Drag Center Quietly SEE STORY BEWW Sunny and Cool THEDAILY Sunny today, high near 70. FINAL Fair and continued cool to- '") Ital Hunk, Fmliold f morrow. Sunday, fair and mild. EDITION 32 PAGES JMonmoulli County's Itatgtaiidlng Home Newspaper VOL.94. NO. 237 KEIJ BANK, NJ. FRIDAY, MAY 26,1972 TEN CENTS lUIIIUfltlHIIIIMllillltuiiiiiiiiiiiiiM Memorial Day Programs Set in 22 Area Towrfc With the Weather Bureau's nual Memorial Day services of American Legion Post 168, American Veterans; Ameri- both the American Legion, we may live," urged Com- Legion Post 44, will be master long-range indicators promis- in Red Bank Monday. and by Mayor Daniel J. can Veterans; Auxiliary Sons and VFW. mander Kelly., of ceremonies. Also participating in the ing fair skies for Monday's The program starts at 11 ' O'Hern. of Union Veterans of the Civil MIDDLETOWN LONG BRANCH Memorial Day holiday, mu- a.m. in front of the monument Fire Department Memorial War; Red Bank Old Guard; The Veterans of Foreign event will be the Local Jewish Long Branch Mayor Henry War Veterans, Catholic War nicipalities, veterans' organi- at the police headquarters, 51 Services will be conducted by Red Bank Elks Lodge No. Wars and its auxiliary will R: Cioffi will initiate the city's zations and the armed ser- Monmouth St. In case of rain, Chief Garrett Corson, and the. 233; Kiwanis Club; Loyal Or- present a color guard and Memorial Day services at.9:30 Veterans and VFW Post 2140. vices facilities of the northern the services will be held in- Rev, Rollo Michael, depart- der of Moose, Post 2042; Cal- Taps ceremonies in Middle- a.m. Monday, when he drops IIAZLET Monmouth County community doors. ment chaplain. vary Baptist,Church; Red town Monday in memory of a wreath into the Atlantic Observance of Memorial are preparing programs in re- Maj. Schumacher is a grad- Maj. Schumacher will be in- Bank Women's Club; Gold those lost in the nation's Ocean from the Long Branch Day in Hazlet will begin offi- membrance to the nation's uate of Bob Jones University troduced by Morris Miller, Star Wives of America; Red wars, Commander John B. Fishing Pier. cially Sunday at 11 a.m. when war dead. in Greenville, S.C., and the ' past commander of American Bank Civil Defense, and the Kelly has announced. memorial services are held at auxiliaries of both the Ameri- The first ceremony will be Following that annual cere- Memorial Park. Parades are scheduled In Grace Theological Seminary Legion Post 168. mony, the Long Branch War several municipalities, while in Winona Lake, Ind. There will also be the tra- can Legion, and VFW. at the monument on Church Members of Veterans of St., Belford, at 9 a.m. A sec- Veterans Alliance will con- Foreign Wars Post 4303 will others slated traditional me- He joined the Army in 1965 ditional placing of floral duct its 27th consecutive morial services, most of them and has served two tours in pieces around the moument, Auxiliary Sons of Union Veter- ond service is scheduled at 11 oversee events which include a.m. at the monument at yearly services at Veterans participation of community at U a.m. although in some Vietnam. He holds the Bronze and the presentation of a new ans of the Civil War; Red Monmument, City Hall Park. instances more than one ser- Star, Army Commendation flag to the borough. Bank Old Guard; Red Bank Kings Hwy. and Rt. 35 near organizations in uniform, flor- vice is planned. Medal and the Vietnamese Among the participating or- Elks Lodge No. 233; Kiwanis Township Hall. The local High School con- al offerings, a young peoples' RED BANK Cross of Gallantry. ganizations are the police and Club; Loyal Order of Moose, Post and auxiliary members cert orchestra end a Ft. Mon- group playing guitars and Maj. John W. Schumacher, The program begins with fire department, Veterans ot Post 2042; Calvary Baptist will place 1,001 flags on veter- mouth firing squad will take singing and a gun salute. chaplain of the alcohol and the National Anthem by the Foreign Wars Post 458; N.J. Church; Red Bank Women's ans' graves in Fairview Cem- part in the ceremony. John F. Monday is parade day. Pa- drug abuse program at Ft. Old Guard Glee Club, and will Chapter of the Rainbow Divi- Club; Gold Star Wives of etery Saturday morning. Johnson, past commander of rade formation starts at 9 Monmouth, will deliver the be followed by remarks from sion Veterans; Catholic War America; Red Bank Civil De- "Join us in honoring those both the Veterans of Foreign a.m. at Airport Plaza, Rt. 35. principal address at the an- Louis DeLorenzo, commander Veterans Post 1410; Disabled- fense, and the auxiliaries of who gave their lives so that Wars Post 2795 and American See Memorial Page 2 John W. Schumacher Arms Talks Said ^Moving Ahead' MOSCOW (AP) - Negotia- before the summit talks began conclusion of their talks in the case, Smith and Semenov tions for the arms curb pact this week. Helsinki. But Smith postponed would have come to Moscow that President Nixon hopes No Agreement his departure from the Fin- to put the issues before Nixon will crown his summit talks in "The negotiations," Ziegler nish captial, and a source and the top Soviet leaders. Moscow "are moving ahead said, "are moving ahead con- there said there was "some Some American' observers constructively," White House structively, but they haven't littis sticky last-minute prob- suspected-that the Nixon en- spokesman Ronald L. Ziegler moved to the point of agree- lem." tourage would prefer to unveil said today. But he told news- ment yet." Leonid Zamyatin, the chief the arms agreement in time men he didn't expect the land- Gerard Smith and Vladimir Soviet press spokesman for for publication in the widely mark agreemeni to be ready Semenov, the chief American the summit talks, told news- read Sunday morning news- for signing tonight. and Soviet arms, negotiators, men this did not indicate any papers back home and were Ziegler also said he did not hafl been expected to arrive major obstacles had devel- attempting to create an ele- • ' • AP wmptiolD expect any substantive agree- yesterday after successful oped. He said had that been ment of suspense. AFTER HECKLING — President Nixon, flanked by Soviet Premier Alexel Kosygin, left, and Soviet ments on trade today. President Nikolai Podgorny, applauds last night after performance of "Swan Lake" at the Bolshoi U.S. summit negotiators Theater in Moscow. Someprte shouted "freedom for Vietnam" during the ballet. had made no secret of their hopes for the signing this eve- ning of a treaty and compan- New Missile Halts ion executive agreement to limit the deployment of offen- Funds for Drug Center sive and defensive nuclear missiles on land and at sea. Ziegler declined to say what Assault on Kontum was holding up the pact, nor SAIGON (AP)-U.S. forces central highlands today. A American helicopters firing' would he confirm reports that TOW missiles destroyed 10 of technical snags persisted. He firing electronically guided dozen tanks were reported de- Cut Out of State Budget missiles newly introduced in stroyed. the 12 enemy tanks that were even refused to repeat that Vietnam broke up a tank as- On the northern front, South knocked out. Sources in the LONG BRANCH -'A well- Mayor Cioffi cited the ef- week that the state budget pleas are legitimate and rea- there was "agreement in prin- field told Associated Press ciple," as he had said shortly sault on Kontum City in the Vietnamese marines beat kept secret until yesterday forts of Assemblyman Eugene was adopted without the funds sonable. back the fourth assault this correspondent David J. Paine was disclosed last night when Bedell, who was to have made the governor had asked for to "I don't know whether this week on the defense line at that some of the missiles were Mayor Henry R. Cioffi an- the announcement jointly with operate the therapeutic treat- will effectively close the My Chanh, north of Hue, in a fired from special Jeejis man- nounced that $150,000 ear- the mayor, for having the ment center in the former school," the mayor said, "but five-hour battle. ned by U.S. troops of the 17th marked for operation of the budgetary line item deleted Star of the Sea Academy, it will cause the governor to Heavy Hghting continued in Air Cavalry helicopter unit, planned state drug rehabilita- from Gov. Cahill's proposal. Chelsea Ave. • ; ' pause and reflect on future Tighten Ocean and that some of the 12 tanks He said- the assemblyman • "I can-now »reriort'with as- actions. When he gets over Kontum for the second day, ~tion center here -has been de- and field reports said the were destroyed by South Viet- leted from Gov. William T. apparently was detained by surance," Mayor Cioffi said, the initial shock," he addedj namese artillery firing at, legislative business and .was "that the funds' have been de- ''maybe he will finally get North Vietnamese were trying Cahill's proposed budget. to capture their second pro- close range. The mayor said last night unable to attend the special leted and that Mr. Bedell's around to answering my pleas U.S.. sources in Plelku said session called to announce the support has borne fruit." to sit with him and discuss the Dumping Ban vincial capital. The country's that he does not know how the northernmost provincial capi- three of the tanks were Amer- budget cut "got through both move against the city drug He added" that •' the legisla- issue." TRENTON (AP) - The River south of Camden, the ican M41s captured from the center.
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