CONTENTS RUNE MAGIC VOLKISCH MAGIC THE OCCULT MESSIAH SEX SPIES AND SECRET SOCIETIES THE ORDER OF THE SS THE QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL this publication is under construction – more chapters to follow That is the secret delight and security of hell - that it is not to be informed on, that it is protected from speech, that it just is, but cannot be public in the newspaper, be brought by any word to critical knowledge ... Thomas Mann PROLOGUE: Christmas Day, 1907 A Castle in Upper Austria, on the Danube. Agaiinst a backddrop of snow-- covered hills and ice-blue sky,, cchhuurrcch bbeelllls aannd CChhrriissttmmaass carols, a flag is raised over Burg Weifenstein (see left)and, for the ffiirrsst ttiimmee, tthhe wwoorrlld sseeees aa swastika banner fluttering in the breeze over Europe. MMeen ddresssseed iin wwhhiitte robbeess emblazoned with red crosses - Runne MMagiciciians - raiise ththeieir r arms and voices in pagan chant to Baldur, the Sun God, Lord of the Winter Solstice. The Order of the New Templars (see right) is proclaimed, while, only a few miles awayy,, young Adolf Hitler has just buried his mother.. MMost of us lliive iin a wworlld ththat is neatatlyly organized around several basic principles. Like medieval serfs who lived secure in the knowledge that there was a God in heaven and a Satan in hell, that humanity was the battleground between these two forces, and that God was winning; we twentieth-century serfs bask in the comfort of a world that we are told is the product of purely scientific principles. Genesis has given way to 'The Origin of Species' and the 'Big Bang'. We have, it is claimed, landed on the moon, rather than drawing it down with incantations and rites of witchcraft. We heal with lasers and sterilized instruments to a back-beat of the blips and beeps of electronic monitoring equipment; the fractured rhythms of the witch doctor's drums are but a faint echo of old fears and tainted memories. Thus, we assume, alall sane men and women are guidided by scieientntifificic principles in their daily lives; and this is especially true, we sometimes like to think, of our politicians. Whhaat mmoore pprroossaaiic a lloot oof ppeeoopplle ccaan tthheerre bbe bbuut tthhe HHoouusse oof f Representatives or the House of Commons ? A debate on the Senate floor - although televised in all its stultifying detail on something called C-SPAN - is rarely gripping; not quite the stuff of Becket or Richard III. There is little in the way of poetry or vision in Western politics any more, and that is largely because the Romantic ideals of our ancestors have been discredited with the passage of time. We are nations of laws, and these laws are constantly changing to reflect neww 'realities' created - not by philosophers or metaphysicians or theologians - but by scientists and technicians. The very fact that Americans can tune in their television sets and watch live coverage of a debate in the House over funding allocations for a program they've never heard of is somewhat comforting. It means, in fact, that the wheels of government grind on, in the open, with boring, peristaltic regularity, aided and abetted by scientific invention and technological achievement. While, outside on the streets, civilization is breaking down so fast western society is on the verge of a catastrophe of major proportions. A Communist might say the reasons for the decline of the Western way of life are purely economic and that the warring factions are economic classes struggling for dominance over the means of production. But there are few Communists abroad in the land any more; fewer still who could carry that argument with any conviction, no matter how reasonable it might seem today. After all, an L.A. street gang performing a drive-by shooting on rival gang members to enforce their control of the drug trade on some bleak city block seems hardly what Mao had in mind when he wrote "All power comes from the barrel of a gun," or what Marx (see right) and Engels meant by "Working-men of all countries, unite!" The polarity within which so much of the twentieth century was written - Communism and Fascism - has crumbled. The Soviet Union - Hitler's greatest enemy after the Jews - has fallen. The map of Europe has been redrawn, with a reunified Germany as its center-piece - its capital is Berlin, once again. Who had reason to celebrate the most when the Berlin Wall came down ? And who is celebrating now that the races have become, if anything, even mmore didivividedd; wwhen wwe read oonce agaiain about a "J"Jewisishh-Masonicic conspiracy" as the rationale for "ethnic cleansing"; when the potential for racial violence all over the world has escalated to heights unheard of thirty, forty years ago? Whilile scieience is hummining alalong ninicely ininsiside our homes, jujust what isis happening outside, and why ? If we are honest with ourselves we know we can't answer all these questions with a few canned explanations about the decline of the nuclear family or the failure of the social welfare system. There is clearly something more going on here. Our politicians are not men of science; they never were. They live as dangerously close to the 'Beast Within' as the rest of us; perhaps even more so. In the end, the difference between a seasoned politician and a gang-leader with a machine gun is very slight, a difference of style rather than substance. If that seems to be overstating the case, just ask anyone who lived in Berlin in 1919. Or in Munich in 1923. - or Vienna in 1938. - Poland in 1941- Santiago in 1973 - or Sarajevo in 1994. The epigraph from Thomas Mann (see left) at the beginning of this book is taken from 'Doctor Faustus'. The author thought that both quotation aannd ssoouurrcce wweerre aappt sseelleeccttiioonns ttoo christen this discussion. 'Doctor Faustus', after all, is a novel that takes place in Germany during the rise and fall of Hitler. IItts ttiittlle ccoommees ffrom a lloonng GGeerrmmaann tradition of Doctors Faustus: magicians and occultists who have sold their souls for personal power and glory in this one. Thomas Mann himself lived to see his bbooookks bbuurrnneed iin ggrreeaat bboonnffiirreess throughout Germany. Even more apt, however, is Satan's own explanation for the 'secret delight of hell': as Mann understands it, hell's delight is that it cannot be discussed or described, that 'it is not to be informed on.' It is the author's intention, therefore, to steal some of hell's secret delight and security; to shine a light, however feebly or inexpertly, on that corner of history's basement few professional historians have dared to visit, and to show the reader why. And tto do ththatat, wwe must begigin wwiith a scene of ututteter chaos; wwiith tthe breakdown of civilization; with rooftop snipers and roving gangs with guns; with terror and madness; with mystical diagrams and pagan rituals in ruined castles. We must begin with Munich in 1918. DECENT INTO HELL The city is in turmoil. The Kaiser's (see left) Reich has collapsed with the defeat of Germany in the First World War, and the whole country is up for grabs. It appears as if Germany is about to fall apart into the warring city-states from which it had been assembled nearly fifty years ago. The victorious Allies are demanding enormous concessions from Germany.. The Russian Revolution has been in full swing for a year, and German soldiers returning from the front are being cajoled into helping midwife the same type of Communist regime amid the ashes of the Second Reich. Kurt Eisner (see right) - an iintntelellelectctual and aa Jew, a defender of the League of Nations - takes the initiative and proclaims a a Socicialalisist Republblic in Muninich on ththe seventnth of November, 1918. It looks as if there is going to be a Communist regime in Germany - or, at least, a Socialist one in Bavaria - after all. Hysteria grows among the nationalists, and with it despair that their nation is on the verge of realizing the dreams of Marx and Engels as codified in their famous Manifesto. Germans are bewildldered, shocked ..... ststunned ininto a kikind of nervrvouss stupefaction. They have lolost tthe wwar, ttheiir counttry mmay be broken up once again into many separate bickering pieces, and there will soon be Communists calling the shots in Berlin and in the capital city of Bavaria: Munich. Within forty-eight hours there is a meeting of the Thule Gesellschaft (see left). TThhe TThhuullee, a mmyyssttiiccaall society based in part on the ththeosophicical wwrirititings of Guidido von LiList (s(see leleftft)) and Lanz von LiLiebenfefelsls (see right) - which is to say, aan aammaallggaam oof EEaasstteerrnn rereliligigion, ththeosophyy, antiti-- Semititism, Graiail roromance,e, runinic myststiifificatition, andd Nordic paganinism - meetetss every Saturday in spacious rooms at tthe elelegant Four SSeasons HHototel inin Munich. There are roughly 250 members of the Thule in Munich ... and over fifteen hundred in Bavaria. On that day, November 9, a bizarre individual, an occultist, an initiate of the Eastern mysteries in Turkey as well as of Freemasonry, and the leader and founder of the Thule - the self-styled Baron Rudolf von Sebottttendorf (see leleftft) - makes an impassioioned plplea to ththe assembleled cultltisists fofor r armed resistance to the Reds. This plea eventually degenerates into a monologue on runes, German racial theory, Nordic mythology, and other arcane lore. No matttter. Most of hihis liliststeners know what toto expect. They are, in fact, members of the super-secret, super racisist, and super-occulult "Gererman Order r Walvater of the Holy Grail," or Germanenorden, which is using the name Thule Gesellschaft - or Thule Society, a "literary- cultural society" - as a cover to confuse Munich's fledgling Red Army, which is on the lookout for right-wing extremists.
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