ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED PRS RT STD U.S. POSTAGE PD. PERMIT #17 WARNER, OK 74469 e 1ve Serving Muskogee, McIntosh & HaskellCounties with subscriptions in fourteen states Vol. XIV - Issue 16 Call (918) 463-2386 or Fax (918) 463-5716 Tuesday, January11, 2000 Plan your estate for the new Connors 1999-2000 Warner High School Basketball millennium!------- student Shane Homecoming Court announced If you haven't planned your "These options can help do­ estate forthe new millennium, now nors in nearlyevery walk of life," said Robinson wins is a goodtime to think about it. Care­ Jim Prock.director of plannedgiving ful estate planning can add up to for the American Cancer Society. contest substantialtax savings.and individu­ "Even individuals who make rela­ als who include theirfavorite chari­ tively modest donations can see a By Derek Birdtail ties in their estate can receive ben­ tax savings." efits and help those organizations American CancerSociety rep­ Several contests are done in that are closet to their hearts. Most resentatives can offer information order to try and sell different types financial planners agree • planned about creating a will, investing in a of beverages. It is almost impossible giftsto charitable organizations al­ charitable giftannuity, or incorporat­ for anyone to win the top prizes. low donors to realizeconsiderable tax ing a bequest into a will or trust. In­ Just recently, a Connors stlJ­ savings while supporting worthy formation about charitable estate dent, Shane Robinson beat the odds causes. planning is provided freeof charge, and actually one something other According to the American whether the American Cancer Soci­ than a freepop. He managed to mn CancerSociety, more than 70 percent ety is the chosen charity or not. For the A& W Root Beer Long Lost of Americans do not taJccadvantage more information, contactJim Prock Munster contest. of the benefitsof a charitable estate at 1-800-733-9888. Robinson beat the odds and plan. The biggest barrier is a lack of won $100. The odds of winningwas awareness and misperceptionamong The American Cancer Society 1-90,000. Robinson purchased fae individuals about these options. is thenationwide, community-based, winningbottle in Warner'sown Cow­ Through a series of new pub­ voluntary health organization dedi­ boy Corner. Robinson usually doesn't lic initiatives, th1. American Cancer cated to eliminating cancer as a ma­ Picturedabove are the 1999-2000 Warner High School Basketball Homecoming Cuurt. Society is educaur;g donors on how jor health problem by preventing even drink A& W Root Beer,but WlS This year's Freshman atten- ball, cross country, spring track and and Alicia. She has earnedthe pres­ giftsby will. charitable giftarutuities, cancer, saving lives, and diminish­ talked into buying one by a fellow dant is Miss Liane Nicole Edwards. softball. Escorting Jennifer will be tigious title of valedictorian forthe and charitable remainder trusts can ing suffering from cancer through student because of the contest. She is the daughter of Dewayne and Mario Youngblood. graduating class of 2000. She holds provide financial advantages and research, education, advocacy, and When asked if he usually Shirley Edwards. Liane's activitiesin- Miss Jessica Marie Gleese is the office of youth president at the support charitable cause. service. drinks A&W RootBeer, Robins.in replied, "Not usually, but I do now." elude being a STUCO member-at- the Senior attendant forthis year's Mt. Zion Baptist Church and is an large and playing basketball and soft- basketball homecoming court. Her active member of student council. Special child abuse teacher ball. She also attends WarnerFirst family includes parents Steve and Angela also competesin the sports Deadline Baptist Church.Liane's escortwill be Sharonand siblings Clay.Stephanie, of basketball, spnng track, and cross JJ1mlr!ccsc. :md John. .Jessica serves as parlia- countly.Escorting Queen Angela will nears for raining avaiiab)e Miss Ashley Danielle Smith is mentarianforthe Senior class, aswell be Jeremy Thompson, and Michael the Sophomore attendant. Johnny as student council representative "Fred" Jackson. A collaborative effortis under­ procedures for reporting, legal re­ and DeborahSmith are Ashley's par- and National Honor Society mem- Kassidy McKinney will be the voter way to provide Oklahoma's educa­ sponsibilities,and socialservice re­ ents. She is involved in basketball. ber. She also competesin the sports queen's flower girl and Brittany tors and childcareproviders with the sources for assistance. t sofball, cross country and spring of basketball, cross country and Hawkinswill be the attendants flower training they need to identify the "The interagency collabora­ registration track. She is an active member in the spring track. Jessica will beescorted girl. Kathy McKinney is Kassidy's warning signs of child abuse and tion we have established through neglect. Porum Assembly of God Church. by Travas Ellis and Stanley Holt. mother and Kevin and Angie Friday, January 14 is the last Oklahoma's Initiativein Child Abuse The Oklahoma Initiative in Ashley will be escorted by Jason The 1999-2000 WarnerHigh Hawkins are Brittany's parents. day to apply in order to be eligible to Intervention will allow us to posi­ Child Abuse Intervention is provid­ Swirmrer. School Basketball Homecoming Ronnie Milligan will be the crown vote in the February8 Annual School tively impact the children in our ing training through communitycol­ This year's Junior attendant Queen is none other than Miss An- bearer. His parents are Harlis and Elections to beheld in the following state," Fudge said. The agencies leges to promote the identification will beMiss Jennifer Diane Kirk. She gela Monique Jones. Angela's fam- Ronna Milligan. Grant Ward is this school districts: Braggs 1-46, participatinginclud e: OklahomaState and reportingof child abusein Okla­ is the daughter of Larry and Yvette ily includes parents Stephen and year's robe bearer. Jerry and Lisa Boynton-Moton I-4, Fort Gibson I- Departmentof Health, Two-YearCol­ homa communities. Oklahoma is a Kirk. Jenniferparticipates in basket- Cynthia as well as siblings Stephanie Ward are Grant's parents. 3, Haskell 1-2, Hilldale I-29, Musko­ leges of the Oklahoma Regents for mandatory reporting state. Every gee I-20, Oktaha 1-8, Porum I-88, Higher Education, Oklahoma State person who has reason to believe a Wainwright C-9, Warner1-74, Web­ Department of Education, and the Use Less Stuff: Post holiday clutter reduction child is being abusedis required to bersFalls 1-6,and Indian Capital Vo­ Oklahoma State Department of Hu­ Got the post holiday blues? If event during the post-holiday sea­ etation projects to prevent erosion report it to the Department of Hu­ ., Tech, County Election Board Ken­ man Services. there's too much stuffcluttering up son. The idea is intendedto heighten or in the community parks. Many man Services. neth Blackburnsaid today. your house, the Oklahoma Use Less community spirit as citizens partici­ communities have tree collection "Some educators, school ad­ Blackburn said that persons The next trainingis scheduled StuffCampaign , sponsored by the pate in simple activitiesaimed at re­ programs where you take your tree ministrators, counselors, school who are United States citizens, resi­ forJanuary 15, 2000 at Rose State Oklahoma Department of Environ­ covering the overflowof corrugated forrecycling and then in the spring nurses and child care providers may dents of Oklahoma and at least 18 College. The second training will be mental Quality(DEQ), would like to packaginggenerated during the holi­ returnto get freemulch. Fisherman have concerns, or even fears,about years old may apply to become reg­ held on March 3 at Oklahoma Cit) help you find a solution for getting day season. A kit containing an in­ in some areas such as Tulsa volun­ reportingcluld abuse," saidDeLynn istered voters. Community Collegeand the third on rid of some of it. struction manual, video and other teer to take the trees to area laJces Fudge, M.Ed., coordinator of the April 28 at Oklahoma State Univer­ Christmas cards - A great way materials is available for potential and streams for fishhabitat. You can Oklahoma State Department of Persons who have never been sity - Oklahoma City Campus. The to promote charitable causes is to sponsors and interested communi­ also shake the trees hard over an Health Abuse Training and Coordi­ registered to vote before or who are feefor the day-longseminaris $30.00, send your old greeting cards to St. ties.Call (847) 364-9600 to requesta opened sheet until the needles drop. nation Program. "These profession­ registeredin the county which includes lunch and an infor­ Jude's Ranch forChildren. The chil­ kit The needles can than be used to not currently als. however, play a critical role in and persons who mationalbooklet. Professional devel­ dren cut, trim and paste the frontsof Packing peanuts- Callthe Pea­ make freshenersfor drawers, closets, of their residence the intervention of child abuse due are registered but who need to opment credit or continuing educa­ the used cards on to new backings. nut Hotline, 1-800-828-2214, forlo­ car trucks,etc. to their daily contact with children." information tion credit is available for partici­ They are sold as a fundraiscrfor the cations of mailing centers such as Phil Mulkins' articles in the change their registration Fudge said the training pro­ may apply to register or to change pants.For more infonnationcall Ro51; nonprofit group's program for Mail Boxes Etc. that reuse thepack­ Tulsa World last year suggested a gram will provide these profession­ name, address or political affiliation State College at 405/733-7392, 01 abused, neglected and troubled clul­ ing peanuts. If there is no locationin few more unusual uses of dead trees. als with the opportunity to access by filling out and mailing an Okla­ Oklahoma Community College al dren and teens. To order cards or to your community,check with localgift A couple of sprigs could be used to information in a community college homa \QterRegistration Application 405/682-3278, or Oklahoma State send your donation of used cards, or craftshops.
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