Mabel R. Gillis, Libraridfr . Calif. ibrary nto( Polled Spartans r ally Disapprove San Jose S tot College Ban -191.1111_ Spartan Daily polsters yesterday discovered that 121 students Volume XXXVII San Jose, Californla, WednesFlay, June 8, 144,1 Number 150 of 158 polled answered a modified "no" to the question, "Do you favor the administration's abolishment of future Spardi Grat celebra- tions?" Thirty students said they favored the administration's action, ASB Council Grants and a meager seven were undecided. Almost all of fh 121 opposing Keith Gard Appear the action felt that the yearly fes- tival should be retained with cer- "Lit the celebration to the cam- Rally Group Request tain modifications. pus area," "Keep Spardi Gras in With Heidt Program Most students volunteered reme- the quad," "Give the police power For Extra 'Yellers dies that would cure the defects to arrest drunken students," San Jose State college's own Rally committee chairman Glen Keith Gard, talented banjo player, so noticeable in this year's 20th "Have a half-day celebration on- Stewart requested Student Council was among five young artists selected at auditions Friday and Satur- edition of the celebration. ly," "Eliminate the use of watt,' pistols." approval of two additional yell day nights for a featured spot on the Horace Drunkenness. childishness, wan- Heidt show Thursday, Others suggested that Spardi leaders at the council's regular ton disregard of order, rowdyism, June 30, in the Civic auditorium. Gras should be held in an enclosed meeting Monday. a waste of time and effort, and Others chosen area so that all liquor and to appear on the purposelessness were cited as de- water Upon recommendations by Rally guns could be checked at Youth opportunity program by fects by those favoring the action. the gate. committee members, the council One student suggested holding approved John Molendez and Bob Talent Scout Rill Reicher include Among the comments by this future celebrations in 'Spartan Barron to bring the number of yell Patricia Schommer, vocalist; Sal group was Jack Brassil's state- stadium. ment, "If students cannot reflect leaders to five. Permission previl Butera.. trombonist; Ralph Gall- in their attitudes and mannerism's ously had been given to the com- otto, vocalist; and Rene D'Agenals, mittee to have five yell leaders if the fact that this is an institution pianist. of higher learning, and if they per- the need arose. 'Trio on Equine' Ride Gard is a well-known tigure in sist in juvenile rowdyism and flan- Dick Osborn, bead yell leader, ton entertainment circles on and near disregard of order, they have also requested permlasion to buy not earned the privUege of having Tonight at Studio new sweaters mil slacks for the Washington Square. The young Spardi rats." musician has been heard on num- fly WALLY WENZEL 11.1149-40 sea/boa. equipment will Said Stan Ekstrand. senior psy- erous college programs. "Three Men On a Horse," the he purchased wl Rally commit- chology major, "I see no difinite hilarious comedy by Holm and Ab- tee funds and xpected to last Tickets for the Horace Heidt purpose in Spardi Gras." bott will open in the Studio The- several years, show go on sale today In the Civic Tobin Favors Ban ater tonight for a two-night show- ASH President Don Schaeffer auditorium box office. Robert Tobin, sophomore police ing. told members ot the council that The five potential members or major, favored the hart for a year The comedy is the second in the ten representatiV froth other col- the Heidt troupe will be partici- or so to encourage a "respect for series of repertory plays to be leges had atte ed Spardi Gras. pants in a broadcast over radio the affair." presented by the Speech and Dra- According to aeffer, the four KEEN .on the Junior Chamber of "Students just go too far In ma department this week. It is di- delegates from liege of Pacific, Commerce pr og r a m Thursday, their celebrations and bring dis- reeled by Mr. John R. Kerr. and the two from San Fran- HORACE HEIM' June 23. credit upon the college," said so- The belly-laugh p I a y deals cisco State college, Fresno State phomore business administration with a greeting card composer who college and the Vniversity of San- major M. J. Barton. dopes the ponies for relaxation and ta Clara were considerably lm- Opposing the administration's has 100 per cent results. He's tak- pressed by the celebration. National Advertisers Laud 'decree, Mary Andritsas, freshman en over by professionals, and from On the reconamendation of for-. general elementary major, said, here on out, the laughs are fast mer Social Affairs Chairman Bet- "It's the only time of the year and furious. ty Brisbin, Pat Garner was ap- 'Alpha Sigma Work when the whole school can get to- Delta Marie Gtizzetti and James For-. pointed by the council to head the gether without regard td the petty ster play the parts of Audrey and Social Affairs Committee. Members of Alpha Delta Sigma, national professional advertising cliques." Erwin Trowbridge. Ted Hook is fraternity, were accorded distinguished praise by professional Said Clarence Dobbins and top Al Grass, a junior, "It's a the delis ."- poor way to solve such a situa- ery boy is played by Robert De-Dc- advertising and promotion leaders following a nine-county promotion tion." bold tonight and Richard Russell displayed June. I in San Francisco. Glrigliano Unhappy tomorrow evening. scheme Grad Fee Due Friday According to Al Campbell, past ADS president and chairman Dick Cirigliano, t his year 's . icnaru raganeii , Seniors will hit%e until F'ri- of the committee, the Ray .trca chairman for Spardi Gras, felt and Leonard Weiss will take. s' ha their graduation feN which is like the Chamber I "The Dean's committee should parts of Harry. Charlie and Frani- cauncli, I awarding to George Link, class Commerce for the nine Ray have asked for some student rep- kle. respectively. Patsy, Mabel and of ateesideet. Link stressed that un- Ares counties, met up a fund to IR CI u b T a lk s ver resentation at the deciding meet- Gloria will be played by Richard less payment la made, those stu- the nine counties cooper- ing." Cirigliano said he felt the Russell, Nancy Brokenshire and advance dents will mien out on senior - atively promoting Industry. This decision would have been "no" re- Carol Strong tonight and Robert in week project was given to the ad cfra- World Federalism --gerdiess -but that-with -represent- Debalci_ Carol Strong and Nancy The fee is payabla in the -Senates of the-thilver»ity of Cali- A panel discussion on the World ation the student body as a whole Brokenshire et tomorrow night's Graduate Manager's office. Federalist movement WI's held would have been, more satisfied performance. Mr. Carver will be forsda, Stanford, and San Jose State college. Monday afternoon in room 107 by with the decision. He was emphat- portrayed by Harold Willard. the International Relations club. action; This was planned as a national ically opposed to the Mr. Harrison McCreath designed Lothar Boessing, San Jose State the fence, Theodore advertising campaign. When it was Straddling the settings for the production. college student and native of Ger- junior, said, "It Stage manager is Don Simons, presented to the San Francisco V. Sampson, does- AWS Meal To Honor many, acted as chairman of the me one manager is Ann Ad club on June 1 over 150 ad- n't affect way or the oth- sound effects discussion. Panel members were is the cos- vertising leaders of the Bay coun- er; since am here solely for an Dench, and Chez Haehl given a short talk on the move- manager, Active Campus Girls ties gathered in the Golden room education, and sluice I am beyond tume ment's growth by Boessing at the are available in the of the Palace hotel. Reports from the age group for extra-curricular Tickets Tonight at 6:30, AWS will pre- opening of the discussion. He room 57, for 30 this meeting term the results su- activities, of this kind." Speech office, sent its annual Activities banquet pointed out various facts concern- ----Alhong the changes the 100 most-aotive ingthe movement -in Western Eur- rectify Spardi Gras ailments were. sharp. on campus this year. Letters were received by many ope after World War II. The newly advertising leaders congratulating elected officers of remarked, "The rapid AWS also will the fraternities for their excellent be installed at the growth of the World Federalist banquet, work. with Barbara "Jeff" movement in Germany after the La Torre Distribution Brewster, outgoing president, in The nine-county promotion cam- war is astonishing." He feels that charge of the ceremony. paign plans will be presented to this movement offer"; the world a Dr. In Library Arch Today Gertrude Caving will be the Oakland Ad club en June 14, means by which man can do away guest speaker for the evening. Dr. and again at the San Jose Ad club with large standing armies and The line forms to the right! ste Nlansiger's office, room 16. Up- Caving, noted speaker and faculty on June 16. direct his efforts toward things The California Centennial edi- on payment of the $3 balance, he member in the nce depart- The San Jose presentation will that will benefit him. When asked ment, will talk on tion of the Spartan yearbook, La will be given a paid-in -full stub, women's activi- be held in the De Anza hotel for how long it would take the World ties on Torre, is now being distributed to which will entitle him to pick up campus, according to Mel- the local advertising leaders.
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