February 28, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E335 Kenneth O. Preston for his extraordinary dedi- Sergeant Major of the Army Preston and HONORING WILLIAM THEODORE cation to duty and service to the United States Chief of the Staff of the Army General George ‘‘BILL’’ KIRBY of America. Sergeant Major Preston, the 13th Casey Jr. worked together tirelessly to in- Sergeant Major of the Army, will retire from crease support for families by implementing HON. JEFF DENHAM active military duty in March after 35 distin- the Army Family Covenant and the Army OF CALIFORNIA guished years of service to the United States Community Covenant to expand and improve IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Army. services and raise awareness about the Monday, February 28, 2011 Sergeant Major of the Army Preston is a na- unique challenges military families face. His tive of Mount Savage, Maryland and was born observations and advice to the Army leader- Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in February 1957. He entered the Army in ship have impacted the decisions to imple- acknowledge and honor the life and legacy of June of 1975 as a Cavalry Scout, hoping to ment the most comprehensive transformation William Theodore ‘‘Bill’’ Kirby. save enough money for college to become an of the Army since World War II, building Off of Triangle Road in Mariposa County, architect. After serving his first enlistment, he versatile and modular units capable of con- CA, is Kirby Peak. The peak is named in and his family decided to pursue a career in ducting a full-spectrum of operations. honor of Bill’s 1933 volunteer effort to save the Army. He has served in every enlisted this land from a forest fire. As the firemen leadership position including cavalry scout, This Non-Commissioned Officer has contin- worked to contain the fire, their resupply line Platoon Sergeant, First Sergeant, tank com- ued the traditions of the Best Warrior Competi- was stretched due to the tough terrain. Bill, a mander, and Command Sergeant Major. He tion that was introduced in 2002. He ensured teenager at the time, volunteered to work with was selected as the Command Sergeant that Soldiers from any military occupational others in the pack crew. He led a mule train Major of the 1st Armored Division and V specialty, male or female, could compete and to the fire with much needed supplies for the Corps in Germany. Prior to his current assign- win. The motivation, discipline and focus of firemen and assisted in the firefight. ment, he was the Command Sergeant Major these competitors, from across the Army, is a Like many in his generation, Bill came when for Combined Joint Task Force 7 during Oper- direct result of his presence, support and lead- called to serve the war effort. He spent World ation Iraqi Freedom and was instrumental in ership. War II aboard the SS Marcus Daly—a mer- executing the invasion into Iraq. Sergeant Major of the Army Preston’s most chant marine ship. The Daly was not only one Kenneth Preston has been awarded numer- important contribution was through his direct of the first ships into the Philippines, but also ous personal awards and decorations during involvement with the Non-Commissioned Offi- received the Merchant Marine Gallant Ship Ci- his career. The Legion of Merit Medal (with cer Professional Development Education Sys- tation Ribbon. Bill himself received a personal oak leaf cluster), the Bronze Star Medal, the tem. He oversaw the greatest transformation citation for his bravery after the Daly was at- Meritorious Service Medal (with three oak leaf of the Non-Commissioned Officer Education tacked. clusters), the Joint Service Commendation System since its advent. He encouraged dis- Following the war Bill returned to Merced Medal, the Army Commendation Medal (with tributed learning, allowing Soldiers the capa- and founded, along with his father and broth- three oak leaf clusters), the Army Achieve- bility of taking classes online, affording them er, Kirby Manufacturing, a maker of farm ma- ment Medal (with two oak leaf clusters), the more time at home with their families. The Ad- chinery and equipment. Kirby Manufacturing Army Good Conduct Medal (with silver knot vanced and Senior Leader Courses are now has expanded into a global producer and was and three bronze knots), the National Defense closer in line with what our leaders require in the first American manufacturer to sell farm Service Ribbon (with one bronze service star), Afghanistan and Iraq. With the introduction of equipment to China following normalization. the Southwest Asia Service Medal, the the Structured Self-Development online mod- Kirby equipment is also used to load and Kosovo Campaign Medal, the Global War on ule system, Soldiers are ensured the best maintain Air Force One. Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, the Global training and education. Even while running a multinational manufac- War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Non- turer, Bill found a way to be a pillar of our Kenneth Preston is an American hero who community. He was a Scoutmaster, an Elk, Commissioned Officer Professional Develop- has been selfless in his service to the Nation ment Ribbon (with award numeral 4), the and a Mason. He served as President of the through war, peace, and personal trial. His Merced County Chamber of Commerce, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Ribbons performance and accomplishments throughout (with award numeral four), the NATO Medal, Merced County Fair Board, and the Merced his long and distinguished career have left a County Historical Society. As a testament to the Kuwait Liberation Medal (Government of legacy of training, professional education, and Kuwait), the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (with his influence, every year people around the care for families that is without equal. When community participate in ‘‘The Bill Kirby An- oak leaf cluster), the Army Meritorious Unit history looks back at the 13th Sergeant Major Commendation, and the Department of the nual Historical Society BBQ.’’ of the Army, it will be clear that his abilities as Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring Bill Army Staff Badge. a trainer, leader and senior enlisted advisor Mr. Speaker, It has been a pleasure to work Kirby and his many contributions to California were a fitting tribute to the professionalism of closely with Sergeant Major Preston over the and the Nation. May we keep him and those the best Non-Commissioned Officer Corps in last seven years of his career as he has he left behind in our hearts and prayers. the world. served in the highest enlisted position attain- f able in the Army. He has proven himself to be Mr. Speaker, On behalf of a grateful Nation, PERSONAL EXPLANATION a tremendous wartime leader who dem- I join my colleagues today in saying thank you onstrated unselfish devotion to the Nation and to Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth O. the soldiers he leads. He has been a friend Preston for his extraordinary dedication to duty HON. GARY C. PETERS and trusted advisor to my colleagues and I on and service to this country throughout his dis- OF MICHIGAN the Appropriations Committee as he worked tinguished career in the United States Army IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tirelessly to restore balance to a force and we wish him all the best in his well-de- Monday, February 28, 2011 stressed by the demands of the war on ter- served retirement. Mr. PETERS. Mr. Speaker, due to a family rorism. He was instrumental in significantly im- medical emergency, I had to return to Michi- proving our Soldiers’ uniform, equipment—and f gan on the evening of February 18. I was un- most importantly—professional Non-Commis- able to be present to cast my vote on a series PERSONAL EXPLANATION sioned Officer Education System. The impact of amendments to H.R. 1, as well as on final of his efforts will benefit the Army for decades passage of this bill. I wish the record to reflect to come. His personal leadership contributed my intentions had I been able to vote. to building the most professional Non-Com- HON. MIKE McINTYRE Had I been present for rollcall No. 104, I missioned Officer Corps in the world. As the OF NORTH CAROLINA would have voted ‘‘no.’’ highest enlisted Soldier, he ensured our Sol- Had I been present for rollcall No. 105, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES diers remained true to the core Army Values: would have voted ‘‘no.’’ Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Monday, February 28, 2011 Had I been present for rollcall No. 106, I Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. His would have voted ‘‘no.’’ focus on adherence to discipline and high up- Mr. MCINTYRE. Mr. Speaker, during rollcall Had I been present for rollcall No. 107, I keep of Army standards have led to the suc- vote Number 92 (Kline Amendment No. 214) would have voted ‘‘no.’’ cessful execution of wars in Iraq and Afghani- on H.R. 1, I mistakenly recorded my vote as Had I been present for rollcall No. 108, I stan. ‘‘no’’ when I should have voted ‘‘yes.’’ would have voted ‘‘no.’’ VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:08 Mar 01, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K28FE8.016 E28FEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2011 Had I been present for rollcall No. 109, I While I believe deficit reduction must be a top PERSONAL EXPLANATION would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ priority for Congress, and I have introduced Had I been present for rollcall No. 110, I legislation that would trim tens of billions of HON. LYNN C.
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