE * NEW YORK THE ROUTE OF THE BLACK DIAMOND MADISON AVENUE AT 45th ST., NEW YORK ^^ MEMBER: Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels « Co-noil 7 6 Viri-I*rι Please mention the CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS 242. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS HOTEL A DOZEN BUFFALO CAMP OTTER English Sαlαd plates make an ex- 450 ROOMS * 450 BATHS A camp with Rates • EVERY ROOM has private bath, ceptional wedding gift. We have $2.oo radio and circulating ice water ... Cornell Background many patterns, priced from $8. to $2.50 Cornell Alumni Headquarters for boys 7-18 $25. dozen. D. H. McCarriagher Ί3, Pres. $3oo Washington and Swan Sts., Buffalo, N. Y. I Single "In the Center of Downtown" I No Higher Most informed parents would like to send their son to a good summer camp. The questions simmer down in WISH YOUR WEDDING most cases to ways and means and GIFT TROUBLES ON WHICH CAMP? IF YOU MOVE Camp Otter is the answer to both questions. (1) because it is an es- Please notify the tablished institution of 30 seasons of ALUMNI NEWS demonstrated leadership, integrity, EDMISTON ' 1 5 safety and efficiency (2) because Ίi is 330 Springfield Ave. SummiJ, N. J. of your geared to modest incomes and (3) New Address Promptly because it is closely related to Cor- nell University in personnel and background. With parents satisfied, the next big question is what the boy himself will like and BOYS LIKE CAMP OTTER because of the primitive location on its own private lake in the Muskoka Region, Ontario, Canada, 150 miles north of Toronto, where their swimming, fishing and canoe trips are unspoiled by "summer people." Many former campers have liked it so well they have sent their sons there. Γ fi Send for this 1941 Booklet CAMP OTTER IS COMFORTABLE No amount of good scenery and fishing can make up for unsatisfac- tory food and lodging. At Camp Otter boys live in permanent cabins elevated from the ground and sleep in good beds. The food is plentiful and best obtainable (much of it CORNELL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, drawn from its own camp farm) and 3 EAST AVENUE, ITHACA, N.Y. well prepared by an expert chef of whom ail campers thoroughly ap- Please mail to the address below copies of the new song book, prove. SONGS OF CORNELL, for which payment is enclosed at $x each, postpaid. Howard B.OrtnerΊ 9 NAME Director (PLEASE PRINT) 109 Irving PI., Ithaca, N.Y. STREET & No. POSTOFFICE .STATE.. Please mention the CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS CAN—220 ELL ALU I NEWS Subscription price $4 a year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August VOL. XLIII, NO. l8 ITHACA, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 2.O, 1941 PRICE, 15 CENTS FARM AND HOME WEEK brought in the Glee Club, and led by COLLEGE AIDS DEFENSE Brings Many Alumni Raymond W. Kruse '41 they sang several Teaches Men in Industry Defense needs for men, women, and Cornell songs and Richard H. Lee '41 College of Engineering is now giving children, to preserve democracy, were entertained with his simultaneous sing- instruction as part of the national de- ing and whistling. stressed in the more than 700 events of fense training program to about 1,100 the thirty-fourth annual Farm and Home Dean Carl E. Ladd '12. outlined some of men employed and employable in defense Week at the State Colleges of Agricul- the year's changes and developments in industries. Twenty-eight members of the ture and Home Economics, February IO-I 5. the two State Colleges. He spoke of the Faculty and three instructors from indus- Registration of visitors which began retirement last fall of Flora Rose as Di- try are giving courses in Buffalo, Elmira, Monday in Roberts Hall and closed rector of Home Economics, saying that and Ithaca. Dr. Arthur S. Adams, Assist- Saturday noon totalled 13,771. This is she is living in Berkeley, Cal., with ant Dean of the Engineering College, 1,541 more than were here last year, Claribel Nye '14, formerly of the staff who is director of the courses, has when a heavy snowstorm in the middle here, and writes frequently to friends in established a new office in Sibley Hall, of the week seriously interfered with Ithaca. He introduced Professor Mary F. with Professor John R. Moynihan 'x6 travel. Rooming accommodations in Henry and Marie Fowler, the respective as his assistant. Ithaca and nearby towns were taxed to acting Director and Assistant Director First course was offered last October capacity, both early in the week when of the College, and said that again it in Buffalo at the request of Bell Aircraft schools all over the State sent busloads of would be possible for Home Economics Co. and Curtiss-Wright to train graduate students to take part in judging contests to accept only about one-fourth of the engineers in their employ in the me- and attend special lectures and demon- prospective students who apply for chanics of airplane structures. Five other strations, and later when adults began to admission. evening courses have been added in arrive in numbers. Dean Ladd Summarizes Progress Buffalo, all now under sponsorship of Several visitors were heard to say this Among developments in the College of the US Office of Education. One of these, year that the program of continuous and Agriculture the Dean mentioned the new started December 9, was the first in the simultaneous lectures, demonstrations, Federal Nutrition Laboratory, now in United States to be given under the and meetings was specifically helpful in operation by the Government cooperating Federal engineering defense training these times of national emergency. It had with the College; the new horse barn program. More than 800 men are now been arranged around the general theme, with its small animal laboratory for attending these classes, at the University "Needs of the Hour," and many of its nutrition studies; and the recent coordin- of Buffalo and at several high schools in features were of timely interest to rural ation of instruction in Zoology in both that city. dwellers in this period of national Agriculture and Arts under direction of Demand for additional instruction emergency. Governor Herbert H. Leh- Professor Frederick B. Hutt as the be- resulted in the starting of three new man, for example, in his annual address, ginning of " an integrated animal science courses February 17. Additional sections emphasized the importance of efficiency group" in the University. He spoke also were opened in Mechanics and Elemen- in all agricultural processes in this of large scale farming operations carried tary Design of Aircraft Structures, for period, and paid high tribute to the con- on by all Departments of the College, which 353 students were already en- tributions of the State Colleges toward saying that they are self-supporting and rolled; the previous course in Mechanics the welfare of all the people. Another (Continued on page 248) of Airplane Structures is being extended featured speaker was Merrill Mueller, International News Service correspondent recently returned from Europe, who de- scribed at first hand his experiences in the warring countries.
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