May 3, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E713 also calls upon the State Department to as- Groszew’s ‘‘Odds and Ends,’’ Cheryl Brown’s of a telephonic hearing system that reduced sess the prospect of phasing out services pro- ‘‘The telephone Call,’’ and Tiffany Chao’s the cost of litigation in the San Jose, California vided by UNRWA, and examine anti-Semitic ‘‘Lake Tahoe.’’ Court by approximately $300,000 per month. bias in UNRWA’s educational material. Boonton High School: Jennifer Hitchings’’ This system allows attorneys to make court Tying future U.S. assistance to UNRWA to ‘‘Profile,’’ Wyatt Sikora’s ‘‘Mind Mesh,’’ Sarah appearances from their offices by telephone an independent, internationally recognized ex- La Placa’s ‘‘unexpected,’’ and Karinya on all routine matters as well as other matters penditure audit will ensure U.S. taxpayer Santiago’s ‘‘Mom.’’ of their choosing. The system has become money does not support terrorist organizations Bridgewater Raritan High School: Allison widely used by the bar and saved thousands like Hamas. I want to thank my good friend Boucher’s ‘‘Zoom In,’’ Snena Ganguly’s of dollars in billable hours for clients. Congressman TOM LANTOS for being the lead ‘‘Woods,’’ and Amanda Ayod’s ‘‘What’s in My Judge Grube is the author of numerous pro- co-sponsor of this legislation. I look forward to Purse.’’ cedural and substantive guidelines adopted working with him and my other colleagues on Roxbury High School: Mark McDevitt’s ‘‘Still throughout the District and nationwide that this bill to bring accountability to UNRWA. By Life # 3,’’ Dana Windt’s ‘‘Morris Study # 5,’’ provides guidance to counsel and reduce un- doing so, we can take positive steps towards Deborah Brooks’’ ‘‘Proverb # 5,’’ and Amanda necessary legal expense. He is also recog- solving the refugee problem without allowing Baratta’s untitled work. nized as an outstanding and frequent lecturer. U.S. dollars to fall into the hands of terrorists. Livingston High School: Lucy Tan’s ‘‘1930’s In 2000 he spoke nationwide about the tech- f icon,’’ Stacey Berson’s ‘‘B Minor,’’ Genna nology bankruptcies that are typical in Silicon Cherichello’s ‘‘Mannequin in Orange and Valley and because of the unique caseload of CONGRATULATING OUTSTANDING Blue,’’ and Tanya Goldberg’s ‘‘Complementary bankruptcy courts in Silicon Valley, he has au- HIGH SCHOOL ARTIST FROM THE Expressions.’’ thored many ground-breaking opinions in the 11TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Montville High School: Yi Ming He’s ‘‘Cen- intellectual property field. OF NEW JERSEY tral Perc,’’ April Ennis’s ‘‘Springtime Enchant- As a strong advocate of education, Jim ment,’’ Joyce Chung’s ‘‘Checkmate,’’ and served on the Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Edu- HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN Kaitlin Michaud’s ‘‘Little Sister.’’ cation Committee. He has imparted his experi- OF NEW JERSEY Millburn High School: Albert Choi’s ‘‘Self ence and wisdom by being a mentor to his law IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Portrait,’’ Ann Trocchia’s ‘‘Self Portrait Ann,’’ clerks and has stood as an example to other Wednesday, May 3, 2006 and Erica Sutton’s ‘‘Self—Portrait.’’ lawyers in methods to approach legal prob- Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, once West Morris Mendham: Sara Gilbert’s ‘‘Va- lems. again, I come to the floor to recognize the cancy,’’ David Brunell-Brutman’s ‘‘Juggernaut,’’ Judge Grube participated in establishing the great success of strong local schools working and Heather Schultz’s ‘‘Relative Motion.’’ Don Edwards Inn of Court and has promoted with dedicated parents and teachers to raise Each year the winner of the competition has civility and professionalism in the community young men and women. I rise today to con- their art work displayed with other winners through his leadership. Judge Grube has also gratulate and honor 45 outstanding high from across the country in a special corridor participated in both the San Jose Rotary Club school artists from the 11th Congressional here at the U.S. Capitol. Every time a vote is and the Hollister Rotary Club. District of New Jersey. Each of these talented called, I walk through that corridor and am re- I know I join many others in Santa Clara students is participating in the 2006 Annual minded of the vast talents of our young men County in thanking Judge Grube for his con- Congressional Arts competition, ‘‘An Artistic and women. tributions and wish him well upon his retire- Discovery.’’ Their works, of art are excep- Indeed, all of these young artists are win- ment from the bench. tional! ners, and we should be proud of their achieve- f We have 45 students participating. That is a ments so early in life. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join BUSINESS LEADERS TO BE RECOG- tremendous response, and I would very much NIZED BY NORTH CENTRAL OHIO like to build on that participation for future me in congratulating these talented young people from New Jersey’s 11th Congressional ENTREPRENEURIAL HALL OF competitions. FAME Mr. Speaker, I would like to congratulate the District. f three winners of our art competition. First HON. MICHAEL G. OXLEY place was awarded to Sara Gilbert from West TO COMMEND THE HONORABLE OF OHIO Morris Mendham High School for her work en- JAMES R. GRUBE FOR HIS WORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES titled ‘‘Vacancy.’’ Second place was awarded AT THE UNITED STATES BANK- to Lucy Tan from Livingston High School for RUPTCY COURT IN THE NORTH- Wednesday, May 3, 2006 her work entitled ‘‘1930’s Icon.’’ Third place ERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege was awarded to Snena Ganguly from Bridge- to recognize the outstanding accomplishments water Raritan High School for her work enti- of three distinguished Ohioans being honored tled ‘‘Woods.’’ HON. ZOE LOFGREN Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize each OF CALIFORNIA by the North Central Ohio Entrepreneurial Hall artist for their participation by indicating their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Fame on May 5. Shirley Monica began her career with the high school, their name, and the title of their Wednesday, May 3, 2006 contest entry for the official Record. Home McDonald’s organization in 1978, when she schooled: Phyllis Schlafly’s ‘‘Circle of Light.’’ Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. and her husband invested in three stores in Madison High School: Joey Mottola’s ‘‘A Speaker, I rise to honor and commend the the Mansfield area. In 1980, despite a dismal look into deep Blu,’’ Chloe Unger’s ‘‘Reflec- Honorable James R. Grube upon his retire- economy, Shirley listened to her instincts and tion,’’ Philip Hinge’s ‘‘Self Portrait,’’ and Pam ment from an almost 18-year career on the opened a store on her own—silencing her de- Dughi’s ‘‘Self.’’ bench serving the United States Bankruptcy tractors a year later when the store was Mount Olive High School: Sophia Sobers’s Court in the Northern District of California. named the highest-volume store in the United ‘‘Loss of Innocence,’’ Andrew Schweighardt’s Judge Grube was appointed to the bench States. Today, Shirley and her family own nine ‘‘Omas Pickled Peppers,’’ Jessica Masterson’s on August 12, 1988 after practice as an attor- McDonald’s franchises in north central Ohio. ‘‘FLIP,’’ and Meghan Marvin’s ‘‘There Goes ney specializing in bankruptcy and general in- Her stores have repeatedly been recognized the Neighborhood.’’ solvency matters. Prior to his practice of law, for their service speed, quality, and overall Ridge High School: Wyatt Regan’s ‘‘Burning Judge Grube served in the United States operational excellence. Bush,’’ Alan Yang’s ‘‘Flight of the Mind,’’ Army as a Captain with the 11th Light Infantry Shirley has made her career about more Jenna Buesser’s ‘‘Detained Debris,’’ and Han- Brigade in Vietnam. In 1987, shortly before his than simply developing restaurants. Her co- nah Barkley’s untitled work. appointment to the bench, Jim was elected to workers and employees speak of Shirley fond- Dover High School: Erick Szentmiklosy’s un- the 500 Best Lawyers in America in recogni- ly as a leader, mentor, and friend. Her drive titled work. tion of the quality of his legal work in the field for perfection and faith in people make Shirley Morris Hills High School: Brandon of bankruptcy. truly worthy of induction into the Hall of Fame. Rodleewitz’s ‘‘Partners in Peace,’’ and Krupa During Judge Grube’s tenure he has led the Also being inducted is Bill Burgett, a long- Patel’s ‘‘Visions.’’ court in a number of areas to improve cost time friend who founded the Kokosing Con- Morris Knolls High School: Lindsay and delay reduction in the courts. In the mid struction Company in 1950. Based in Mehringer’s ‘‘coucher de soleil,’’ Tanya 1990’s, Judge Grube led the implementation Fredericktown, Kokosing is a regional leader VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:13 May 04, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03MY8.092 E03MYPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS E714 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 3, 2006 in the construction of industrial plants, road that all Americans should understand, appre- and fashionable roadhouse. Most famous bridges, and underground utility systems. Last ciate, and defend. I applaud the students from amongst its regular guests was GEN Abner year, the company ranked 67th in a listing of East Brunswick High School for acting on Doubleday, best known as the inventor of the top 400 national contractors. Employing these values. They are indeed our future lead- baseball. This majestic building, recently re- more than 2,500 Ohio workers, Kokosing op- ers, and have proven that they are able to de- stored, serves as the Borough Hall. erates five divisions and five subsidiary com- fend and nurture our democracy and our Con- Today, Mendham Borough is comprised of panies.
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