![SENATE 4957 Manufacture-, ·&Ale, Or Transportation of Al MESSAGE from the House, Coholic Liquors in The](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1944 CONGRESSIONAL 'RECORD-SENATE 4957 manufacture-, ·&ale, or transportation of al­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUsE, coholic liquors in the. United States for t.tle SENATE duration of the war; to tne. Committee on A message from the House of Repre­ tl:e. Judicia~y. THUBSDAY, MAY 25, 1944 sentatives. by Mr. Chrufee, one of its 51140. Also. petition of William E. Roop and reading clerks, announc~d that the House 16 otber citizens of Westminster, .Md., urging (Legislative day oj Tuesday, May 9, 1944) had disagreed to the amendments of the enactment of House billi 2082, a meas.u:re to - sena.te to the l>ilJ lli. R. 4559 ) making redw:e absen.teeism, COJ!lSerVe manpower. and The Senate met at 12 o'cloc~ meridian. appropria.tions for the Navy Department speed production of matelials :necessary for on the expiration of the recessr and the naval service for the .Dsc~d year the winning the b7 prohibiting the ot war Tbe Chaplain, Rev~ Frederick Brown i ending June 30, 1945, and additional ap­ manufacture, sale. or tTansportation Ol.f area-. Harris, D. D., c:ft'ered the foUowing holic liquors in the United States for tbe propriations therefor for the fiscal year duration of the war; to the Committee on prayer: 2g44, and for other purposes; agreed to the .Tudieiary. Our Father Gcd, whose handiwork the the conference ask.ed by the. Senate on 5741. Also, petition of Blanche Matron and earth showeth, the centuries casting the disagreeing votes of the two Houses 20 other citizens of Watexvliet, Mich.., urging their shadows on the diai of eternity. thereon, and th3.t Mr. SHEPPARD. Mr• . enactment of House bill 2082, a measure to where a. thousand years are but as yes­ THOMAS o! Tex:a.s, Mr. COFFEE, Mr. WHIT­ reduce abS'enteeism, ~ve manpower. a:nd terday when it is past but record the TEN, Mr. PLUMLEY. Mr, JOHNSON of In­ speed product.ion. of materials necessary for diana, and Mr. Pr.OESER were appointed the winning of the· war by prohibiting the slow yet steady attainment o-f Thy pur­ managers on the p~t. of the House at the manuiacture. sale, or transportation of alco­ pose in a. universe whose heart is love: conference.. holic liquors in the United States for t:ne Thou. bast made man so that in Thy duration of the war; to the _Committee on image he may read Thy thoughts after The message. also announced that. tbe the Judiciary. Thee. It is: Thou who hast put tbe House: had pa.ssed. the fo-llowing bills, in. 5742. A1so. petition of Eun~ce Lee Smith golden key of invention and discovery which it requested the coneunence of· and 18 other citiz~ns of Hanford, Calif., urg­ in his searching hand with the promise the Senate.= , ing enactment of HOWle bill 2082, a measure H. R. 4to-a. An aet to extend 'for l addi­ to reduce absenteei&m, conserve manpower, wbieh is a prophecy: "Thou shaJt have' dominion/• At Thy bidding he bas har­ tional year the reduced :rate of Interut on and speed production of materials necessary La.nd . Bank Commiss.ioner lcan.s,; for the wfnning of the war. by prohibiting the nessed the mystic energy which, un­ H.R. 4184. An ac:t to amend sect.fon · 321, manufacture, sale, or transportatfon of alco­ tamed, shatters and stabs with its forked title Jll, part U, Transportation Act cof 1.940'~ holic liquors fn the United States for the du­ sword; and. lo. as the servant of man's with .respe.ct to the m~veme-nt of Government. ration of tbe war; to the Committee on the traffic; and Judiciary. desire speeding his thoughts across the mocking miles. it whispers, "What hath H. R. 4861. An. act making appropriations 5743. Also, petition of .rennie Collins. and for the government or the Di!strtct of Co­ 43 other citizens of :Mount Vernon. ru., urging God wrought!•' So on the wings of the lightning soundeth Tby wo1d. Thou dost lumbia ftnd other activities cbargeab:Fe In enactment of House bill 2082', a. mea.swe. to whole cr In pa:rt. against. tbe revenues of such reduce absenteeism, conserve manpower. and cause even the spiteful wrath of man to District for the :fiscal yeru: endil!lg June: 30,. speed production of materials necessary !or praise Thee. The wonders man's mind 1945. and fOJ: other purposes. the Winning ot the wa:r by prohibiting the bath wrought, which. without the reign PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS manufacture, sale, or transportation of alco­ of Thy will, tear and destroy, becoxne the holic liquors 1n the -United States. for thei messengers of brotherhood and of an un­ Petitions, etc., were laid before the dUration ot the war; to the Committee on derstanding which encircles the earth as Senate• .or presented,. and referred as in- the Judiciary. · · dlcated: · 5744. Also, petition of ;r, A. Lawrence and ' :it speUs out the accents of go.od will. · 18 other citizens or Baltimore Md., urging Bring us to a golden tomorrow when By tbti ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ enactment of House bili 2082, a measure to the instrumentalities that now destroy pore: reduce absen,teeis.zn, conserve manpower, and shall be the channels of health and heal­ A resolution adopted. by Local No. 639'• speed production of rna tertals necessary for ing, when redeemed generations living U. A. W . (C. I- 0.), of. Flint, Mich-. favoring the winning of the . war by prohibiting the in peace and plenty shall lift up the the appropriation of $585.000' to finance the manufacture, sale, or transportation CJf alco­ F. E. P. C. for anotheF Jear; to the Commit-. holic Ifquors in the United States for the grateful ' paean cf praise, "Wbat· hath tee on Appropriations. duration of the war; to the Committee on the God wrought!" We ask it in the dear I A r~olution adopted by Local No. 465. Judiciary. Redeemer's name. ·Amen. Protective. Order at rnntng Oar Waiters. of Los Angeles. Cali!. • favoring extension of the 5745. Also. petition of Richard Ennis and DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESIDENT 22 other cftizens o! Chance, Md., urging en­ Emergency Price Control Act: to the,- Com­ actment ot House bfll 2082, a measure to re­ PRO TEMPORE' mittee on .Banldng: and C'urrency. duce a~nteeism. conserve manpower. and · The Chief Clerk read the following let­ Resolutions adopted by United: cannery speed production of materials necessary for ter: Packing and Pooc:t Preservers. Local No. 'l-2. the ~inning of the war by prohibiting the (C. I. 0 .}, o1 Seattle, and the Tacom& and. manufacture, sale, or transportation of alco­ UN.ITED S'l'ATES SENATE, Pierce County Industrial (C. I . 0 .} U.m:lon PRESIDENT PRO TE:lloiPORJt, holic liquorl!f in the United States for tbe' ' eoun~n. or Tacoma~ both in the State of Washington, D. C., May 25, 1944. 1 duration of the war; to the Committee on • Washington. favmlng tb.e extension and im­ the Judiciary. To the Senate.- provement of the Emergency Price Control 5746. By. Mr. CANFIELD: Resolution Bel!ng temporarily absent from the Senate. Act; to the Oommittee on Bankfng and CUr­ adopted by the borough of North Haledon. I appoint Hon. ELMER THoMAS, a Senaror rency. county of Passaic, N.J., endorsing Senate om·. from the State of Oklahoma:, to perform the A resolution adopted: by Journeymen Bar­ 1737 sponsored by Senator HAWKES, of New duties of the Chair during my .absence. bers Union, No. 295, of Los Angeles, Calif., Jersey, prov.idlng for certain payments· to CARTER. GLASS', favoring the maintenance of ceiling prices states and · their poll.tlcal subdivisions as President pro tempore. and the continuance of the 0. P. A. program compensation. for loss of revenues occasioned and endorsing the resolutions adopted by the by the a.cqwsition of real property by the Mr. THOMAS of Ok1ahoma thereupon cost-of-UVing conference held' at Los An­ United States for military purposes; to the took the chair as Acting President pro geles, Calif., on 'April 2, 1944, relattng to re­ Committee on Military Affairs. tempore. newal of the Eme.rgeney Price. Control Act 5747. By Mrs. NORTON: Petition of the ' and suppo.rt of the 0 . P. A. subsidy pro- THE JOURNAL Polish Council of Bayonne, N. J., petitioning 1 g.ram; to tbe "Committee on Bankfng and Currency. the Government and the Congress. of tbe On request of Mr. BARKLEY~ and by Resolutions adopted by United Cannery United States to use their fullest influence unapimous consent, the reading of the and authority to the end that. Poland may be Pacldng and Food PJ'e6el'Vers Local No. 7-a Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ (C. I. 0.) , of Seattle, and Tacoma and Pierce accorded justice and freedom; to the Com­ County IndustrjaJ (C. I. 0.) Union CouncJ!I, mittee on Foreign Affairs. dar day Tuesday May 23, 1944, was dis .. pensed with, and the Journal .Was ap­ of Tacoma, bOth in the S-tate ot Washington, 5748. By Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey: Pett- 1 1 proved. and the San Diego county Federated Trades tion ot boroughs ot Glen BQck, Passaic, Wash­ and LabOr Council, or San Diego, Calif., !avvr­ ington, Sussex, Milford, township of Hardy­ MESSAGES PROM THE PRESIDENT lng tbe adoption of measures to establish a ston and the. Board o! Chosen Freeholders of Messages in writing from the President Nation-wide broadcast of cong7essionaJ Jl!"O­ ~en .county, ·N.J.. endorsing the meas­ ceedings; to the COmmittee on Rules.
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