1 Sdbtrtiarmrit*. LOCAL AFFAIRS. lighted bj jack-o'-lanterns, pumpkin aobntiunttnl*. devils, skulls and other weird contriv- CASH IS NKW ADVKKTIHKMKNTM THIN WF.KK. ances. Pranks of all sorts were played, OUR YOUR CASH! greatly to the enjoyment of all who were Indictments. Llqaor to be Admr notice—Ret .Joseph Henry Thayer. privileged present. Frank Flue -Hardwood for sale. I. W. the Old Dominion C C Borrlll A Aon- insurance. Capt. Tapley.of THE OLD RELIABLE Tt'a ready for Instant time. loaning any Eastern Hteauiahtp Cc-Change la schedule. steamship Co., was In the city yesterday, Wlggln A Moore— Apotheeanee. Our rate* are onr the guest of his brother, O. W.Tapley. low. aervice mighty con- U A I’Archer—A pot horary. From here he went to West Brooksvllle venient, a* you will find. All business to visit his parents, and Mrs. Thomas SCHEDULE OF MAILS Capt. Ispley. strictly confidential at KLi.a worth post-office. Herbert Jaques, of Boston, has many fit effect October 13, 1909. friends here and at Bar Harbor who will be pained to learn of the serious Injury he Goiro Fast—7.1« a rn, 6.OH p m. received last struck Goiro West—IIJM a m, Ml and 9.47 p m. Saturday by being BURRILL & In the eye with a golf ball. He Is a mem I c. C. MAIL CLOSE* AT TOST OFFICE. SON.&JSVfX her of the Arm of Andrews, Jaquet & Goiro East—«.30 a m, 5.30 p m. Kantoul, architects. Goiro Wmt- 11.30 a m, 6 and 9. IS pm. The GEO. H. GRANT • CROAT. A handsome granite monument has re- CO., Mall train from the west arrive* at 7.18 a m, cently been erected In Mt. Calvary ceme- I care* for the west at 6.08 Mall close* pm. for tery to the memory of the late Daniel the west 3JF m ; General Insurance and Real Estate. p Hagertby. It In a sarcophagus design of three stones. Tbe two bases and composed RUAWOKTH BAR HARBOR, MB. HethT. la in Campbell, of Island Falla, ire of Mt. Desert granite; the die la of LOWC OltTANCt THIPHOMI. town. polished Quincy granite. II. H. Harden baa bad hie stable re- Busan A., wife of Hugh J. McCarty, for- •b ln§ tad. merly of Mllllnocket, died at Bar Harbor Mra. W. H. left laat week to Tito* Join Sunday, at the age of Afty-four years. her husband In New York. The deceased leaves a husband and one EllSIOOTH OENTtL PARLORS M. Y. MoQown h«« moved to the G. W. •on. Fuueral services were held at the formerly I)r. II. t\. Haynes' irooms, over Hmlth house on Oak street. Cat hollo church in this city Tuesday Interment was at Mt. POWDER First National Hank. O. W. Tapley and family apent last Sun- morning. Calvary day with Mr. Tapley’* at West cemetery. Pure TEETH EXTRACTEO WITHOUT PAIN and FREE parent* Absolutely Brookaville. An Interesting conference of the Bap- when other teeth are ordered. The first regular meeting of the liter- tist pastors and other Christian workers lant IS MO SUBSTITUTE i iil set of teeth only $7.«M>. Silver Fillings, 75c. ature club will be held Nov. 17 with Mrs. wan held in tbe Baptist church THERE The wan to a A i.-iigun Fillings, 7."Vo. Cement Fillings. 75c. 0.1. Welch. Thursday. object plan special evangeltstio movement In Han- (laid Filling -. $1.5:i up. Mlaa France* W. Grant leave* to-day for cock county. A stirring address was Baltimore where she will spend the win- A TRII* OPT WEST, ASSOCIATED CHARITIES. made by Kev. G. W. Hinckley, of Good teeth without plates a specialty. ter with relativee. Will Farm fame. Mian Manley, daughter of lion. J. H. George II. Grant Back from a Long Flan and Scope of Work to b© Car- BRIDGE WORK $5 A TOO’H. Nineteen members of Sunrise council, CR0WN Manley, of Auguata, la the guest of Judge anti Interesting Journey. ried on This Winter. Daughters of visited Pride of tbe work in WTtting for ten and Mra. Wiswell. Liberty, About the middle of October, George H. Through the kindness of the trustees of All guaranteed Last council at B uehill Monday evening. of this started, one of a the the work of tbe Asso- Mr*. A. W. has an Grant, city, party public library, years. Austin returned from The Bluehlll entertained lodge royally, of some business men ciated Charities will be carried on this Htxrsera taa run eoaaaatv extended visit thirty representative among relative* and friends two and serving banquets, entertaining of New for a the wimer in |ne hack room on the second in Massachusetts. England, trip through H. W. HAYNES’ Little mascot of Sun- Dr. generally. Willie, Wes*. floor of the Horary building. Th« Mil ilda ortmtnir urlwml Knva will rise council, received a of roses DENTAL ROOMS, bouquet It wae his first trip through that section The room will be opened'Tuesdays and play football with an Ellsworth Falls ror it an. kuav'^ts, MAiwr. Knowing of the country, and he has return-d w ith Saturday*, beginning next Saturday, Nov. team next Saturday. The ICarK-Urban company closed a lasting impressions of its vasti ess and its 8, from 2 to 5 o’clock, and tbo ladies of Frank 8. Crabtree left to-day on a successful week at Hancock hail last Sat- resources. tbe society will be in charge. to close an estate, at the store • c-y g pleasure trip to Wisconsin. He will be urday evening by playing to a crowded A short stay was made at Chicago, when The report that has become current that gone about six weeks. bouse. This la the best all-around stock the journey was resumed, the objective the society Is not in need of clothes for Sale *.,.*£&* Mr*. Julia Crabtrse left Monday to company that visits Ellsworth. The point then^l. being Hot Spring*, Houib distribution is without foundation, the Auction are well and over from Ellsworth, Maine. spend two weeks In Bangor with ber plays selected, well staged Dakota. The ride paet vast cornfields, by only articles remaining last daughter, Mra. 8. T. White. well acted. The members of the company beautiful farms and grazing lands, the winter being a very few that were con- are not only professionally but of herds of cattle, horses, h >g«, etc tributed late In tbe season. TO SATURDAY. NOV, i, 10 to 12 a. m.. Henry A. Campbell has gone to Cam- popular, sight POSTPONED made friends here. The thanks of the Associated Charities bridge, Mass., where he will enter the socially they mauy was all intensely interesting. 9 m. and until all is sold. will be welcomed when came a to the Black Hilts will fee due who will send 2 to 5. 7 to p. continuing employ of the Boston Reduction Co. They heartily Then trip iny persons they come again. to Lead City, 5.000 feet above the see level, clothing to the headquarters on Tuesday Mart n Hbute, a cadet at the West Point or who will leave Mr. and Mrs. D. Farrell left Sat- and containing about 10,000 inhabitants. or Saturday afternoons, military academy, Is now s member of Joseph to consist of Sew and Second Hand Pianos, Organa, Sewing Here considerable time was spent look- word there for It to be called for. SaW auction the football team of tbat Institution. urday night for Aitkin, Minn., where they over end mineral Tbe commissioners have kindly Machine*. Violin*, Banjo*, and everything In the musical line: Bicycles, Kish lnteud to reside In the future. They ing mining property county Prsparstlona are being made for the lands. tbe use of the grand jury room at Tackle, and Jewelry. Also two Delivery Wagons, two Top lings les, were accompanied by Allan B. Means, son given in* annusl Thanksgiving concert and ball was a house for the of the so- Uunner Horse three sets of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Means, who will be One of the novelties of the trip tbe court meetings one ..tie iHwble and one Single Med, of the athletic club at Hancock Jumper Pun*. Ulrlgo ride down a mountain-side in a four- horse ciety, and hereafter the meetings will be Store natures and other articles too numer employed by the Bovey*I)eLaittre Lumber Single Harnesses, Iaawu Mower, ball. on tbe flrat of each Co. In Minneapolis. Miss Madeline Kel- coach; It proved to be intensely exciting, held there Monday out to mention. Mlaa of who has been of the month at 3 no. Blood, Chicago, them as as Minne- and while not dangerous, moat p. and of them liber accompanied far We invite of these good* previous to sale, any may her slater, Mra. M. L of to walk. Inspection visiting Bartlett, apolis where she will join her father In a party preferred trades: otherwise they will go to the highest bidder at this for the two has re- Deadwood was one of the towns visited, of in the he purchased at retd city, past weeks, trip to Oregon. The party received a The annual supply eggs turned. a now of about 3,500 inhabitants. United States is over dozen. public auction. rousing send-off from their many friends city 700,030,000 mint Auctioneer. All Interested In the contluuance of the gathered at the station, who showered Here were seen at the government Their value is equal to the product of the E. K. HOPKINS, some some of of the Etlaworth festival chorus are requested to them with rice and good wishes on their sure-enough gold bricks, gold and silver mines country.
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