Kerala Gazette No. 33 dated 13th August 2013. PART III COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE LAND FAIR VALUE NOTIFICATION THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DISTRICT FORM ‘A’ (See Rule 4) NOTIFICATION No. K2-12623/2012/KDM. 18th July 2013. WHEREAS, it is expedient to publish the Fair Value of land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959 read with Sub Rule (7) of rule 3 and rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby made known to the public that the final fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each Serial Number, in respect of the land situated in the survey/re-survey numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each shall be as shown against it in column (11) thereof. SCHEDULE District—Thiruvananthapuram. Taluk—Chirayinkeezhu. Village—Elamba. Name of Sub Re-Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Name. Fair Value Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Classification Division Sub Div. Municipality/ Panchayath/ and per Are No. No. Block No by use No. No. Corporation Municipality/ No. of ` Corporation ward (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) .. .. .. 44 58 6-4 Panchayath 01120 02 03 25,000 Appeals, If any, by aggrieved persons as per sub-section (4) of Section 28 A of the aforesaid Act read with Rule 5 of the aforesaid Rules shall be filed in the prescribed form affixing court fee stamp of the value of ` 25 before the Collector within thirty days from the date of this notification. Revenue Divisional Office, (Sd.) Thiruvananthapuram. Revenue Divisional Officer. KOLLAM DISTRICT FORM 'C' [See Rule 5 (8)] NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish a notification showing revised Value of Land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959, read with Sub-rule (8) of Rule 5 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1955, the fair value of land in Kollam District is hereby fixed finally as shown in the Schedule hereto. 2 (1) No. M1-15301/12. 14th April 2012. SCHEDULE Sl. Name of Name of Name of Village Corporation/ Classification Fair Value of the Revised No. District Taluk and Survey No. Municipality/ by use land already Fair value with Sub-Division Panchayat fixed of land No. `` (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1 Kollam Kottarakkara Melila Melila Residential plot 2,00,000 75,000 161/3-4, Panchayat with Pathway Bl.16 facility 2 Kollam Kottarakkara Chithara Chithara Residential plot 1 20,000 448/16, Panchayat with Panchayat Bl.56 road access 3 Kollam Kollam Kollam (w) Kollam Residential plot 1 1,75,000 Bl-244, 80 Corporation 4 Kollam Kollam Mundakkal Kollam Residential plot 7,00,000 5,00,000 215/2 Corporation with road access 5 Kollam Kollam Mundakkal do. 7,00,000 5,00,000 215/3 6 Kollam Kollam Mundakkal do. 7,00,000 5,00,000 215/8 7 Kollam Kollam Mundakkal do. 7,00,000 5,00,000 215/20, Bl.25 8 Kollam Kollam Pallimon Nedumpana Residential plot 1 20,000 485/1, B1.21 Panchayat with Panchayat road access 9 Kollam Kollam Mulavana Kundara Residential plot 1 86,450 262/11, Bl.9 Panchayat with Pathway facility 10 Kollam Karunagapally Karunagapally Karunagapally Residential plot 2,47,100 1,48,260 718/5, Bl.10 Municipality without road access 11 Kollam Karunagapally Karunagapally Karunagapally Residential plot 3,70,650 2,22,390 683/8, Bl.10 Municipality without vehicular access 12 Kollam Karunagapally Karunagapally Karunagapally do. 14,82,600 9,63,960 442/24, Bl.10 Municipality 13 Kollam Karunagapally Karunagapally Karunagapally do. 14,82,600 9,63,690 442/8, Bl.10 Municipality 3 (2) No. M1-6078/2013. 13th June 2013. SCHEDULE Sl. Name of Name of Name of Village Corporation/ Classification Fair Value of the Revised No. District Taluk and Survey No. Municipality/ by use land already Fair value with Sub-Division Panchayat fixed of land No. `` (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1 Kollam Kunnathur Sasthamcottah, Sasthamcottah Residential plot 1,85,000 1,66,500 183/8, Panchayat Bl. No. 14 2 Kollam Karunagappally Karunagappally, Karunagappally Wet land 1,23,550 61,775 648/3, 648/4, Municipality Bl. No. 10 3 Kollam Karunagappally Oachira, Oachira Residential plot 6,25,000 1,00,000 42/10-2, Panchayat Bl. No. 3 4 Kollam Karunagappally Karunagappally, Karunagappally Residential plot 4,94,200 3,45,940 557/6-2-2, Municipality Bl. No. 10 5 Kollam Karunagappally Karunagappally, Karunagappally Residential plot 4,94,200 3,45,940 557/6-2-2-2, Municipality 557/6-1-1, Bl. No. 10 Collectorate, (Sd.) Kollam. District Collector. sIm√w dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ Hm^o-k-dpsS \S-]-Sn-{Iaw (lm-P¿ : hn. Pb-{]-Im-iv) (1) \º¿ F^v-˛10264/2006. 2013 Pq¨ 29. kqN\:—1. tIcf ap{Z-∏{X \nbaw 1959 sk£≥ 28F (\ym-b-hne \n¿Æ-bw). 2. {io. kPn-Øv, {io. Dt]-{μ≥ F∂n-h¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£. 3. \o≠-Ic hnt√Pv Hm^o-k-dpsS 182/13, ]≈n-a¨ hnt√Pv Hm^o-k-dpsS 164/13 \º¿ dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ. 2010 am¿®v amkw 6˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v hn⁄m-]-\-{]-Imcw \ne-hn¬h∂ \ymb-hne cPn-Ã-dn¬ Dƒs∏-SmsXt]mb, Xmsg∏d-bp∂ k¿sΔ \º-cn¬s∏´ hkvXp-hn\v kqN\ dnt∏m¿´ns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ tIcf Ãmºv BI‰v sk£≥ 28F {]Imcw \ymb-hne \n¿Æ-bn®v CXn-\m¬ DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. 4 SCHEDULE Sl. Block Re-Survey Sub Local body Taluk Village Classification Fair Value No. No. No. division per Are No. ` (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 22 66 26 Neendakara Karunagapally Neendakara Garden land with 61,750 Grama road access Panchayat 2 21 437 2 Nedumpana Kollam Pallimon Residential plot 50,000 Grama Panchayat (2) \º¿ F^v-˛1383/2013. 2013 Pqsse 2. kqN\:—1. tIcf ap{Z-∏{X \nbaw 1959 sk£≥ 28F, N´w 5(4). 2. sIm√w Pn√m If-IvS-dpsS 14-˛2-˛2013-˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse Fw1˛38492/12-˛mw \º¿ \n¿t±-iw. 3. {io. Ip™p-Ip-™v, {io. KpW-ti-J-c≥]n≈ F∂n-h¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£. 4. Cf-º-≈q¿ hnt√Pv Hm^o-k-dpsS 991/13, ]p\-eq¿- hnt√Pv Hm^o-k-dpsS 144/13 \º¿ dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ. `qan-bpsS \ymb-hne \n¿Æbn-®p-sIm≠v k¿°m¿ ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn® 6˛3-˛2010-˛se hn⁄m-]-\-Øn¬ 3˛mw kqN-\-bn¬ t]cv- tN¿Øn-´p≈hcpsS- ssIhihkvXp°fpsS ¢m n-^n-t°-j≥ sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn- hne \n¿Æ-bn®v hn⁄m-]-\w -sNbvXph∂n-´p-≈Xv ]cn-l--cn-°p-∂-Xn-\mbn At]-£ ka¿∏n®n-cn-°p-∂p. {]kvXpX At]£I-fn-t∑¬ kqN\ (4) {]Imcw dnt∏m¿´v ka¿∏n-®n-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. Sn dnt∏m¿´pI-fpsS ASn-ÿm-\-Øn-epw, kqN\ (2) {]Im-c-ap≈ \n¿t±-iØns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn-epw dn°m¿Up-Iƒ {]Im-c-ap≈ icn-bmb ¢m n-^n-t°-j≥ tN¿Øpw Ah-bv°-\p-kr-X-amb hne-tN¿Øpw hn⁄m-]\w sNtø-≠Xv Bh-iy-am-sW∂v t_m≤y-s∏-´-Xns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ NphsS tN¿°pwhn[w DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. DØ-chv `qan-bpsS \ymb-hne \n›bn-®p-sIm≠v 6˛3-˛2010-˛¬ hn⁄m-]-\-w sNø-s∏´ \ymb-hn-e-bn¬ h∂ptN¿∂ A]m-IXIƒ ]cn-l-cn®v NphsS tN¿Øncn-°p∂ {]Imcw AwKo-Icn®v DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. {Ia At]-£-Is‚ t]cpw Xmeq°v hnt√P,v k¿sΔ/ 6˛3-˛2010-˛se ]p\¿ ]p\¿ \º¿ ta¬hn-em-khpw tªm°v dok¿sΔ/ hn⁄m-]\Ønse \n¿Æ-bn® \n¿Æ-bn® \º¿ k_v Unhn-j≥ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j≥ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j≥ hne \º¿ (B¿. H∂n\v) ` 1 {io. Ip™p-Ip™v, sIm√w Cf-º-≈q¿ 399/2 Govt. Property Garden land 40,000 sXt°-hnf hoSv, 18 with road Cf-º-≈q¿, sIm√w access 2 {io. KpW-ti-J-c≥ ]n≈, ]Ø-\m-]pcw ]p\-eq¿ 402/1/ Govt. Property Garden land 48,000 Ncp-hn-f-]p-Ø≥ hoSv, 174/2 with road IpXn-c-®nd, ]p\-eq¿. access 5 (3) \º¿ F^v-˛10264/2006. 2013 Pqsse 8. kqN\:—1. tIcf ap{Z-∏{X \nbaw 1959 sk£≥ 28F (\ym-b-hne \n¿Æ-bw). 2. {ioaXn s\_nkm-_o-hn, {ioaXn cam-tZhn, {io. dPn tPm¨ F∂n-h¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£. 3. imkvXmw-tIm´ hnt√Pv Hm^o-k-dpsS 186/13, 174/13, sIm√w shÃv hnt√Pv Hm^o-k-dpsS 4346/13 \º¿ dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ. 2010 am¿®v amkw 6˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v hn⁄m-]-\-{]-Imcw \ne-hn¬ h∂ \ymb-hne cPn-Ã-dn¬ Dƒs∏-SmsXt]mb, Xmsg∏d-bp∂ k¿sΔ \º-cn¬s∏´ hkvXp-hn\v kqN\ dnt∏m¿´ns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ tIcf Ãmºv BIvSv sk£≥ 28F {]Imcw \ymb-hne \n¿Æ-bn®v CXn-\m¬ DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. SCHEDULE Sl. Block Re-Survey Sub Local body Taluk Village Classification Fair Value No. No. No. division per Are No. ` (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 14 362 28 Sasthamcottah Kunnathur Sasthamcottah Residential 49,400 Grama plot Panchayat 2 311 248 .. Kollam Kollam Kollam West Residential 1,50,000 Corporation plot without vehicular access 3 15 332 15 Sasthamcottah Kunnathur Sasthamcottah Residential plot 49,400 Grama Panchayat (4) \º¿ F^v-˛10264/2006.
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