W. H. TROXELL, Editor & Publisher. Established by SAMUEL MOTTE'R in 1879. TERM S—$1.00 a Yea in Advance VOL. XXV. ENIMITSBURG. MARYLAND, FRIDAY, DECvMDER 11, 1903 NO.30 Eccentricities In Palaces. MONSON'S SCALP.' CREDIT DUE TO SOMEBODY. SECRETS OF SUCCESS. CURE FOR HICCOUGHS. IRELAND'S ANIMALS. "BALDY" The Russian Empress Anne built a A GLIMPSE OF TOKYO great palace of ice and on occasions ' Where Did We Get the Right to How t Was Won by "Lucky" Bald- Push, said the button. Simple Scientific Remedy That Gives Species of Frogs and Toads Aro when the fancy seized her punished Borrow In Mathematiest Relief. win In a Faro Game. Never be led, said the pencil. Immediate Found In the Green Isle. SCENES IN THE SCARRED CAPITAL 'Where did we get the right to bor- .'During the time that gambling was eeveral of her dainty courtiers by com- An attack of hiccoughs brings its vic- It is not correct to say that there are OF EASTERN JAPAN. Take pains, said the window. In its glory on the Pacific coast." said pelling them to pass the night in this! , row in mathematics?" asked a man tim less sympathy perhaps than almost no frogs or toads in Ireland, though it chamber of state, they I Always keep cool, said the ice. an old Californian, "Lucky' Baldwin great where who takes an interest in curious things. any other ailment, the main reason be- Is very remarkable that the common Be up to date, said the calendar. was easily the most daring chance tak- were almost frozen to death. Widespread Medley of Unpleasant "We always pay back—a thing we • ing that, except in very rare cases, it toad is not found there. The natterjack The Czar Paul, ancestor of the pres- Sights, Odors and Sounds—Some of Do business on tick, said the clock. er of all the notable argonauts. Bald- sometimes fail to do in other relatioe- is not attended with fatal results and toad is a native of Kerry, though it ent emperor of Russia, constructed a the Inconveniences That Beset the Never lose your head, said the barrel. win did some amazing stunts in that ships in life—but where did we get the that in most cases it attacks otherwise does not appear to be found elsewhere. room formed entirely of huge mirrors, Foreigner In Shopping. day of all day and all night drinking, Never do anything offhand, said the healthy persons. Still, it is one of the It is an example of the mania which spent hours walking to and right to borrow in the first instance? when overmellow men, most of them where Ile Tokyo, the vast sprawling capital of glove. most annoying and most obstinate of some people have for meddling with Ire in full uniform—a singular taste Take a simple illustration in subtrac- with riches so suddenly acquired that eastern Japan, a comparatively young Doing a driving business, said the difficulties. While the effort to cure it uature that a Dr. Guithers in 1699 took for the ugliest mall in Russia. tion: The teacher will tell the pupil to they hadn't had time to stop and figure city, is aged with the sears of fire, of hammer. is being made it generally disappears, the trouble to procure frogs' spawn One of the native princes of Java subtract 4,322 from 6,421. We put the .on hose much they possessed, tried to earthquake and of war. This great Be sharp in all your dealings, said yet it resists the most vigorous effort from England, since whieh time they cooled his palace by making a stream outvie one another in the capers they city, once of 1,000,000 inhabitants, problem down after this fashion: the knife. of the will to control its vagaries. have multiplied in Ireland. But the fall in a cascade over the gateway, and .cut with the Lady Fortune. spread over what is popularly estimat- Trust to your stars for success, said A hiccough is a quick, involuntary, common lizard is found in umuy pa lit the Indian despot Tippo Sahib placed 64 3429- 12 "One night in the late fifties 'Lucky,' ed as a hundred square miles, seems the night. inspiratory movement of the dia- of the island. The slowworm is not. beside his diluter table a life size fig- as he was then called, walked Into the still to cower in the shadow of the for- 2,099 phragm, brought suddenly to a stop Though the common toad and till re- ure of a tiger devouring an English Spend much time in reflection, said fameOs old Alcatraz club on Kearney tress of the great Iyeyasu. Here we 'eve the problem and the re- by an involuntary closing of the glot- cent times the frog were not found in officer, the roar of the beast and the the mirror. street in Snn Francisco after having For the American tourist unprepared sult. We know that we cannot say tis. The muscles that control these Ireland, it is worth remembering that shrieks of the victim being imitated Make much of small things, said the been religiously shunning his bed for for the real orient and knowing Japan 'two from one.' So we borrow one and two portions of the human anatomy the English reptiles and batrachialn; by hidden machinery. microscope. about three days and nights Mining— only through her art products and the say 'two from eleven,' are incessant workers. They wait on are very local in their distribution. The and we get the Strive to make a good impression, and in that shape 'Lucky' was, in those few pen pictures of the artist rhapso- result 'nine.' We pay back promptly, every breath without being guided by natterjack toad is only found in stellate A Thrilling Story. said the seal. days, ready for anything. dists who have embarrassed her With for instead of saying 'two from two the will and even work while we sleep. counties. The edible frog was formerly A good story is told of a stuttering thing and stick to it, rare purgative. Find a good While they do their duty life passes, only _found in Foulmire Fen, in Cann "A famous dealer in the Alcatraz plebe at Annapolis who was accosted their praises Tokyo is a leaves nothing,' we say 'three from dignified said the glue. tranquil, calm and pacific, but if from bridgeshire, and the sand lizard is most club—the biggest gambling establiSh- by an upper class man and ordered to Except for the stately and twelve leaves nine.' But by what au- Turn all things to your advantage, any cause a disturbing element enters capricious in the choice of a home. The ment on the coast at the time—was tell him a story and to "tell it quick." ! tombs of the shoguns and the fine offi- thority do we say this? When did we sold the lathe. into their bailiwick they rebel, are be- "beautiful green lacertte" which Gil- 'Belay' Monson, so called because his The plebe started in as rapidly as his cial grounds and buildings of the capi- discover that this method would give on every Make the most of your good points, yond the control of the will and. hav- bert White saw on the sunny banks poll Wat bare of hair as a pat of butter, excited state of mind would permit tal he finds his senses assailed us correct mathematical results? That's mod the compass.—Pittsburg Dispatch. ing no guide, as it were, run away, and, near Farnham_ are to be found there stxcept for a tiny patch that remained about as follows: "I-I-I-I—was w-w- I side by unpleasant sights, odors and what I would like to know. Here we runaway, have no care for the right on the ctoWn of his head. It had walking down the road a-a-a 1-I-little sounds. have one of the problems which the • like any still, the males being of the green color, All That Was Lacking. damage done. The effort to remove been a cowlick, and, with consistent while ago—n-n-n-n I met-met-met n-up- Approaching Tokyo by train from Yo- doctrine of evolution may deal with. I AO also near Bonrnemouth and In He bad been away on a business trip disturber is the cause of the hic- stubbornness, it had refused to go when per class man, n-n-u-a; he w-w-was kohama, he sees the green hillsides pla- suppose some old fellow in the long the Dorsetshire beyond Poole Harbor. Yet for quite a long time and had brought the rest of 'Ba hair had departed. dandy f-fellow, n-n-n-u he slapped me carded with enormous advertisements. ago found that it was necessary to de- cough, and the following method of there are many suitable places where his wife a handsome fan upon his re- their "Baldwin strolled over to where on the b-b-hack an' said, 'Hello, old Arrived in the city, be finds the poster vise a method of meeting this math- treatment arrests these muscles in none are seen, and then they reappear turn. 'Belay' Monson was acting as lookout man!' n-n-n I was s-s-so excited an' and billboard everywhere monstrous ematical emergency, so he hit upon wild escapade, brings them back to again on some sandhitis on the coast of "You're just perfectly lovely, Fred," for the faro game, preparatory to tak- happy I-I-I-I fell dead." and flagrant.
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