THE TECTONIC =snit! of tin DIAL RANO AREA, TASMANIA. ILL. 111=8 13.6e.(Nons.) Submitted in fulfilsient of the rovirsinents for the Degree of DOCTOR of PKILOSOPHT. University of Tasmania, Hobart. 911212.tts..a63. t, +I 0V t , Mon Mt Plate 1 TABLE OV COUXEN:20 page Ma— 1- 5 5. 28 29. 46 Stratigraphy or the Precambrian System 47- 73 2, Cambrian 74.133 3 0 ft Ordovician 134-164 4, " Devonian 165-118b Secorld Voluige pnemprrc Gytoldx,y 5, fitructures in post-Middle Devonian rocks 179-100 6. 0 " Ordovician rocks 1C9.224 " 7. Cambrinn • " 225'..n53. G. " the Roclw Cape Group 252-264 9. " Mverstone trotamorphics P65.305 10. " " Forth llott.-Lors7E•zie 306.320 IFaCrs 11. he Precambrian Orogenies 321-334 12. The Tyennan Orogeny 335-349 13. The Tanerabberan °meow • • 350-360 zit'Nisiikaggei 369-374 &Laza; 375-386 Apro-44rXcils TABLIt OF Finn; Following =LAI* ,tir0 Vop Introduction 1. Locality map... ..... ............... 37 2, Map of towgrap;ic . 3. Bedrock map of the Dial Range area... Maminz.Z 4. Columnar sections of the Cat eena Subgroup 81 5. Isopach map of the Barrington Chart 97 6 General Geological map of the BE:saran Aegabreccia. .......... 111 chavtfir 7:. Columnar sections of the Dial Conglomerate .. 135 S Isopach nap of the Duman Conglomerate............. 139 9. Structures in the Dial Conglomerate 140 10. Variations in pebble composition of the Duncan Conglomerate. ... 148 11. Palaeogeographic reconstructions for the Dial Conglomerate.... 160 chapter 4 12.Plan of the Eugenana Quarries.. ......,.. ..... 165 13.Map of the face of Balletts Quarry, ftgenana...... 170 'io-.1.4.tt• IHMTIT1111, 14. Map of the Illamatha Colliery.. ..... 181 15.Lambert projections of Tertiary Faults, XlIamatha • 182 chanter 0 16. General geological sap of the Melrose Basin.... 189 17. Lambert projections of first generation structures, Bugenane......... ...•....... ........ 191 18. Profile and flow net of an incongruent fold, Zugenana. • ....... 192 19. Diagrams of strain in three lithologies, 191f 20. Lambert projections of second generation fold structures, Eugsnane 195 TATIP, ow nom74, (=tinned) azinaml (continued) 21.Profiles of second Generation folds, Kwenana.... 197 22.Lambert projections of second generation shears, Evgcnana................. * . *** ......... 203 23.Lambert projections of third Generation folds, Eitvcnana 202 24,Ind= map of Sulphur Creek headland.. 206 25,Lambert projections of faults ancl beano, Sulnhur 200 26.Lachoit projections of shear joints, Gulphur ***** eiroloodivesoorviteeelty*WO 209 27.Lacbert projections of bedding in subareas of the "east basin", Sulphur Creek. ois, 4041,eloomelo 210 20, Craphn of various functions of magnitude versus the azimuth- of beta nodes at Sulphur Creek... * *5•• ******* 212 29* Composite profiles of the Dial 216 30, Structure oontotuis ca the base of the LOina Otuidatone s Lorvier--- v ,--4/00,11 ■ 4000 464# 4.090,A0 219 31.Otrueture.contaur imps Shouin3 dovelopment of the Luncan Vault near lit Lorymer.. * *** 221 32.Laps of superposed folds in the Gog ange and in the High Atlas. 222 33.1-7ap of superposed foldinc in the Loyotca Dome.. 223 2hap1ax.2.. 34.Uoneral geo1o7ica1 map of the Ulloonia area.. 225 35.rap and profile of the roe section across the Isandula Fault. ....... ...... * ....... 226 36.General ecological .rn1) of the Ubstban% Chaos... 220 37.Detail maps and Lariboit projections, Westbam% Chaos... 229 3. Foliation in the Wcstban% 23,2 39.Utrike.line map of the Cateena point slide zone.. 23 40.Lambert projections of folds in the Catcena Point slide 23ti, 41, Lrantert projections and profile of Tectonic folds, vest of Cateena 240 42. General nap and profile of road section s Oucarloaf Gorge... ***** * 0. * 401110041100*** -00 241 43, Detailed sections from road eutt1n3s s bugarloaf Gorge, ***** * .......... ******* 242 114 Laubert projoctions of folds and faults, Oucrloafa Goree.„. 1114**AAAAAAPOOOOMOr0.00 ******* AO Aa Zcomtrie drnwing of Et Lorymr **** * 245 7044 o IGTIMES (continued) 4baltax.2 (continued) 46. Analytical profiles of Mt Lorymer. soaeosso*olowe. 2§6 47. Composite vertical profile of Mt L;rymer 247 Chal07 8 48. General geological map of Sulphur Creek headland.... O *** 46w.4,rnemOkoo * ..... 253 49. Lambert projections of first generation structures, Sulphur 254 50. Lambert projections of second generation folds, as 1.4, Sulphur Creek... .... 51. Lambert projections of second generation folds, subarea 5, Sulphur Creek. ..... 259 52. Lambert projections, synoptic, SulPiul; Creek... 260 53. Lambert projections of structures in second generation fold at Blythe Heads.. 262 54.. Detail map of Rocky Cape Group in the vicinity of Goat • 263 Chanter 9 55. Index Map of Goat Island. ....sm..... 269 56. Nomanelature of morphological elements of Tectons................ OOOOOO OOOOOOOO 271 51. Shapes of Tectons, Goat la;na 272 58.Weight relationships of Tectons, Goat Island 279 59. Circumference relationships of Tectons„ Goat Island...me.... ***** 280 60. Axial lengths of Tectons, Goat Island.. *90 281 61. Eccentricities of Tectons, Goat Island 282 62. Lambert projeetions of structures in area 2, Goat Island. • ** ** ....... ** * . 286 63. Texture and grain fabric of sthist from conglomerate matrix, area 2, Goat Island... 290 64. Map and profile of portion of area lift Goat Island 294 65* Map and profile of areas 54, Coat 295 66. Grain fabric of a quartzite from oast of ..." Goat Island. ** ....... 297 67. Structural-alement map of Goat Island (lithologies and axial traces). 298 68. Lambert projection, synoptic, of princiiei Precambrian structural elements, Goat Island **** . *** ***** Wpf 299 TAIllp• OF vionto (continued) 9liant4r 9 (continued) 694. Structural-el:anent nap of coat Island (plallar rknoc linear structures)......••••••••••• 300 70. Lanbert projections . late folds,- area 191 4.;oat Ia./Ando asis*.e. 00 •• OOO • * 4WV* * 11 301 7l. Larbort projeciions, late fold, area *q. COnt radnd• • ••••• ••• if:4•041414,t e0 4.4*- **I cisib ir ** 44 302 72. Lambert projection and .rose diagram, late • • • • strut-turas,. ilrcas 7 to 14 Goat -Islande....... • 303 qtryqtor ;0 • Gtrzictural-elcbent map of tile Forth rOtanarroblea•-• .00 -41111*• • * •••• 4b, • *0-11;81' '0.19:•••:-•‘• Or•-• 310 ?1+0‘ Grain fabric-, of a quartzite 1.3kalion from Porcanino **•O e3 • 313 75. orain fatrio of a ateiarizite t;ilijon from • • - • - avers 73111•••••••••••••••-•••'•••• ••••••••••••••• 315 76, IGtracturai element, P,0 ' Forth totlzerphies • • (lithoioa and ..• 317 77. Lambert projection of post.metanDrritic t large-scale folding of the Precarnbrisz foliation, Forth llotat.nrphics*•••••••••• ilr•• 319 01)4e0r_4,P Polaeogeologic cup of base of Barrington abort, Dial Lingo.. • ..... ' wee 342 79. R113.00coolocio map of.baso of Dial • Conglomerate * Dial nallgti;;?;±.1.-•_•••1, •••-t....... 311 804, General geological map of Goatsiand...rolded I ni back of first volume. 51. General geological nap of Daito-nport • • • • • 1111••••••••• ■ • • ...folded in back of first volume. LIST OF PLATES Following First Volume page no. 1. The Dial Range from the north-east Frontispiece Chapter 1 2. Flute casts in quartzite of the Rocky Cape Group, Sulphur Creek 67 3a. Syndromous load casts in quartzite of the Rocky Cape Group, Blythe Heads 69 3b.Squandranous flow casts in quartzite of the Rocky Cape Group, Sulphur Creek 69 Chanter 2 •■ 4. Graded bedding in sandstone of the Dundas Group, Cateena Point 130 Chapter 5. Aligned fabric in the Duncan Conglomerate, Myrtle Creek 141 6. Banded fabric in the Duncan Conglomerate, Myrtle Creek. ... 142 7. Graded bedding in congloaerate of the Dial Subgroup, Sulphur Creek ..... 153 ovisth C. Terr4 vassal fissure fillings in Gordon Linestone, D.U.P. Quarry, Eugenana . 163 9.a.Eugenana Beds, Uo.1 lens, Hallette Quarry $ Eugonana 171 9.b.Eugenana Beds, Uo.3 lens, Halletts Quarry, Bugenana... 4 171 10, Boulder bed at base of Uo.3 lens, Nalletts Quarry, Eugenana • 176 11. Graded bed from Zo.3 lens, Halletts Quarry, Eugenana . 173b /a2 OP 14,ATF.3 (continued) clecoild Volthme glanter 5 12, naLtp* fold in sandstone, Illanatha C1111ory...... 183 13. Hruetile.shear" fold in 'coal and clod, Maratha Colliery 184 14.Isoclinal fold in nudstone, Ungenana Beds, BallettsQuarry•.;.•....,.•••• ..... MO. 186 15$ "Luctile-dhearn fold at base of tugenana Beds, Dalletts wo44.0 18 7 Zaa.QX.4 16.Lerfolded gylonite from an obiliquo-shear t, 13.11.P.•Quarr7, Vugenana.• • ....•• ..•.• • 196 17.Conjusate fold, ELEI.P.'Quarry, Lusenniu),... 198 Chtl:g4eu2 13a. Gediclent3ry slide and dyke of autobreccia, Cateena Point ..* ***** llolt00 ■ 4100004101, ■ 11 *** 237 "Ob. Fold nose, Cateenalloint Slide zone.. 237 Chapter a 19. Boudins in interlayered quartzite and pbyllito of the Rocky Cape Group, Sulphur Creek *** 255 2C. nPscudo-boudins".in guartzite of the Rocky Cape Group, SulpTm Creds. 040... ,040 ***** IOMMO 256 21, 9Lotational.joints, in quartzite of the 40cNY Cape Group, aulphur Creek.... .......... 257 22.Folded fracture cleavage in quartzite of the liocl:y Cape Group., Blythe Utads .......... 261 Chamte0; .7 23.13(1,2) folds, subazea 2, Coat island..." 287 2. "liodding° in quartz layers, subagea 2, Goat Island......... .......... ***** 289 25. (2. transposed 1itbo1oieo1 layering, subarea 31 Goat ****** * • *** 291 26. VeMae-lonnds" marking tramposed Ul in saist„ arca 191 Coat ***** * ........ ** . *** 293 LIST OF TABLAS Page Geolagical history of Northern Tasmania • • OOOOOO ..••• .• ..• Analyses of Precambrian igneous rocks.. .. 55 The Dundas Group succession in the Dial Range •••••• ********
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