NC STATE UNIVERSITY 1998 Spring . Commencement North Carolina State University Saturday, May 16 Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight Degrees Awarded 1998 DEGREES TO BE CONFERRED Saturday, May 16 Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight Thisprogram is prepared for informational purposes only. Theappearance ofan individual'sname doesnotconstitutetheUniversity'sacknowledgement,certification,orrepresentationthatthe individual has fulfilledthe requirements fora degree. Honors listedforMay 1998candidatesfordegree aretentative inthattheyarecalculatedwithoutthe final semester grades. TABLE OF CONTENTS ChancellorLarry K. Monteith iii Musical Program iv Exercises ofGraduation v General Henry Hugh Shelton vi Edgar S. Woolard, .lr. ........................................................... Vii Time and Location ofDistribution ofDiplomas ..................................... viii ROTC Commissioning Ceremony x CommencementUshers ......................................................... xi CommencementMarshals ....................................................... xi Faculty Retirements 1997-98 ..................................................... xii Academic Costume xiii Academic Honors xiii The Alma Mater xiv Undergraduate Degrees 1 Graduate Degrees .............................................................. 51 Master's Degrees 51 MasterofArts Degrees 58 MasterofScience Degrees 59 DoctorofEducation Degrees 65 Doctor ofPhilosophy Degrees ........................................... 67 Doctor ofVeterinary Medicine Degrees .................................... 77 Board ofGovemors' Award forExcellence in Teaching ................................ 79 Alumni Faculty Awards 80 OutstandingTeacher Awards for 1997—98 81 Awards forAchievement - 1997—98 82 Phi BetaKappa 93 Phi Kappa Phi 94 Army, Navy and Air Force ROTC Commissionees - 1997-98 96 1998 Commencement Acknowledgements 98 CHANCELLOR LARRY K. MONTEITH ChancellorLarryK.MonteithhasbeenaffiliatedwithNCStateUniversityfor4l years --asastudent,alumnus,facultymember,deanandchancellor. MonteithannouncedinSeptember thathewill retire attheendofJuly. When hewasnamedinterim chancellorin 1989, hepledged to enhance NC State’s academic reputation as a premier research institution and to lead the university into its second century ofservice to the state. Duringhistenure,NC StateearnedachapteroftheelitePhi BetaKappahonorsociety. Six-yeargraduation rates forstudents increased to 67 percent. The university strengthened its financial base, completing a$230 million fund-raising campaignand launching an$80 million campaign to enhance endowment support for student scholarships and fellowships. Growth exploded onthe university’s CentennialCampus underMonteith, with eight newbuildingsvaluedat$127million,includingthe$45.5millionEngineeringGraduateResearch Center, which opened last fall. Five more buildings, valued at about $55 million, are under construction or in the planning stages. OthermilestonesduringMonteith’stenure includetheestablishmentoftheCollegeof Managementandthe developmentofFirstYearCollege, whichis gearedtoensuringthesuccess ofnew students, The university’sathletics program was among the firstin the regionto receive officialcertificationbytheNCAA,andtheNCSULibrariesjumpedmorethanhalfwaytothetop among the 108 national research libraries. Funding for research increased 74 percent during Monteith's eightyearsas chancellor, risingfrom$160million in 1989tonearly$334 millionlast year. PatentsawardedtoNCStateresearchersincreasednearlyfivefold, makingtheuniversity’s researchers the 13th most active inventors in the country. A native ofBryson City, Monteith earned his bachelorofscience degree in electrical engineeringatNCStatein 1960. HeWenttograduateschoolatDukeUniversity,whereheearned a master's degree in 1962 and his doctorate in 1965, both in electrical engineering. He was honored with the Distinguished Engineering alumnus Award by Duke in 1984. Whileworkingtowardhisgraduatedegrees, MonteithjoinedthetechnicalstaffofBell TelephoneLabs, where hewas employed from 1960to 1962. Hethenworkedasamemberofthe technical staffat ResearchTriangleInstitute(RTI)from 1962to 1968. DuringhistenureatRTI, hejoinedtheNCStateUniversityfacultyasanadjunctassistantprofessorofelectricalengineering in 1965. Three years later, hejoined the faculty full time as an associate professor. In 1972, he was named full professor, and two years later was named head ofthe department, aposition he heldforfouryearsbeforebecomingdeanoftheCollegeofEngineering in 1978. While serving onthe faculty, Monteith developed an outstandingacademic reputation through histeaching, research andpublications. Inadditionto providing leadership to anumber ofinterdisciplinary and interinstitutional programs, Monteith serves, or has served, on many statewide committees and projects. Monteith and his wife, Nancy, have a daughter and two sons. iii MUSICAL PROGRAM EXERCISES OF GRADUATION May 16, 1998 CommencementBand Concert 8:30 am. Carter—Finley Stadium On the Mall March John Philip Sousa First Suite in Eb Gustav Holst I. Chaconne II. Intermezzo 111. March Allerseelen ........................................... Richard Strauss The Nutmeggers March Eric Osterling Fantasy on American Sailing Songs ...................... Clare Grundman His Honor March Henry Fillmore Processional: 9:00 a.m. March Processional Clare Grundman Flourish for Wind Band .........................Ralph Vaughan Williams Recessional: His Honor March ......................................Henry Fillmore NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT BAND Dr. John A. Fuller, Conductor iv EXERCISES OF GRADUATION Carter-Finley Stadium Chancellor Larry K. Monteith Presiding May 16, 1998 PROCESSIONAL, 9:00 am. Dr. John A. Fuller TheConductor,audienceNorthlS requestedCarolinatoStateremainUniversiseate duringCommencementthe Processronal.Band. WELCOME ....................................... Chancellor Larry K. Monteith INVOCATION The Reverend John J. Wilkins Wake Chapel Missionary Baptist Church NATIONAL ANTHEM The Grains ofTime INTRODUCTIONS ........................................ Chancellor Monteith ADDRESS General Henry Hugh Shelton Chairman ofthe Joint Chiefs ofStaff CONFERRING OF DEGREES Chancellor Monteith VeterinaryCandidatesMedicine.forDoctorCandidatesofVeterinaryforMedicineotheradvancedpresenteddegreesby DeanpresentedofColleby ecanof Colleges.ofGraduateSchool. Candidatesforbaccalaureatedegrees presented by Deans of ADDRESS TO FELLOW GRADUATES ........................ Ms. PatriciaFestin Class of1998 RECOGNITIONS .......................................... Chancellor Monteith VALEDICTORIANS ......................................... CLASS OF 1998 Jarnie Carol Byrum Jennifer Jo Peterson Kyler Austin England Mason Jacob Reed David Wayne Grantham Michael Donald Rhodes Parul Arvind Jariwala David Brandon Smith Anthony Mark Jones Robert Marion Soule III Dharti Arvind Patel John David Storey TURNING OF THE TASSEL .................................. Mr. Joshua Hawn President, Senior Class ALMA MATER ........................................... The Grains ofTime RECESSIONAL (Platform Party only) The audience is requested to be seated during the Recessional. GENERAL HENRY HUGH SHELTON General Henry Hugh Shelton, chairman ofthe Joint Chiefs of Staffand a highly decorated graduate ofNorth Carolina State University, is the first member ofthe elite US. Army Special Forces -- the Green Berets -- to rise to the nation’s top military post. The 56- year-old, four-star general became the 14th chairman ofthe Joint Chiefs ofStaffin October 1997. The Edgecombe County native serves as the principal military adviser to the president, the secretary ofdefenseand theNational Security Council. Previously, he served as commanderin chiefoftheUS. SpecialOperationsCommand,whichoversees the GreenBerets and theNavy SEALS. Shelton earned his commission through the Reserve Officers Training Corps atNC State, where he graduated in 1963 with a degree in textile technology. He earned a masterof science degree from AuburnUniversity. His military education includes completion ofthe Air Command and StaffCollege and theNational WarCollege programs. In the two decades after his commissioning, Shelton heldavariety commandand staffpositions intheUnited Statesand Vietnam. He served two tours in Vietnam, first with the 5th Special Forces Group and then with the I73rd Airborne Brigade. Following his selection in 1987 as brigadiergeneral, Shelton served intheOperations Directorate ofthe Joint Staff. In 1989, he began atwo-year assignment as assistant division commander foroperations ofthe lOlst Airborne Division (Air Assault) -- atour that included a seven-month deployment to Saudi Arabia for Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. After the GulfWar, he was promoted to major general and assigned to Fort Bragg, where he commandedthe 82nd Airborne Division. He was promoted to lieutenant general in 1993. In 1994, he commanded the Operation Uphold Democracyjoint task force in Haiti. In 1996, Shelton was promoted to general and became commander in chief of the US. Special Operations Command. His awards anddecorations include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal (with 2 oak leaf clusters), Distinguished Service Medal, Legion ofMerit (with oak leafcluster), Bronze Star Medal with V device (with 3 oak leafclusters), and the Purple Heart. Shelton ismarriedtoTarboronative CarolynJohnson Shelton. They havethree sons, Jon, Jeffand Mark. vi EDGAR S. WOOLARD, JR. Edgar S. Woolard Jr., retiredchairmanand chiefexecutive officer ofBL duPont deNemours& Co.,isanalumnusand advocate
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