A CENTURY STATION for Explanation of Listings See Page B

A CENTURY STATION for Explanation of Listings See Page B

KATZ Jan 3, 1955: 1600 kc; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, Rep: PGW. MISSOURI DA -N. 273 Arcade Bldg. (63101). CHestnut Charles P. Stanley, pres & gen mgr; Charles 1 -6000. Laclede Radio Inc. (acq 3.1 -60). A. White, coml mgr; Lee Coffee, prog dir; Jim Rep: Savalli /Gates. Spec progs: Neg 100 %. Peterson, news dir; Ron Lipe, prod dir; Pat Net: ABC. Rep: Savalli /Gates. Spec progs: Allen Wolin, pres; Martin O'R Browne, VP & Casey, chief engr. C &W 20 hrs wkly. gen mgr; Doug Eason, news dir; C. B. Strauss, WIL 1922: 1430 kc; 5 kw, DA -2. 300 N. 12th Ralph D. Foster, pres & gen mgr; Leslie L. chief engr. St. (63101). GEneva 6-1600. Radio Stn WIL (acq Kennon, VP & asst mgr; Charles Harrison, coml KCFM(FM) November 1954: 93.7 mc; 100 kw. 8 -57). See Balaban Stns. mgr; Bill Bailey, prog dir & prom mgr; Gary Ant 440 ft. (CP 100 kw, horiz & vert). Stereo. Rep: Eastman. Kennon, news dir; Wallis Fender, chief engr. 532 DeBaliviere (63112). PArkview 6 -1077. Com- John F. Box Jr., mgng dir; David M. Brennan, SULLIVAN, Franklin county mercial Bcstg Co. asst to mgng dir; Ron Lundy, opns dir; Nelson NEW AM not on air, target date unknown: Rep: Weed. Kirkwood, group news dir; Gene Hirsch, WIL news 1560 kc; 250 w -D. 46 N. Clark St. Meramec Harry Eidelman, pres & gen mgr; Bob Burke, dir; Melvon G. Hart, tech dir. Valley Bcstg Co. coml mgr; Sibley Smith, prog dir; Gene Chase, WIL -FM July 15, 1962: 92.3 mc; 38 kw. Ant THAYER (417) Oregon county news dir; Edward B. Bench, chief engr. 320 ft. Dup WIL. KALM Dec 1, 1953: 1290 kc; 1 kw -D. Box 15. KFUO (See Clayton, Mo.). SALEM (314) Dent county (65574). 264 -7211. Radio Station KALM. See K1CF (See Festus, Mo.). KSMO November 1953: 1340 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 Neatherly Stns. KMOX Dec 24, 1925: 1120 kc; 50 kw. 1144 w -N. Box 71. (65560). 729 -6658. Zola Bcstg Co. Net: Keystone; Magic Circle. Rep: Bradley. Ave. 1 Hampton (63139). STerling -2345. CBS (acq 1- 1 -56). Robert Neathery & Robert Neathery Jr., gen Inc. (acq 1932). See CBS -owned Stns. SEDALIA (816) Pettis county mgrs; Carlie Hamilton, stn mgr; Thelma Bowers, Net: CBS. Rep: CBS Radio Spot Sales. prog KDRO Sept 13, 1939: 1490 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 dir; John Deidiker, news dir; Sam Beatty, Robert Hyland, VP of CBS Radio & gen mgr w -N. West Highway 50. (65302). TAylor 6 -5005. chief engr. of KMOX Radio; Robert Rehg, prom mgr; Rex Sedalia Bcstg Corp. (acq 6- 1.57). KAMS (FM) (See Mammoth Springs, Ark.). Davis, news dir; Larry Burrows, chief engr. Spec progs: C &W 2 hrs wkly. TRENTON (816) Grundy county KMOX -FM 1961: 103.3 mc; 47 kw. Ant 900 ft. James F. Glenn, pres & sls mgr; Herbert W. KTTN April 17, 1955: 1600 kc; 500 w -D. 804 Dup KMOX. Brandes, VP & gen mgr; Ed Carroll, prog dir; Main St. (64683). ELmwood 9 -2261. Clarence E. KMOX -TV affil. Roylee Peters, news dir; Don Harms, chief engr. Breazeal (acq 11- 1 -61). KSD 1922: 550 kc; 5 kw, DA -N. 1111 Olive KSIS Feb 18, 1954: 1050 kc; 1 kw -D. Box Net: Keystone. St. MAin 1 -1111. Pulitzer Publishing Co. (63101). 207. (65302). TAylor 6 -1050. Yates Bcstg Co. Clarence E. Breazeal, owner & gen mgr; Rob- See Nwspr. Net: ABC. Spec progs: C &W 6 hrs wkly. ert P. Dennis, coml mgr; John F. May, prog dir; Net: NBC. Rep: Blair. Carl W. Yates Jr., pres & gen mgr; Bud Pratt, Joe Seymour, news dir; Hardy Jones, chief engr. Joseph Pulitzer Jr., pres; Harold Grams, gen coml mgr; Bettie S. Baldwin, prog dir; Harlan UNION (314) Franklin county mgr; E. L. Franciscus, sls mgr; Sterling Harkins, B. Snow, news dir; M. C. Boydston, chief engr. KLPW Aug 18, 1954: 1220 kc; 1 kw -D. Box prog mgr; Austin Bridgman, news dir; Don KSIS -FM May 11, 1964: 92.1 mc; 2.65 kw. 72. (63084). LUcerne 3.5155 (Union, Mo.); Risk, chief Burnes, prom mgr; Edwin engr. Ant 280 ft. Prog sep from KSIS. Stereo. BEverly 3 -3355 (Washington, Mo.). Franklin KSD -TV affil, Bcstg Inc. Ware Stns. SIKESTON (314) Scott county County See KSHE (FM) (See Crestwood, Mo.). Rep: Continental Sales. KMPL Oct. 1, 1965: 1520 kc; 5 kw -D, 500 Leslie P. Ware, pres; Frank Lohmeyer, VP, w -N (CH) DA -3. Box 907. (63801) GRanite gen mgr & chief engr; Chuck Ootte, coral mgr & 1 -1520. Serno Bcstg Corp. THE SOUND OF SUCCESS prog dir; Bob Hamilton, prom mgr; Dick Rice, Scott Mariner, gen mgr; Philip H. Nash, news ST. LOUIS IS: new dir. IN dir; Dewey A. Trostel, chief engr. WARRENSBURG (816) Johnson county KSIM July 17, 1948: 1400 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 °I(CMW -FM April 1, 1952: 90.9 mc; 10 w. KSHE w -N. West Malone Ave. (63801). GRanite 1-1400. Central Missouri State College. (64093). 747- 94.7 Sikeston Community Bcstg Co. 6356. Board of Regents. Central Missouri State Net: ABC. Rep: Meeker; Beaver. A CENTURY STATION College. L. R. Bowman, Jr., pres; R. L. Watkins Jr., Net: NAEB. gen mgr; Maxine Scott, coml mgr; John M. Dr. John R. Gregory, dir of radio. °KSLH (FM) April 13, 1950: 91.5 mc; 12.5 kw. Shain, prog dir; R. L. Watkins Jr., news dir; KOKO 1954: 1450 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box Ant 400 ft. 1517 S. Theresa Ave., (63104). W. P. Tedlie, chief engr. 0. (64093). 747 -9191. Johnson County Bcstrs PRospect 2 -4322. St. Louis Board of Education. (417) Greene county SPRINGFIELD Inc. (acq 11 -60). Gertrude B. Hoffsten, gen mgr; Ernest Vogel, KGBX 1926: 1260 kc; 5 kw, DA -N. Box 767. Rep: Hopewell. chief engr. (65801). UNiversity 9 -2822. Springfield Bcstg Wm. C. Tucker, pres; Jim McCollum, gen & KSTL June 4, 1948: 690 kc; 1 kw -D. Box Co. (acq 1944). See Nwspr. prom mgr; Gladys Brown, coral mgr; George 1440. BRidge 1.6090. Radio St. Louis Inc. Net: NBC. Rep: Venard, Torbet & McConnell. Donley, prog & news dir; John Craig, chief engr. Spec progs: Slavic 7 hrs; C &W 25 hrs, both Keith G. Wells, pres; Don C. Dailey, gen mgr; WARRENTON (314) Warren county wkly. William DeLange, asst coml mgr; Jerry Higley, KWRE March 9, 1949: 730 kc; 1 kw -D. Box Dick J. Kasten, pres & gen mgr; Art Ford, prog dir & prom mgr; Dudley Morris, news dir; 220. (63380). GLadstone 6 -3311. Kaspar County coml mgr; William Vietmeier, prog dir; Doris Richard Bowman, chief engr. Bcstg Co. of Missouri (acq 3- 1 -64). Jennemann, prom dir; Brad Harrison, news dir; KYTV(TV) affil. Net: Keystone; Magic Circle. Ralph E. Howard, chief engr. KICK July 29, 1949: 1340 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 Vernon J. Kaspar, pres; Edward W. Moynahan, KSTL -FM April 2, 1960: 98.1 mc; 78 kw. Ant w -N. 610 College St. (65806). UNiversity 9 -1561. gen & coml mgr; William H. Walters, stn mgr & 256 ft. (CP 77 kw. Ant 255 ft.) Same licensee as Kickapoo Prairie Bcstg Inc. prog dir; Kenneth L. Bass, prom mgr; David KSTL. Net: Magic Circle. Rep: Hopewell. Caruso, chief engr. KWK March 17, 1927: 1380 kc; 5 kw, DA -N. Robert Vinyard, gen mgr. WAYNESVILLE (314) Pulaski county 5720 Oakland Ave. (63110). KWK Radio Inc. (acq KLPW (See Union, Mo.). KFBD(FM) Dec 9, 1964: 97.7 mc; 3 kw. Ant 5- 15 -58). KITS May 10, 1942: 1400 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 295 ft. Rt. 2, Box 2B. (65583). 774-6483. Fred Rep: H.R. w -N. Box 1716. S. S. S. (65805). 865-6614 Briesacher Jr. A. M. Wirtz, chmn of bd; J. C. Costain, pres; Independent Bcstg Co. Net: Magic Circle. D. E. Hamel, stn mgr; J. Donnell, prog dir; R. Rep: CBS. Rep: Eastman. Fred Briesacher Jr., owner -chief engr. McGee, news dir; G. Vaughan, chief engr. J. H. G. Cooper, pres; G. Pearson Ward, gen KJPW April 3, 1962: 1390 kc; 1 kw -D. Box KXEN (Festus) May 10, 1951: 1010 kc; 50 mgr; Jerry Sweaney, stn mgr; Jack Lloyd, sls 518. (65583). 774-2721. South Central Bcstrs kw -D, DA. Box 28. (36166). GLenview 1.7955. mgr; Terry Moore, prog dir; W. F. Curry, chief I nc. Garrett Bcstg Inc. engr. Rep: Savalli /Gates. William F. Garrett, pres. KTTS -FM August 1948: 94.7 mc; 9.1 kw. Ant John B. Mahaffey, pres; Donald E. Coates, gen KXLW (See Clayton, Mo.). 660 ft. (CP 10 kw). Dup KITS from 7 -9 a.m. and mgr; Harold B. Williamson, coml mgr; Gerard KXOK Sept 19, 1938: 630 kc; 5 kw, DA -2. 10 p.m.- midnight; sep prog 9 a.m. to Knehans, prog dir; Jerry Smith, prom mgr; Jesse 1600 N. Kingshighway Blvd. (63113). FOrest 10 p.m. C. Smith, news dir; Wan Hope, chief engr. 7 Storz Bcstg Co. (acq 12- 14 -60). See KITS -TV affil. -6000. WEST PLAINS (417) Howell county Storz Stns. KTXR (FM) June 12, 1962: 101.5 mc; 6.2 kw. KWPM 1947: 1450 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. 1111 Rep: Blair. 210 ft. 807 Empire Bldg. UNiversity 2 -3751. Abe Taylor Blvd. (65775). 256 -3131. Robert F. Robert H. Storz, pres; Jack S. Sampson, VP & Stereo Bcstg Inc. Neathery. See Neathery Stns. gen mgr; Bud Connell, opns mgr; Ray Otis, prog K. E. Meyer, pres; Urso George, VP; Tom Net: Magic Circle. Rep: Bradley. dir; John J. Corrigan, prom mgr; Bob Shea, news Barneby, VP; Clifford Brown, VP; Eugene Murray, Robert F.

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