INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AND PARKS The Surin Islands Project Coastal region and small island papers 8 GEOATLAS® WORLD VECTOR - GRAPHI-OGRE® - France - 1997 GEOATLAS® WORLD VECTOR - GRAPHI-OGRE® - France - 1997 MAYANMAR LAOS THAILAND VIET NAM CAMBODIA Bangkok Kapoe Kuraburi Surat Thani Panom 0 40km Surin Islands National Park Phuket N Ko Stork Ko Surin Nua Fisheries station MALAYSIA Ko Pajumba Park Headquarters For insets only: INDONESIA Mooring area Mountain Coral Ko Surin Tai Road International border Ko Torinla Ferry route 0 123km Coastal region and small island papers 8 IN D I G E N O U S P E O P L E A N D PA R K S The Surin Islands Pr o j e c t in collaboration with Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute UNESCO Office of the Regional Advisor for Culture in Asia and the Pac i f i c Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the exp r ession of any opinion what s o e ver on the part of the UNESCO Secret a ri a t concerning the legal statu s of any country, territory, city or area or of their authorities,or concerning the delimitation of their fron- tiers or boundaries. Reproduction is authorized, providing that appropriate mention is made of the source, and copies sent to the UNESCO (Paris) address below. This document should be cited as: UNESCO, 2001. Indigenous people and parks. The Surin Islands Project. Coastal region and small island papers 8, UNESCO,Paris, 63 pp. Within the limits of stocks available, extra copies of this document can be obtained, free of charge, from: UNESCO Bangkok Office, Regional Advisor for Culture in Asia and the Pacific, PO Box 967, Prakanong, Bangkok 10110, Thailand. fax: +66 239 10866 e-mail: [email protected] The ‘Coastal region and small island papers’ series was launched by the Organization in 1997. Information on CSI activities can be obtained at the following address: Coastal Regions and Small Islands (CSI) platform, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France. fax: +33 1 45 68 58 08 e-mail: [email protected] website: http://www.unesco.org/csi Photo credits: Narumon Hinshiranan, Maarten Kuijper and Paladej Na Pombejr Layout and cover design: Eric Loddé Published in 2001 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP Printed in UNESCO’s workshops Please recycle © UNESCO 2001 Printed in France Indigenous people and parks: The Surin Islands project 3 F O R E W O R D To d ay there is wide re c ognition of the need fo r Surin Islands. The project seeks to strengthen l o c a l - c o m munity invo l vement in the conserva- dialogue between park officials and the Moken to tion of cultural landscapes and nat u ral heri t age. enable them to become active partners in manag- With their unique know l e d ge, skills and tra d i- ing the area and safeguarding its heritage value t i o n s , local communities have mu ch to con- through the sharing of knowledge, skills and t ri bute to the management of these areas. Th e i r tools. This publication presents the results of a i nvo l vement ensures ‘wise use’, while support- series of stakeholder workshops, conducted to ing the continued vitality of indigenous cul- design the project activities, and discusses vari- t u res. This is especially important when such ous challenges facing the Moken and the nation- sites are inscribed on the Wo rld Heri t age List of al park authorities. the United Nations Educat i o n a l , S c i e n t i fic and Key playe rs in this initiat ive are the Chula- C u l t u ral Orga n i z ation (UNESCO) and are sub- l o n g ko rn Unive rs i t y, the UNESCO Bangko k s e q u e n t ly included on global tourist itinera ri e s . O ffi c e, the Intergove rnmental Oceanograp h i c One case in point concerns the Moken com- Commission and the interd i s c i p l i n a ry and inter- munities that occupy the Surin Islands, l o c at e d s e c t o ral plat fo rm for ‘ E nv i ronment and deve l- in the Andaman Sea, o ff the southwe s t e rn coast opment in coastal regions and in small islands’ of Th a i l a n d. The Moke n , p o p u l a rly re fe rred to (CSI). This field project rep resents one of 23 as ‘ s e a - gy p s i e s ’ , a re tra d i t i o n a l ly a nomadic CSI pro j e c t s , d i s t ri buted around the globe, s e a - fa ring people who have frequented these wh i ch provide for collab o rat ive on-the-gro u n d coastal wat e rs for hundre d s , if not thousands, o f action. Th ey are supported by training and ye a rs. In 1981, the Surin Islands we re desig- c apacity building through unive rs i t y n ated a marine national park , and have more ch a i rs/twinning arra n ge m e n t s , and re i n fo rc e d re c e n t ly been included on a tentat ive list of by a mu l t i - l i n g u a l , i n t e rnet-based fo rum on Wo rld Heri t age sites in Th a i l a n d. Concern s ‘ Wise Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human h ave been raised that the traditional hunting, D eve l o p m e n t ’ . gat h e ring and trading practices of the Moke n A ck n ow l e d gements are due to all the part i c i- m ay disturb the ecological balance of the p a n t s wh o , in concert and through their active n ational park. At the same time, the Moken are i nvo l ve m e n t , c re ated the conditions for a dia- an integral part of this cultural landscape and l ogue wh i ch is anticipated to continue well into the need to pre s e rve their way of life and fulfi l the future. Pa rticular thanks are due to Salama their aspirations is also fully re c og n i ze d. K l at h a l ay, Tone Klat h a l ay and Dake Klat h a l ay To address these issues, a field project was of the Moken communities in the Surin Islands; initiated in 1997 to explore sustainable develop- Mr Sompong Je e ra ra ru e n s a k , S u p e rintendent of ment options with the Moken community in the the Ko Surin National Pa rk , and his staff, fo r 4 Indigenous people and parks: The Surin Islands project their active support and input to this project; to Ms Sumalee Kositnitikul of the Bangkok A rt s and Crafts College, for contri buting handicra f t samples and reading mat e rials on ecology and substance addiction; to Mr Maarten Kuijper of the Intergove rnmental Oceanographic Commis- s i o n , for his ove rall assistance with the pro j e c t ; and to Mr Geoff rey Keele for the initial compi- l ation and editing of this publ i c ation. Fi n a l ly, p a rticular ack n ow l e d gement is due to the pro- ject coord i n at o r, Dr Narumon Hinshira n a n , without whose commitment the project wo u l d n ever have been possibl e. R i ch a rd A. Enge l h a rd t R egional A dvisor for Culture in Asia and the Pa c i fi c, U N E S C O, B a n g ko k Douglas Nakashima and Dirk G. Tro o s t U N E S C O - C S I , Pa ri s Indigenous people and parks: The Surin Islands project 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRON Y MS 7 EXECU T I V E SUMMAR Y 9 1 – IN T RODUCT ION 11 Project objective 16 • Overall objective and strategic approach 16 • Specific goals and project outputs 16 2 – EN V IRONMEN TAL, SOCIALANDCULT URAL SE TT INGSOF T HE SURIN ISLANDS 17 • Environmental setting 19 • Social and cultural settings 21 • Administration of the Surin Islands 23 3 – CONFL ICT S, STAKEHOL DERS AND CHAL L ENGES 2 5 Workshop – Identifying participatory development options for the Moken of the Surin Islands 28 • Principles of Moken sustainable development 28 • Underlying issues of Moken sustainable development 28 Workshop – Towards the strategic goal of sustainable development for the Moken: Commitment and support 31 • Setting the scene 31 • Occupational development for the Moken 32 • Education, learning and social values 34 • Sanitation and health 34 • Other problems to be addressed 34 • Educating the public about Moken ways 35 • Recommendations on commitment and support 35 Briefing session – Commitment and support towards Moken sustainable development 38 6 Indigenous people and parks: The Surin Islands project 4 – TOWARDS SUSTAINABL E DE V ELOP MEN T OPT IONS F OR T HE MOKEN 41 • Interdisciplinary resource assessment studies 43 • Handicraft learning 43 • Giant clam mariculture 44 • Basic health and welfare 44 •Turtle conservation 44 • Reading material for Moken children 44 • Eco-tourism 45 • Stakeholder workshop for Lanta and Adang National Parks 45 • Illustrative Moken/Moklen/Thai/Malay/English dictionary 45 • Environmental and socio-cultural awareness-building campaigns 45 • Moken identity cards 46 • Trail guidebook production 46 • Slide series on Moken life and culture 46 5 – CONCL UDING REMARKS 47 6 – ANNEXES 51 1.
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