Name of Deceased Interment Date Interment Site , Rosana H June 9

Name of Deceased Interment Date Interment Site , Rosana H June 9

Name Of Deceased Interment Date Interment Site , Rosana H June 9, 1939 11-02-12-01 Abbott, Albert E 8/14/1893 06-02-13-03 Abbott, Charles R March 4, 1904 06-02-13-03 Abbott, Elizabeth Jane October 27, 1945 04-BE-03-02 Abbott, Ewart W April 9, 1923 08-10-04-02 Abbott, Viola March 19, 1968 08-10-04-04 Abbott, William July 16, 1954 04-BE-03-03 Abbott, William George March 20, 1953 08-10-04-05 Abercrombie, Ada May 11, 1923 11-09-11-03 Abercrombie, Aileen April 16, 1935 11-09-11-01 Abercrombie, Albert John January 3, 1944 11-09-11-03 Abercrombie, Bruce Erland October 25, 1989 21-CW-07-01 Abercrombie, Charlotte March 21, 1933 11-09-11-02 Abercrombie, Ethel February 9, 1977 10-06-15-02 Abercrombie, Henry Austin February 11, 1954 11-09-09-11 Abercrombie, James Henry Gordon January 5, 1990 21-CW-07-02 Abercrombie, Margaretta April 1, 1957 11-09-11-04 Abercrombie, Richard H June 12, 1931 11-09-11-04 Abercrombie, Samuel B September 24, 1949 11-09-11-02 Abercrombie, Sarah Ann February 12, 1917 11-09-11-05 Abercrombie, Vera Luella April 22, 1988 11-09-11-01 Abraham, Ethel March 3, 1972 09-12-04-04 Ace, Gwenllian Megan May 1, 2003 47-BE-02-04 Ace, Henry George March 28, 1981 47-BE-02-03 Acheson, Margaret 4/15/1890 06-06-08-04 Ackerman, Gwendolyn Edith ,AKA Gwen July 21, 2018 SG Ackert, John Herbert November 23, 2005 DEDICATION TREE-FW-ACKERT, JOHN Ackroyd, Clifford Unrecorded CG Adam, Charles Henry January 2, 1925 10-09-13-01 Adam, Christiana B 3/15/1882 10-11-12-03 Adam, George A November 27, 1900 10-09-13-05 Adam, George H January 6, 1944 09-09-12-01 Adam, Hannah Elizabeth April 5, 1946 10-09-13-02 Adam, Margaret C August 28, 1935 10-11-16-02 Adam, Marion Elizabeth Louise (nee Watts) February 5, 2016 74-FW-12-02 Adam, Mary Etta October 21, 1941 10-07-09-03 Adam, Nellie September 21, 1961 14-03-07-05 Adam, Petron July 15, 1950 10-07-09-04 Adam, Robert Thos July 30, 1917 10-11-16-01 Adam, Thomas R. 9/6/1888 10-11-12-02 Adam, William "Gordon" August 18, 2007 74-FW-12-01 Adams, A' Delbert December 9, 1929 14-03-07-04 Adams, Beatrice E December 3, 1901 09-09-12-03 Adams, Clarence January 13, 1992 67-FW-06-01 Adams, Elizabeth September 11, 1935 09-09-12-02 Adams, Ernest Walter December 16, 1957 29-A-05-03 Adams, George November 19, 1919 13-06-05-04 Adams, George Gilbert June 15, 1949 13-09-15-01 Adams, Hazel October 2, 1925 13-09-15-03 Adams, Ida May 14, 1910 11-09-08-02 Adams, Lillian Margaret May 12, 2008 67-FW-06-02 Adams, Lottie Anna May 8, 1967 16-A-04-02 Adams, Robert August 16, 1939 16-A-04-01 Adams, Robert Charles December 7, 2001 49-BW-01-03 Adams, Sarah E December 3, 1949 13-09-15-02 Adams, Sarah J January 28, 1909 11-09-08-02 Adams, Shawn Graig July 9, 1993 68-FW-04-03 Adams, Thomas 2/5/1896 10-11-12-01 Adams, William May 1, 1909 11-09-08-03 Adamson, Eula Victoria (nee Vibert),AKA "Victoria" September 17, 2020 20-E-05 Adamson, Laurence David December 21, 2009 20-E-05 Addison, Ethel May June 10, 1996 14-CW-01-04 Addison, John Malcolm January 29, 1998 14-CW-01-03 Agnew, Adaline March 6, 1958 13-07-05-03 Agnew, Andrew 6/2/1882 03-06-06-01 Agnew, Ann Roberta March 15, 1917 03-06-02-03 Agnew, Austin Robert December 23, 2006 03-06-02-04 Agnew, Benjamin April 17, 1922 11-01-05-01 Agnew, George F October 4, 1948 08-BE-07-01 Agnew, James 3/20/1896 03-06-06-02 Agnew, Jas July 14, 1935 09-06-08-03 Agnew, John D December 16, 1919 03-06-02-03 Agnew, Laura March 11, 1948 08-BE-07-02 Agnew, Mabel L October 22, 1942 04-01-03-04 Agnew, Martha January 6, 1918 03-06-02-02 Agnew, Mary Helen January 1, 1933 11-09-02-02 Agnew, Myrna Jaqueline Shirley October 11, 2003 03-06-02-05 Agnew, Robert February 2, 1904 03-06-02-01 Agnew, Robert B September 4, 1954 08-A-06-01 Agnew, Ruby E. P. March 23, 1932 03-06-06-05 Agnew, Sarah Jane October 17, 1918 03-06-06-03 Agnew, William Edmund February 21, 1950 03-06-06-04 Ahrens, Jerry John December 1, 2007 SEC-W11-61 Ainslie, Lynn Robert July 12, 1996 22-D-27 Ainsworth, Aileen Ethel June 3, 1994 36-BW-03-02 Ainsworth, Hugh December 30, 1950 36-BE-05-03 Ainsworth, Isabella April 8, 1969 36-BE-05-04 Ainsworth, Janet Kathleen November 2, 1973 36-BE-05-04 Ainsworth, Mary W July 25, 1986 36-BE-05-03 Ainsworth, Rodney Edmund Unrecorded 15-CW-06-02 Ainsworth, Roy Grenville March 11, 1968 36-BW-03-01 Airey, Arthur Rushton August 9, 2016 80-FW-06-03 Airey, Dorothy Jean (nee Smith) March 17, 2020 80-FW-06-04 Aitchison, Kendal Moore October 1, 2002 00-00-00-00 Aitchison, Lucille Marie October 1, 2002 21-E-42-LID 1 (HEAD)-ROW-05-B-01 Akins, Mary March 22, 1901 05-06-06-01 Albrecht, Bertha June 22, 1971 37-A-03-04 Aldham, Bertha May 30, 1998 SC-W03-34 Aldous, May E.G. December 14, 1940 00-00-00-00 Aldred, Agnes May 7, 1933 21-A-01-01 Aldred, Arthur Donald November 25, 1976 32-A-04-02 Aldred, Baby January 5, 1922 14-12-10-02 Aldred, Baby September 9, 1925 11-DIVB-02-01 Aldred, Barbara Joan September 22, 2008 77-FW-07-04 Aldred, Eleanor May December 17, 1993 18-BW-09-04 Aldred, George October 28, 1935 15-02-10-01 Aldred, Grace Muriel November 9, 1976 34-A-05-03 Aldred, James January 11, 1939 21-A-05-01 Aldred, Jean E. July 20, 1920 14-12-10-02 Aldred, John December 18, 1987 18-BW-09-03 Aldred, Kathleen Florence (nee McFadden) August 21, 2004 47-BE-05-02 Aldred, Roy William February 3, 2020 77-FW-07-03 Aldred, Sarah Maude November 17, 1954 15-02-10-02 Aldred, Stanley October 29, 1962 32-A-04-01 Aldred, Wesley Kathleen Aldred October 29, 1982 47-BE-05-01 Aldred, Wm. January 18, 1931 14-13-15-04 Aldrich, Arthur Robert October 24, 2005 10-CE-05-03 Aldrich, Robert Alfred August 20, 1987 10-CE-05-03 Aldrich, Ronald Edward April 26, 1980 09-CE-05-01 Aldrich, Rosina Gladys September 3, 2003 10-CE-05-04 Alexander, Annie October 13, 1983 37-A-04-04 Alexander, Charlotte E. 6/19/1893 03-07-02-02 Alexander, G.B. 5/27/1881 03-07-02-01 Alexander, William Arthur January 28, 1971 37-A-04-04 Algar, Annie Louise January 29, 1982 19-BE-10-04 Algar, Betty Joyce August 9, 1966 35-BW-05-04 Algar, Charles F 9/12/1895 08-05-05-01 Algar, Edward January 17, 1946 05-BE-05-01 Algar, Janice Elaine (nee Simmons) August 7, 2015 SC-W01-28 Algar, John W October 10, 1961 26-BE-03-03 Algar, John William "Jack" December 27, 2019 23-CW-04-02 Algar, Lena Elizabeth Christina March 23, 1998 24-D-24 Algar, Maria 9/5/1895 08-05-05-02 Algar, Matilda September 6, 1952 05-BE-05-02 Algar, Pearl Murray April 24, 1984 26-BE-03-04 Algar, Robert Mackenzie September 21, 2009 24-D-23 Algar, Shirley Anne Letitia (nee Algar) June 12, 2015 23-CW-04-01 Algar, Walter Richard April 21, 1955 19-BE-10-03 Alger, Barbara Jane October 19, 1936 19-A-01-02 Allamby, Doreen Thomas March 18, 2020 65-G-12-01 Allan, Caroline October 4, 2002 34-BW-09-02 Allan, Charles Hutchinson March 22, 1971 14-03-03-02 Allan, Douglas Gordon August 17, 2017 06-CW-01-02 Allan, Edgar S April 28, 1956 30-A-03-04 Allan, Edna Kathleen February 22, 1973 14-03-04-03 Allan, George February 13, 1946 14-03-04-05 Allan, George March 12, 1973 14-03-04-01 Allan, George Malcolm May 29, 1939 07-A-02-03 Allan, Helen May 1, 1941 14-03-03-01 Allan, Henry 11/16/1886 08-02-16-03 Allan, Isobel April 29, 1916 05-06-04-02 Allan, Isobel Lucy E June 25, 1990 40-BW-04-02 Allan, John August 10, 1918 13-12-16-01 Allan, John Delos August 10, 1990 40-BW-04-01 Allan, John T November 26, 1951 11-13-13-04 Allan, John Thomas September 27, 1931 05-05-09-04 Allan, Kevin Malcolm April 29, 1980 09-CE-05-03 Allan, Margaret July 22, 1939 07-A-02-02 Allan, Margaret Johnstone May 22, 1999 14-03-03-03 Allan, Marguerite G September 13, 1957 11-13-13-02 Allan, Mary Ann February 21, 1974 14-03-04-02 Allan, Milton Christopher June 7, 1971 34-BW-09-01 Allan, Norman February 12, 1978 14-02-16-01 Allan, Robert James November 14, 1994 72-FW-05-01 Allan, Shirley Marie (nee Armstrong) June 13, 2013 09-CE-05-04 Allan, Silian March 19, 1902 05-06-04-03 Allan, Thomas May 15, 1902 05-06-04-01 Allard, Stephanie Mongeon August 14, 1971 12-11-06-02 Alldred, Gordon Henry October 3, 2018 36-BE-02-02 Alldred, Juanita Margaret April 21, 2011 36-BE-02-04 Alldred, Morely Thomas November 11, 2017 10-D-11 Alldred, Ronald Gordon April 11, 1967 36-BE-02-03 Alldred, Wesley April 7, 1943 27-A-01-01 Allely, David William George August 20, 2003 03-04-08-05 Allely, Howard Ellerton September 21, 2010 03-04-08-04 Allely, Mary Ellen Louise August 23, 1985 03-04-08-04 Allely, Richard Lancaster August 17, 1946 03-04-08-03 Allely, William Rilance December 24, 1963 03-04-08-01 Allen, ? 5/26/1876 08-03-03-05 Allen, Alfred Charles September 8, 1939 20-A-05-02 Allen, Charles December 19, 1925 06-01-16-04 Allen, Christopher July 4, 1939 07-A-02-01 Allen, Edgar Smith November 25, 1991 22-CE-01-01 Allen, Elizabeth J 4/8/1890 05-06-04-04 Allen, Ella April 6, 1925 05-05-09-02 Allen, Frederick June 23, 1948 23-A-05-03 Allen, George Reid November 4, 1967 09-06-10-04 Allen, Hazel Mrs November 26, 1967 35-A-04-01 Allen, Ida M 5/25/1898 05-06-04-05 Allen, Katherine Eva September 19, 1977 09-06-10-05 Allen, Maletta January 27, 1947 29-A-04-02 Allen, Margaret Hughes September 19, 1929 09-06-10-02 Allen, Margaret M August 25, 1956 06-01-16-02 Allen, Marion Jean (nee Cook) May 17, 2013 22-CE-01-01 Allen, Mary S September 23, 1905 09-03-07-02 Allen, Osborne George Alfred September 30, 1985 43-BW-01-04 Allen, Phillip John Charles October 5, 2019 SEC-W14-11 Allen, Sylvester Wilbert January 30, 1980 43-BW-01-03 Allen, Thomas April 7, 1952 09-06-10-01 Allen, Thomas James June 18, 1952 06-01-16-01 Allen, William 11/12/1899 06-01-16-05 Allen, William Henry November 17, 1914 09-06-10-01 Allin, Arthur October 6, 1975

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