GREENBELT th versary Anni News ReviewAn Independent Newspaper VOL. 75, No. 41 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 AUGUST 30, 2012 75th Anniversary City Opposes Waste Plan; Greenbelt Labor Day Festival Gains Access to UM Bus Still Offers Varied Activities by Barbara Hopkins The Greenbelt Advisory Com- the plan of Austin, Texas, which by Cathy D. Knepper mittee on Environmental Sustain- also is striving for net zero waste ability (GreenACES) recently an- by 2040, meaning that only 10 Greenbelt’s Labor Day Festival During the 1950s and 1960s City officials and the paper had nounced its opposition to Prince percent of its waste would be stands out as the town’s foremost the fairs continued to evolve. their hands full then covering the George’s County’s draft 10-year sent to a landfill. Austin plans celebration, beginning that first Early ones focused on raising continually changing zoning and plan for solid-waste management. to increase recycling by govern- summer in 1938 after residents money for the Greenbelt Youth development situation. The county, which must submit ment, business and the general arrived. In 1938 the Junior Citi- Center. By 1961 this challenge A News Review reader took a plan to the state by the end public, and to reduce city waste zens Association organized races, had been met as the Youth Center over for them in the July 9 is- of the year, had released a draft and make the waste stream more games and a parade. It was also was dedicated during that year’s sue: “I think it is disgraceful plan to build a new solid waste efficient. the time of the first town fair in Festival. that we’re not having this suc- transfer station for compacting Councilmember Edward which people could compete for In following years the Festi- cessful affair. It is known that trash before it is carried by truck Putens suggested that Austin’s ap- prizes for their gardens, canned val became the premier event, some former Greenbelters return or train to a disposal site out of proach could be a starting point, goods, baked goods and needle- bringing together all community to Greenbelt on their vacation the county. At its regular meet- and said he hoped the committee work. organizations and town residents. just for the [July 4] celebration. ing on August 13, the Greenbelt would have other suggestions Exhibits illustrated all religions Aspects of the celebration were Everyone looks forward to it, the City Council addressed this issue when the county holds public in town. The fair had musi- continually added, and only a few young children, the teen-agers along with several other items hearings. cal programs, athletic contests, subtracted, leading to the current and older people.” with an environmental focus. Putens’ motion to follow the marionette shows and concerts. four-day extravaganza. If you After this letter appeared, Recommendations GreenACES recommendations Twenty-two organizations in the want to know what Greenbelt Greenbelters stepped forward to GreenACES asked council passed unanimously and council community participated. Joseph holds dear, look to the Festival, hold the Festival. to send a letter to the county agreed to send county officials a “Pop” Cipriano, a long-time area which reflects every facet of On rare occasions the fair stating opposition to the draft letter saying the city is opposed resident and colorful promoter of town life. reflected a division within the plan and asking the county to to the draft plan and ask for a the fair, appeared in early parades Cancel Fireworks? city, as well as in the entire na- develop a plan prolonging the delay in the state deadline so the with his donkey pulling a cart of In 1964 city officials made the tion. Community groups, except life of the landfill through in- county has time to hold public fresh flowers. decision to cancel Fourth of July those in partisan politics, had creased waste reduction, reuse, hearings. During World War II, how- fireworks and it looked as if they always been welcome to sponsor recycling and composting. In its Sustainable ever, no Labor Day celebration would do the same to the Festi- booths at the Festival. How- request, GreenACES gave exam- As Greenbelt moves to be- occurred. Then in 1945 it joy- val. The News Review, usually ever, in 1966 the local chapters ples of how this approach could come a Sustainable Maryland fully resumed, attracting 5,000 quick to notice such community be implemented and noted that Certified (SMC) community, it participants. deficiencies, did not comment. See FESTIVAL, page 6 it would increase job creation is required to establish a Green throughout the county. Team to coordinate its sustain- John Lippert, GreenACES ability activities. GreenACES chair, told council that the Brown recommends forming a team of Station Landfill will be full in 15 members drawn from envi- Queen Pageant, Then and Now; another six years at current levels ronmental groups (three members of waste generation. He said that recommended), GHI, city council, a number of communities about city staff, apartment complexes How this Event Has Evolved the size of Greenbelt are striv- (two members), the business ing for “net zero waste,” which community (two members), the by Sandra A. Lange would bring volume down to 10 Greenbelt East Advisory Coali- to 20 percent of current values. tion (two members), GreenACES The Greenbelt Town Fair emphasize the importance of He said the county plans to members and those from the – born in 1939 – evolved into education, providing schol- continue current levels of recy- community who express an inter- the four-day Labor Day Festi- arships to the Miss Green- cling but not to increase them. est in being on the team (two val in 1955. At that time, it belt title winners. Lippert also pointed out that members). included street dancing along The Queen Pageant has removing waste to another coun- The motion to follow the rec- Centerway, square dancing always been a Festival high- ty for disposal would increase ommendation carried unanimous- on the tennis courts, evening light. In past years, like transportation-generated pollution ly. Mayor Judith Davis said she entertainment, a majorette today, each contestant has and increase costs. In addition, hoped there would be representa- contest, a boxing show, art a sponsor. But there the the county would be vulnerable tion on the team from Franklin exhibit, parade, a fishing ro- RGOLA similarity ends. As noted to the entities which control its Park. E deo, athletic contests, carnival P earlier, people voted for waste disposal. K The committee’s request cited See COUNCIL, page 6 rides, games and Bingo and a NIC their favorite woman by popularity contest. placing money in jars scat- The Miss Greenbelt Pag- tered around town. Usually eant also began in that year. people dropped pennies into What Goes On PHOTO BY BY PHOTO The first Miss Greenbelt Pag- the jars – sometimes dimes 58th Annual Greenbelt Labor Day Festival Events: eant, open to women between Alice Plaster is crowned Miss Green- or quarters. Friday, August 31 the ages of 15 and 50, was belt in 1974 by her sister Martha, the The American Legion in 7:15 p.m., Outstanding Citizen Reception, Municipal Building, a fundraiser to support con- 1972 Miss Greenbelt. Alice later went those days always sponsored Public is invited. struction of the Youth Center on to chair the pageant. the girl who won because Saturday, September 1 building. the Legion had so many 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Information Day and Community Exhibits, Votes were cast by turn- supporters. However, in Roosevelt Center ing in pennies in collection jars Youth Center was built, the theme 1957 the Fire Department spon- 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., Roller Skating, Community Center Gym set out at various businesses and evolved to “Unity Through Com- sored a candidate whom they felt 6 p.m., Memorial Gathering, behind Mother and Child Statue munity Involvement.” Over the children helped to collect penny had a good chance to win. Sunday, September 2 votes. The woman with the most years, the Pageant has been modi- Then word got around that 3 to 5 p.m., Retro Town Fair, Roosevelt Center pennies to her credit won the fied, streamlined and organized someone had put a $100 check in title. under various directors, becoming the Legion’s jar, which started a 4 to 7 p.m., Miss Greenbelt Pageant, Stage The first Miss Greenbelt – known as it is today as the Miss “war” between the two organiza- Monday, September 3 Mary Emmert Ruleman – was Greenbelt Pageant System. tions. Legion and Fire Depart- 10 a.m. to noon, Parade Competition Changes actually married, with three chil- ment supporters were all writing Monday, September 3 – City and Greenbelt Homes Inc., dren, when she won at the age In 1982, during the height of checks. Miss Fire Department Closed for the Labor Day Holiday of 30! the women’s liberation movement, (Kathleen Madden) eventually In 1956 the rules were slightly the previous swimsuit competition won, the Legion’s winning streak Tuesday, September 4 modified. Entrants had to be was removed. However, the Little finally broken. 7 p.m., Arts Advisory Board Meeting, Community Center single and between the ages of 16 Miss Greenbelt and Junior Miss After that experience, Labor Thursday, September 6 and 25 and the contest was called Greenbelt contests were added in Day Festival rules were changed 7:30 p.m., Greenbelt Homes, Inc. (GHI) Board Meeting, GHI the “Popularity Crown” or “Popu- the 1980s. and the Miss Greenbelt Pageant Administration Building larity Contest.” Later, after the In 1992 the Pageant began to that we know today was born.
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