13280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 9 July 19, 2010 Archuleta Elementary School was lege, Wiley College, Bishop College, First Sergeant Bacon served as Com- named after her in 2002. This was per- L.K. Williams Ministers Institute, mander, American Legion Post 1, Lit- haps, the most fitting of all of her hon- American Baptist College, Birmingham tle Rock, after retiring as the director ors as this elementary school nurtures Bible College, United Theological Sem- of the Arkansas Department of Vet- the same environment of discovery and inary, and Union Theological Semi- erans Affairs. lifelong learning that Mrs. Archuleta nary. Many have been inspired by his First Sergeant Bacon was a true ‘‘Ar- herself created and passed along to fel- counsel and leadership for many years. kansas son,’’ born Nov. 25, 1945, in Car- low educators, students, and commu- Reverend Blake’s innovations within away in northeast Arkansas. He moved nity members. Truly representative of his own church should also be com- with his family as a child to Arizona, her spirit and life’s work, Mrs. mended. By including various min- where he joined the Army, but he re- Archuleta didn’t merely accept the istries as well as tutoring programs at turned to Arkansas in 1990 and most re- honor, she went on to raise $20,000 for Mount Canaan Baptist Church, Rev- cently lived in Rose Bud. First Ser- the school’s library. erend Blake has developed a model geant Bacon’s legacy will live on Mrs. Lena Archuleta continues to prayer service which has been emu- through projects such as the Nick recognize and nurture the skills of her lated throughout the country. Bacon VFW Special Veterans Scholar- students and those around her. Finally, and perhaps most impor- ship for selected children and grand- Through continued volunteer work tantly, Reverend Blake has played the children of veterans who have a 60-per- with organizations such as the AARP role of dedicated husband, father, and cent or more service-connected dis- in Colorado, she inspires others to grandfather, raising his four children, ability. achieve their goals using entrepreneur- Elizabeth, Harry II, Rodney, and Along with all Arkansans, I am ship, dedication, and compassion. Monica, with his wife Norma Jean and grateful for First Sergeant Bacon’s Working in schools, Lena has inspired taking an active role in the lives of his service and for the service and sacrifice many of us through her example. She 15 grandchildren. of all of our military servicemembers has shown Coloradans that with humil- I ask my colleagues to join me in and their families. These men and ity, devotion, and empathy we can im- congratulating Reverend Harry Blake women have shown tremendous cour- prove the lives of others. For these rea- on his distinguished 15 years of service age and perseverance through the most sons, today, we recognize Mrs. Lena to the Louisiana Missionary Baptist difficult of times. As neighbors, as Ar- Archuleta.∑ State Convention and in wishing him kansans, and as Americans, it is in- f the best for years to come.∑ cumbent upon us to do everything we can to honor their service and to pro- TRIBUTE TO THE REVEREND f vide for them and their families, not HARRY BLAKE REMEMBERING NICK BACON only when they are in harm’s way but ∑ Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ∑ Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, today also when they return home. It is the wish to recognize the career of Rev- I honor a true Arkansas and American least we can do for those whom we owe erend Harry Blake, pastor of Mount hero, 1SG Nick Bacon, who passed so much.∑ Canaan Baptist Church of Shreveport, away this weekend. First Sergeant f LA. After 15 years as the president of Bacon, 64, was a Medal of Honor recipi- the Louisiana Missionary Baptist State ent and former director of the Arkan- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Convention, Reverend Blake is retir- sas Department of Veterans Affairs. He Messages from the President of the ing. He has been a friend and out- served in the U.S. Army from 1963 to United States were communicated to standing leader for many years. 1984 and was awarded the Medal of the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- Pastor of Mount Canaan Baptist Honor for his actions during a 1968 bat- retaries. Church for almost 44 years, Reverend tle in Vietnam, along with countless f Blake has also served in various capac- awards and decorations including two ities for a number of local and national Distinguished Service Crosses, the Le- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED organizations. Most recently, he was gion of Merit, the Combat Infantry As in executive session the Presiding appointed vice president for the South- Badge, the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry, Officer laid before the Senate messages west Region of the National Baptist the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. from the President of the United Convention, USA, Inc., having pre- With his passing, Arkansas has lost States submitting sundry nominations viously served as general secretary. He one of its finest citizens, and his death which were referred to the appropriate has also held prominent roles in the is a tremendous loss to our State. First committees. Thirteenth District Baptist Associa- Sergeant Bacon served our State and (The nominations received today are tion, and within the Louisiana Baptist Nation honorably, fighting valiantly in printed at the end of the Senate pro- State Convention, he has served on the Vietnam. He took command of two pla- ceedings.) Congress of Christian Education and toons after the leaders of each were f the Evangelical Board. wounded during a battle near Tam Ky, Locally, he is involved with the Lou- Vietnam, on Aug. 26, 1968. Using gre- REPORT RELATIVE TO THE isiana Recovery Authority Board and nades, he destroyed an enemy bunker FORMER LIBERIAN REGIME OF numerous community development ini- before singlehandedly killing an enemy CHARLES TAYLOR AND ON THE tiatives, such as Grace Project Incor- gun crew and disabling an antitank CONTINUATION OF THE NA- porated, Project UpLift, Mount Canaan weapon. He then helped rescue several TIONAL EMERGENCY BLOCKING Day Care Center, and Shreveport-Bos- wounded and trapped soldiers. PROPERTY OF CERTAIN PER- sier Community Renewal. Addition- After 20 years of military service, he SONS AND PROHIBITING THE IM- ally, he has served as president of the returned to Arkansas to serve his fel- PORTATION OF CERTAIN GOODS Board of Directors for both Canaan Vil- low veterans as the director of Vet- FROM LIBERIA THAT WAS ES- lage Apartments and Canaan Towers, erans Affairs for the State from 1993 TABLISHED IN EXECUTIVE dedicating himself to serving low-in- through 2005. It was an honor to be able ORDER 13348 ON JULY 22, 2004—PM come, elderly, and handicapped housing to work with him serving the State of 64 needs. Arkansas. As director of the Arkansas The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- In addition to these myriad roles in Department of Veterans Affairs, he fore the Senate the following message the local, State, and national commu- helped establish the Arkansas State from the President of the United nities, Reverend Blake has graciously Veterans Cemetery and the Arkansas States, together with an accompanying played the role of educator, having lec- Veterans Coalition. He was also active report; which was referred to the Com- tured at Morehouse School of Divinity, in establishing a Veterans Cemetery mittee on Banking, Housing, and Arkansas Baptist College, Leland Col- Beautification Program. In addition, Urban Affairs: VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:36 Jul 24, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S19JY0.000 S19JY0 ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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