Development Boom Threatens Roads 8 4 6 -1 5 9 6 All Types of Stone Work, Short Notice Miwaa.' ‘ White, 4 Cyl., 4 Spd

Development Boom Threatens Roads 8 4 6 -1 5 9 6 All Types of Stone Work, Short Notice Miwaa.' ‘ White, 4 Cyl., 4 Spd

to - MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. Oct. 17, 1988 CAR8 FOR 8ALE 1977 AUDI Fox. Good condition, AM/FM ste­ 1 reo, sunroof. $500. 645- 8976.________________ _ T h e w t e e 1979 HONDA Accord \m ( tm MISGELUNE0U8,, MI8CELUNE0U8 Hatchback. Beige, 5 SHWWCB SERVICES speed, 80,000 miles, original owner. $1300. NAME vour wwt reoso- cSLBuliSIng'T^ Coll 649-0260. notolt prlct. NW«r & H M ^ l i l i scRvia nonce Co. Commercl- Son PainNno and Pap- eucM . truok e oMppar. .Slump al/ResIdenttal building i S I ® 3 L c u irJno. Romovol. Wl- rpmiMl. fraa aatimaiaa. K. repairs and home tm Special conaldaratlon for K provements. Ipterlor Comm#noJf^toiW«niiai ^JSSSL. .. oteorty and Mndieappad. ond exterior pointing, CLYDE m ' light corpentrv. Com­ CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. If •!ir 647-7SS3 plete lonltorial ser­ ROUTE S3, VERNON 647-1946 BRUSHWORKS. interior vice. Experienced, rel­ 84 Caprice Wagon *0295 iable. tree estimates. polntino. Free esti- Top IsN SereoMd Loam 85 Spectrum 4 Dr. ISOOS mote*. 1J veor* expe­ Any amount daamiad. Aba M. 643r03(M. 85 Century 4 Dr. (2) •8995 rience. Rnlehed cabl- groMl. Mona and bartt. mukA FOR SPARKUNG Vtood liffiK' . n^f»AVVMiitw9.n«t»/t.elUnas. WallRv ' Oobeai. babkfioa a loadtr fdnW. wdrk^ tlie, gtosB and 86 Celebrity 4 Dr. *7695 86 Celebrity Euro 4 Dr. *7995 llanrlirBlpr Hrralb painted surfaces, ddd MViscoiisTmien6N three tablespoons of 86 LeSabie Ltd. *11,995 |i»i|il*itAW NOii|R6 iS lffio5 i? 872-1400/6S9-tf5S8 . woshlng soda f o a ouart of 87 Skylark 4 Dr. *9495 . 4^11 oloan-up end % worm water and wash. No 87 Century LTD 4 Dr. *9995 'iNi^rentowl. Forlfoe - 4 rinsing reoulred. For 87 Spectrum 2 Dr. *7995 D E U V E R I N I ^ 67 30 Cents oetimatae; eell lodayl % Rich, claan, atona-fraa sporKIIng results when Celebrity 2 Dr. *9495 Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1988 Manchester, Cenn. — A City Df Viiiage Charm '^ I lh p W . s i iMm. 5 yarda. *80 Plus Tax. you hove something to 83 Honda Accord 2 Dr. '59TO RECENT USED CAR ICoMFMIoli 7 4 2 .T 4 7 6 - ' Alao, aand, gravel, atone sell, use 0 low-cost od in 83 Pontiac 6000 2 Dr. *5995 RENOVAl and horte manure. qjiiuijp! 63 Buick Regal •6995 ARRIVALS YOU MUST SEEI! , CommtreM * Mt«»nf/a/ ■ 84 VW Jetia 4 Dr. •5995 8)«ng, pulMr*. flbwgltM :<M 6 4 3 - 9 5 0 4 - ' ihlnghN. tM*. tine)* P*y. ■.V FuHy hNuned. ttn ■ RELIABLE MOVING 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 STONE EXPERTS Low, Low Rataa. 86 CHRYSLER 83 OLDS CUTLASS Development boom threatens roads 8 4 6 -1 5 9 6 All types of stone work, Short notice miwaa.' ‘ White, 4 Cyl., 4 Spd. PB. PS, S f i 9 Q R Red, 8 Cyl, Auto. PB. PS. FHl6ilri6- . wells, veneer, dry stone Inaored. Dependable ' AC, P WIndowa, TiK, Radio U A U U Radio <3995 Iftoom'tddNWW Bn-78Stfr52S-Z857 wall. 0-5 Call Ryan SCHALLER Plaza at Burr Corners and a Patrick, Mon.-FrI. 0-5 ?4 Years experience In By Nancy Concelman North End shows that develop­ Pleasant Valley Road, the west­ intersections to operate at an Intersections are rated at levels iBMfchge MO MNRRilr MryM moving -•/, ACURA 85 OLDS CUTLASS 84 HONDA ACCORD]LX LX Manchester Herald ment in the North End will bring bound ramps and Deming Street, "acceptable” level, Pellegrini “A” through "F,” with "A” being 465,000-square-foot retail center lnvaMbM. CaH Mb Panend. Jr. Blue, 4 Cyl. S Spd, PB. PS, the lightest traffic flow. proposed by Melvin Simon & 8 7 1 -6 0 9 6 4 648*9869 njtyiin»,p USED CARS CIERA six area intersections up to the 1-84 eastbound ramps and said. |aECTMCW.^>" Rad, 8 Cyl., Auto. PS. PB. t f t l O R AC. Radio <7495 The amount of commercial capacity. But he added that the Buckland Street, the eastbound New York developer John But keeping traffic in the North Associates of Indianapolis, Ind., AC. Tilt, Radio U I 9 U for land that straddles the Scraaned Loam, Gravel. aeaaaaaeeeeea*.* 88 Legend.......... 121,995 development in the North End study did not take into account the ramps and Oakland Street and Finguerra was scheduled to re­ End at better than an acceptable RESIDENTIAL fuse elim­ Processed Qraval, Sand, 88 Caravan SE....*15,565 83 FORD has already exceeded the predic­ traffic improvements required Tolland Turnpike, Buckland ceive word from the State Traffic level and ensuring that roads can Manchester-South Windsor PAYROLL SERVICE border. ination, ctrcut break­ Stone A Fill. Let me do the work tor 88 F-150 P/U......*15,785 83 TOYOTA CELICA tions of a 1986 traffic study and by the State Traffic Commission Street and Pleasant Valley Road, Commission this morning on handle future development will 4 SEASONS ers Instolled: Addi­ Qray. 4 Cyl. 5 Spd, PB. PS, CROWN VICTORIA require a cooperative effort That project may also include For Oellverlaa Call you. Payroll, quarterly tax 87 S-10 Blazer....*14,975 2 Dr. Rad, 8 Cyl. Auto. PB. more will have to be done for on the intersections required of and Buckland Street and Tolland improvements he may have to REM ODELING tional wiring ond smoll P WIndowa. AC. Tin, Radio, STQQIi among Manchester and sur­ additional development by Bron­ ,t» Addittons a Decks repolrs.M Top ouallty returns, year-end W-?a. 87 Interga L S ......* 9,995 Sunroof ff ww U PS, PW, P Saata, AC. TIR. tjlQQR surrounding intersections to op­ developers of the regional mall in Turnpike. make for development on the 1.50 OtM>rg« G riffing Radio, Vinyl Top « l w U rounding towns, the state Depart­ son t Hutensky of Hartford. a ROotirtg a Trimwork work at oftordable pri­ FREE pick-up and t>f 87 Mazda RX7 .... *13,995 erate smoothly, Town Planner Buckland and the surrounding Traffic improvements required acres he owns surrounding the small Jobs aralcofflwl. \~Hfi ces. Call MA-5253 or mall. ment of Transportation and lan­ The development that has 7 4 2 -7 8 8 6 "?-■ dallvary. 87 Toy. Corolla ...* 8,595 87 HONDA PRELUDE Mark Pellegrini said Monday. land. by the State Traffic Commission Srafnr.Cttfara Mttnunl residence at 648-0617. The traffic study identified six for the Pavilions at Buckland An "acceptable" level was downers, Pellegrini said. already been approved probably •sow per weak for op to 07 Toy. Corollal ...* 8,295 White. 4 Cyl. 5 Spd. | | | | Q C 85 OLDS CUTLASS Pellegrini told Planning and PB. PS. TIH. Radio 11,1 *9U Wagon, Auto. PS. PB. PW defined in the 1986 study as level Among those future develop­ Cali Chris at 64S-0.1SA Angelic Homo too employees, Zoning Commission members "critical” intersections; the In­ Hills and surrounding 380 acres of See TRAFFIC, page 10 . ^ —..• ---------- .tb;' ST6I6/ 87 Toyota GT .....*10,995 PSeata. Air, TIH. Radio. that a 1986 traffic study of the terstate 84 westbound ramps and development will allow the six “D” or above. Pellegrini said. ments is the expansion of the C^rc Rcglnlry 643-5775'?^ 86 Chev C20.......' 9,595 Crulea <7295 lUmiNB aaaaeaaeeaeaaa* 84 HONDA CRX KINN C4 6 PENTRY ^ l/irat rrgiulry oITitr qniilHv 86 Chev C30 .......*14,975 Blue, 4 Cyl, Auto <4495 11 , Here to toinil y o u r^ ^ ' rar<t... Inw(*r roAl to pattmlR-.. romjwihmoR. _ rtialrfR, 86 SR-5 P/U ...... * 9.575 86 CHEVY PICKUP,.QQc . oarptntry needs. 88 HONDA ACCORD Auto. PS. PB. Radio Qoalihr Workmanship. ilANOSCRPING 86 Toy. LB P/U ....* 6.995 'Companion’ “ ^ 647-1956 86 LeSaber.......... • 0,995 Rad. 4 Cyl, Auto, PB. PS. M 2.995 *«»«.. S3;,, “““sxra r.” "' GREGORY WARRICK’S 86 Merc. Sable....• 9.995 85 HONDA ACCORD ■ 6 4 |.'U S « ^ ” raplacamenta. *3f S N ^ P L O W IN C 85 Toronado.......* 9,495 4- Fnt&BSTimrBs • ComrrtarCial . ; .^TREC WORK 86 HONDA CIVIC WhKe. 4 Cyl. <7195 Ftmuring 85 Audi GT ........ • 9,595 I 4 Door. 5 Speed, PB, SRQQR shop plaza 643-9049/22S-9616 a Residential • tndiiatrlal . I Redio 0 9 9 U - ------ -— 'A Tree Removal • Pruning for 84 Toy. Camry ....* 7,995 1 R. lUNCNARD, liK .m , Heelth S Safely • Prunning 87 HONDA ACCORD LX 104 6*p«MaN« Rwoo . 345 Center St., 85 HONDA PRELUDE 4 Dr., Auto, PS, PB, P KNE0U8 Dead Wood knd Stubs Manchester • 647-7077 fMiMtaf )WaPfB«4 - In MtnchtftRF atOR . Pruning for Wind Reabtenee Rad. 4 Cyl.. Auto. PB. PS. t D Q Q C WIndowa, AC. Radio *8495 FglRfIMM*4• r><tCtiMWrti . ■ ^ 74S*10SS ^nrf rsnMArr< • Pruning for Beauty end AC, Tilt. Radio 0 0 * I U is grow ing ■ Oraaa Growing FALL Gutter-frcleonlnp. rukr tniuraU • Sanlv CWiei Obcouni ISaTRUCKS/VANS'^ 87 HONDA CIVIC Coll Poul at 643-0760. S'&S Framing - ; 83 TOYOTA CELICA H/B. SI. Black. 4 Cyl. S Spd, •4M72<|’‘Aa..fwM,%; win do 'li ^ ^ {? .S 4 S * 1 0 7 3 (anarsam) |V jF0R SALE While, 4 Cyl. 5 Spd.PB. PS. Bv Nancy Concelman • AddHIonk « Qaragss • Porch M995 PB. AC, TIH. Sunroof *8495 anddoeki ..y. 1983 FORD Ranger. 43,000 Manchester Herald Placing an dd.ln Classified • SIM# LICanttd - ^ I s easy. Just call 643-3711. • Fully iiwursd miles, original owner, r We'dihelp yau with the very reliable. Excel­ An Indianapolis developer has filed plans with the * wordind of yourod. cm 643-M21.645 1757 ICOHCRETE .1 lent condition. Coll town of South Windsor for a “companion” shopping Evenings Dove, days, 646-2789, center to the Pavilions at Buckland Hills in evenings, 644-4504.

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