The Vegetarian Fact Sheet: November 2016 Update Page 0 The Vegetarian Fact Sheet: November 2016 Update C ontents Page No: Company: 2 Aim & Purpose of the Vegetarian Fact S heet 3 Britvic S oft Drinks 3 Burton’s Biscuits 3 C rawford’s 4 Cadbury 5 Coca-Cola 6 Ferrero UK 6 Fox’s Biscuits 7 Heinz & Branston 7 J acob’s 8 K ellogg’s 8 KP Food UK 9 Mars Confectionery 11 McVitie’s 13 Nestlé UK 15 Nestlé Cereal 15 Oreo 16 Rubicon Sun Exotic J uice Drinks 16 Snack a J acks 17 Unilever 18 Walkers 20 E -Numbers Page 1 The Vegetarian Fact Sheet: November 2016 Update Aim & Purpose of the Vegetarian Fact S heet The Vegetarian Fact Sheet contains products from popular food brands, which are free from meat, eggs and its derivatives. Although we have tried to ensure that all the products are free from onion, garlic and its derivatives, we advise you to double check the products as the ingredients are constantly changing and we cannot be certain that all products are free from onion and garlic. The reason behind the production of The Vegetarian Fact S heet is for us all to make tha t O ne S tep C loser to Lord S waminarayan, starting by avoiding products tha t a re not suitable for us. S hikshapatri S hlok 15 states “One shall never eat meat even in a moment of extreme necessity, be it the remains of a sacrifice. Nor should they drink liquor, wine or intoxicating beverages even though it may be an offering to a deity.” Bhagwan ha s a s ked us not to touc h mea t or a lcohol, let a lone ea t or drink it. A s it is difficult in this time and place, (for example, when we go shopping, we may unknowingly come in contact with non-vegetarian foods) but one can at least avoid consuming such foods & drinks. Our scriptures say those who lead sinful lives by eating meat or touching alcohol end up in hell even if they perform countless Y agna’s. E ating meat and drinking alcohol also causes one to be sick. When an animal is being killed it secretes certain kinds of hormones from various glands, which are responsible for many psychological disorders in the person who eats the meat. When we drink alcohol and get intoxicated, your mind is being taken over by the alcohol. In that period of time, so many sins big and small can be committed, which cannot be rectified later on. We advise that you double check the ingredients yourself just to be sure and look out for the ‘V’ sign and look out for the ‘contains egg’ and ‘handled on the same line as egg’ warnings. Please accept our apologies for any errors that may have been made in any of the information. C omments and queries are welcome to be emailed to [email protected] An electronic version of the Vegetarian Factsheet can also be found on www.shreeswaminarayan.org.uk Page 2 The Vegetarian Fact Sheet: November 2016 Update B R ITVIC S OFT DR INK S Britvic products include the following brands: • R obinsons Fruit S quash • Lipton Ice Tea • Fruit S hoot • So-B e V ita min Wa ter • J 2O • S o Be Pure R ush • Pepsi • Purdey’s • Tango • Britvic Tonic Water • 7Up • 55 S parkling • Drench J uicy S pring Water • R Whites • Drench Mineral Water • Amé • Mountain Dew • Red Devil • Gatorade • Penine S pring Britvic has advised all their products are free from animal products and alcohol, except for the following: J 2O G litterberry (S eas onal) G atorade 01 P rime Gatorade 03 Recovery Please check each product for the ‘V’ sign on the packaging before consuming it. BURTON'S BISCUITS We are unable to state which products are suitable for vegetarians as B urton’s change their recipes regularly, but this will be reflected in the ingredients listing on the pack which will be correct. We advise to always check the packaging on any product bought as this may be s ubject to cha ng e a t a ny time. CRAWFORD'S S UITAB L E : Bourbon C reams Malted Milk C oconut Rings Milk C hocolate Digestives C ustard C reams Morning C offee Digestives Nice F ruit S hortca ke S hortca ke G aribaldi S horties Ginger Nuts T ea time A s s ortment 275g NON S UITABLE: F ig R oll Crawford’s Cheese S avouries Fruit S hortcake NE W 144g Pack Only P ink Wafer J am R ings Please Note the information provided above only refers to products sold in the UK. Page 3 The Vegetarian Fact Sheet: November 2016 Update CADBURY'S S UITAB L E : CHRISTMAS TREATS 2016: 5 Pack Santas Heroes Tub Milk B uttons Freddo Faces Tube Milk C hocola te S a nta S nowman Vanilla Mousse S nowbites BARS: B ig T aste O reo C runch C runchie Big Taste Triple C hoc S ensation Wispa Big Taste Toffee Wholenut Wispa G old Dairy Milk Medley - All F lake Dairy Milk Fruit & Nut Chopped Boost Dairy Milk P uddles Mint Starbar Dairy Milk Puddles S mooth Hazelnut Fudge Dairy Milk C urly Wurly Dairy Milk Oreo C homp Dairy Milk Bubbly Milk C hocolate Timeout Wafer Dairy Milk Whole Nut Bournville Dairy Milk F ruit & Nut S nack S hortcake Dairy Milk C aramel S nack S andwich Dairy Milk F reddo F ry's C hocolate C ream Dairy Milk F reddo C aramel F ry's P eppermint C ream T wirl BAGS, BOXES & TINS: Marvellous Mix Up with Oreo E clairs Velvets Marvellous Mix Up with Maynards Freddo Faces Dairy Milk G iant Buttons Pebbles C aramel Nibbles Dairy Milk Buttons Bitsa Wispa Dairy Milk White C hocolate Buttons Twirl Bites Boost Bites C runchie R ocks Heroes - All E clairs C lassics Milk Tray - All E clairs Orange Twist Roses - All DR INK S : Freddo H ot C hocola te Ins ta nt Wispa Highlights Milk C hocolate Wispa G old Highlights Bournville Bournville C ocoa Highlights Fudge Drinking C hocolate Page 4 The Vegetarian Fact Sheet: November 2016 Update CADBURY'S (continued) NOT SUITABLE: Advent C alendar Marvellous S mashables J elly Popping C andy Marvellous S mashables R ocky Mallow R oad Dairy Milk Oat C runch Dairy Milk L U Dairy Milk R itz Dairy Milk Daim Double Decker P icnic Brunch Bar Peanut Brunch Bar C hoc C hip Brunch Bar R aisin COCA-COLA BRANDS MANUFACTURED BY COCA-COLA INCLUDE: • C oca-C ola C lassic • Oasis Light • C oca-C ola Zero S ugar • Minute Maid • C oca-C ola L ife • R os e’s • D iet C oke • P owerade • Glaceau Smartwater • Powerade Zero • Glaceau Vitaminwater • S chweppes Water • Glaceau Vitaminwater Zero • S chweppes Mixers • F a nta • S chweppes Lemonade • Fanta Zero • S chweppes C ordials • Dr Pepper • S chweppes S limline • Dr P epper Z ero • S chweppes S parkling J uice Drinks • S prite • 5 Alive • S prite Z ero • Kia Ora No Added S ugar • L ilt • Appletiser • L ilt Z ero • Honest • Oasis Coca-Cola has stated that all their drinks are non-alcoholic and a vast majority of their drinks are free from eggs or any products derived from animals. They do still advise to check the ingredients on all their products before consuming them. However, the following drinks do contain traces of fish gelatine, hence making them unsuitable for us : L ilt K ia-Ora Orange S quash No Added L ilt Z ero S ugar K ia-Ora Orange S quash S chweppes Orange S quash Page 5 The Vegetarian Fact Sheet: November 2016 Update FERRERO UK S UITAB L E : Nutella (15g – 1kg) Kinder Bueno Dark – All Varieties Nutella & G O – S ingle 48g Kinder Bueno Mini – All Varieties F errero R ocher O riginal (various sizes) Kinder Kids S urprise (S ingle, 3 Pack) F errero Golden Gallery (22 & 42) G ift Kinder Kids C hocolate - All Varieties Pack Kinder Kids C hocolate with C ereal – All Ferrero Grand R ocher (125g & 240g) Varieties R affaello (3 & 4 Pieces Little Treat) Kinder Happy Hippos (Hazelnut, C ocoa) R affaello (15 & 24) P ieces G ifting P ack Kinder S easonal Treats C hristmas & F errero C ollection Original - All G ifting E aster (All Varieties) Packs Tic Tac - Fresh Mint F errero C ollection R ondoir - All G ifting Tic Tac - Mint Rush Packs Tic Tac - S pearmint Twist F errero C ollection R affaello - All P acks Tic Tac - S trawberry F ields Kinder C hoco Bons Bags (T12, T18 & Tic Tac - Apple Burst T34) T ic Tac - Banana K inder Bueno Original – All Varieties Tic Tac - Popcorn Kinder Bueno White – All Varieties Tic Tac Mixers - Peach & Lemonade NOT SUITABLE: Tic Tac - L ime & O range Tic Tac – Fruit Adventure Tic Tac - C herry P ass ion Tic Tac Mixers – Cherry & Cola FOX'S BISCUITS S UITAB L E : Golden C runch C reams Dark C hocolate and Ginger S hortcake Ginger C runch C reams R ound Double C hocolate C runch C reams R ugged C hocolate R ocky Mint Choc C runch C reams Molton C aramel R ocky Butter C rinkle C runch C ool Mint C hoc R ocky C oconut Crinkle C runch Zingy Orange C hoc R ocky Ginger C rinkle C runch R ocky Big E at Chocolate Raspberry Jam & Cream Rocky Big Eat Caramel E xtremely C hocolatey C hunkie P a rty R ings Dark C hocolate C hunkie P a rty R ing s F ootba lls White C hocolate C hunkie P arty Mini R ings Milk C hocolate C hunkie P arty R ings F airytales Fruit and Nut Chunkie P arty R ings L imited E dition - R aspberry Milk C hocolate Viennese R ipple S trawberry & C ream Viennese Whirls Hovis Fruity Nibbles Apple A ll B utter V iennese R ounds Hovis F ruity Nibbles Berries Milk C hocolate S hortcake R ound Hovis F ruity Nibbles R aisin NOT SUITABLE: R aspberry & C ream Viennese Page 6 The Vegetarian Fact Sheet: November 2016 Update HEINZ & BRANSTON Heinz Tomato Ketchup and Heinz Beans are NOT suitable for us as they both contain onion powder.
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