San Bernardino County Bar Association B U L L E T I N Vol. 46, No. 5 Our 143rd Year March 2018 18th Annual Kaufman Campbell Award for Judicial Excellence -- 2000 -- -- 2001 -- -- 2002 -- 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Hon. Bryan F. Foster 2018 Recipient 2009 -- 2010 -- 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Mark Your Calendar! In this issue... Annual Bench Bar Symposiums: From the President’s Desk 3 Judge Bryan Foster, Kaufman-Campbell Award Recipient 4-6 Criminal Law - April 19, 2018 General Membership / Brown Bag Meetings for 2018 7 Probate Law - June 7, 2018 From the President of the JBC Inn of Court 8-9 Civil Law - May 3, 2018 John P. Knauf, 29th SBCBA President 10-11 Family Law - (TBA) Free MCLE Webinars! 13 When Data is Breached 14-16 Kaufman-Campbell Award Banquet: Classified Ads 22 May 18, 2018 Publication of the San Bernardino County Bar Association 2 San Bernardino County Bar Bulletin • March 2018 March 2018 • San Bernardino County Bar Bulletin 3 he has a way with words. If you ever have the opportu- nity to hear him speak, take that opportunity. From the That leaves Marsha Clark, F. Lee Bailey, and a few President’s Desk others to see to complete the Dream Team speaking tour. Which brings me back to the Joseph B. Campbell by Michael Reiter American Inn of Court. Unlike some of your more stuffy Inns (naming no names), we have a pretty open Inn. It’s open to all kinds of attorneys, and we at the San Bernardino County Bar Association fully support the Inn. And the Inn is very supportive of the Bar Associa- ast night, I was reminded why I am a member of tion, always buying a table for our two big events. Lthe Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court. The Inn meets monthly (except in the summer). The We had a dynamic speaker in our annual joint meet- meetings, except for the joint meeting, which rotates, ing with the Riverside, Temecula and Low Desert Inns. and the field trip, are held at the Castaway in San That speaker was Carl Douglas, one of the few O.J. Bernardino. The Inn does important work regarding Simpson lawyers I have not heard from personally. professionalism and professional education for both I attended the Santa Clara University School of Law. are Bench and our bar. Every year, there is a field trip The law school’s dean was Gerald Uelmen, and before I (past trips have been to the CHP in Rancho, the Sher- started he left to be on the Dream Team. When he came iff’s Crime Lab in San Bernardino, and the Registrar of back in my second year of law school, he organized a Voters). symposium on the Law and Media, and it had certain The Campbell Inn is award-winning, receiving the members of the Dream Team on the panel. I remem- American Inns of Court Platinum Award for years in a ber Jonnie Cochran, Robert Shapiro, and some media row. I attended the national organization’s awards gala people, including Geraldo Rivera. It was held on cam- at the United States Supreme Court a few years ago. pus in the Louis B. Mayer Theater, and students could attend free of charge. Though I remember reading about the Inns move- ment in my law school ethics class, I was first invited to It was a memorable conference with information of an Inns meeting by Roberta Shouse when I worked for practical use. For example, they explained how impor- Legal Aid. Roberta wasn’t a member, of course, but she tant it was to use the media to help your clients, rather would often attend meetings. than use the “no comment” or “pending litigation” which was at the time the norm. Roberta asked me to come and eventually, after a few meetings, John Pacheco said that the board would give According to my internet research, the conference was me a scholarship to be a member. I’m not sure anyone called “Courts and the Mass Media: The Ethical Issues” told the membership chair, because they took me aside and it was held on January 24th and January 25th, 1997. later and asked me for my dues. I told them “John The first session was “Cameras in the Court” included Pachecho said that I was getting a scholarship.” That a panel with Johnnie Cochran, Greta Van Sustren, and seemed to do the trick. Steven Brill, the founder of Court TV. The next ses- sion was “Pundits and Procrastinators” and the panel I’m not sure there are official records, but according included Leslie Abramson from the Menedez trial and to my LinkedIn profile, I have been a member since the Geraldo Rivera. The last panel included Robert Shapiro year 2000. I made my way up the ranks from an Associ- and Rikki Klieman from Court TV. ate from 2000-2003, a Barrister from 2003-2008, and a Master from 2008 to now. Dean Uelmen, which we called him even though he was no longer dean, later talked about the trial during a One of the reasons the Bar does not have a particu- lunchtime talk. One emotional student confronted him, larly active civil section (other than the Civil Sympo- drawing on their personal experience with domestic sium) is because of the success of the Campbell Inn. We violence. Dean Uelmen emphasized the need for every- appreciate all they have done for our organization over one to have a defense. the years, and we hope to continue the partnership in I would meet Robert Shapiro once at a law firm event years to come. We continue to help them with MCLE, (my now-wife was an associate for Christensen, Miller, and they help us by paying for that MCLE. We also Fink, Jacobs, Glaser, Weil & Shapiro), but I recall the have long given them Bulletin space, and you can get conversation was “Hi, I’m Bob Shapiro” and perhaps a better feel for the organization by reading President me introducing myself. McGuire’s column. There has been great personal ben- I believe my last brush with the OJ Simpson trial (be- efit to me attending Inns meetings. I was able to meet fore last night) was seeing Christopher Darden appear- future judges and commissioners, such as Commis- ing on a misdemeanor in Central. I didn’t approach sioner Connally, Judge Schneider, Judge Pacheco, and him. Judge Williams. I’m almost certain this was the first time I heard Carl If you want to attend a meeting and check it out, write Douglas speak about the case. He is very charming and me at [email protected] or call me at (909)798-3300. 4 San Bernardino County Bar Bulletin • March 2018 Join us for the 19th Annual Recognizing The Honorable Bryan F. Foster Judge of the California Superior Court, County of San Bernardino Friday, May 18, 2018 Social 5:00 p.m. - Dinner 6:15 p.m. National Orange Show Grounds •689 South “E” St. • San Bernardino Please reserve______ dinner tickets @ $80 each. OR... please accept my sponsorship for (circle): Diamond Platinum Gold $2,000 table for 10 $1,600 includes 8 meals $1,200 includes 6 meals Silver Bronze Solo Sponsor $800 includes 4 meals $400 includes 2 meals $200 includes 1 meal Additional sponsorships available – please contact us at [email protected] or 909.885.1986 for details! Name(s)__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list additional names on separate sheet. Phone___________________ Email_________________________________ Amount Enclosed $_________________ Indicate the no. of meals for each selection: ______Beef ______Chicken ______Veggie ______Vegan Special accommodations (allergies, access, etc.) ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return this form by May 10, 2018 with your check made payable to SBCBA to: San Bernardino County Bar Association • 412 East State Street • Redlands, CA 92373 (OR: You may watch for your mailed invitation or call us at 909.885.1986 to RSVP.) NET PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAMS OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION. March 2018 • San Bernardino County Bar Bulletin 5 Judge Bryan Foster “Not flawless, he is an ardent SC Trojan,” he quipped. Attorney David Driscoll was Foster’s partner before his Tapped For Kaufman appointment to the bench, and also has known Foster for Campbell Award more than 30 years. “The law has always been his passion, particularly when it comes to factual analysis and getting to the heart of a by J’Amy Pacheco dispute,” he said. “But aside from the technical aspects of legal analysis, Judge Foster has never lost sight of the hu- man side of the equation that exists both as to the litigants escribed as “an outstanding ambassador for the judi- and the jurors. He has always exhibited a special sensitiv- Dciary” and “richly deserving of this honor,” San Ber- ity to educating parties and jurors of the uniqueness and nardino Judge Bryan F. Foster has been tapped to receive greatness of the American system of justice, sometimes the Kaufman-Campbell Award from the San Bernardino to the point of giving them a history lesson dating all the County Bar Association May 18. way back to the Roman Empire.” Named for former state Supreme Court Justice Marcus Driscoll observed of Foster that, “as an attorney and Kaufman and former Fourth District Court of Appeal judge, it has been his goal to create an atmosphere where Justice Joseph B. Campbell, the award honors jurists des- the court system is respected but not feared.” ignated as having served on the bench with distinction and having made substantial contributions to the com- “I am certain that Judge Foster has achieved these objec- munity as well as the practice of law.
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