Links The Magazine of the Scosh Episcopal Church Mission Associaon Vol. 92 Autumn 20 3 Pig farming in Malawi supports a parish.. ...from our Convener Dear Friends, Many are praying for God's Kingdom and God's Will to be done on Links earth, and in praying the words of the Lord's Prayer, we commit ourselves to God as part of His Kingdom for the carrying out of God's Will on earth. In Luke 9 v.1-6 Jesus gives the disciples their Contents mission, and sends them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. New Pro8ects 3-4 That is our mission, and we too have been given power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases. Only through Christ can we do this, and a Roman Catholic monk in Dundee said that saying the Lord's Prayer with all our heart and mind and soul is enough; evil is exorcised and God's Kingdom is proclaimed on ...from the SECMA 25ce earth as in heaven. This last few months the o=ce has been The power and authority of Jesus is revealed to the disciples in the ery blessed with isits from notable people rest of Luke 9, which ends with Jesus' call to follow Him. from all o er the world. Two people who have followed Christ through many years of faithful service to SECMA are Ivor Guild and Rosemary Eddy. News from Mary Mutebe, the current Headmistress of 9olunteers 5-6 the Bishop Ki engere 0chool in Dganda, Esee The Commi3ee marked I or's 50 years of ser ice as Legal 2d iser opposite pageF came, accompanied by LiG at the ,entral ,ommi3ee Mee6ng in )une, thanking him for his Traill. Mary is li ely company and told us contribu6on o er the years. I or then felt that the 6me had come fascina6ng stories, as well as helping us to to re6re, and the ,ommi3ee wished him a long and happy de elop a be3er understanding of the re6rement. I or's con6nuity of ser ice and dedica6on to 01,M2 details of the water pro8ect. is e/emplary and much alued7 we wish I or contentment and 8oy. BeAuests and One of our O erseas ,orrespondents made Rosemary 1ddy ser ed as 9ice-,on ener of 01,M2 since 2005, Obituaries 7-C a brief isit during one of his rare trips to the and her ser ice and commitment are appreciated ery much. DK. He was busy finding computer hardware Rosemary con6nues as Diocesan Representa6 e for Brechin, to help protect and simplify his work. It was taking o er this role from me, while Mrs )udy Robinson has good to finally put a face to the name. taken o er from Rosemary as Diocesan ,orrespondent, and the ,ommi3ee welcomed )udy to her first ,entral ,ommi3ee By the 6me you read this, 01,M2 will ha e mee6ng. had a isit from the Director of the Raphael ,entre Ethe HI9 support ser ice in Miss )oy Blakeney accepted the in ita6on to take o er as 9ice- Diocesan Reports Grahamstown, 0outh 2fricaF that 01,M2 ,on ener, and the ,ommi3ee was delighted to welcome )oy to C-9 ha e supported in the past and are once ser e in this role. )oy has worked enthusias6cally as again suppor6ng this year. ,orrespondent for the Diocese of 2rgyll and the Isles since 1991, 2ccounts 10 and con6nues to support and encourage the ,hurch The end of October will see a isit from a Representa6 es there, as well as keeping in regular touch with member of the Delhi Brotherhood 0ociety. Informa6on 11 Hilary and the 01,M2 O=ce. He is isi6ng supporters all o er the 0outhern 1ngland, but is coming all the way 01,M2 is s6ll looking and praying for a new Treasurer to take up to 1dinburgh 8ust to see 01,M2. o er from 2lan Hall, and for someone to help with se>ng up a PUBLIS)ER website. Please keep listening, and contact Hilary if you hear of To be honest, there are so many new things anyone who might wish to help 01,M2 in this way . Scosh Episcopal going on that they ha e completely Church Mission o erHowed this magaGine, and may To all supporters, thank you? May God Guide and Bless us in our Associaon o erHow the ne/t magaGine as well? ItIs work for His Kingdom on earth. 2s in Hea en, God reigns. Let His 2 Grosvenor Crescent Edinburgh good to be busy and to be a witness to praise be always on our lips, his words in our mind, his peace our E) 2 .EE GodIs grace in the world. heart, his lo e in our eyes, his strength in our hands. 0 3 22. 63.0 May God bless us and go with us in our 8ourney as disciples. Hilary E1IT2R )ilary Blyth Front page7 Building pig s6es for a piggery PRINTERS Vanessa Stark, pro8ect in rural Malawi. Photo7 ,ecilia 0tephens McGilvray ,on ener 2 NE8 PR29ECTS spring, is a huge pro8ect for which a ma8or donor is being sought. Bishop 6ivengere )igh School for Girls, Muyebe, In Dganda, pro8ects like these are not undertaken by the council Uganda or the Water Board, but by the Diocesan Water Department. Our mission partner, LiG Traill, who spends si/ months of the Howe er, the 0chool is keen to replace the tank and associated year in Dganda, brought this pro8ect to our a3en6on. LiG is pipes on its own land ready for the 40th anni ersary of the especially fond of Bishop Ki engere 0chool as she was school in 2014. This stops the loss of water from leaks, remo es headmistress there when the school opened nearly forty the dangerous tank and means that the school and illage are years ago. ready to benefit when The school has a the remainder of the problem with its upgrade is completed water supply, 01,M2 has donated which is essen6al M1,000 and further with 1,200 girls generous dona6ons li ing in a ha e been recei ed boarding school. from other sources in Photo A Beaton Their water the DK. With the help supply was of 2lasdair Beaton of 1dinburgh Rotary ,lub, who went to Girls being girls—Bishop kivengere school Photo A Beaton installed 25 years Muyebe to sur ey the system, it has been decided to replace the ago Eby DNI,1FF who tapped a spring high on the hill behind gal anised tank with one made from local bricks Echeap and them and piped the water down the hill for se eral miles. fairly strongF but lined with rigid high density polyethylene The water system was made from gal anised iron piping and plas6c EHDP1F. The tank will stand on a concrete plinth, and the school has a corrugated iron reser oir tank to e en out should be trouble free for many years. 2ll the schools piping will the demand for water. The be replaced with standard HDP1 pipes. constant leaks from this If it seems strange that such large tanks are not built into the tank ha e soLened the ground, consider this. LiG e/plained that Dganda might ha e ground underneath its base Internet connec6ons and computers, but there are no of steel beams and the tank mechanical diggers in rural Dganda. 2ll founda6ons ha e to be has started to 6lt and will dug by hand, and cung into the bedrock with picks and e entually fall onto the sho els is almost impossible. school playing field. Rusty sludge se3les in the pipes Lunzu Parish Piggery, Malawi This pro8ect arose from the personal and reduces contact that ,ecilia 0tephens E1dinburgh the How Diocesan ,orrespondentF has with the rate, and Diocese of 0outhern Malawi. many of the standpipes The applicant, Father )ohn Ngoma, is a in the recently Aualified priest who runs a new rural parish with four outsta6ons. The parish John Ngomas’s ordination illage are Photo: C Stephens broken or The water tank ( above) and the corrosion Poto A Beaton finds that a large amount of its income goes leaking. on paying the Auota. In the summer, e erybody is short of OLen, there simply isnIt enough water for e erybody, Ethe money un6l the crops can be har ested. The parishIs welfare system was built to supply a few hundred people, but now pro8ects ha e to be put Non-holdO. 2s in many rural areas, there the popula6on of the school and illage totals 14,000 is also a need to di ersify the sources of income to pre ent total peopleF and people go back to drinking ri er water, with all loss should one crop fail. the risks that brings. 2 few years ago a neighbouring parish used a dona6on from an 2nglican church in Peterborough to start piggery pro8ect. This Replacing the whole system, from the spring to the illage, worked well, producing both piglets for fa3ening and for sale, and increasing the amount of water collected from the and the pro8ect Auickly became self-funding. There were human 3 benefits too, employment, an income for the church and protein Thyme :arm for a Bedouin Se;lement, 8est Bank in the parishionersI diet, and impro ed pig welfare. 2t 01,M2Is summer ,entral ,ommi3ee mee6ng, the Father )ohn was keen to see these benefits in his own parish and commi3ee had hoped to hear about the Re Id Donald ReidIs applied for a grant of M625 to allow him to start the pro8ect.
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