Other Than Basic Research Grants

Other Than Basic Research Grants

APPENDIX D Other Than Basic Research Grants EDUCATION IN THE SCIENCES ACADEMIC YEAR INSTITUTES FOR COLLEGE BOSTON COLLI~I, Chestnut Hill, Mass.; TEACHERS Stanley J. Bezuszka; 11 mouths; $221,950 BOWDOIN COLLEQD, Brunswick, Maine ; Rein- COBN~LL UNIVPIRSITY, Ithaca, N.Y.; C. L. hard L. Korgen ; 11 mouths ; $70,000 Comar ; 11 mouths ; $51,721 BOWLING QR~~N STATE UNIVEBBITY. Bowllng UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. Minneapolis ; Oreen. Ohio ; Bruce R. Vogel1 ; 10 mouths: Will M. Myers, St. Paul; 10 mouths; $190,500 $54,300 BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, R.I. ; Elmer R. Smith ; 11 mouths ; $264,600 ACADEMIC YEAR INSTITUTES FOR SECOND- FISK UNI~~BSITY, Nashville, Term. ; Myron ARY SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE B. Towns ; 9 months ; $108,600 TEACHERS ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OP TBCHNOLOOY, Chi- COBN~LL UNIV~ESITY, Ithaca, N.Y. ; Damon cago ; L. R. Wilcox ; 11 mouths ; $108,531 Boynton; 11 mouths; $278,287 KANSAS STATE TEACH~BS Co~~sus. Emporia ; UNIV~IISITY OP OELAHO~IA, Norman; Gene Ted F. Andrew8 ; 12 mouths ; $215,404 Levy; 11 mouths; $139,400 MICHIQAN STATE UNIVIDRSITY, East Lansing ; John Wagner; 12 mouths; $288,527 ACADEMIC YEAR INSTITUTES FOR SECOND- Nmw Msx~co HIQHLAND~ UNIVFJBSITY, LsS ARY SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEACHERS Vegas ; 1. Gerald Meyer; 12 months; $285,400 HAWARD UNIVEREITY, Cambridge, Mess. ; I David V. Widder ; 13 months ; $329,786 PENNSYLVANIA STATS UNIVEBBITY, UniVer- sity Park ; Thomas C. Bentou ; 0 mouths ; LOUISIANA STATS UNIVERSITY, Baton Rouge ; $173.700 Houston T. Karnes ; 11 mouths ; $274,743 William H. Powers : 10 months ; $630 OHIO STATD UNIVEE~ITY, Columbus; John RUTOERS, THI STA~#I UNIV~ESITY, New 8. Richardson ; 12 mouths ; $304,230 Brunswick, N.J.; Kenneth Q. Woliaon; 11 OKLAHOMA STATS UNIVDELIITY, Stlllwater : months ; $198,580 James H. Zant ; 11 mouths ; $228,000 SAN DIE~O QTATQ COLL~Q~ FOUNDATION, OREGON STATQ UNIVERSITY, Corvallis San Diego, Calif.; Gerald A. Becker; 11 Stanley E. WiIliamson ; 11 mouths ; $293,722 months ; $171,429 sYRACV80 UNIVERSITY, Syracuse, N.Y., SAN JOSE STATS COLLEOHI FOUNDATION, Ssu Alfred T. Collette; 11 mouths: $275,385 Jose, Callf. ; Leonard Feldman ; 10 months; UNIV~REITY OF COLORADO, Boulder ; John R. $147,300 Clopton ; 12 mouths ; $314.765 STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford, Csltf. ; UNIVERSITY OB ILLINOIS. Urbana ; Joseph Earold M. Bacon ; $3,830 Laudin ; 12 mouths : $313,200 STATS COLLEus OP IOWA, Cedar Falls; UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ann Arbor; A. Robert A. Rogers; 11 mouths; $244.193 , Id. Elliott; 11 mouths; $278,700 STATE UNIVERSITY or SOUTH DAKOTA, Ver- ,, UNIVERSITY or OREOON, Eugene; Sanford million ; Charles M. Vaughn ; 13 mouths ; 8. Tepfer ; 11 mouths ; $128,800 $299,313 UNIVERSITY or TEXAS. Austin; Robblu C. Tlpar~~a UNIVEE~ITY, Philadelphia, Ps. : Anderson : 11 mouths ; $264,000 Richard M. Stavseth ; 12 mouths ; $166,700 WASHINGTON UNIV~BSITY, St. Louts, MO. ; TBXAS WOMAN’s UNIVERSITY, Denton ; Dixie Thomas 9. Hall; 13 mouths; $278,100 Young : 11 months : $58.600 Tus~~oys INSTITUTE, Tuskegee Institute, ACADEMIC YEAR INSTITUTES FOR SECOND- Ala. ; Lawrence F. KOODS ; 9 months ; $lOO.- ARY SCHOOL TRACHERS 100 1 AQRICVLT~RAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEQ0 OF UNIVERSITY ov ALBKANSAS, FsyettevIUe ; WiI- TEXAS, College Station; James 0. Potter; llam R. Orton ; 12 months : $98,100 12 mouths: $197,100 UNIVERSITY or DETROIT, Mich. ; Lyle E. AGRICULTURAL AND TECRNOLOOICAL COLL~+~ Mehlenbaeher : 11 mouths ; $147,596 OF NORTH CAEOLINA, Greensboro: Qerald A. UNIVERSITY OR FLORIDA, Gainesville ; C. RsP- Edwards ; 0 mouths ; $117,700 penecker ; 9 months ; $146,600 ABIZONA STATB UNIVQRRITY, Tempe ; Alan T. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, Athens ; Jonathan Wager ; 11,months ; $264,700 J. Westfall ; 11 mouths ; $268,400 ATLANTA UNIVBRBITY,’ Atlanta, Ga.; K. A UNIVERSITY or HAWAII, Honolulu : Michael Huggins : 11 mouths ; $263,300 M. Frodyma ; 11 months ; $123,906 i 224 uarvuasrr~ OF MISSISSIPPI. University ; Wll- L~XCEIGAN STATU U~rvu~srrY. East LanElug : llam II. Norman ; 10 mouths ; $183,400 Yaynard M. Miller ; 11 months ; $17,835 UNIVERSITY OB NEW Mlrrco, Albuquerque; VATIONAL ACAQ~MY OP SCIUNCES-NATIONAL Wilson Ivlns ; 11 mouths ; $266,106 Rusu~acrz COUNCIL, Washington. D.C. ; Paul UNIV~EZSIT~ OF NORTH CAROLINA, ‘Chapel EL Reltau, Stanford University. Stanford. Hi!1 ; E. C. Markham ; 11 mouths ; $290,946 3alU. ; 15 mouths ; $55,QSQ UNIVERSITY OF NOIITH DAKOTA, Grand NO~TEWESTDBN Uarw~srrr, Evanston, Ill. : ;;;fSs;sT. Donald Henderson ; 11 mouths 1 Richard R. Goldberg ; 1 year ; $39,440 3~x0 STAT% UNIVEESITY, Columbus ; John D. UNIVEESITY OF No’rau DAM& Iud.: Arnold Lee; 9 mouths ; $29,620 E. Ross ; 11 mouths : $256,700 OHIO STATU UNIVB~SITT RBSUAECH FOUNDA- UNIVEHSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia; mole. Columbus ; H. II. Nielsen ; 9 mouths : J. F. Hazel ; 11 mouths ; $272,546 32.87% BONNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV~E~ITT, UIIiVf?r- UNIVEIBSITY OF Pnmcm RICO, Rlo Pledrae; Marlano Garcia : 9 mouths ; $146,337 alty Park; Donald G. Johnson; 1 year 1 339,766 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAEOLINA. Columbia ; RAND CORH)RATION, Santa Monica, Calli.: W. L. Williams ; 11 mouths ; $184,800 David G. Hays : 1 year ; S66,aM) UNIV~IISITY OF TENNESSEE, Knoxville; J. A. R~)~EARCR FOUNDATION OF STATU UNIVEaSlTl Cooley ; 11 mouths ; $143,400 38 NEW Yoa6, Albany; Hardy L. ShirieY. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, Austin; R&bin C. Syracuse ; 1 year ; $24,425 Anderson ; $4.260 SOCIAL SCIENCE RES~AECH COUNCIL, New UNIVERSITY OR UTAH, Salt Lake City ; Thom- York, N.Y. ; Francis H. Palmer ; 10 mouths ; as J. Parmley ; 11 mouths ; $265,675 676,320 UNIVERSITY OF VIRIXNIA, Charlottesville ; SOUTA~RN FOREST TEEE IXPBOVDXENT COM- James W. Cole, Jr. ; 11 mouths: $4,320 bu~‘rss, Savannah, Ga.; John W. Johneon; James W. Cole, Jr. ; 1 year : $267,317 5 mouths ; $2,600 UNIVERSITY OB WA~HINQTON, Seattle; Roy UNIV~BSITY op CALIP~ENIA, Berkeley ; Robert Dublsch; 11 mouths. $67,231 L. Uslnger ; 2 years ; $121,660 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, Madison ; Henry UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO : Boulder ; Wesley Van Engen ; 11 mouths : $108,206 El). Brlttlu ; 11 mouths ; $81,376 WESLEYAN UNIV~FISITY, Middletown, Coun. ; UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, Newark ; Wllllam James E. Cronln ; 11 mouths ; $82,300 F. Ames; 8 mouths; $21.170 I WWT VIEGINIA UNIVERSITY, Morgantown ; UNIVERSITY OF Du~vaa, Colo.; William M. James B. Hickman ; 10 mouths: $174,900 Mueller ; 9 mouths ; $38.200 UNIVERSITY OP FL~FIIDA, Galnesvllle ; Per- ADVANCED SCIENCE SEMINARS 010~ Lowdln; 8 mouths; $67,600 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MUSEIJYS, Wash- UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON, Ter.; Douglaa ington, DC. : 1. W. Haury, Arizona State Muster ; 5 mouths ; $6,975 Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson : 9 Elliott I. Organick; 10 mouths; $69,210 mouths : $46.095 UNIVI~EITY OP KANSAS, Lawrence; 1. Ray- I. M. Levitt, Fels Planetarium, The Frank- mond Hall ; 8 mouths ; $2.000 lin Institute, Phlladelphla, Pa. ; 10 mouths ; $39,330 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAEOLINA, Chapel Hill : F. E. McVay, Raleigh ; 1 year ; $89,710 AMIHIICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCI&TY, Provi- deuce, RI. ; Gordon L. Walker; 10 mouths ; UNIV~BBITY OF SOUTH~BN CALIFORNIA, Los $30.655 Angeles; Donu S. Gorsllne ; 1 year ; $300 Jay M. Savage; 1 year $49,210 &IMUDA BIOLOGICAL STATION, St. George’s West: Keith 1. Chave. Lehigh Uuiverslty. UNIVERSITY OF TBIXAS, Austin; Howard T. , Bethlehem, Pa. ; 1 year i 320,270 Odum ; 1 year $D,OOO ,, Gordon A. Riley, Yale University, New UNIVERSITY OB WISCONSIN, Madison ; Robert Haven, Corm. ; 10 mouths ; $14.606 0. Sachs ; 26 mouths ; $80,000 BRAND~IE UNIVERSITY, Waltham, Mass. ; Da. VIE~INIA POLYTECHNIC INLITITUTU, Blacks- vld F. Aberle ; 1 year ; $13,090 burg; James A. Jacobs; 10 months ; $63,3w Kenneth W. Ford ; 1 year ; $42,420 WA~AINGT~N STATE UNIVIRSITY, PullmsU ; Harold I. Levine ; 1 year ; $38,350 William W. Elmeudor! ; 10 mouths ; $8,170 CONNECTICUT AGUICULTUEAL EXP~RIBIBNT WILLIAM MARSH RICK UNIVBESITY. Houston, STATION, New Haven: Israel Zelltch: 8 Ter. ; Jim Douglas, Jr. ; 1, year; $40.720 mouths ; $9,060 WOODS HOLE O~~AN~GBAPHIC INSTITUTXON. 1 DAETMOUTH COLLEGE, Hanover, NH. ; Wal Woods Hole, Mass. ; Columbus O’D. Isellu ; ter H. Stockmayer; 10 mouths ; $5,600 12 weeks ; $162,390 George Veronls; 8 mouths; $36,280 FLORIDA INBTITUTD FOB CONTINUING UNIVEB. SITY STUDIES, Tallahassee ; William A. Nash YALE UNIVERSITY, New Haven, Coun. : F. R. 1. Crossley ; 15 mouths ; $36,175 University of Florida. Gainesville : 9 mouths Talbot H. Waterman ; 1 year; $20,340 $25,790 HARVARD UNIV~ESITY, Cambridge, Mass., COORDINATRD SUMMER AND IN-SRRVICE William Liller ; 10 mouths ; $15.240 INSTITUTES Even Z. Vogt : 1 year ; $18,075 ADELPHI COLL~X, Garden City. N.Y. ; Bfarle Lmrtxoa UNIVDRSITY, Bethlehem, Pa. ; Keith El. Conklin : 11 months : $103,580 E. Chave ; 10 mouths ; $10,480 Donald Solltar ; 11 mouths ; $77,700 i 235 BOSTON COLLEOE, Chestnut Hill, Mass. LAMAR STATZ COLL~OD OF TzCHNOUMy. Stanley J. Beeuezka; 10 months; $73,020 Beaumont, Tex.; Edwln 8. Hayes; 9 BOWLING GBE~N STATS UNIVERSITY, Bowllu 6 mouths : $8,090 ;;~ee7nj00hlo ; Bruce R. Vogeli ; 12 mouths LOUISFANA STATS UNIVIDRLIITY, Baton Rouge ; Harry J. Bennett ; 3 months ; $23,295 FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, New York, N.Y. MANHATTAN COLLEQE, New York, N.Y.; Charles J. Lewis ; 11 mouths ; $82,580 Leonard O’Connor ; 2 months ; $19,040 NONTCLAIR STATE COLLEGE, Upper Man’ t- MERRIMACK COLLEB~, North Andover, Mass. ; clair, N.J. ; Max A. Sobel; 12 mouths William E. McGuire; 2 mouths ; $18,990 $87,450 Nlcw ENGLAND COLLECW. Hennlker, N.H.; NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, Evanston, Ill. Harold C. Downes ; 6 mouths ; $7,225 E. H. C. Hildebrandt; 11 mouths; $90.83 6 NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVEESITY, Fargo; RESDARCH FOUNDATION OF STATE UNIVERSIT Y Donald Schwartz ; 11 mouths ; $2,600 OB NEW YORK, Albany ; Harrlet F. Montagu e, OKLAHOMA STATS UNIVERSITY, Stillwater ; ButPa ; 10 months ; $56,100 Robert C. Fite ; 2 mouths ; $32,990 RESEARCH FOUNDATION OP THB UNIV~RSIT Y POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OB BRoOKLPN, N.Y. ; OB TOLEDO. Ohio; Archle N. Solberg; 1 1 Almon 13.

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