E90 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 24, 2017 I attended the march in DC, and it was While I have no illusions about whether or through digital diplomacy has been nothing heartening to see such incredible enthusiasm. not we can bring about a nuclear-weapons short of revolutionary. According to Metro, the system has not free world, I do have some thoughts because, I also note the work of Mr. Aibek Nurbalin like Kazakhs, Pacific Islanders share a simi- who I also met some 15 years ago when he seen crowds that large since Barack Obama’s lar history. From 1946 to 1958, the United worked as the Congressional Liaison for the first inauguration. States used the Republic of the Marshall Is- Embassy of Kazakhstan to the United But not even 72 hours after more than lands—a Micronesian nation of atolls and is- States, and later as Deputy Chief of Staff to 500,000 mothers, daughters, husbands, and lands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean—as the Secretary of State for the Republic of fathers descended onto our nation’s capital in its Cold War nuclear testing ground, deto- Kazakhstan. Mr. Nurbalin left no stone collective opposition to President Trump’s ap- nating 66 nuclear weapons including the first unturned in promoting the cause of Kazakhstan and in making certain that palling misogyny, the House majority has de- hydrogen bomb, or Bravo shot, which was President Nazarbayev’s policies and agenda cided to double down on its anti-woman, anti- 1,000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Acknowledged as the were known and supported, especially in the health care assault. greatest nuclear explosion ever detonated, U.S. Congress. The only bill to be considered under a rule the Bravo test vaporized 6 islands and cre- I have known many diplomats during the on the floor this short work week, H.R. 7, is ated a mushroom cloud 25 miles in diameter. course of my service as a Member of Con- yet another attempt by the majority to restrict The U.S. nuclear testing program in the gress. Never have I known diplomats who a woman’s right to choose and put Congress Marshall Islands also set a precedent for worked harder on behalf of the Republic of France to use the islands of the Pacific for Kazakhstan than Ambassador Umarov, Dep- between a woman and her doctor. uty Foreign Minister Vassilenko, former As it cloaks itself in a complete state of de- its own testing program after getting kicked out of Algeria where it conducted 17 nuclear Deputy Chief of Staff Aibek Nurbalin, Sec- nial about the message America sent them on tests from 1960–1966. To this day, radioactive retary of State Kanat Saudabayev, and cur- Saturday, the House majority is taking its cue material is still seeping out of the Sahara rent Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov. It was from President Trump. desert as a result of French nuclear testing. often said that Roman and Aibek were the The House majority and the White House Having been defeated in Algeria and left leg and the right leg of my dear friend, seem bound and determined to ignore the emboldened by U.S. nuclear testing in the Kanat Saudabayev, when he served as Pacific, France detonated approximately 218 Kazakhtan’s Ambassador to the United powerful message sent by a protest march States. If they were the legs, Ambassador that no doubt shook the Eisenhower china. nuclear devices in Moruroa and Fangataufa atolls in French Polynesia. Consequently, Umarov was his heart. And, current Foreign f these islands also seep radioactive materials Minister Idrissov is to be fully commended and are no longer inhabitable. for taking the U.S.-Kazakh relationship to the next level, and beyond. His service, like COMMENDING KAZAKHSTAN ON 25 This is why I share President Nazarbayev’s the service of Ambassador Umarov and Sec- YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE vision, especially as Kazakhstan has just retary Saudabayev, is also unmatched. celebrated its 25 years of independence. My On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of position regarding this matter is no different HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO Kazakhstan’s independence, I would be re- than the position the United States took miss if I did not publicly honor these out- OF GUAM during a joint meeting between President standing diplomats for all they have done to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Obama and President Nazarbayev on April help build an independent nation worthy of 11, 2010 when President Obama noted that Tuesday, January 24, 2017 its place in the world community. I also can- ‘‘the U.S. appreciates the leadership of Presi- not let this historic occasion pass by without Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today dent Nazrbayev and the contribution of once more commending President to include in the RECORD an opinion piece Kazakhstan to nuclear disarmament and Nazarbayev for leading the way for a nuclear written by our former colleague, the gentleman nonproliferation.’’ free world. As a Pacific Islander, it is my sin- from American Samoa, Mr. Eni F.H. My position is also no different than the cere hope that the world will follow his lead stance taken by former President George Faleomavaega, who was the first Asian-Pacific as we work together for this cause, which is H.W. Bush, who welcomed President good. American in U.S. history to serve as Chairman Nazarbayev to the White House and his son, of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Foreign President George W. Bush, who also wel- f Affairs’ Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, comed President Nazarbayev to the White HONORING QUINN HALL and the Global Environment, which had broad House and declared our commitment ‘‘to jurisdiction for U.S. policy affecting the region, strengthen the long-term, strategic partner- including Central Asia. Mr. Faleomavaega also ship and cooperation between our nations.’’ HON. SAM GRAVES founded the Congressional Caucus on Central I thank Kazakhstan for all it has done to OF MISSOURI re-shape the world, post Cold-War, and I Asia, and his work continues to influence the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stand with President Nazarbayev as he region today. champions nuclear disarmament among pos- Tuesday, January 24, 2017 In 1991, Kazakhstan gained its independ- sessor states and prevents proliferation to Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I ence from the Soviet Union. For some 15 new states. proudly pause to recognize Quinn Hall. Quinn years, I have been honored to work closely In broader terms, I also commend with the government of Kazakhstan in var- Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to the United is a very special young man who has exempli- ious capacities—as a Member of the U.S. States, H.E. Kairat Umarov for all he has fied the finest qualities of citizenship and lead- House of Representatives’ Committee on done to strengthen the U.S.-Kazakhstan re- ership by taking an active part in the Boy Foreign Affairs; as Chairman of the Foreign lationship. I have known him for nearly 15 Scouts of America, Troop 1376, and earning Affairs’ Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, years and I know firsthand of his tireless ef- the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. and the Global Environment; as Ranking forts to promote goodwill between Quinn has been very active with his troop, Member; and as founder of the Congressional Kazakhstan and the United States. His great participating in many scout activities. Over the Caucus on Central Asia. work for and on behalf of our nations is de- many years Quinn has been involved with I am proud of Kazakshtan for the great serving of inclusion in the Congressional scouting, he has not only earned numerous progress it has made since independence, and Record for historical purposes, as his con- I especially commend President Nursultan tributions are unparalleled. merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Nazarbayev for his leadership on nuclear I also commend Mr. Roman Vassilenko ily, peers, and community. Most notably, non-proliferation. Upon inheriting the who now serves as Deputy Foreign Minister Quinn has led his troop as the Patrol Leader, world’s fourth largest nuclear arsenal and and previously served as Chairman for the became a Brotherhood member of the Order the world’s second largest test site from the Committee for International Information of of the Arrow, and earned the rank of Warrior Soviet Union after its collapse, President the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of in the tribe of Mic-O–Say. Quinn has also con- Nazarbayev voluntarily chose to dismantle Kazakhstan, and also as Counselor for the tributed to his community through his Eagle and disarm with the help of U.S. assistance. Embassy of Kazakhstan to the United Scout project. Quinn constructed an octoball His act was both heroic and principled. For States. Like Ambassador Umarov, I have arena for his youth group at Liberty United this, I have repeatedly called upon the Nobel known Deputy Foreign Minister Vassilenko Methodist Church in Liberty, Missouri. Peace Prize Committee to recognize the for nearly 15 years. I have watched his career deeds of President Nazarbayev as well as soar as he has put his talents to use for the Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in former Senators Sam Nunn and Richard Republic of Kazakhstan. His impact in com- commending Quinn Hall for his accomplish- Lugar, who co-authored the Cooperative municating Kazakhstan’s policies to its citi- ments with the Boy Scouts of America and for Threat Reduction (CTR) program, which has zens and communicating its foreign policy to his efforts put forth in achieving the highest contributed to world peace, in untold ways.
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