BANGLADESH INDEPENDENCE DAY SUPPLEMENT DISCOVER NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVESTMENT IN BANGLADESH REASONS TO VISIT BEAUTIFUL BANGLADESH CELEBRATING 45 years of Danish diplomatic relations EMBASSY SUPPLEMENT MARCH 2017 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF BANGLADESH areas of readymade garments, pharmaceuti- cals, ceramic and ship-building industry. The country’s financial sector along with Bank and Insurances has been expanded. Bangladesh is now being branded as a role model of devel- opment in the outside world. Our achievement in the international arena is also commend- able. Our expatriate Bangladeshis, have also been making significant contributions to our national economy through sending their hard- earned remittances. Nevertheless, we have to go a long way for achieving the desired goals of independence. I believe that sincere and Father of the Nation concerted efforts from all strata irrespective Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of party affiliation are imperative to reach the goals. On the occasion of our great Independence and National Day, I extend my heart- felt greetings and warm felicitations to my fellow countrymen living at home The people of our country have a great love and abroad. for democracy, development and peace. They do not support any sort of violence including militancy and terrorism. We should keep in mind that the thriving of democracy and its in- for their unmatched valour, immense contribu- stitutionalisation is very important for attain- tions and courageous role that accelerated the ing overall development. Therefore, we have achievement of our victory. I remember with to maintain patience, self-restraint, and for- deep respect our foreign friends who extended bearance in our national life along with show- their wholehearted support directly and indi- ing respect to others’ opinion in a democratic rectly in our war of liberation in 1971. The contri- pluralism. I hope that people from all strata butions of all would be written in golden letters would play their due role from their respective in the history of our independence forever. positions to attain the objectives of independ- ence and fulfil the hopes and aspirations of One of the prime objectives of our hard-earned our people. Father of the Nation Bangaband- independence was to build a happy and pros- hu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman dreamt of trans- perous Bangladesh. Keeping that in mind, the forming Bangladesh into ‘Sonar Bangia’. The present Government has been rendering un- H.E. Md. Abdul Hamid present Government has set ‘Vision 2021’ and tiring efforts in materialising the objectives of ‘Vision 2041’ to materialise Bangabandhu’s The great Independence Day is a glorious one independence. The growth rate of GDP and per dream into reality. It is my expectation that in our national life. On this historic day, I re- capita income is increasing constantly and the people from all walks of life would contribute call with profound respect, Father of the Na- rate of poverty is decreasing. In the meantime, towards building an IT-based, happy and pros- tion Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, we have achieved some significant progress perous Bangladesh through implementing the who proclaimed our country’s independence on in the fields of agriculture, education, health, Vision by the golden jubilee celebration of our March 26, 1971 after inspiring the whole nation rural infrastructure, communication, energy T and power, trade & commerce, ICT and SME independence. with Bangladeshi nationalism and preparing sectors. It is notable that our country has at- them for independence. Under his charismatic tained food-sufficiency owing to the huge de- On this auspicious day of independence, I urge leadership, we achieved our much awaited in- velopment in agriculture. We have also been all, living at home and abroad, to work united- dependence through a nine-month long armed able to export food grains on a small scale. The ly imbued with the spirit of the War of Libera- struggle. Today, I pay my deep tributes to the pace of advancement in the sector of empow- tion and democratic norms to expedite further martyrs and valiant sons of the soil, who made erment of women, youth & sports is continu- progress and democratic advancement of the the supreme sacrifices in the war of liberation. I ing. The mega project of the Padma Bridge is country. also recall with deep reverence our four Nation- underway by our own resources. At the same al Leaders, valiant freedom-fighters, organisers, time we have also attained remarkable de- Khoda Hafez, May Bangladesh Live Forever. supporters and people from all walks of life velopment in the private sector including the Md. Abdul Hamid President and Publisher: Ejvind Sandal ● Editor: David Nothling-Demmer ● Layout: Lyndsay Jensen Commercial Director: Hans Hermansen, [email protected], Tel: +45 2420 2411 ● Picture credit for images: iStock & Bangledesh Embassy. EMBASSY SUPPLEMENT MARCH 2017 ADVANCING BANGLADESH IN THE SPIRIT OF OUR GREAT LIBERATION: A MESSAGE FROM THE PRIME MINISTER man, under whose undisputed leadership we ber 1971 after a nine-month bloody war. earned our beloved independence. I pay my deep homage to the three million martyrs and The independence earned through supreme 200 thousand women who lost their innocence sacrifices of millions of people is the greatest in the War of Liberation. I also pay my trib- achievement of the Bangladeshi nation. To en- utes to four national leaders who led the War sure that this achievement remains meaningful, of Liberation. My homage goes to the valiant we all have to know the history of our great freedom fighters, including the wounded ones. liberation war and retain the spirit of independ- I extend my sympathies to those who had lost ence. The history has to be passed on from gen- their near and dear ones, and were subjected to eration to generation. brutal torture during the war. I recall with grati- tude our foreign friends who had extended their Being imbued with the spirit of the freedom whole-hearted support and cooperation for the struggle, the Awami League government has cause of our liberation. been working relentlessly to develop the coun- try. During the last eight years, we have imple- mented expected development programmes H.E. Sheikh Hasina The Bangladeshi nation had fought against Pa- in all sectors. As a result, Bangladesh has kistani rulers’ oppression and deprivation for as emerged as a ‘Role Model’ of socio-economic long as 23 years under the leadership of Bang- I convey my heartiest greetings and development. We will turn Bangladesh into a abandhu. They were compelled to hold gen- congratulations to my countrymen middle-income country by 2021 and a devel- eral elections in 1970. The Bangladesh Awami as well as all expatriate Bangla- oped one by 2041, Insha Allah. League, led by Bangabandhu won overwhelm- deshis on the occasion of the great ing majority in the elections. But the Pakistani We have executed the verdict of the killing case Independence and National Day of rulers, instead of handing over the power to the of Bangabandhu and most of his family mem- Bangladesh. majority party in a democratic way, launched bers. The verdicts of cases against those who repressive measures against them. Bangaband- committed crimes against humanity are also hu in his 7th March historic address at the then being executed. Our government is maintain- Racecourse Maidan declared, “The struggle of ing a ‘zero tolerance’ policy to tackle militancy this time is for freedom, the struggle for this and terrorism. We have stopped the takeover of time for our independence.” He instructed the power in an undemocratic way through the 15th Bangladeshi nation to resist their enemies. amendment of constitution. On this auspicious day, I urge our countrymen to foil any plot of The occupation forces unleashed a sudden at- the anti-liberation, communal forces and an- tack and started killing innocent and unarmed ti-development and anti-democracy forces to- th Bangladeshis on the black night of the 25 gether. March 1971. They killed thousands of people in cities and towns, including Dhaka. The Father Being imbued with the spirit of our great libera- of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur tion war, let us take a fresh vow to advance our Rahman officially proclaimed the independ- country’s development and democracy. Let us ence of Bangladesh at the first hour of the 26th join our hands to build a non-communal, hun- March 1971. Bangabandhu’s proclamation was ger, poverty-free, happy and prosperous ‘Sonar The 26th of March is the day of earning self-iden- spread all over the country through telegrams, Bangia’ as dreamt by the Father of the nation. tity of our nation. It’s the day of breaking the tele-printers and EPR wireless. The internation- On this historic day, this is our commitment. shackles of subjugation. On the eve of our In- al media also had circulated Bangabandhu’s dependence Day, I recall with deep gratitude proclamation of independence. Under the brave Joi Bangla, Joi Bangabandhu the greatest Bangladeshi of all time, Father of and dauntless leadership of Bangabandhu, we May Bangladesh Live Forever. President and Publisher: Ejvind Sandal ● Editor: David Nothling-Demmer ● Layout: Lyndsay Jensen Tthe Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rah- earned the ultimate victory on the 16th Decem- Sheikh Hasina Commercial Director: Hans Hermansen, [email protected], Tel: +45 2420 2411 ● Picture credit for images: iStock & Bangledesh Embassy. 3 EMBASSY SUPPLEMENT MARCH 2017 RENEWING THE PLEDGE TO BUILD THE ‘SONAR BANGLA’ A MESSAGE FROM THE FOREIGN MINISTER H.E. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali On this day, 46 years back, the greatest Bangladeshi of all time, and Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman proclaimed independence of Bangladesh in the early hours of March 26, 1971. Peo- military support from the global community in agenda 2030.
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