Desert Skies Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Volume LVI, Number 2 February, 2010 Official Dark Site Name: Chiricahua Astronomy Complex ♦ School star parties ♦ Websites: Trips On The Internet Super- ♦ Constellation of the month Skyway ♦ Chiricahua Astronomy Complex Up- dates ♦ Asteroid Occultation Report Desert Skies: February, 2010 2 Volume LVI, Number 2 Cover Photo: The finished Phase 1 officially named Chiricahua Astronomy Complex. Photo by John Kalas. TAAA Web Page: http://www.tucsonastronomy.org TAAA Phone Number: (520) 792-6414 Office/Position Name Phone E-mail Address President Ken Shaver 762-5094 [email protected] Vice President Keith Schlottman 290-5883 [email protected] Secretary Luke Scott 749-4867 [email protected] Treasurer Teresa Plymate 883-9113 [email protected] Member-at-Large George Barber 822-2392 [email protected] Member-at-Large John Kalas 620-6502 [email protected] Member-at-Large John Croft 300-5885 [email protected] Chiricahua Astronomy Complex Director John Kalas 620-6502 [email protected] Chief Observer Dr. Mary Turner 743-3437 [email protected] AL Correspondent (ALCor) Nick de Mesa 797-6614 [email protected] Astro-Imaging SIG Steve Peterson 762-8211 [email protected] Astronomy Fundamentals SIG Robert Gilroy 743-0021 [email protected] Starry Messenger SIG Terri Lappin 977-1290 [email protected] Newsletter Editor George Barber 822-2392 [email protected] School Star Party Scheduling Coordinator Paul Moss 240-2084 [email protected] School Star Party Volunteer Coordinator Roger Schuelke 404-6724 [email protected] Web Director Terri Lappin 977-1290 [email protected] Mary Lofquist Club Apparel Sales 297-6653 [email protected] Jeanne McCleery TIMPA Gate Card controller John Kalas 620-6502 [email protected] Equipment Loan Coordinator Richard Dougall 245-5441 [email protected] Claude Plymate Librarians 883-9113 [email protected] Teresa Plymate Grand Canyon Star Party Coordinator Jim O’Connor 546-2961 [email protected] General Information Terri Lappin 977-1290 [email protected] Publicist Liz Kalas 620-6502 [email protected] Membership in the TAAA magazines. To change an individual subscription to the group rate, pay the subscription amount to the TAAA treasurer. Include your Annual Fees magazine renewal notice. Individual membership................................................................. $25.00 Family (includes two adults plus minor children) ....................... $30.00 • Please include a note explaining what you are paying for. Credit Youth under 18 years must join as a family upon parental or guardian cards are not accepted. Write one check or money order for fees plus acknowledgement of participation in TAAA events. Ask the Treasurer any options or donations. Make it payable to TAAA and send to: for the required form. Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Discounts (one discount allowed, subtract from above rates) PO BOX 41254 Tucson, AZ 85717 Seniors (over 60 years) .................................................................. $2.00 College Students, Teachers (K – 12) .............................................. $8.00 Mailing Address or Email Changes - Send to address above or email the Youth under 18 yrs (form required, contact the treasurer) ....... $13.00 treasurer. Options (add to above membership rates) TAAA Mission Statement - The mission of the Tucson Amateur Astron- Tucson society of the Astronomical League (TAL) fees ............ $ 7.50 omy Association is to provide opportunities for members and the public Sky & Telescope Magazine 1 year (12 issues) ............................ $32.95 to share the joy and excitement of astronomy through observing, educa- Astronomy Magazine 1 year (12 issues) ..................................... $34.00 tion and fun. 2 years (24 issues) ................................... $60.00 Postage for New Member Pack ................................................... $ 4.80 Desert Skies Publishing Guidelines - All articles, announcements, news, Donations are accepted for the following funds: SA-IDA/Light Pollution, etc. must be submitted by the newsletter deadline. Materials received TIMPA,Education,TAAA Astronomy Complex,and General/Undesignated. after that date will appear in the next issue. The editor retains all submis- Renewal Information sions unless prior arrangements are made. Submissions should be sub- mitted in Word compatible files via e-mail or on a recordable media.. All • Your membership expires as indicated on your mailing label. material copyright Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association or specific • TAAA members may join the Tucson society of the Astronomical author. No reproduction without permission, all rights reserved. We will League (TAL) at the time they join or renew. not publish slanderous or libelous material! Send submissions to: George Barber • Discounted Sky & Telescope or Astronomy magazine subscriptions TAAA/Desert Skies Editor are available to members and can be started or renewed at anytime. 15940 W Ridgemoor Ave Rates are given above. Allow 3 months for processing. Subscriptions Tucson AZ 85736 must be sent through the TAAA. Do not send money directly to the Join our Email Lists on YahooGroups Announcements: http://tinyurl.com/e7o3y (TAAA news, no posting allowed, 15/month) TAAA Forum: http://tinyurl.com/hwoau (general astronomy discussion, posting allowed, 75/month) TAAA Dark Site: http://tinyurl.com/3d8ts9 (discussion of dark site issues, posting allowed) Desert Skies is published monthly by the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, Post Office Box 41254, Tucson AZ 85717. Volume LVI, Number 2 3 Desert Skies: February, 2010 President’s Message We have had a great start to 2010. The Chiricahua Astron- form and information in the next Reflector , the Astro- omy Complex had some obstacles to work around but is nomical League newsletter. We have a great list of speak- once again moving forward. I would like to acknowledge ers, activities and sponsors so don’t miss out. It is not all of the effort and dedication by John Kalas in resolving often we have an event of this caliber in our own back these issues as well as the quick response and coopera- yard. tion from our contractor Randy Maddox. Thank you every- one. We should be able to obtain the permits need to Finally, I would like to Thank Paul Moss for his years of open the facility soon. dedication as our School Star Party Scheduling Coordina- tor. His schedule has required that he step down from his Even though the International Year of Astronomy has offi- position but I would like everyone to join me in thanking cially come to an end, there are still events taking place him for his years of outstanding service. This is a very that are a direct result of the IYA. We recently participated important position for TAAA as our School Star Party pro- in the Math Moves U event at the U of A. This Raytheon gram is at the heart of our club’s mission of public out- sponsored program involved volunteers from Raytheon, reach. We will need to fill this position as soon as possi- NOAO and TAAA where we helped 500 Middle School stu- ble. If you have been looking for a very rewarding activity dents build Galileo scopes. Thank you to everyone who to help the club with, we would like your help. Please see showed up to help make this event a huge success. I the article within this newsletter that describes the duties would especially like to thank David Acklam for organiz- and responsibilities of this position. ing and coordinating the volunteer activities. Dark Skies, The ALCon2010 planning committee has put together what promises to be a convention to remember. The web Ken Shaver site is updated with all of the latest information and on- TAAA President line registration is now available. If you do not have ac- cess to a computer, you will also find the registration Meeting Information and Calendar of Events TAAA MEETING DATE: Friday, February 5, at the Stew- GENERAL MEETING: 7:30 pm ard Observatory Auditorium – Room N210 Title: Presentations by the TAAA Astro-Imaging SIG Astronomers have been interested in creating images of ASTRONOMY ESSENTIALS: 6:30 pm celestial objects since 1839, when the first photograph of Title: GLOBE at Night the moon was taken by Louis Daguerre. Technology has Speaker: Connie Walker changed, but the thrill of obtaining astronomical images is still as powerful as ever. Whether taken for scientific Everyone is a citizen of the world. At some level, we pursuits or simple "eye-candy" pleasure, whether obtained should all be its stewards with accountability toward pre- with a space telescope or a basic refractor, astronomical serving its environment. One component of that is the images always provide us with a better understanding of preservation of dark skies or the prevention of light pollu- the amazingly beautiful universe available to us all. tion. The preservation of dark skies is important for many reasons including astronomy, energy conservation, cost, The TAAA is fortunate to have members at all levels of safety, wildlife and even human health. The GLOBE at imaging expertise, from newcomers to experienced ama- Night program endeavors to bring about awareness of teurs. The Astro-Imaging SIG meets monthly to share these issues through a yearly 2-week campaign. This cam-
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