i uHflMPIONSHIPS. ^zmm^^ PRICE 25 CENTS, Co py right 1895 by A. G. McKean. m\ AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS. ^ TABULATED REVIEW OF AMERICAN SPORTS, GIVING THE BEST PER- FORMANCES IN BASE BALL, FOOT BALL, TENNIS, TROT- TING, PACING, RUN- NING, ROWING, SWIMMING, ETC. ILLUSTRATED^ ^^r JDMMERCIAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO. PUBLISHERS, PITTSBURG, I>A. 1895, i ....JeS& It • *• • • mse sall. The National League season for 1 ended September 30. Baltimore won I pennant by a percentage of .695, the higl won with figures since 1886, when Chicago .winch .725. In 1892 Boston won 102 pennant win- is the greatest number won by in thai ners of the National League. Bui year 154 games were scheduled. seven cil The flag has been won by six tii Chicago and Boston each won it Providence and New York each twi each o Detroit, Brooklyn and Baltimore in Lea Thirteen cities have been tailenden finished then races since 1876. Washington Mid P four times, Cincinnati, Wo Syracuse burgh twice, Chicago, Milwaukee. (Maroons) Philadelphia, Detroit, St Louis eacl Indianapolis, Baltimore and St. Louis L one* 4 AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS. The standing at the finish was as follows: Clubs, w. L. Pet. Clubs. W. L. Pet. Baltimore. 89 39 .695 Pittsburg. 65 65 .500 New York.88 44 .667 Chicago.. ..57 75 .432 Boston 83 49 .029 St. Louis.56 76 .424 Philadel'a. 71 56 .559 Cincinn'i. 54 75 .410 Brooklyn... 70 61 .535 Wash't'n.45 87 .341 Cleveland.. 68 61 .524 Louisv'le. 36 94 .277 The f^eeord Sinee 1876. Winner. Won. Lost. 1876—Chicago P'rc't 52 14 .788 1877—Boston "...... 31 17 .648 1878—Boston 41 19 .707 1879—Providence 55 23 .705 1880 Chicago — Qf 17 .798 1881 Chicago — 56 28 .667 1882 Chicago — 55 29 .655 1883—Boston 63 35 .643 1884—Providence 84 28 .750 1885 Chicago — 87 25 .776 1886 Chicago — 90 34 .725 1887—Detroit 79 45 .637 1888—New York 84 47 .641 1889—New York 83 43 .659 1890—Brooklyn 86 43 .667 1891 —Boston 87 61 .630 1892—Boston ....102 48 .680 1893—Boston j 86 43 .667 1894—Baltimore 89 39 .695 a AMERICAN CHAMPIONS! Official Batting Averages of the National Lieague and Amer~ lean Association. The official batting averages of the National League and American Association for the season of 1894, as officially compiled, show the batting record of one hundred and eighty- three players who have taken part in fifteen or more championship games. > 1 S3 a s Mi © i 3 n to 00 9 Name and Club. ST to «© s * '. • : Duffy, Boston 124 16u 236 .438 10 49 Turner, Philadelphia 77 94 147.423 8 12 Thompson, Philadelphia 102 115 185 .403 8 29 Delehanty, Philadelphia.... 114 149 199.400 5 29 Hamilton, Philadelphia 131196 223.398 7 99 Anson, Chicago 83 87 137.394 7 17 Kelley, Baltimore 129 167 199 .391 19 45 .'1 Cross, Philadelphia 12< 128 1 .388 16 28 Tenney, Boston 24 21 31.387 2 7 fiolliday. Cincinnati 122 125 199.383 4 39 Brodie, Baltimore 129132 212.30924 50 Doyle, New York 105 94 157.369 4 48 Keeler, Baltimore 12s 164 218 .367 16 30 Griffin, Brooklyn 106 '123 148 .365 5 48 8 AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS. [Official Batting Averages—continued.) Childs, Cleveland 117 144 174 .365 4' 20 Grady, Philadelphia 50 45 68 .363 2 3 Dahlen, Chicago 121 150 184 .362 10 49 Ryan, Chicago 108 133 173 .359 8 12 Burns, Brooklyn 126 107 184 .358 9 29 Burkett, Cleveland 124 134 185 .357 10 32 McKean, Cleveland 130 115 199 .354 11 32 Smith, Pittsburg 125 129 175 352 10 37 Stenzel, Pittsburg 131 148 184 .351 6 60 Earle, Brooklyn, Louisville 33 23 40 .350 4 5 Stratton, Louisville, Chic. 33 39 47 .350 3 McCarthy, Boston 126 118 187 349 9 40 Nicol, Louisville 28 12 39 .348 1 2 Robinson, Baltimore 106 71 140 .348 11 13 Davis, New York 124 124 17c •345 9 37 Brouthers, Baltimore 123 137 182 .344 18 40 Joyce, Washington 98 103 124 .344 5 23 Beckley, Pittsburg 132 122 184 .344 22 20 Clements. Philadelphia 47 26 59 343 3 4 Mullane, Balto. Cleve 18 3 23 .343 1 2 Gleason, St Louis, Balto ... 31 24 38 .342 4 1 Miller, St. Louis 125 93 164 .341 8 20 Lowe, Boston 133 158 210 .341 9 25 McGraw, Baltimore 123 155 175 .340 14 77 Daly, Brooklyn 123 135 167 .338 4 53 Inks,. Balto., Louisville 24 12 27 .337 1 1 Sullivan, Wash't'n Phila. 93 72 126 .337 7 15 Connaughton, Boston 38 38 56 .337 1 2 Bannon, Boston 127 130 167 .336 6 42 Stivetts, Boston 57 56 82 .336 3 5 Tredway, Brooklyn..,. .; 122 124 162 .336 12 26 Sugden, Pittsburg 39 24 47 .333 6 3 Van Haltren, New York.... 139 110 177 .333 13 44 Jennings, Baltimore 128 136 168 .332 18 36 ) 8 AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS. (Official Batting Averages— continued. Taylor, Philadelphia... 3 4 21 48.331 Wilmot, Chicago 13.5 137 201 .331 14 O'Connor, Cleveland 80 th 4 LaChance, Brooklyn 65 47 3 Wilson, New YorK 45 37 2 Parrott, Cincinnati 60 75 1 Tucker, Boston 122 112 2 Hallman, Philadelphia 119 111 17d 29 Hasamacar, Washington... 116 106 161 10 Lange, Chicago 112 145 .324 4 Long, Boston 103 186 154 8 Terry, Chicago 25 19 31 .324 Hutchison, Chicago 34 28 43 .323 2 McPhee, Cincinnati. 128 113 154 .320 6 Shoch, Brooklyn 63 46 .320 8 Abbey, Washington 128 95 166 .318 13 Kittridge, Chicago 50 H6 63 .317 5 Twineham, St. Louis 31 40 .314 1 Connor N. Y., St. Louis.... 121 93 145 .313 6 Latham, Cincinnati 130 132 Iff .318 11 Hoy, Cincinnati 128 118 .312 11 Hartman, Pittsburg 49 41 58 .311 8 Lyons, Pittsburg 72 51 .311 11 Foutz, Brooklya 73 41 ,310 8 Decker, Chicago 89 76 121 .310 2 Vaughn, Cincinnati 67 48 85 2 Selbach, Washington , 96 70 116 3 00 Stocksdale, Washington.... 19 9 i D >novan, Pittsburg 133 146 IT*. Reitz, Baltimore lOn 86 138.306 Ely, St. Louis 127 85 155 1 O. Tebeau, Cleveland 119 78 9 McGuire, Washington 102 67 4 Chamberlain, Cincinnati... i:0 10I 2li.304 * AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIFS. {Official Baiting Averages—continued.) Ward, Washington 89 85 104 .303 5 36 Gumbert, Pittsburg 33 18 34 .303 1 1 Corcoran, Brooklyn. 129 124 173 .302 10 33 Irwin, Chicago 130 85 152 .302 4 34 Bierbauer Pittsburg 131 88 159 .301 20 20 Anderson, Brooklyn 16 13 19 .301 1 7 Bonner, Baltimore 27 26 84 .301 2 11 Hawke, Baltimore 25 12 28 .301 5 2 German, New York 39 8 18 300 2 4 Merritt, Boston, Cincinnati. 66 38 73 .300 5 Shindle, Brooklyn 117 96 143 .300 17 18 Kennedy, Brooklyn 42 22 48 .300 6 5 Burke, New York 138 124 172 299 10 47 Cooley, St. Louis 52 35 62 .299 6 8 Kinslow, Brooklyn 61 38 66 .298 2 6 McAleer, Cleveland 64 36 75 .298 5 17 Pfeffer, Louisville 104 66 125 .297 15 33 Flaherty, Louisville 38 15 44 .295 1 2 Mercer, Washington 43 29 48 .294 1 10 Nash, Boston 132 132 150 .294 3 19 Canavan, Cincinnati 100 81 106 .293 5 15 Lake, Louisville 16 8 12 .292 2 Cartwright, Washington... 132 86 149 .292 3 35 Boyle, Philadelphia 116 103 150 .291 18 22 Grim, Louisville 107 65 120 .290 8 14 O. H Smith, Louisville 39 27 39 .288 1 13 Blake, Cleveland ,,,,.... 73 51 86 .286 10 1 McMahon, Baltimore 34 17 37 .286 8 1 Shugart, Pittsburg 133 103 152 .285 13 23 Knell, Louisville 31 10 34 .285 1 2 Zimmer, Cleveland 88 55 97 .285 2 15 Puller, New York „ 95 85 107 .2«2 34 Glasscock, Pittsburg..,,,.,,,. 86 47 94 .282 13 20 Niskol, Boston 45 40 m .282 2 -X AMERICAN (II ^MPIONSHIPS. [Official Batting Averages—continued.) Tiernan, New York 112 -7 12J 282 Farrell, New York , 112 60114 282 Meekin, New York , 26 49 Ganzel, Boston , 74 Carsey, Philadelphia , 31 277 1 ; isie, New York 2 51 27n Shiebeck, Pittsburg Clark, Louisville Pietz, St. Louis 100 100 Qjinn, St. Louis 5f 113 l74 13 Denny, Louisville 61 274 8 Hawley. St. Louis , 16 41 II -illy,' Philadelphia 3T O'Rourke. Loui8ville,St. L _'7 McGarr, Cleveland , 127 01 142 J Murphy. New York 73 05 271 ] Ivan, Boston , 271 Virtue, Cleveland 15 k, Baltimore 18 . ( I) aryer, Sincinnati , 49 46 ( river, Ihicago , 94 C Dailey, Bro klyn I Murphy, Cincinnati... , 76 71 I) >wd, St. Louis 123 92 Mc( larthy, Cincinnati , 40 45 2 ( ;. Smith, Cincinnati 128 10". G Tebeau, Wash. I i i Twitchell, Louisville 51 I'- ( lomiskey, Cincinnati, Bogan, St. Louis ll •J 7 Ward, New York 136 li:. Stein, Brooklyn 4o ::i 4 Mack, Pittsburg 14 Killen, Pittsburg 21 u 21 £60 1 JOHN CLARKSON. AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS. (Official Baiting Averages—continued.) Hemming', Louisville, Bait. 38 23 39 .256 2 Richardson, Louisville 116 50 109 .255 4 11 Ewing, Cleveland 53 32 54 .255 2 19 Allen, Philadelphia 40 27 39 .253 3 5 Cuppy, Cleveland 41 28 34 .253 1 4 Buckley, St. Louis 67 24 64 .251 18 Brown, Louisville 130 123 136 .251 14 74 Weaver, Louisville, Pgh... 90 35 89 .250 12 9 Frank, St. Louis 80 53 89 .246 12 12 Parrott, Chicago J 26 83 130 .244 9 34 Griffith, Chicago 41 29 34 .244 6 Wadsworth, Louisville 23 9 18 .243 1 Esper, Wash., Balto 25 16 23 .239 Staley, Boston 25 12 21 .238 2 Wittrock, Cincinnati 18 8 15 .234 Gilbert, Brooklyn, Lonisv.
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