KANSANTHEVolume 128 UNIVERSITY Issue 69 DAILY Kansan.com Thursday, January 29, 2015 The student voice since 1904 SWIM AND DIVE Team returns to Robinson for first time since December | PAGE 10B Faculty welcomes social media policy revisions SKYLAR ROLSTAD students or hourly student @SkyRol employees. These social me- dia guidelines only apply to In a message sent to all Uni- University faculty or staff. versity email accounts Mon- “If the procedure is ratified day, the University of Kansas by the University Senate, then asked students and staff to the Provost office will add it to suggest any changes to the the policy library of the uni- University’s procedure re- versity,” Mayhew said. “We’re garding improper social me- not changing the Board of dia use. Regents’ social media policy. The Kansas Board of Regents All we can do is come up with finalized a social media policy a policy that is fair to every- in May 2014. Each university body if someone were accused in Kansas uses its own pro- of improper use of social me- cedures to handle discipline. dia.” Those include Wichita State, The University Senate will Kansas State and Pittsburg have a series of meetings re- State. garding the social media pro- The procedure that the Uni- cedure starting Feb. 12. versity of Kansas creates will “The No. 1 goal of the com- ANNA WENNER/KANSAN not have any change on the mittee’s discussions were to Jameelah Jones listens to a senator’s question just before she is voted in as the new director of diversity and inclusion at Wednesday’s meeting. Board of Regents’ social me- make sure that freedom of dia policy. speech and academic free- Over the summer, a commit- dom are accounted for and tee met to determine how to balanced against the Board of implement the policy on Law- Regents’ policy,” said Marta rence Campus. The commit- Caminero-Santangelo, who STAMP OF APPROVAL tee had to create a procedure served on the committee that that assessed the scenario in worked to draft the proce- which a staff member used dure. “The committee drafted Full Senate approves first director of diversity and inclusion social media improperly. the procedure [and sent it to the Student Senate and the John Mayhew, president of students] because it was satis- ALANA FLINN multicultural population on the University Senate, want- fied with [the draft].” @alana_flinn campus,” Jones said. “I think ed students to know that the The proposed director of there needs to be a bridge for procedure does not apply to — Edited by Mitch Raznick diversity and inclusion, Ja- those who feel they are un- meelah Jones, has been ap- derserved. This position will proved in full Senate and she create that bridge for those will begin her duties imme- who need a voice.” Campus groups not diately. Jones is a second-year During her acceptance graduate student in African speech, Jones said her first act and African-American stud- as director of diversity and accommodative to all ies. inclusion will be to create a Jones will be the first to hold connection between admin- this position. According to istration and multicultural did not feel as accommodated. CHANDLER BOESE Jones, her position will in- students through the Cultural At some meetings she could not @Chandler_Boese clude various jobs revolving Competency Training. follow what was happening and around creating coexistence “We need to ask the broad While many students find it had difficulty communicating among all students and facul- questions when we say di- easy to join campus groups, for her needs to those in charge. ty on campus. versity or multiculturalism,” students with disabilities, join- “I hate saying it happens, but “I am generally the voice in Jones said. “If there is not ing a campus organization may sometimes when you tell some- Senate for the students of di- equal representation in all of require more than signing up one that you have a disability, verse populations,” Jones said. these aspects, multicultural for an email list or attending a they kind of withdraw and you “I’m drawn to social justice students will fall through the monthly meeting. kind of get pushed to the side as and ensuring that every voice ANNA WENNER/KANSAN cracks.” Lauren Wismer, a senior if you can't do anything,” Wis- matters and every voice is Jameelah Jones answers a senator’s question during Wednesday night’s Senate Chief of Staff Mitchell Cota from Overland Park who is mer said. heard, no matter how small meeting. Soon after, Jones was voted in as director of diversity and inclusion. said this position was created deaf, attempted to join a num- Students who may need spe- that voice may be in a room. to fill a void of a large concern ber of organizations when she cial accommodations can look If even one person is uncom- itive energy to the staff, espe- newfound position right after on campus that the Universi- first started college, including for help at the KU Student Ac- fortable or underrepresented, cially in second semester as the bill for the job passed. ty and Student senates did not AbleHawks and Allies, the KU cess Center, which is part of the that is enough for someone to everyone starts to wear down “I applied because I real- care about the rights of mi- Equestrian Team and a few Academic Achievement and step in and rectify the situa- on the year,” Said said. “She’s ly want to make a difference nority students. campus ministries. Access Center. tion. That’s how we keep stu- got exactly the spunk that and I was happy when I saw “Right now she’s working on Some of the organizations she Andrew Shoemaker, director dents happy and keep them we need to keep us all moti- this position still open,” Jones cultural competency for the tried to join did make an effort of the KU Student Access Cen- feeling like part of the family vated and accountable. She said. “I want the opportunity entire University,” Cota said. to accommodate her. ter, said students can submit at the University of Kansas.” was someone who was very to affect people and create a “I think instilling a value of “There were other members requests for accommodations After reviewing 14 appli- vocal in the open forum last change.” inclusion on campus is really in the group that knew sign lan- and it will do their best to fulfill cants, Student Body Presi- semester, and I admired that To Jones, this new position relevant right now in a time of guage and they would provide them. dent Morgan Said said Jones she was able to come forward has been needed in Senate for which there are protests and me with a written script of the However, some students was selected because of her and call Student Senate out, years. people advocating for these service in the campus ministry,” with disabilities are reluctant positivity and drive to create but also offer to help us right “As we saw from last se- rights.” Wismer said. change. what has been wronged.” mester’s Senate meetings, Unfortunately, there were SEE DISABILITY PAGE 2A “Jameelah brings such a pos- Jones chose to apply for the there is disconnect between — Edited by Emma Seiwert other groups in which Wismer Environmental group urges frackers for safer fix ALLISON CRIST ter into these rocks under high quakes, according to the Kan- Dakota.” @AllisonCristUDK pressure in order to extract oil sas Geological Survey. Luck- Kansas residents in these and natural gases. ily for Lawrence, there have earthquake-affected areas are If some get their way, the However, the problem isn’t not been any earthquakes in starting to face issues with days of hydraulic fracking in with fracking, but rather the Douglas County. their insurance companies Kansas may be numbered, so aftermath of leftover fluids “Lawrence is about as earth- because their premiums don’t long as the disposal process being dumped into disposal quake-free as any place in the cover earthquake damage. stays the same. wells; this process has actually state because there are no ma- Spease said foundations in The Kansas Sierra Club is been linked to earthquakes. jor faults,” said Don Steeples, some homes have already be- calling for a halt on the frack- The places where these earth- KU geology professor and gun to crack from the damage ing until scientists can find in- quakes have been occurring interim dean of the College of past, small trembles. JOE SPEASE OF THE KANSAS SIERRA CLUB/CONTRIBUTED PHOTO jection wells that won’t cause are located on or near geolog- The foundation beneath the floor of this person’s home in south central Kan- of Liberal Arts and Sciences. One family was told by their earthquakes, or a different ical faults. After the disposal sas has a crack that is getting wider and wider with each round of quakes. “The major fault in Kansas insurance company that the solution entirely. process, the faults often un- runs from Oklahoma, through growing crack in their house “Fracking” drills into rock clamp and start sliding. a lubricant and end up slipping of the Kansas Sierra Club. areas like Manhattan and foundation would cost $30,000 formations and pumps a vari- “When fluids are pumped and causing an earthquake,” In 2015 alone, Kansas has Wichita to Hays, all the way ety of chemicals, sand and wa- into these [faults], they serve as said Joe Spease, fracking chair already experienced 10 earth- up to the Black Hills in South SEE FRACK PAGE 2A CLASSIFIEDS 8A CRYPTOQUIPS 6A SPORTS 1B Today’s Mostly sunny with winds HI: 50 Index CROSSWORD 6A OPINION 4A SUDOKU 6A Don’t Happy Kansas Day! NNW at 20 to 30 mph.
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