MAR CHÉ DU FOCUS WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS FILM TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM 2013 WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS TENDANCES D MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKE TRENDS TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS TENDANCES D MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKE TRENDS TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS TENDANCES D MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKE TRENDS TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS TENDANCES D MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKE TRENDS TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS TENDANCES D MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKE TRENDS TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS TENDANCES D MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKE TRENDS TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS TENDANCES D MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKE TRENDS TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS TENDANCES D MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKE TRENDS TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKET TRENDS TENDANCES D MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM WORLD FILM MARKE TRENDS TENDANCES DU MARCHÉ MONDIAL DU FILM COUV MARCHE-DU-FILM.indd 4 25/04/13 10:33 Submissions now open at dubaifilmfest.com Visit us at the UAE Pavilion, International Village - 136 December 6-14, 2013 Principal sponsors: Supported by: In association with: focus 2013 World Film Market Trends Tendances du marché mondial du film Pages Pub int Focus 2010:Pub Focus 29/04/10 10:54 Page 1 Lay-out: Acom*Europe | Printed: Global Rouge, Les Deux-Ponts © 2013, Marché du Film ISSN: 1962-4530 Imprimé sur papier labelisé issu de forêts gérées durablement. Printed on paper from sustainably managed forests. 2 Editorial FOCUS celebrates its 16th anniversary this year. FOCUS fête cette année son 16e anniversaire. Il Thanks to the unwavering support of Wolfgang doit d’être devenu un ouvrage de référence pour les CLOSS, whose mandate will end in just a few weeks, professionnels du Marché du Film au soutien indéfec- after 13 years as the head of the Observatory, the tible de Wolfgang CLOSS, dont le mandat s’achèvera FOCUS has become a point of reference for Marché dans quelques semaines, après 13 ans à la tête de du Film professionals. I want Wolfgang to know l’Observatoire. Je veux lui dire ici mon estime, sans my appreciation, without forgetting to thank his oublier dans mes remerciements toute son équipe, entire team, who, animated by the talented rigor of animée par la rigueur talentueuse d’André LANGE, André LANGE, made this great adventure possible. qui ont permis la réalisation de cette belle aventure. FOCUS 2013 will accompany you throughout FOCUS 2013 vous accompagnera toute l’année the year to help you understand the changes in pour vous aider à comprendre les mutations de la production and distribution around the globe. production et de la distribution tout autour du globe. Jérôme Paillard Jérôme Paillard Executive Director Directeur Délégué We are proud to continue our cooperation with Nous sommes fiers de poursuivre notre collab- the Marché du film. This publication is recognized oration avec le Marché du film. Cette publication as a reliable source of information on the world est reconnue comme une source d’information film market. I am delighted that all market par- fiable sur le marché mondial du film. Je suis ravi ticipants receive a free copy in their market bag. que tous les participants du marché reçoivent un The European Audiovisual Observatory can only exemplaire gratuit. L’Observatoire européen de produce this report thanks to data from national l’audiovisuel réalise cette publication grâce aux film agencies and correspondents. We wish you données fournies par les agences nationales de a successful Cannes. cinéma et ses correspondants. Nous vous sou- haitons un plein succès à Cannes Wolfgang CLOSS Executive Director Wolfgang CLOSS European Audiovisual Observatory Directeur exécutif Observatoire européen de l’audiovisuel The European Audiovisual Observatory was set Créé en décembre 1992, l’Observatoire européen up in December 1992. It is a public-service body de l’audiovisuel est un organisme de service public whose mission is to gather and distribute informa- consacré à la collecte et à la diffusion de l’information tion on the audiovisual industry in Europe (film, sur l’industrie audiovisuelle en Europe (cinéma, télévi- television, home video, on demand audiovisual ser- sion, vidéo, services audiovisuels à la demande, poli- vices as well as public policy on the audiovisual tiques publiques relatives au secteur audiovisuel et sector). 39 European states are members, along with cinématographique). 39 Etats européens en sont mem- the European Union represented by the European bres ainsi que l’Union européenne représentée par la Commission. The Observatory operates within the Commission européenne. L’Observatoire fonctionne framework of an extended partial Agreement of the dans le cadre d’un Accord partiel élargi du Conseil Council of Europe. It carries out its mission with the de l’Europe et remplit sa mission avec un réseau de help of a network of partners, correspondents and partenaires, de correspondants et d’organisations professional organisations. The Observatory pro- professionnelles. L’Observatoire fournit des services vides information on markets, financing and legal d’information sur les marchés, les financements et aspects of the audiovisual sector. le cadre juridique du secteur audiovisuel. ➦ Internet site (http://www.obs.coe.int) ➦ Site Internet (http://www.obs.coe.int) Editor: Julio Talavera Milla [email protected] Analyst, Department for Information on Markets and Financing, European Audiovisual Observatory Additional contributions by Lionel Breugnon Editiorial assistant, LUMIERE Database: Valérie Haessig 3 Information products and services from the European Audiovisual Observatory Information on Film Markets Television, Television, The European cinema, video cinema, video Digital Cinema and on-demand and on-demand Report – audiovisual audiovisual Understanding services in 38 services – the pan- digital cinema European States European picture roll-out Yearbook 2012 Yearbook 2012 Volume 1 Volume 2 Information on Legal Issues of the Film Sector IRIS Special IRIS monthly IRIS plus newsletter The Regulation The Lifespan of On-demand Legal Observations for Copyright Audiovisual of the European of Audiovisual Services: Chaos Audiovisual Works or Coherence? Observatory Databases concerning the Film Sector free access 10th anniversary! IRIS MERLIN database MAVISE database LUMIERE database on the legal issues of the on TV companies and on fi lm admissions in Europe audiovisual sector in Europe TV Channels in Europe http://merlin.obs.coe.int http://mavise.obs.coe.int/ http://lumiere.obs.coe.int Contact at the Marché du film: How to order: Order online or download order form at: Observatory stand 18.02, http://www.obs.coe.int/about/order level 01 (Palais des Festivals) For more information: http://www.obs.coe.int 4 Tel: +33 (0)4 92 99 81 07 Tel: +33 (0)3 90 21 60 00 [email protected] focus 2013 Information products Contents and services from the Introduction 7 European Audiovisual Observatory World 11 Europe Information on Film Markets European Union 14 France 22 Television, Television, The European Germany 24 cinema, video cinema, video Digital Cinema Italy 26 and on-demand and on-demand Report – audiovisual audiovisual Understanding Spain 28 services in 38 services – the pan- digital cinema United Kingdom 30 European States European picture roll-out Russian Federation 32 Yearbook 2012 Yearbook 2012 Volume 1 Volume 2 Poland 34 Turkey 35 Other Western Europe 36 Information on Legal Issues of the Film Sector Nordic Countries 38 Baltics and Central Europe 40 IRIS Special IRIS monthly IRIS plus newsletter South-Eastern Europe 41 The Regulation The Lifespan of On-demand Legal Observations for Copyright Audiovisual of the European of Audiovisual Americas Services: Chaos Audiovisual Works North America 42 or Coherence? Observatory Latin America 44 Australia 48 free access Databases concerning the Film Sector Asia China 50 Japan 52 10th India 54 anniversary! South Korea 56 Other Asia 58 IRIS MERLIN database MAVISE database LUMIERE database on the legal issues of the on TV companies and on fi lm admissions in Europe Africa 60 audiovisual sector in Europe TV Channels in Europe Middle East 62 http://merlin.obs.coe.int http://mavise.obs.coe.int/ http://lumiere.obs.coe.int Sources 64 Contact at the Marché du film: How to order: Order online or download order form at: Observatory stand 18.02, http://www.obs.coe.int/about/order level 01 (Palais des Festivals) For more information: http://www.obs.coe.int Tel: +33 (0)4 92 99 81 07 Tel: +33 (0)3 90 21 60 00 [email protected] 5 6 Introduction Wary Movie 5 n this spring of 2013, the European film industry fact that over two-thirds of the world’s screens Iis once again on its guard. A new version of are now digital. the European Commission’s Communication on Developments on the European market give rise State Aid, which should provide an alternative to to less enthusiasm. We do not yet have any com- the highly controversial one debated last year, is plete figures on the development of the European expected. The Creative Europe Programme, which box office, but, according to the MPAA, in the is due to replace the MEDIA programme from EMEA area (Europe, Middle East & Africa) as a 1 January 2014, is also expected to be adopted whole there was a fall of 1%. Growth for the by the Council of Ministers and the European period 2008-2012 was just 10%, compared with Parliament, but the fact that the EU budget has 12% in North America, 53% in the Asia-Pacific not yet been passed is casting uncertainty over region and 73% in Latin America.
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